
Rekish Backstory (ish, it might be a bit too short)

Apr 27th, 2012
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  1. Rekish Motaru was a very outgoing Tarutaru who lived around Vana'diel. His dad, an airship engineer, frequently traveled a lot, and his mother abandoned them before he was born, so Rekish just stayed home most of the time and practiced using magic. Athough he was told not to leave the house which his dad was gone, Rekish always dreamed of reaching the stars one day, and soon, he got that chancce. A small experiment spaceship was under the care of his father, who had previiously decided Motaru was old enough to join him. Motaru stole a ride on that ship, already knowing how to control it. He traveled away, beyond his wildest dreams. However, the spaceship failed after a certain time, and he crash landed to Gaia. While the spaceship was destroyed beyond repair, Rekish survived, and traveled the world for a bit to make his living. But now he's homesick, and desires to find a spaceship that will take him back to Vana'diel.
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