
starlit gaiden 1: trouble in rata partharom

Aug 7th, 2014
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  1. [8/6/2014 9:21:46 AM] Zora Smith: *Now, somewhere in the depths of the tangled wood [heh] known as Rata Partharom, there is of course a city, a capital city. And it's just as modernized as the main kingdoms, because why wouldn't it be. In a bar, somewhere deep in the city, a young woman sits at a back table, shuffling a deck of very ornate cards. Her hair is shaggy, black with violet streaks, and her red eyes survey the crowd. One of her arms is notably missing, replaced with a steel prosthetic. It's been painted and decorated with ornate patterns to approximate tattoos. She continues to shuffle her deck of tarot cards, waiting for someone to step up.*
  2. [8/6/2014 9:23:57 AM] Flareth: *A white haired male steps forward. He is dressed in a ornate white robe and is carrying a wooden staff in a harness on his back*
  3. [8/6/2014 9:24:07 AM] Flareth: Riven: May....I perhaps....try?
  4. [8/6/2014 9:25:12 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Sure, sure, come on and sit down. Man, you look fresh outta Lumentia, don't ya. Pick your spread. *she slides a sheet forward*
  5. [8/6/2014 9:26:22 AM] Flareth: Riven: Heh....guess I do. *not knowing the specifics of tarot, he picks a random spread* This one should do...right?
  6. [8/6/2014 9:26:44 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Three card spread? Nice and basic. That'll do just fine.
  7. [8/6/2014 9:27:13 AM] Zora Smith: *shuffleshuffle* So what brings ya here, anyway? Changelings give ya much trouble?
  8. [8/6/2014 9:28:29 AM] Flareth: Riven: Surprisingly, not much. I'm just here for a little vacation. I was with some friends, but they got caught up in pizza wars and all of that.
  9. [8/6/2014 9:28:36 AM] Flareth: ((Changelings???? Go ooooooooooon))
  10. [8/6/2014 9:29:12 AM] Zora Smith: (( From the wiki:
  12. "Rata Partharom is a coniferous forest filled with old ruins and mires abound, a favorite place for archaeologists... provided they can find their way through and not get lost by the illusions. Indeed, a trademark of Rata Partharom is the various trickster spirits that prey upon travellers trying to reach the treasures in the ruins, or the cities that lay within the territory."
  13. [8/6/2014 9:29:55 AM] Flareth: ((OH))
  14. [8/6/2014 9:30:07 AM] Zora Smith: ((oh?
  15. [8/6/2014 9:30:23 AM] Flareth: ((sorry i should read the wiki more))
  16. [8/6/2014 9:31:37 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Ah, the pizza wars. *she leans in* Lemme tell ya somethin', this whole bar'd kick my ass if they heard it, but gimme a Lumentian slice any day.
  17. [8/6/2014 9:33:05 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....Wow. People are really serious about their pizza around here, huh. I mean...*whispers* it's just pizza....
  18. [8/6/2014 9:33:45 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ...Trust me, it ain't just pizza. *lays down cards* Alright, let's see what we got.
  19. [8/6/2014 9:33:53 AM] Zora Smith: *flip*
  20. [8/6/2014 9:33:59 AM] Zora Smith: *Zora does some wiki searching*
  21. [8/6/2014 9:34:20 AM] Flareth: ((xD))
  22. [8/6/2014 9:39:23 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Four of Pentacles... financial gain. Material wealth. For that matter, greed. You a noble or somethin'? What with that fancy stuff. Seems like you or someone you know's been a bit greedy.
  23. [8/6/2014 9:41:27 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....I guess you can say that I'm a noble. But I have tried not to be greedy. Because that is the height of rudeness, is it not?
  24. [8/6/2014 9:42:10 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Well, this is your past card, and all. So maybe not now, or even you. I dunno.
  25. [8/6/2014 9:42:46 AM] Zora Smith: ((It's a nod to where we first introduced him and the other two. That PM RP where his parents went so far as arranged marriages to what turned out to be a demon
  26. [8/6/2014 9:43:06 AM] Flareth: ((yes.....))
  27. [8/6/2014 9:43:24 AM] Flareth: ((oh my god...what if it was a changeling))
  28. [8/6/2014 9:43:35 AM] Zora Smith: ((...hopy sht
  29. [8/6/2014 9:43:53 AM] Flareth: ((goddamnit chrysalis))
  30. [8/6/2014 9:44:09 AM] Flareth: ((trying to take over little kingdoms inside the walls
  31. [8/6/2014 9:44:19 AM] Zora Smith: ((welp
  32. [8/6/2014 9:45:10 AM] Flareth: ((this is now canon))
  33. [8/6/2014 9:45:14 AM] Flareth: ((maybe))
  34. [8/6/2014 9:46:07 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....Ah, I see.
  35. [8/6/2014 9:50:42 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Righto, next card. *flip* The Ace of Cups. What we have here, is a Love card. See that cup with the Love symbol on it? It represents the start of a relationship, potential that leads to companionship, happiness. You've only gotten together with someone a little while ago, haven't you? Bein' that this is your Present card and all.
  36. [8/6/2014 9:51:16 AM] Flareth: Riven: *flushes a bit* Yes, that is indeed true. She's a lovely woman.
  37. [8/6/2014 9:51:54 AM] Flareth: ((so Zora and NB had a baby AND THIS TIME I'M NOT GONNA LET THIS OPPORTUNITY SLIP I'M NAMING THIS LITTLE GIRL JALOPY)
  38. [8/6/2014 9:52:25 AM] Flareth: ((:3))
  39. [8/6/2014 9:53:17 AM] Flareth: (( did Franziska and Nic Cage OH DEAR LORD THEIR BABY IS TERRIFYING))
  40. [8/6/2014 9:53:41 AM] Zora Smith: ((omg
  41. [8/6/2014 9:53:48 AM] Flareth: ((I CAN NAME IT SATAN THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE))
  42. [8/6/2014 9:54:27 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....She's so nice...*blushes a bit more*
  43. [8/6/2014 9:57:41 AM] Flareth: Riven: Ehehe...sorry...if I got too...lovey-dovey.
