

Jan 28th, 2014
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  1. Name: Nemo Class: Namer Race: Naga
  2. Player: Pilz GM: Zoqfot
  3. XP: 1
  6. Characteristics:
  7. Stat Value Bonus
  8. STR 15 +1
  9. DEX 9 +0
  10. CON 8 -1
  11. INT 12 +0
  12. WIS 13 +1
  13. CHA 16 +2
  15. Racial Bonus (Naga): Whenever you Spout Lore or Discern Realities involving famous names, take +1
  17. Alignment (Neutral): Discover information about a powerful True Name
  19. Damage: D6 Armour: 1 HP: 14/14 Load: 6/21
  21. Worn:
  22. Leather Armour (1 armour) (1 weight)
  24. Weapons:
  25. Short Sword (Close) (1 Weight)
  26. Bow (near) (2 Weight) (3 ammo, 1 weight)
  28. Gear:
  29. Adventuring Gear (1 weight)
  32. Learn True Name: Study someone or something to discover its True Name, Roll +Cha
  33. Bind True Name: When Learn True Name, gain bond "I know X's True Name". You may roll +Cha to invoke bond to help/hinder
  34. Speak True Name: When you Speak someone's True Name, and they hear it, roll +Cha
  35. Invective: When you Curse Someone, roll +Cha.
  39. It began, as many lives do, with an egg. An egg that was laid in a hole in the sun-warmed sand with 38 other eggs. Unfortunately, only 12 of those eggs would ever hatch-cracks, deformities, and incompletely fertilized eggs are common in naga clutches. Only 8 of those who hatched will make it to the tall grasses of the dunes, as animals must eat, and a freshly hatched naga is near-defenceless, save for a weak poison that ensures only one will be lost to each predator. Only 5 will grow large enough to be forced to leave the tall grasses of the dunes, food is scarce and disease is not unheard of. Only two will make it to the nearest freshwater oasis. A naga can sustain itself with moisture from its prey's blood if it must...but it has to catch prey to do that.
  41. Many do not understand why the Naga allow so many to die in this way, but the reason is simple: in the desert, only the strongest can support themselves. Only the fastest will get food, only the smartest will know where to find water, only the toughest will last without either for any length of time in the baking heat. In the desert, offering assistance to another can mean death, and it is better for only one in 20 to survive, than for the entire race die attempting to care for the weak out of a misguided sense of charity...which is what makes Nemo and his sister so unique.
  43. The Naga are a solitary people. Some live in small groups around oasis and the odd well, but most wander the desert, enjoying the solitude of the drifting sands. Nemo and his sister stuck together where most would drift apart. His sister hunted, he found water and created shelter. Eventually, they found their way to one of the larger Naga settlements, where they thrived. Possessing a willingness to cooperate that many Naga lacked, they were the perfect negotiators between the various desert tribes. Eventually, with their help, the many small tribes of Naga learned to work together for some measure of common good. They remained a solitary people, but united in their love of solitude. A union of tribes was formed, but they lacked no common ground, no neutral area. Until, that is, the city was found.
  45. On one of his not-that-rare week-long walks in the desert, Nemo found a small book, a piece of a larger collection from the library of a long forgotten empire. Using the book, Nemo was able to lead the Naga people to the city. Built around a massive reservoir so deep it is said to be bottomless, and hewn of sandstone and granite from a nearby quarry, the strange collection of buildings became the heart of the Naga tribe's alliance. Nemo's sister was overjoyed with their new home, but Nemo himself had his eyes on a different prize.
  47. Entering the library of the once-abandoned city, the naga found a wealth of knowledge. 20 years were spent translating, editing, understanding. At the end of it, Nemo had learned the truth, the power in the name of even a single grain of sand. Nemo found too a wealth of recorded names: The nearby grains of sand, the local wind currents, it was all in the library. He could have stopped there. The city could be kept safe now, secure in the power he had brought it...but something drove Nemo on. He was no naive child at this point, but a wise adult. He knew threats could come from outside the desert, the surrounding wilderness. The icy lands to the south, the dense jungles to the east, the ashen plains to the west, the mountains to the north. All these places held within them dangers...and in this world, what you don't know can certainly still hurt you.
  49. Nemo left. Striking out on his own, he carried weapons, food, and tools with which to record the names of all the dangers he found. He spent a long time looking, not for lack of available dangers, but for their prevalence...
  56. 1. Jasan Hezur, "The Silence of the Desert", the more-or-less impartial head of the council of tribal leaders. His job is to introduce topics and to moderate discussion. While he lacks official power, he is greatly respected.
  58. 2. The city of Endless Water. Hidden by mirage (both natural and coaxed by true name), this city of 200 (and growing) is the "capitol" of the Naga tribal alliance
  60. 3. The Guides. A lose organization of Naga that know the way to the city of endless water. They more or less control who can enter and leave the city, as they are constantly changing the passwords and mirages that surround it. This gives them a great deal of power over its inhabitants, and inhabitants of the surrounding areas.
  62. 4. The World has a True Name
  64. 5. The World was created via the use of True Naming magic. A powerful Namer used the names of many universes and wove them together to create The World
  66. 6. Stones that burn if touched. Used as sling ammo by some of the 'barbarian' tribes Nemo has encountered on his journey, they showed him how they defend themselves from wild animals.
  69. BONDS:
  70. I know Gymic's True Name
  71. Gymic and I have sworn a pact
  72. Kaeronn and I have been friends since we subdued a spirit
  73. I have trusted Rook with a secret
  75. I helped Gymic with one of his projects
  76. I have seen Shubby's dudes' true form
  77. I have fought beside Kaeronn and he trusts me
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