
FoE RPG G0 - #024 Last Stop: Identity Issues

Jul 20th, 2013
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  1. [20:10]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #24 starts now
  2. [20:10]<SpiritOfFate> =======================================
  3. [20:15]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho is at the bar, the same bar Hawkeye just walks into. The pink unicorn who shares a booth with him gets up, looking startled and takes a few steps away. "I- I forgot something- I had to do. Sorry, goodbye." She turns away to leave in a hurry.
  4. [20:16]? Sotho tilts his head and nods. "Um, alright." He says looking a bit confused
  5. [20:17]<Hawkeye> A one-eyed bandit mare walks into a bar. No, it's not the beginning of a joke. Hawkeye stops and surveys her surroundings, and her eyes light on Sotho and the fleeing unicorn. She stops, blocking the doorway, just in case trouble arises.
  6. [20:19]? Firefly looks up at Wintergreen. "What should we do now? Oooh, can we visit with the Other Miss Pretty Pony?"
  7. [20:22]? Ignis was examinating the weapons as he also supervised the girls doing their shopping...
  8. [20:22]? Wintergreen raises an eyebrow at Firefly. "Other...You mean Lace?"
  9. [20:25]? Firefly nods. "Yeah! I think we found her twin...or maybe her sister? But she looked so alike. It was nifty! Come on, I'll show you!" Firefly starts trotting over to the shop with all the electrical equipment inside.
  10. [20:26]? Royal_Lace chest rises and falls as she sleeps soundly on the sofa, her magical tomb in her forhooves.
  11. [20:27]? Ignis was examining a piece, as soon as he sees movement, he laid it back. "Hey girls, wait up!"
  12. [20:29]? Wintergreen makes sure to follow close to Firefly, so that she doesn't get out of sight.
  13. [20:31]<SpiritOfFate> The unicorn mare looks back as she moves to leave and bumps on Hawkeye at the exit.
  14. [20:33]? Hawkeye clears her throat softly. "S'cuse me, miss," she says, pushing her hat back and staring the pink unicorn down with her one eye. The charcoal mare lowers her voice. "Recognized him, huh?" she whispers, still blocking the doorway.
  15. [20:34]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly, Wintergreen, Ignis: The door opens to the dark eletronics store. a shadow scurries behind the counter and a flash of green comes from it, followed by lights turning on. A second Wintergreen pops from behind the counter. "Welcome back!"
  16. [20:35]? Firefly sits, jaw open. "Now there are two best foal sitters?!" The filly lets out a squee of delight at the prospect.
  17. [20:36]? Wintergreen 's eyes widen. She quirks her head. "Uh. That's... new. Some kind of unicorn spell?" she asks, examining... herself.
  18. [20:37]<SpiritOfFate> Coral Spire blink-blinks at Hawkeye, her eyes going wide. "What? U, just-" She takes a step back from Hawkeye.
  19. [20:37]? Royal_Lace dreams of a nice clean home far far away~
  20. [20:37]? Ignis sighs. "She's a changeling, they can change shapes into other creatures at will."
  21. [20:38]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna-Wintergreen mimics the original just for kicks.
  22. [20:38]<Hawkeye> "Don't fret your pretty little head," Hawkeye says softly. "Ah'll take care of it. Y'all just get on home now and don't raise a ruckus, y'hear?" She steps aside and makes a show of checking her shotgun. "Best if y'all forgot y'saw him, if y'catch my drift."
  23. [20:39]? Wintergreen smiles. "Huh. Interesting." She chuckles, noting Firefly's delight. Looking back to the mimic, she waves.
  24. [20:39]? Ignis moves over to the front counter and looks at the Wintergreen-turned changeling, eyeing it minuciously to see if there was a flaw on the disguise, after all...
  25. [20:40]<SpiritOfFate> "eep. Uh, okay." She scurries out of the bar.
  26. [20:41]? Firefly starts to filly bounce in excitement. "Twice the tea parties and bed time stories and..." Hearth's Warming Eve has come early this year, apparently.
  27. [20:41]? Sotho tilts his head, more than a bit confused by watching Hawkeye and Coral interact
  28. [20:43]? Hawkeye sidles up to the bar and stands next to Sotho. "She made you," the mare whispers. "Time to get the hay out of here. If anypony else recognizes you, Ah play bounty hunter, and you play along, got me?" She glares at the zebra. "What were you thinkin', coming to a place like this?"