  44. [8/6/2014 9:57:48 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Well I'm happy for ya. Hmm... let's see what your Future card's got. *flip*
  45. [8/6/2014 9:57:58 AM] Zora Smith: *Zora does more wiki searching*
  46. [8/6/2014 10:00:04 AM | Edited 10:00:18 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Ooooh... inverse Knight of Swords. Knight of Swords is a very violent card... inverse usually represents a rough betrayal, or somethin' worse. In your future though... I'd watch your back if I was you.
  47. [8/6/2014 10:00:59 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....Oh dear. ....I hope Skylark and Riza are okay.....
  48. [8/6/2014 10:01:34 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: That their names? Huh. Fancy that- the fuck is going on over there?
  49. [8/6/2014 10:01:48 AM] Zora Smith: *there's a crowd of patrons gathered around a TV set.*
  50. [8/6/2014 10:02:05 AM] Flareth: Riven: Odd....let's go see.
  51. [8/6/2014 10:02:37 AM] Flareth: *Riven goes over, pushing his way through the crowd, apologizing all the way*
  52. [8/6/2014 10:03:32 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ........ Lumentians.... Outta the way, comin' through!
  53. [8/6/2014 10:04:20 AM] Zora Smith: *There appears to be a special bulletin on right now, with a reporter on the street in front of a building, police officers behind him.*
  54. [8/6/2014 10:04:45 AM] Flareth: Riven: ...This looks serious....
  55. [8/6/2014 10:07:38 AM] Zora Smith: Reporter: ...We have word that there is a hostage situation in progress, witness reports say that the suspect is a Ballehera man in his mid-40's, and his victims are reported to be two girls of approximately twenty years old. The suspect is, uh, demanding one million [currency] in unmarked bills... and military escort to Malad Terre.
  56. [8/6/2014 10:08:22 AM] Flareth: Riven: it can't
  57. [8/6/2014 10:08:52 AM] Flareth: *Riven starts tearing up, he is obviously worried*
  58. [8/6/2014 10:10:19 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ...Right in the cards, huh. Fancy that. Well then. We just gotta go get 'em back, huh?
  59. [8/6/2014 10:10:54 AM] Flareth: Riven: Will they even...let us?
  60. [8/6/2014 10:11:40 AM] Flareth: Riven: Don't officers usuallly like to keep the force?
  61. [8/6/2014 10:13:05 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Nope, but look at how inept that guy is.
  62. [8/6/2014 10:13:35 AM] Zora Smith: *a bumbling imbecile is trying to negotiate to the top of the building... and doing poorly at it.*
  63. [8/6/2014 10:13:52 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....Wow
  64. [8/6/2014 10:14:04 AM] Flareth: ((Pokemoncenter is now UP UP
  65. [8/6/2014 10:14:13 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: So I say it's time to be the Batman to this guy's Manbat.
  66. [8/6/2014 10:14:44 AM] Flareth: Riven: As my girlfriend would say....pardon my Lumentian, but "Shit let's be batman"
  67. [8/6/2014 10:16:21 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: That's the idea. Shit, let's be Batman. Looks like the corner of Midnight Glory and Moonwood. I know a fence over in that side of town... looks like her building too.
  68. [8/6/2014 10:16:51 AM] Flareth: Riven: ...Alright, let's go!
  69. [8/6/2014 10:16:55 AM] Flareth: *dashes off*
  70. [8/6/2014 10:18:51 AM] Zora Smith: *they're off. It's not long when sprinting, to be fair. Turn at the next intersection, follow Midnight Glory to Moonwood [Charna probably has to remind Riven not to turn on Blackwood instead]. When they get there, they see an irritated woman in a trenchcoat and real fedora standing a good distance away from the cops*
  71. [8/6/2014 10:19:15 AM] Flareth: ((turn on Blackwood))
  72. [8/6/2014 10:19:20 AM] Flareth: ((riven no))
  73. [8/6/2014 10:19:41 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....Uh, hello there?
  74. [8/6/2014 10:20:29 AM | Edited 10:20:33 AM] Zora Smith: ((To be fair all he has to do is show her a picture of a naked alien
  75. [8/6/2014 10:21:23 AM] Zora Smith: "Bastard stole my building! What if there's cops in there right now takin' all my stash- Charna who the fuck is this dandy"
  76. [8/6/2014 10:22:03 AM] Flareth: Riven: D-dandy? Listen, what really matters is that my girlfriend and her sister are in there!
  77. [8/6/2014 10:23:23 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Calm the hell down. This guy's here to play batman, and we're gonna help.
  78. "Wh-"
  79. Charna: Now listen up, Carolina. You're gonna go make a diversion for the cops, and then we're gonna sneak in. Got it?
  80. [8/6/2014 10:24:12 AM] Zora Smith: "How am I supposed to do that?! Put on a straw hat and do a song and dance routine?!"
  81. [8/6/2014 10:24:20 AM] Zora Smith: *Gilligan Cut*
  82. [8/6/2014 10:24:33 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....That seems to have worked....
  83. [8/6/2014 10:25:05 AM] Zora Smith: *The fence is now wearing a straw hat, doing showy tricks in front of the crowd of cops* Well you've got opportunity, in this very community~~~
  84. [8/6/2014 10:25:42 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ....That'll be stuck in their heads for days. C'mon, let's book it. 'Fore the cops end up inside takin' her stash.
  85. [8/6/2014 10:26:11 AM] Flareth: Riven: Alright....
  86. [8/6/2014 10:27:04 AM] Zora Smith: *She slips quietly through the back door... then jumps back out as the door opening fires something at her. It misses.*
  87. [8/6/2014 10:27:21 AM] Flareth: Riven: ...W-what was that?
  88. [8/6/2014 10:27:23 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Gods damn it Carolina... this place is rigged to hell and back.
  89. [8/6/2014 10:27:52 AM] Flareth: Riven: ...Are the cops in this area really bad about...stashes of....material?
  90. [8/6/2014 10:29:00 AM] Flareth: Riven: I mean...Riza doesn't have to do all of this.
  91. [8/6/2014 10:29:35 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ...You're a rich dandy, you've never had to deal with cops.
  92. [8/6/2014 10:29:46 AM] Flareth: Riven: ...This is true...
  93. [8/6/2014 10:30:38 AM] Zora Smith: *she enters more carefully this time.*
  94. [8/6/2014 10:31:45 AM] Zora Smith: *Immediately obvious is the shotgun set up in a trap just above the door. Beyond that, the room is filled with crates and boxes, but who knows what else is in here.*
  95. [8/6/2014 10:32:04 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....Dang
  96. [8/6/2014 10:32:54 AM] Zora Smith: ((Alright, here's your first foray into Tabletop Logic: the Perception check!
  97. [8/6/2014 10:33:25 AM] Zora Smith: (( Go here and roll a d20. What he spots is dependent on how high he rolls.
  98. [8/6/2014 10:33:52 AM] Flareth: ((...a 4))
  99. [8/6/2014 10:34:07 AM] Zora Smith: ((He sees nothing. At least he didn't roll a 1.
  100. [8/6/2014 10:34:25 AM] Flareth: Riven: Drat, but I don't see anything of use....
  101. [8/6/2014 10:34:42 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Just keep walking then...
  102. [8/6/2014 10:34:55 AM] Flareth: *He does so*
  103. [8/6/2014 10:35:09 AM] Zora Smith: *she suddenly falls through the floor in front of him*
  104. [8/6/2014 10:35:51 AM] Zora Smith: ((For your reference I rolled to avoid a pitfall trap. She did not pass.
  105. [8/6/2014 10:36:01 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....Oh man....*yells down to her* Are you okay?!
  106. [8/6/2014 10:36:04 AM] Flareth: ((I see
  107. [8/6/2014 10:36:26 AM] Zora Smith: ((If I suddenly ask you to roll and they haven't spotted anything...
  108. [8/6/2014 10:36:35 AM] Zora Smith: ((Now you know what's going to happen.
  109. [8/6/2014 10:36:51 AM] Flareth: ((yes
  110. [8/6/2014 10:37:13 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ...Gods damn it Carolina. Yeah I'm fine. Little bruised, stuck in the basement, but fine.
  111. [8/6/2014 10:37:36 AM] Flareth: Riven: Should I....come down?
  112. [8/6/2014 10:38:42 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Ain't nothin' down here. Just get me out. There's no fuckin' ladder.
  113. [8/6/2014 10:39:12 AM] Flareth: Riven: Alright. *leans down into the hole and offers a hand*
  114. [8/6/2014 10:41:09 AM] Zora Smith: *she grabs it*
  115. [8/6/2014 10:41:23 AM] Zora Smith: ((Alright, roll athletics. Same logic, different skill.
  116. [8/6/2014 10:42:51 AM] Flareth: ((19))
  117. [8/6/2014 10:43:05 AM] Zora Smith: ((d8mn, he strong
  118. [8/6/2014 10:43:17 AM] Zora Smith: *He successfully lifts her out of the hole.*
  119. [8/6/2014 10:44:05 AM] Flareth: ((ye))
  120. [8/6/2014 10:44:16 AM] Flareth: Riven: ...Can't believe that worked
  121. [8/6/2014 10:44:37 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: No kiddin'. *she continues forward*
  122. [8/6/2014 10:45:30 AM] Zora Smith: ((...I'm gonna need you to roll one more time, oops.
  123. [8/6/2014 10:45:52 AM] Flareth: ((14))
  124. [8/6/2014 10:46:38 AM] Zora Smith: *As he passes by a section of floor that looked merely like a rug at first, a pillar of flame shoots up, just barely missing him. Maybe singing his ass.*
  125. [8/6/2014 10:47:55 AM] Flareth: Riven: .....Oh my gods....
  126. [8/6/2014 10:48:07 AM] Flareth: ((also, *singeing))
  127. [8/6/2014 10:48:13 AM] Flareth: ((I had to look that up))
  128. [8/6/2014 10:48:20 AM] Zora Smith: ((...Oh.
  129. [8/6/2014 10:48:27 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ............Nice ass.
  130. [8/6/2014 10:49:15 AM] Flareth: Riven: *flustered* Uh....thanks...dang, I'll need some new clothes when all of this is over with...
  131. [8/6/2014 10:49:45 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: If this track record is anything to go by... oh, damn, there's the stairs.
  132. [8/6/2014 10:50:00 AM] Flareth: Riven: Hopefully those aren't rigged
  133. [8/6/2014 10:50:21 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Let's take a look, then.
  134. [8/6/2014 10:50:29 AM] Zora Smith: ((Roll perception.
  135. [8/6/2014 10:50:39 AM] Flareth: ((.....................))
  136. [8/6/2014 10:50:43 AM] Flareth: (1))
  137. [8/6/2014 10:50:50 AM] Zora Smith: ((................
  138. [8/6/2014 10:51:08 AM] Zora Smith: ((He gets distracted by a pigeon and trips over his own shoelace.
  139. [8/6/2014 10:52:02 AM] Flareth: Riven" *spots a random pigeon that somehow made its way into the building* Awww, hey little guy.
  140. [8/6/2014 10:52:09 AM] Flareth: *trips over air*
  141. [8/6/2014 10:52:13 AM] Flareth: *lands on face*
  142. [8/6/2014 10:52:18 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ....*slow clap*
  143. [8/6/2014 10:52:33 AM] Zora Smith: ((.............Well she sure did just roll a natural 20.
  144. [8/6/2014 10:52:35 AM] Flareth: Riven: How about you check the stairs for a change?