  29. [20:43]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis notices something off with Antenna-Wintergreen, but he can't quite put a hoof on what.
  30. [20:44]? Sotho looks down as he's glared at. "I suppose I just forgot the situation i was in." He whispered back, nodding at the plan
  31. [20:44]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna-Wintergreen smiles to Firefly. "That sounds fun! But... did you want something?"
  32. [20:44]? Ignis surely CAN put a hoof on that, even if he can't figure out what is off...the pony raises a hoof and boops the mare's forehead, exactly on the spot where the horn would be...he knew that booping an unicorn's horn would break the magic, so, by deduction, the very same would happen to the changeling if he did so.
  33. [20:46]? Wintergreen giggles at Firefly, looking back to examine the pseudo-green.
  34. [20:47]? Firefly stops filly bouncing. "I wanted to say thank you! You let me talk to my momma. So thank you!" The filly gives a great big grin to Antenna.
  35. [20:47]? Hawkeye turns around and gestures Sotho at the door, ready to train her shotgun on him, should anyone get suspicious. "Just act natural..."
  36. [20:47]? Sotho nods slightly, trotting slowly
  37. [20:49]? Hawkeye heads for the door too, hoping she doesn't have to put on the 'hardass bounty hunter' act.
  38. [20:51]? Sotho trots looking as natural as he can, pretending he just wanted to enjoy the sights and smells and sounds of this bar, yes, thats exactly what he wanted.
  39. [20:55]<SpiritOfFate> Wintergreen notices her clone looks a bit more scrawny, and Ignis sees the green of her forehead wobbling and darkening slightly when touched, even though changeling transformations tend to be more resilient.
  40. [20:56]<SpiritOfFate> Antennagreen looks at Ignis-pony's hoof, derping her eyes a bit
  41. [20:57]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho and Hawkeye manage to leave without attracting much attention. The night grows darker outside.
  42. [20:58]? Wintergreen chuckles, mumbling, "Not quite exact..." She nudges Firefly and Ignis. "We should go back to the hotel soon, unless you have any other shopping to do."
  43. [20:58]? Royal_Lace somewhere far away in a hotel room royal lace smiles and chuckles at the derp, not antennagreens but another in a dream.... but the timing is uncany
  44. [20:58]? Ignis is satisfied with the examination. "Its not a perfect copy, it depends on other factors, not only appe..." He looks at the fake Wintergreen crosseyeing her eyes at his hoof and retrieves. "I thought it would brek the disguise..."
  45. [20:58]? Sotho looks out into the night and makes his way back towards the hotel. "My... I suppose I should have an escourt from now on."
  46. [20:58]<SpiritOfFate> Antennagreen tilts her head. "So, were you looking for something?"
  47. [20:59]? Firefly shakes her head. " you have any Official Daring Do Stuff?" Firefly looks up at Antennagreen with big filly eyes.
  48. [21:00]? Hawkeye breathes a sigh of relief as she trots Sotho back toward the hotel. "You walleyed, stripe-skinned, mushroom picker," she growls. "Ah suppose y'all shouldn't go out and about without a proper disguise, and go to the slaver-infested bar on a date with some mare!" Hawkeye stomps and snorts. "That was a dag-fool thing you done, and we just gotta hope that mare don't feel like tattlin' to the slavers."
  49. [21:01]<Sotho> "I-" He stops himself. "You're right. I was careless and I deserve some form of punishment for it, I need to learn from my actions and hope i have not jeapordized our group."
  50. [21:02]? Hawkeye glowers. "You'd better hope it don't jeopardize anypony else's safety. Ah don't got enough bullets to fight off fourteen griffon mercs an' a pack of other slavers.
  51. [21:02]<Hawkeye> "
  52. [21:04]<Sotho> "I realize how careless it was now. I sincearly apologize Hawkeye."
  53. [21:06]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "Don't apologize to me, Sotho. It ain't going to be my tail in a sling if word gets out that you folk are back in town. Now get inside and upstairs before you get anymore bright ideas." She holds the hotel door open.
  54. [21:06]<SpiritOfFate> Antennagreen thinks for a bit. "Daring Do? The name isn't strange. Let me look!" She rushes to the back of her store
  55. [21:06]? Sotho trots in the door, his tail between his legs as he sighs, looking around the room
  56. [21:07]? Wintergreen sits on her haunches, waiting next to Firefly.