  145. [8/6/2014 10:52:42 AM] Flareth: ((d8mn))
  146. [8/6/2014 10:52:56 AM] Zora Smith: ((For reference, the complete opposite. She finds this and a hidden stash of money or something
  147. [8/6/2014 10:53:32 AM] Flareth: ((yes))
  148. [8/6/2014 10:53:37 AM] Flareth: (y e s))
  149. [8/6/2014 10:53:48 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Right up there. Telekinetic bullshit. *magic zap* Throws you right away from this spot. Now what's she hiding... *pull back rug* ..............
  150. [8/6/2014 10:54:13 AM] Flareth: Riven: What'd you find?
  151. [8/6/2014 10:54:21 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Look at all that dosh.
  152. [8/6/2014 10:54:36 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....Oh man....
  153. [8/6/2014 10:54:47 AM] Flareth: Riven: a criminal?
  154. [8/6/2014 10:55:00 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ...Yeah, what's your point?
  155. [8/6/2014 10:55:28 AM] Flareth: Riven: I just mean...hopefully she doesn't rob from the less fortunate...
  156. [8/6/2014 10:56:13 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Nah. Mostly just sells to druggies, deals weapons, that kinda nonsense.
  157. [8/6/2014 10:56:25 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....Oh.
  158. [8/6/2014 10:57:16 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ...So how bad of an idea would it be if I just... kinda... took a little bit of this cash stash here.
  159. [8/6/2014 10:57:40 AM] Flareth: Riven: Um, very bad. You know how many traps she has...what if this is another one?
  160. [8/6/2014 10:58:19 AM] Flareth: Riven: Okay, maybe a few coins wouldn't hurt
  161. [8/6/2014 10:58:20 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: We already found this trap, dude. *She starts shoving money into her pockets*
  162. [8/6/2014 10:58:30 AM] Flareth: Riven: *facepalm*
  163. [8/6/2014 10:58:52 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Yo, get in on this shit, dude
  164. [8/6/2014 10:59:04 AM] Flareth: Riven: No thanks, she can keep her dealings.
  165. [8/6/2014 10:59:22 AM] Flareth: Riven: I don't need any unnecessary greed.
  166. [8/6/2014 10:59:30 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ...Suit yourself, dude.
  167. [8/6/2014 10:59:33 AM] Zora Smith: *up the stairs!*
  168. [8/6/2014 10:59:40 AM] Flareth: *UP THE STAIRS WE GO*
  169. [8/6/2014 11:00:36 AM] Zora Smith: *This next floor is similarly coated in boxes, though to a lower degree. They can just about see the whole floor, here... do they spot anything?*
  170. [8/6/2014 11:00:59 AM] Flareth: ((12))
  171. [8/6/2014 11:01:37 AM] Zora Smith: *He can see something glowing faintly, a dull, sickly green.*
  172. [8/6/2014 11:02:05 AM] Zora Smith: ((Roll Arcana to identify. This is a knowledge check - it determines whether you know about a given thing or not.
  173. [8/6/2014 11:02:11 AM] Flareth: Riven: Hmmm...interesting. *goes to take a closer look*
  174. [8/6/2014 11:02:15 AM] Flareth: ((Arcana???)
  175. [8/6/2014 11:02:27 AM] Zora Smith: ((Basically, for magical items.
  176. [8/6/2014 11:02:34 AM] Flareth: ((so still the d20?)
  177. [8/6/2014 11:02:38 AM] Zora Smith: ((Ye
  178. [8/6/2014 11:02:47 AM] Flareth: ((2....GODDAMNIT))
  179. [8/6/2014 11:02:59 AM] Zora Smith: *That's a pretty green shiny, yessir.*
  180. [8/6/2014 11:03:19 AM] Flareth: Riven: I can't make heads or tails of this. You check it out....
  181. [8/6/2014 11:03:59 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: You got it.
  182. [8/6/2014 11:04:10 AM] Zora Smith: ((..........holy shit
  183. [8/6/2014 11:04:14 AM] Zora Smith: ((a 20 again
  184. [8/6/2014 11:04:18 AM] Flareth: ((brb))
  185. [8/6/2014 11:04:20 AM] Flareth: 9D8MN))
  186. [8/6/2014 11:04:31 AM] Zora Smith: ((also kay
  187. [8/6/2014 11:05:13 AM] Flareth: ((bac))
  188. [8/6/2014 11:05:27 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Dude. Dude get back!
  189. [8/6/2014 11:05:59 AM] Flareth: Riven: What? *gets back*
  190. [8/6/2014 11:07:27 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: That's an Assassin's Stone, dude! That thing drops on you, you're fuckin' dead if it breaks the skin. *she flips her wrist down and shoots out the rope holding it up. When it falls to the floor it burns right through it with a hiss and drops through it.*
  191. [8/6/2014 11:07:59 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....Why...why is it in here? Is this one of that girl's traps???
  192. [8/6/2014 11:08:54 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: She don't make these, dude. That's probably all this guy. Dunno if this guy set up the fire trap downstairs or the shotgun either, but...
  193. [8/6/2014 11:09:18 AM] Flareth: Riven: Let's get outta here. There's probably more traps in this room where that came from
  194. [8:28:22 AM] Zora Smith: ((Roll percept
  195. [8:29:06 AM] Flareth: ((19))
  196. [8:29:18 AM] Flareth: ((d8mn))
  197. [8:29:32 AM] Zora Smith: ((About time he passed one of these.
  198. [8:30:15 AM] Zora Smith: *He can see about 6 things hanging from the ceiling in spots along the path to the stairs. They all glow the same sickly greenish color.*
  199. [8:30:57 AM] Flareth: Riven: GODS, LET'S GO!
  200. [8:31:01 AM] Flareth: *dash*
  201. [8:31:21 AM] Flareth: Riven: Get ready to dodge!
  202. [8:32:05 AM] Zora Smith: ((Aaand roll acrobatics.
  203. [8:32:19 AM] Flareth: ((8))
  204. [8:32:24 AM] Flareth: (...8..))
  205. [8:33:42 AM | Edited 8:33:55 AM] Zora Smith: *He makes it past the 1st one just fine, but the second manages to drop on him, bouncing off of his arm and ripping his clothes. He can feel a faint tingling sensation before it goes numb where the stone struck.*
  206. [8:34:11 AM] Flareth: Riven: ........No.....NO!
  207. [8:34:46 AM] Zora Smith: *Charna rushes over to him* Dude, let me see it! Okay... okay... you're not gonna die, dude. Not gonna die.
  208. [8:35:14 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: It didn't break the skin. You're fine. Just burned you a little.
  209. [8:35:30 AM] Flareth: Riven: ...*breathes heavily* Al...alright.
  210. [8:36:27 AM] Zora Smith: *The wound in question actually kinda looks pretty gross, as a severe chemical burn should, but she's right in that no poison actually got in.*
  211. [8:37:21 AM] Flareth: Riven: ...*looks at arm* *screams*
  212. [8:37:42 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ....*facepalm*
  213. [8:38:23 AM] Flareth: Riven: Ehehehe.....sorry. Should we keep going, maybe we can find another exit?
  214. [8:39:15 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Yeah I'm not familiar with this place she's got here... if not another exit, another way around to the stairs.
  215. [8:39:28 AM] Flareth: ((roll perception??)
  216. [8:39:54 AM] Flareth: Riven: Hmm...I certainly hope so...
  217. [8:40:03 AM] Zora Smith: ((ye
  218. [8:40:12 AM] Flareth: ((.....3))
  219. [8:40:18 AM] Flareth: ((fuck you riven))
  220. [8:40:30 AM] Zora Smith: ((That's okay that's why there's two of 'em
  221. [8:40:55 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ...Over here. *she points to a door to their side*
  222. [8:41:13 AM] Flareth: Riven: Ah, great....*opens the door*
  223. [8:42:10 AM] Zora Smith: *Seems relatively quiet in here. From the looks of it, this is an unfinished apartment building that got taken over by a group of fences and then this criminal guy.*
  224. [8:43:02 AM] Flareth: Riven: Interesting....wonder why they never finished this building?
  225. [8:43:12 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Ran outta money, probably.
  226. [8:43:37 AM] Flareth: Riven: Hmm...I see.
  227. [8:45:15 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Hold still a sec. *she rips off a bit of his fancy-ass clothes and ties it to the gross burn* That aughta at least keep it kinda clean till we're done. Then you can go see one of your fancy spangly healers or whatever.
  228. [8:45:41 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....Yes, thank you so much.
  229. [8:46:33 AM] Flareth: Riven: For everything....
  230. [8:46:42 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ...What's to thank me for?
  231. [8:47:05 AM] Flareth: Riven: For like...coming with me to do this, helping me out...
  232. [8:48:28 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: You're sayin' any decent natured person wouldn't do this? Dunno what kinda Lumentian snobs you've been hangin' out with.
  233. [8:49:19 AM] Flareth: Riven: Nono....I've been blessed with nice people, asides from a few. But still, you deserve my gratitude and thanks.
  234. [8:49:36 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Heh... if you say so.
  235. [8:49:56 AM] Flareth: *continue walking*
  236. [8:50:26 AM] Zora Smith: *walking, walking, walking*
  237. [8:50:42 AM] Zora Smith: *There's nothing in this hallway. I think he assumed the door was barred.*
  238. [8:51:14 AM] Flareth: Riven: traps in this room yet....
  239. [8:51:55 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: I'd say we got lucky here... over there. Another stairwell.
  240. [8:52:15 AM] Flareth: Riven: You know the drill, scan the stairwell for traps.
  241. [8:52:24 AM] Flareth: ((roll perception??))
  242. [8:52:34 AM] Zora Smith: ((If you want
  243. [8:52:47 AM] Flareth: ((3 GODDAM IITN RIVEN))
  244. [8:53:05 AM] Zora Smith: *He trips on his own shoelace.*
  245. [8:53:19 AM] Zora Smith: *...............Charna trips over him.*
  246. [8:53:43 AM] Flareth: Riven: Ugh...I'm sorry so sorry....
  247. [8:54:01 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Quit being sorry. Let's try that again.
  248. [8:54:47 AM] Zora Smith: *get up*
  249. [8:55:04 AM] Flareth: Riven: *get up*
  250. [8:55:59 AM] Zora Smith: *let's just reroll that okay? okay.*
  251. [8:56:13 AM] Flareth: ((14))
  252. [8:56:25 AM] Zora Smith: *Ain't nothin' in that door*
  253. [8:57:14 AM] Flareth: Riven: Alright, we're good
  254. [8:57:20 AM] Flareth: Riven: Let's go!
  255. [8:57:57 AM] Flareth: *opens door let's go yo*
  256. [8:58:19 AM] Zora Smith: *and they're off. Up the stairs... it looks to be an emergency stairwell, because it keeps spiralling up.*
  257. [8:58:46 AM] Flareth: Riven: Dang, this is gonna be a long climb....
  258. [8:58:49 AM] Flareth: ((
  259. [8:58:54 AM] Flareth: ((GODDAMNIT BRIAN))
  260. [8:58:59 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Fuckin' stairs.
  261. [8:59:00 AM] Zora Smith: ((omg
  262. [8:59:15 AM] Flareth: *walk walk walk*
  263. [8:59:30 AM] Zora Smith: ((...Roll a check for me.
  264. [9:00:18 AM] Flareth: ((19))
  265. [9:00:52 AM] Zora Smith: *It's not a trap, but Riven narrowly misses a small puddle of water that would have made him fall.*
  266. [9:00:57 AM] Zora Smith: *Charna does not.*
  267. [9:01:14 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....Are...are you okay?
  268. [9:02:14 AM | Edited 9:02:18 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Why'd it have to be stairs.
  269. [9:02:29 AM] Flareth: Riven: ...I shoulda warned you, I'm sorry.
  270. [9:02:40 AM] Flareth: ((;3))
  271. [9:03:06 AM] Zora Smith: *She clambers back up after taking a moment to reflect upon her life. She was not warned about stairs, so it is not her fault.*
  272. [9:03:40 AM] Flareth: Riven: Alright, let's keep going. You're not hurt, are you?