  57. [21:08]<SpiritOfFate> Antennagreen comes with a lunchbox, a bit scratched and the colors less vibrant from time, but still depicting Daring swinging on a rope, taking statuette with her.
  58. [21:09]? Firefly looks up at Wintergreen with a hopeful expression. "Please?"
  59. [21:10]? Hawkeye files inside too, navigating Sotho toward the safe room that Royal_Lace had teleported them to before.
  60. [21:10]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack is back at Sotho's room, resting against a corner, wrapped up in her blanket.
  61. [21:10]? Ignis 's eyes darts across the selection of stuff and he shrugs. "I don't need anything...what...I really wanted was to see miss Antenna's true guise..." He says, staring at the shopkeeper. "It isn't asking too much, is it?"
  62. [21:10]? Sotho tilts his head as he looks at Knick Knack. "Are you alright miss?"
  63. [21:10]? Wintergreen has no caps! She looks over to Ignis, giving him a pout and wide eyes. "Please?"
  64. [21:10]<Wintergreen> "For Firefly, of course."
  65. [21:12]? Hawkeye leans on the doorway and looks at Knick Knack. "Nah, she's fine. Moping in piles of blankets is just the IN thing this season," she says. "How you holding up, sugarcube?"
  66. [21:12]? Ignis looks back at Wintergreen, chuckling lightly. "Of course, if...we have caps for that..." He looks over his saddlebag for some...
  67. [21:13]? Royal_Lace snoozes softy
  68. [21:13]? Sotho sighs as he sits down, frustrated at himself he crosses his hooves and breaths deeply, meditating, reflecting on his mistake. He has never grown accustom to being a slave, but now he is a runaway, he needs to know that and understand it means he wasnt the same as before and has to act differently
  69. [21:13]? Firefly giggles. "Yay for Daring Do!" Firefly digs through her saddlebags and pulls out a bag of caps. "How much is it?"
  70. [21:15]<SpiritOfFate> "Just 5 caps." Antennagreen says with a smile. She looks at Ignis and shifts uncomfortably. "...are you sure?"
  71. [21:16]? Ignis nods. "I'm sure, I...used to live with changelings, long, long ago...I'm alright with it." he gives a smirk to her.
  72. [21:17]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack looks at Hawkeye and Sotho, mumbling slightly before answering. "...I don't know."
  73. [21:19]? Sotho tilts his head as he breaths, opening his eyes. "Do not know what exactly Miss Knack?"
  74. [21:19]? Hawkeye sighs, and wanders over to sit next to the battered mare. "That's kinda to be expected," she says softly. "Your whole world done got turned inside out, and y'feel like you got nopony left to turn to." Hawkeye gently pats Knick Knack's head "Well, we may not trust y'all yet, but at least we don't hate you."
  75. [21:21]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna: "If you say so..." She turns her eyes to Wintergreen and Firefly. "...are they okay with it?"
  76. [21:21]? Firefly digs through her bag and pulls out a hoof-full of caps. She spreads them out and counts out five of them easily enough. After all, five is one more than she has hooves! She hands over the five caps to Antenna. "Ok with what?"
  77. [21:22]? Ignis can't answer for them, so he just looks at the girls and awaits for their take on it as well.
  78. [21:22]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack give Hawkeye a faint confused smile. "Thanks, I think..."
  79. [21:23]? Wintergreen shrugs. "I am." She looks down to Firefly. "Should she /not/ be?"
  80. [21:24]<Hawkeye> Hawkeye smiles. "No worries, sweetheart. And..." She hesitates a moment, and leans back against the wall. "If y'all want to talk about it, just to help you puzzle it out in your own head, Ah can listen. Ah'm a fairly neutral party in all this, so while I ain't no Ministry of Peace head-shrinker, Ah also ain't gonna judge."
  81. [21:24]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna shrinks back. "I don't know. Ponies don't like my shape too much." She frowns
  82. [21:25]? Sotho nods a bit agreeing with Hawkeye. "Would you like some food? I think I may have enough to make lunch."
  83. [21:26]? Ignis blinks and just keeps his gaze steady on the other. "I don't think it can be that bad...."
  84. [21:26]? Hawkeye gives Sotho a sideways look and points at the dark windows. "Lunch was a long time ago, Stripes. Maybe a late dinner or a midnight snack..."
  85. [21:26]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack nods appreciatively to Hawkeye, turning to Sotho. "...I'd like some... food."
  86. [21:26]? Wintergreen pats Firefly on the head. "She'll be fine." She leans down to whisper in Firefly's ear. Smiling she nods to Antenna.
  87. [21:26]? Firefly looks around for a minute. "Should I not be what?" Firefly looks confused, but leans over to Wintergreen to hear what she has to say.
  88. [21:28]? Sotho looks and chuckles. "But Lunch has a happy sound to it." He points out.
  89. [21:28]<Firefly> Firefly, still looking confused, looks at Wintergreen. "Um, ok?"
  90. [21:30]? Sotho trots to the kitchen. "I think we have enough to make stew... How Does Radhog and Carrot stew sound?"
  91. [21:31]<SpiritOfFate> "Sounds good." Knick Knack says smiling to Sotho.
  92. [21:32]? Hawkeye shrugs and chuckles. "Can't argue with that," she says, then commandeers a piece of Knick Knack's blanket as she sits next to the mare. "Sounds good!" she shouts to Sotho as he heads out to the kitchen. Then Hawkeye leans back against the wall again. "We play our cards right, everything will turn out fine," she consoles Knack. "Dependin' on your relative definition of 'fine,' anyway."
  93. [21:35]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna's body is covered by faint green flames and she turns back to her original form. The typical insectoid features cover the vaguely pony shaped being of a crooked horn and legs covered in holes. Ignis also notices she is scrawnier and her chitin and eyes seem to lack the usual luster of most changelings.
  94. [21:38]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack tilts her head at Hawkeye. "I never played cards..."
  95. [21:39]? Wintergreen smiles, examining the changeling. It's quite amazing to see, from a medical perspective... albeit quite different from the more familiar anatomy of ponies.
  96. [21:39]? Ignis eyes Antenna calmly, still smiling softly. "I don't know what you were worrying about, miss Antennae, you're alright." He nods. "If you're that worried about your appearance anyways,I have a friend that could help with it..." The pony says. "In that area, Royal would be delighted to help in anything you may wish, I am certain."
  97. [21:40]? Wintergreen looks to Firefly, keeping an eye on the filly to make sure she doesn't do anything rude...
  98. [21:42]? Firefly cocks her head at Antenna, unsure of what to make of Antenna's original form. Her parents never mentioned a creature like this. "Um...can I ask a question?"
  99. [21:43]<SpiritOfFate> "Sure!" Antenna says.
  100. [21:44]? Hawkeye chuckles. "As a figure of speech, hun. Or do y'all mean y'ain't never played cards before?" She nudges Knack. ""Cuz there's sheltered, then there's SHELTERED."
  101. [21:44]? Firefly nods. "I've never seen someone like you before. What are you?"
  102. [21:45]? Sotho starts to take The dirty water the group has and prepares it to boil while he chops the carrots and meat
  103. [21:49]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack shakes her head. "Not really."
  104. [21:50]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna smiles a fanged smile to Firefly. "I am a changeling."
  105. [21:51]? Hawkeye blinks. "Alright, one more time for the slow pony here," she says, tapping her head. "So you have played cards, or you haven't?"
  106. [21:51]? Firefly nods her head. "Oh, ok." The filly looks up at the Changeling and smiles. "Well, can I give you a hug? You look like you need it."
  107. [21:54]? Wintergreen smiles. Firefly is such a good little filly.
  108. [21:54]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna smiles wide and buzzes her wings. "Of course!"
  109. [21:55]? Firefly bounds up and gives Antenna a great big hug, with wings! "Thank you for letting me talk to my momma." And with that, the filly nuzzles the changeling.
  110. [21:56]? Royal_Lace continues to sleep
  111. [21:56]? Sotho starts to cook happily. He sings a tune in his native language (Ironically it's Sothoian)
  112. [21:57]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna hugs Firefly and pets her mane. "I'm glad I could help."
  113. [21:58]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack frowns. "Dad and the houseslaves were always busy..."
  114. [21:59]<SpiritOfFate> Buck trots down the hotel hallway, going into the room he and Royal_Lace shared.