  273. [9:04:08 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: I'm fine, I'm fine... think we're almost at the top, anyhow.
  274. [9:04:32 AM] Flareth: *continues on*
  275. [9:05:20 AM] Zora Smith: *Through the door window, they can both see two young woman tied up to one of the vent pipes.*
  276. [9:05:54 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....Oh my gods....Skylark! Riza!
  277. [9:06:37 AM] Flareth: ((lemme eat alright))
  278. [9:06:47 AM] Flareth: ((brb))
  279. [9:14:19 AM] Zora Smith: ((ye
  280. [9:25:12 AM] Flareth: ((back))
  281. [9:25:30 AM] Flareth: ((so let us continue))
  282. [9:25:41 AM] Flareth: Riven: *attempts to open door*
  283. [9:26:02 AM] Zora Smith: *Well he was at least smart enough to lock that.*
  284. [9:26:17 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Hold up and let me try to pick it, a'aight?
  285. [9:26:51 AM] Zora Smith: *...Aaaaaaaaand she rolls a nat 1 on her thievery check. The claw she was using to pick the lock becomes stuck in the door.*
  286. [9:27:36 AM] Flareth: Riven: .....*facepalm* Need help?
  287. [9:27:57 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ...Yes please.
  288. [9:28:11 AM] Flareth: Riven: *attempts to pull the claw outta the door*
  289. [9:28:17 AM] Flareth: ((need a roll on that?))
  290. [9:28:21 AM] Zora Smith: ((Strength, yes
  291. [9:28:28 AM] Flareth: ((13))\
  292. [9:28:45 AM] Zora Smith: *He successfully pulls her out of the door.*
  293. [9:29:05 AM] Flareth: Riven: Glad that worked. Anyone...have a bobby pin?
  294. [9:29:21 AM] Flareth: Riven: By anyone, I mean, you...
  295. [9:30:33 AM] Zora Smith: *She pulls one out of her hair*
  296. [9:31:06 AM] Flareth: *He takes it and...puts it into his hair....NO just kidding, he puts it into the lock*
  297. [9:31:13 AM] Flareth: ((8))
  298. [9:31:18 AM] Flareth: (...8))
  299. [9:32:30 AM] Flareth: ((well))
  300. [9:33:00 AM] Zora Smith: *the bobby pin breaks.*
  301. [9:33:13 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....I'm sorry....
  302. [9:33:43 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: I couldn't do it either. I was hopin' to be sneaky, but looks like we gotta just break this fucker down.
  303. [9:34:02 AM] Flareth: Riven: Alright. *runs at the door with speed*
  304. [9:34:11 AM] Flareth: ((5))
  305. [9:34:19 AM] Flareth: ((goddamnit Riven))
  306. [9:34:47 AM] Zora Smith: *lol nope*
  307. [9:34:58 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Hold up I got this.
  308. [9:35:11 AM] Zora Smith: *9. lol nope again.*
  309. [9:35:17 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ...I don't got this.
  310. [9:35:25 AM] Flareth: Riven: ....
  311. [9:35:35 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Once more with passion!
  312. [9:35:53 AM] Flareth: *Riven runs at the door again*
  313. [9:36:03 AM] Flareth: (....5 once again))
  314. [9:36:17 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: ...Okay this time I got this.
  315. [9:37:02 AM] Zora Smith: *BOOM, nat 20. She breaks in the door annd conveniently there's a storm overhead so he doesn't hear 'cause there's thunder.*
  316. [9:37:34 AM] Flareth: Riven: .....Pardon my language, but....damn.
  317. [9:37:36 AM] Zora Smith: ((Roll stealth to get in a sneak attack
  318. [9:37:52 AM] Flareth: ((BANG A NATURAL 20))
  319. [9:38:12 AM] Flareth: *Riven hits the man over the head with his staff*
  320. [9:38:18 AM] Zora Smith: ((Yet another skill check, this one determines your ability to sneak past or up to enemies without being noti- D8MN
  321. [9:41:00 AM] Zora Smith: *Ordinarily, due to bonuses and special attacks, he'd probably be dead because that was a crit, which would have taken him down to bloodied with said bonuses and special attacks. Instead he takes 8 damage because a staff's flat damage roll is 1d8. Charna's claws strike him for another 6 damage because she just rolled a double 20.*
  322. [9:41:32 AM | Edited 9:41:34 AM] Zora Smith: *Until I get my books back it's flat damage rolls.*
  323. [9:41:46 AM] Flareth: ((ah I see))\
  324. [9:41:57 AM] Flareth: *Riven readies himself to attack again*
  325. [9:42:08 AM] Flareth: ((1))
  326. [9:42:28 AM] Zora Smith: ((Now, is your intro to tabletop combat. Hold the phone there. We're gonna roll initiative.
  327. [9:42:42 AM] Flareth: *He trips on an errant phallus and goes carreening into a bookshelf*
  328. [9:42:48 AM] Flareth: ((alright))
  329. [9:42:58 AM] Flareth: ((15))
  330. [9:44:31 AM] Zora Smith: ((Charna gets 17, Manbat gets... 20. So, initiative order looks like this:
  332. Manbat
  333. Charna
  334. Riven
  336. Ordinarily there would also be initiative bonuses, which affect your place in combat turn order. But we're using flat rolls for these little Starlit Gaiden things.
  337. [9:44:53 AM] Flareth: ((I see))
  338. [9:45:19 AM] Zora Smith: ((...I like using these systems for dungeon style things because it keeps things more fair
  339. [9:45:33 AM] Zora Smith: ((Also because I'd like to run a thing soon and may as well teach you
  340. [9:45:39 AM] Flareth: ((alright))
  341. [9:45:42 AM] Flareth: ((it's fine))
  342. [9:45:55 AM] Zora Smith: ((It's the thing I was gonna turn EoE into
  343. [9:46:38 AM] Flareth: ((but we decided to make it just an rp))
  344. [9:46:52 AM] Zora Smith: ((Who's we
  345. [9:46:57 AM] Flareth: ((idk))
  346. [9:46:58 AM] Zora Smith: ((When did we say this
  347. [9:47:06 AM] Zora Smith: ((...Did I only mention to Nyx
  348. [9:47:06 AM] Flareth: ((well, it's in the rp section))
  349. [9:47:17 AM] Zora Smith: ((I think I did
  350. [9:47:21 AM] Flareth: ((we haven't done any dice rolls))
  351. [9:47:33 AM] Zora Smith: ((I had an idea and I'll explain it in a bit.
  352. [9:47:38 AM] Flareth: ((ye))
  353. [9:49:35 AM] Zora Smith: *Right, well. Manbat fires his gun at Riven right off. Assuming a defense of 10, his roll would have to be 11 or higher to hit this accuracy roll. He rolls a 4.*
  354. [9:50:08 AM] Flareth: (((so that means he misses??))
  355. [9:50:11 AM] Zora Smith: ((Yes.
  356. [9:50:29 AM] Flareth: *Riven braces for impact, but there is none*
  357. [9:51:28 AM] Zora Smith: *Charna doesn't quite crit again. But she rolled a 6 for damage anyway so it doesn't matter.*
  358. [9:52:02 AM] Flareth: ((now how do I roll this))
  359. [9:53:41 AM] Zora Smith: ((Okay, first we do the attack roll. Assuming any defense is at 10, to hit, you need 11 or higher on a roll. This changes with defense bonuses and attack roll bonuses, but that'll come another time. Second is the damage roll, if you hit. That's a d8 for you.
  360. [9:54:03 AM] Zora Smith: ((A nat 20 does full damage, and a nat 1 usually causes self damage.
  361. [9:54:04 AM] Flareth: ((attack roll's on a d20 right))
  362. [9:54:08 AM] Zora Smith: ((Yes.
  363. [9:54:16 AM] Flareth: ((17))
  364. [9:54:27 AM] Flareth: ((and the d8....3))
  365. [9:55:32 AM] Zora Smith: *our manbat friend whips it out again and fires at Charna this time. He rolls another 4. This goddamn idiot.*
  366. [9:55:48 AM] Flareth: ((did I even hit))
  367. [9:55:55 AM] Zora Smith: ((Yes sorry
  368. [9:56:00 AM] Flareth: ((it's fine))
  369. [9:56:15 AM] Zora Smith: ((He has a nice solid broken rack of ribs.
  370. [9:56:19 AM] Flareth: ((YES))
  371. [9:56:24 AM] Flareth: ((hell ye))
  372. [9:57:01 AM] Zora Smith: *Charna rolls a 15 and claws him in the side for 4 damage. He is now bloodied. He'll be dead soon.*
  373. [9:58:02 AM] Flareth: *Riven rolls a 2, for 8 damage. Which means he hit himself in the face with his staff*
  374. [9:58:08 AM] Flareth: Riven: .....fuck
  375. [9:58:32 AM] Zora Smith: ((Actually he just kinda straight up misses. A nat 1 would be hitting himself in the face.
  376. [9:58:46 AM] Zora Smith: ((also if you miss the attack roll, don't roll damage.
  377. [9:59:03 AM] Zora Smith: ((Damage is for when you do hit.
  378. [9:59:07 AM] Flareth: ((ah))
  379. [10:01:41 AM] Zora Smith: *Uh oh. Manbat actually hit this time, aiming for Riven. Technically there aren't official stats for d&d for guns, which is the system I'm using right now, but there are for other range weapons, so I'm using the stats for crossbows instead. He gets shot in the arm by a bullet made of dark magic, which dissolves shortly after hitting him*
  380. [10:02:10 AM] Zora Smith: *8 damage, out of an assumed total 30 HP*
  381. [10:02:32 AM] Flareth: *Riven grabs his arm.....fuck, that hurts*
  382. [10:03:45 AM | Edited 10:03:49 AM] Zora Smith: *That made Charna mad, yeah? So she runs up and takes a swipe at his face. She rolls an 11, so she hits for 4 damage and he is now permanently disfugured if he even lives through this.*
  383. [10:04:57 AM] Flareth: *Riven painfully gets up, and rolls a 4. He yells in pain, and he misses*
  384. [10:06:16 AM] Zora Smith: *now Manbat aims for Charna again. Unfortunately for her, that hits. Unfortunately for him he only rolled 1 damage. So it pings off the place where her arm connects but still leaves a scratch.*
  385. [10:06:47 AM] Zora Smith: *She retaliates, but only nicks him for 2.*
  386. [10:08:08 AM] Flareth: *Riven tries to hit again, but rolls a 3. He falls to the ground, the pain being too much, but next round, he'll try again*
  387. [10:08:40 AM] Zora Smith: *Manbat gets startled by thunder and shoots himself in the foot. Good job.*
  388. [10:09:15 AM] Zora Smith: *and there's Charna with another nat 20. Right in the eye.*
  389. [10:09:50 AM] Flareth: *Riven gets enough strength to get back up, rolling and 18 for 3 damage))
  390. [10:11:07 AM] Zora Smith: *Uh oh, he, despite being stabbed in the eyehole and limping, among other ailments, shoots Charna again. Bastard finally got lucky and hits her in the other arm.*
  391. [10:11:22 AM] Zora Smith: *she hisses.... and she misses*
  392. [10:12:03 AM] Flareth: *Riven rolls...a he misses...again*
  393. [10:13:05 AM] Zora Smith: *And he hits.... again. And he hits Riven. Again. And he hits for 6 damage, leaving him at 16 out of 30.*
  394. [10:13:28 AM] Flareth: *Riven grits his teeth in pain*
  395. [10:13:56 AM] Zora Smith: *But, Charna ain't havin' that shit. Lucky bitch rolls another double 20 and puts out his other eye. He stumbles backward and falls off the goddamn building. u kno he ded.*
  396. [10:14:39 AM] Flareth: *Riven breathes heavily*
  397. [10:14:52 AM] Flareth: Riven: ...We...did it.