  115. [22:00]? Royal_Lace snoozes
  116. [22:00]? Firefly hugs her for a bit longer before releasing the hug. She takes the lunchbox off the counter and looks over at Wintergreen and Ignis. "Ok. I'm done...I think." Firefly looks unsure for a second, but then shakes her head. "Yeah, we can go back to the hotel now." Firefly hugs the Daring Do Lunchbox nice and tight.
  117. [22:01]? Hawkeye opens her mouth to say something, then decides not to. Instead, she smiles. "Tell you what, Ah'll see if Ah can find some, and then Ah'll teach you to play. Go Fish, Poker, Slapjack, Horseapples, you name it. Whaddaya say?"
  118. [22:01]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack smiles. "I'd like to."
  119. [22:02]? Wintergreen leans down and nuzzles Firefly. She smiles warmly. "Would you like me to carry you the rest of the way so you can keep hugging the lunchbox?"
  120. [22:02]? Ignis hmmhmms. "Yes, we shall..." He looks over at Antenna again and trots a bit closer, deciding to hug the changeling as well...he wondered if his pony form retained the draconian heat...
  121. [22:03]? Hawkeye nods. "Great. Now where would Ah get some of them... If them shops ain't closed yet, Ah can go check the general goods store." She tilts her head at Knack. "Y'all don't mind waitin' a bit, do ya?"
  122. [22:04]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna smiles and hugs Ignis. She looks uncertain for a moment. "...can I ask you something?"
  123. [22:06]? Ignis nods, making sure to make the hug of the hoovies booped her ear a bit "Sure." He says.
  124. [22:08]? Firefly flutters her wings and flies in the air. "Ok!" Firefly flutters up and lands gently on Wintergreen's back, snuggling in and hugging the lunchbox nice and tight. Best foalsitter is best snuggle-spot.
  125. [22:10]<Antenna> "Can I... drain a bit of your love? Not much it's... I'm hungry."
  126. [22:12]? Ignis looks at Wintergreen for a moment. "I...wish to allow that...she looks malnutured, Winter..." He says lowly.
  127. [22:13]? Wintergreen purses her lips. She looks to Antenna. "It's... safe, yes?"
  128. [22:15]<SpiritOfFate> She shrinks a bit, looking sorry. "It's not too bad, I just need a little, he will be fine with a bit of rest."
  129. [22:16]? Firefly looks around at the three adults. "What's wrong?"
  130. [22:17]? Ignis nodsnods. "I can take it...I'm a big boy."
  131. [22:17]? Wintergreen nods. "Sure." She smiles, turning her head back to Firefly. "Nothing, dear. So, do you like your lunchbox?"
  132. [22:18]? Sotho smiles as he finishes cooking. "Soups on everypony~"
  133. [22:19]? Firefly nods up to Wintergreen. "Uh-huh! Its got Daring Do swinging down and getting the crystal statue, from Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone!"
  134. [22:19]? Hawkeye sighs. "Well, it's probably a mite late to go shopping anyway," Hawkeye says to Knick Knack. "But it sounds like Sotho's got our midnight lunch all ready. C'mon." She stands up and offers Knack a hoof to help herself up. "Time to stop bein' a pile of sad and blankets, and come be a pony again."
  135. [22:20]? Wintergreen chuckles. "Oh? I haven't heard of that one. Can you tell me the story sometime?"
  136. [22:21]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack hesitantly takes her blanked off and takes Hawkeye's hoof, trotting to the table. She enjoys the pleasant smeel of food and seems to relax a bit more.
  137. [22:23]? Ignis smiles a bit nervously, eyeing over the changeling. "So...what I should do? I didn't exactly knew the details of the feeding process, so...I'm a bit lost." He says.
  138. [22:24]? Hawkeye sits down at the table and waits for Sotho. She pats the seat next to her as she looks at Knack. "Y'all can sit next to me, if y'like." Hawkeye looks for a clock. "Gotta make sure we don't miss Firefly's momma on the radio again. Midnight broadcast an' all."
  139. [22:25]? Firefly nods her head up to Wintergreen. "Actually, I have that book. Can you read it to me tonight?"
  140. [22:25]? Sotho serves the stew into bowls and carries them carefully, setting them down at the table. "I have leftovers for the others too."