  398. [10:15:35 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Dude... dude hold still, I got this. *rip fabric* *tie up wounds* Right, we both gotta get out to a fancy dancy healer after this... let's get your girlfriends and go for now, though.
  399. [10:15:59 AM] Flareth: Riven: *attempts to release them from their binds*
  400. [10:16:11 AM] Flareth: ((I assume we need a roll here))
  401. [10:16:20 AM] Zora Smith: ((Nah.
  402. [10:16:25 AM] Flareth: ((alright))
  403. [10:16:50 AM] Zora Smith: *They are released. Riza is asleep. She may have been too high to notice what was going on.*
  404. [10:17:21 AM] Flareth: Skylark: ....Oh my gods, thank you guys...
  405. [10:17:42 AM] Flareth: Skylark: We gotta get outta here. Especially before Riza wakes up and sees Riven in that...condition.
  406. [10:18:38 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Oh boy. Hospital's on the corner of Midnight Glory and Blackwood... not Moonwood. Because you got confused once, you'll do it again.
  407. [10:19:16 AM] Flareth: Skylark: *grabs her sleeping sister* Let's go.
  408. [10:19:33 AM] Flareth: Riven: *runs, a bit stumbly, after her*
  409. [10:20:39 AM] Zora Smith: *Charna follows after them, nursing her own wound. And because of the stairwell we can skip going back down. They emerge in the back, where they can safely evade the cops investigating the eyeless corpse that just splatted in front of them. So ends the dice rolls because we are no longer in a 'dungeon'.*
  410. [10:21:09 AM] Flareth: Skylark: So....Blackwood, right?\
  411. [10:22:01 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: That's right. Couple blocks down, you'll know it when you see it.
  412. [10:22:22 AM] Flareth: Skylark: Don't you need help as well?
  413. [10:22:43 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: I'm following you, ain't I?
  414. [10:22:51 AM] Flareth: Skylark: Right.
  415. [10:23:06 AM] Flareth: *They arrive at the hospital*
  416. [10:24:52 AM] Zora Smith: *Riven and Charna are immediately tended to, and Riza awakens.*
  417. [10:25:00 AM] Zora Smith: Riza: ....Dude............ what happened
  418. [10:25:10 AM] Flareth: Skylark: We got kidnapped, dude.
  419. [10:26:07 AM] Flareth: Skylark: But Riven and some chick saved us.
  420. [10:26:20 AM] Zora Smith: Riza: ............Woah.
  421. [10:27:17 AM] Flareth: Skylark: So that's what you missed on Paranormals....
  422. [10:27:30 AM] Zora Smith: Riza: .../Awesome/.
  423. [10:28:38 AM] Flareth: Skylark: I didn't think so....
  424. [10:29:30 AM] Zora Smith: Riza: That's the most action I've seen since we started on this vacation, dude.
  425. [10:29:43 AM] Flareth: Skylark: YOU WERE ASLEEP FOR ALL OF IT!
  426. [10:29:59 AM] Flareth: Skylark: YOU DID NOT SEE ANYTHING!
  427. [10:30:10 AM] Flareth: Skylark: What is the last thing you remember?
  428. [10:30:35 AM] Zora Smith: Riza: ...Being tied up.
  429. [10:30:56 AM] Flareth: Skylark: Alright, so you do remember...
  430. [10:31:23 AM] Flareth: Skylark: I'm still wondering what fucking Manbat's problem was...i mean, why us?
  431. [10:32:19 AM | Edited 10:32:23 AM] Zora Smith: Riza: ...I think he didn't like my taste in pizza.
  432. [10:33:49 AM] Flareth: Skylark: ....Really, there has to be another reason, right? Kidnapping people over pizza is just plain stupid.
  433. [10:34:32 AM] Zora Smith: Riza: Fuck if I know, as far as I remember I mentioned liking Lumentian pizza the best and then he went berserk.
  434. [10:35:08 AM] Flareth: Skylark: Hmm...I see...yeah.......
  435. [10:36:13 AM] Flareth: *Should I control when the two are released, or shall you))
  436. [10:37:31 AM] Zora Smith: *Charna emerges first* She could be right. People are fuckin' serious about their pizza.
  437. [10:38:33 AM] Flareth: *Followed by Riven* By serious, you mean fucking mental....oh, no, I didn't mean that, I apologize
  438. [10:39:40 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Dunno what it is about the damn place. When I visited the main kingdom it was just pussyfooted arguments.
  439. [10:41:39 AM] Flareth: Skylark: Hmm....
  440. [10:41:52 AM] Flareth: Riven: Did you guys ever get to eat the pizza?"
  441. [10:42:10 AM] Zora Smith: Riza: ...No. You guys wanna just go visit the main kingdoms instead
  442. [10:42:30 AM] Flareth: Skylark: Down to clown with that idea.
  443. [10:42:52 AM] Flareth: Riven: Hey....Charna, was it? Do you want to come with us?
  444. [10:43:17 AM] Flareth: Riven: i hear that there are some good restaraunts in the main kingdom?
  445. [10:43:19 AM] Zora Smith: Charna: Yeah I wanna come with!
  446. [10:43:43 AM] Zora Smith: Riza: More company's always nice, dudes. Let's fuckin' hit it.
  447. [10:44:00 AM] Flareth: *And that they do. They have a lovely dinner that Riven pays for*
  448. [10:44:17 AM] Flareth: The end?
  449. [10:44:54 AM] Zora Smith: *Not yet*
  450. Charna: Wonder what's been happenin' in the main kingdoms lately, anyway?
  451. [10:45:08 AM] Flareth: Skylark: Beats me....
  452. [10:46:19 AM] Zora Smith: *As they leave the room, the TV changes to a Nintendrian news report about an arrest made that night involving a Venturenian prince attacking a Lumentian princess, as well as a summary clip of a parade earlier in the day welcoming esteemed guests to Xephixir.*
  453. [10:46:24 AM | Edited 10:46:25 AM] Zora Smith: *now it's the end.*
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