  141. [22:26]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna seems to take some relief of the filies distracted with each other. She opens her maw and sucks a trail of silvery glow to her, taking some to her mouth. Ignis feels himself getting weaker and gloomier. She then swallows part of the glow and blows the rest back, which returns to Ignis. "That's it. Are you okay?"
  142. [22:28]? Ignis stirs lightly, but nods. "I'm...I'm alright, just not used to it..." he nods, glad that the magic disguising him didn't broke up... "I'll be back into the usual in a bit." The pony answers. "What about you, you're alright?"
  143. [22:29]? Wintergreen nods, hmmm'ing. "Of course Firefly, buuuuut, you need to take a bath first."
  144. [22:29]? Firefly wrinkles her face and sticks out her tongue. "Yuck. I have baths."
  145. [22:31]? Hawkeye waits patiently for the others.
  146. [22:31]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna smiles, regaining a small part of her luster. "I'm better. Thanks."
  147. [22:31]? Wintergreen chuckles. "Well, you need to keep clean. And if you want me to read... a little filly needs her bath."
  148. [22:32]? Ignis grins back."Well, take care miss Antenae." He turns back and scoots after the two. "We're done...we can go back to the hotel now"
  149. [22:33]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack eats her stew, more slowly this time, enjoying the taste.
  150. [22:34]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna waves to them. "Bye. Come back anytime."
  151. [22:35]? Wintergreen nods, starting to trot back to their room with Firefly on her back.
  152. [22:36]? Sotho has set the table while they were gone. He looks to Knick Knack. "How do you enjoy it? Does it taste as good as the mansions food?"
  153. [22:37]? Ignis goes after the duo, a bit dizzy by the gauntlet, but he was alright.
  154. [22:37]<SpiritOfFate> Wintergreen, Ignis and Firefly quickly make through the silent nightly parking lot to their room
  155. [22:37]? Firefly makes a grumpy face. "Alright, fine. The things I do for stories..."
  156. [22:38]? Wintergreen rolls her eyes at Firefly, letting Ignis lead.
  157. [22:41]? Ignis believes he should go straight to his room, lest the spell breaks down...for all he knew, it was working in overtime. "I'll go to our room." He says, stopping for a bit and leaning to kiss Wintergreen's cheek. "After you're done with that one..." He nods towards Firefly and chuckles. "You know where I'll be, hun."
  158. [22:46]<SpiritOfFate> ----
  159. [22:47]<SpiritOfFate> It's close to midnight. All ponies had their meal except Royal_Lace who is deep asleep.
  160. [22:52]? Hawkeye shakes herself awake. She'd been leaning on Buck, and the stallion's warm and cozy shoulder had started putting the charcoal mare to sleep. "S'almost time for the broadcast," she says, rubbing her eye. "You ponies got the equipment hooked up again?"
  161. [22:55]<SpiritOfFate> Buck had showed up later to have his meal, now he rests by Hawkeye's side. "You'll be talking to the mudponies, right?
  162. [22:56]? Sotho puts leftovers in the refridgerator for heating later :3
  163. [22:57]<Hawkeye> "Eeyup, that was the plan," Hawkeye says, leaning back on the stallion. "Though it ain't my place to try an' work this out. I got the diplomacy skills of a cranky brick." She looks at Wintergreen. "One of y'all good on the talky end of business?"
  164. [22:59]? Wintergreen nods. "I can handle negotiation, Hawkeye. Or help, at the very least."
  165. [23:07]? Hawkeye nods. "Then let's get to it," she says. "Who's got the radio?"
  166. [23:08]? Firefly has set up the radio for the other ponies (as was know doubt asked of her) and has left it on a table. She is sleeping softly, hugging the Daring Do Lunchbox in her sleep.
  167. [23:09]? Sotho trots towards the radio and points it out. "Right there."
  168. [23:11]<SpiritOfFate> Radio noise comes out.
  169. [23:16]? Hawkeye listens intently to the static, trying to catch pieces of the signal. "This is the right frequency, ain't it?" she asks, looking up at Wintergreen, puzzled.
  170. [23:17]<SpiritOfFate> The ponies hear some distant chatter under all the radio noise.
  171. [23:18]? Hawkeye fiddles with the dial. "Come on... Miz Green, you may have to wake Firefly up to fix this thing, since she built it an' all."
  172. [23:20]? Wintergreen nods. "Right." She walks over to Firefly, nudging her lightly. "Firefly.... Firefly...."
  173. [23:21]? Firefly sits up, mumbling. Her mane is sticking up on one-side, like a partial mohawk. "Zha?"
  174. [23:21]<SpiritOfFate> The voice becomes more clear. "...okay, here we go. Camp Jokers, this is camp Hydra. What is your status?"
  175. [23:21]? Wintergreen chuckles, pointing her hoof to the radio. "Can you help us fix--" She frowns. "Never mind, go back to bed." She pats Firefly on the head.
  176. [23:22]? Sotho listens intently, wondering if its even remotely possible he knows anything of these camps
  177. [23:23]<SpiritOfFate> "Repeat, Camp Jokers, what is your status?" The radio says.
  178. [23:23]? Firefly looks around, yawns, and curls back up into bed. "Don't know why the purple hydras want to paint the plaid hippopotamuses" is all the filly mutters before she starts softly snoring again.
  179. [23:25]? Hawkeye looks at Wintergreen, then shrugs. She presses the mic button. "Camp Hydra, uh, Ah think this is camp Joker. Our radio operator is asleep. Status... uh..." She looks around and grimaces. "Trouble. We got trouble. Got recon on the flyboys, you copy?"
  180. [23:26]? Wintergreen walks up to the radio, confused. "We're Camp Joker?"
  181. [23:26]<SpiritOfFate> "We copy. Camp Joker, what is the situation?"
  182. [23:28]? Hawkeye releases the mic button. "Paint me green and call me a frog if I know," Hawkeye says. "Ah thought Lace was camp Joker. Either Ah'm messin' this up, or Ah'm helpin. Let's see." She clicks the mic on again. "Got twelve to fourteen of them flyboys in the towers and on the wall, not counting the one with the tech parts and robot friends. Also got said cyborg hunting down escapees. Advise?"
  183. [23:29]? Wintergreen lets Hawkeye continue to talk, seeing as she has the radio. She stands by in case negotiation is needed .
  184. [23:33]<SpiritOfFate> The radio stops for a moment, then they return. "What about the mutts?" The operator asks, a bit confused.
  185. [23:35]? Hawkeye opens her mouth, then closes it. She presses the mic button. "Oh. Uh, Ah have to ask our regular operator. Hang tight." Hawkeye turns the mic off and gestures at Royal Lace. "Ah didn't hear nothing about mutts," she says. "Somepony want to ask Lace what in tarnation that's about?"
  186. [23:37]? Wintergreen is becoming increasingly confused. "Are... we not Camp Joker?" she mumbles, frowning.
  187. [23:38]<Hawkeye> "Ah haven't a clue," Hawkeye says, worriedly. "Ah don't mean to lie to them folk. Ah thought Lace was in contact with these fellers already..."
  188. [23:43]<Hawkeye> "Ah haven't a clue," Hawkeye says, worriedly. "Ah don't mean to lie to them folk. Ah thought Lace was in contact with these fellers already..."
  189. [23:44]? Wintergreen shakes her head. "Then... we wait and get Lace to talk?"
  190. [23:44]? Sotho thinks. "Is there anything we know at all?"
  191. [23:47]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "Ah don't think we're talking to who we think we're talking to," she says. "Do we come clean an' tell 'em that and still ask for help? Ah don't want to scare 'em off..."
  192. [23:48]<Hawkeye> "Hellhounds!" Hawkeye quickly adds. "Ah bet that's what they mean by mutts!"
  193. [23:52]? Hawkeye presses the button. "We got no new confirmed information on the mutts," she says. "Didn't see them out and about tonight."
  194. [23:59]<SpiritOfFate> "We got info the cyborg were at Camp Rust. When did he move?" Theoperator asks
  195. [00:01]? Hawkeye puts two and two together. "Durnit. We're not Camp Joker," she tells Wintergreen. "Junkyard full of rusty stuff, hence Camp Rust. Now how do Ah tell them that without spookin' 'em?" Hawkeye facehoofs. "Shouldn't have opened muh big mouth..."
  196. [00:02]? Wintergreen frowns. "I guess... just be honest?"
  197. [00:03]? Hawkeye sighs. "That or wake Lace up and ask," she says.
  198. [00:04]? Wintergreen nods. "Yes, that seems more apt..."
  199. [00:10]<SpiritOfFate> ==========================================================
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