
Day One in Equestria pt 1

Dec 7th, 2012
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  1. >Day 1 in Equestria
  2. Wait a second.
  3. >What?
  4. Do you mean it's my first day here, or it's the first day in the history of Equestria?
  5. >Well, this is a Flutterrape oneshot, so I imagine that it's your first day here.
  6. A what?
  7. >You'll find out soon enough, Now back to the story.
  8. Story?
  9. >Shut up! I'm trying to be funny here, and you're fucking my shit up!
  10. >Cheezus.
  11. >Anyway, You awaken to find yourself in the middle of a field.
  12. >It's nice here, and you've been coming here the past few nights in your dreams, lots of grass, flowers, the whole sha-bang.
  13. >There's something different this time though.
  14. >You can't quite put your finger on it, but you reason to yourself that it's just a dream, and therefor there will always be something weird about it.
  15. >You stand up, and decide to just start walking, a first for you as usually when you're here, you just lie there like a log, and enjoy the serenity.
  17. 1/?
  19. >You walk for about an hour, and seeing as this is just a dream, you begin to hum, to keep your mouth occupied, after all it's not like you usually have anything good to say.
  20. Well that's pretty mean.
  21. >Dealwithit.jpeg
  23. >Pretty good stuff.
  24. >As you near the end of the song, you see a few new and interesting things on the horizon
  25. >Being as curious as you are, you pick up the pace, and take off at a brisk jog to see what new dreamscape you've happened upon.
  26. >It's a town, a rather colorful town, but definitely a town.
  27. >You chalk the colorfulness up to your awesome imagination.
  28. It is pretty awesome, looks like a town out of some cartoon.
  29. >Yup.
  30. >You head down the hill you're standing on, and attempt to get a closer look at this odd little burg you've come across. There seems to be some activity going on down there, but you're too far to make anything out.
  31. Wish I had my glasses, or a pair of binoculars.
  33. 2/?
  35. >Well you don't, now get a move on, you're taking too long to get to the part we all want to read.
  36. What?
  37. >you head into the little town, and all seems fairly quiet, you don't see much movement, and what little you do see, hurriedly disappears.
  38. Odd.
  39. >You do however get the distinct feeling that you're being watched by many eyes.
  40. >It's a frightening feeling.
  41. Spooky.
  42. >You call out.
  43. Hello? I'm not here for any bad reason, I'm just exploring. Hope y'all don't mind me, I'm a pretty awesome guy.
  44. >With each word, you feel less and less comfortable.
  45. Ok, then, if you guys won't come out to see me i guess i'll just be going now. Sorry for the trouble.
  46. >You turn to leave the odd little town, but stop short when you see a small horse like creature coming towards you.
  47. >It's color is like no horse you've ever seen though, as it sports a body of lavender, and a mane of dark blue, with a few strands of pink and purple as well.
  48. >It also appears to have a horn.
  49. Man, my eyes must be worse than I thought. But wow is this dream getting weird.
  51. 3/?
  53. >As the odd little purple unicorn thing approaches you, you begin to be able to see it's expression, and it doesn't look like it's glad you're here.
  54. Well, it seems upset.
  55. >"You have some nerve showing your face around here"
  56. >It seems the two of you are acquainted.
  57. >Also she (according to the voice) can talk english.
  58. Whoa, what, wait wait wait.
  59. >You sort of lose it at the talking pegasus.
  60. You're amazing! You can talk? How-
  61. >She cuts you off.
  62. >"Don't play dumb with me you, you monkey you! We wont fall for the whole innocent act again."
  63. >Perhaps there's another you around here somewhere, but regardless of that, you should probably consider pleading your innocence in as wholehearted a way you can.
  64. >Her horn's a-glow, and that likely won't bode well for you.
  65. Wait Wait, stop, I'm sorry but you have me mistaken for someone else. I just got here, and please don't kill me or turn me to stone or anything like that i'll do anything.
  66. >You panic and promise something you don't know you can keep.
  67. >The purple unicorn, levels her horn at you, and fires a blast the color purple at you.
  68. >You close your eyes, and pray.
  70. 4/?
  72. >The purple stuff hits you, but oddly enough you don't really feel anything, at least anything negative.
  73. >It just sorta tickles.
  74. >You open your eyes, and sure enough you're still in one piece.
  75. Umm...
  76. >"Hush, I'm trying to concentrate!"
  77. >You stay as quiet as you can hoping the purple unicorn isn't trying to mind control you or melt your brain or anything equally nasty.
  78. >"Huh, I guess you're telling the truth. I'm not getting any memories from you, and the other one had plenty of stuff to 'tell' when I scanned him."
  79. Can I speak now then?
  80. >"Yeah, sorry for the harsh welcome, it's just the last time I saw a whatever-you-are, he almost burned down my house, with me and my teacher in it. He made a pretty bad name for himself."
  81. >As the unicorn talks, a few other horses(?) begin coming out of the little buildings all over the place
  82. >They're all a bit smaller than the horses you're used to, and many of them sport oddly colored coats.
  83. >A few have horns, and a few have wings.
  84. Wait, what? You read my mind?
  85. >"Kinda, mostly your memories, although I do basically know what you were thinking as that whole spell happened."
  86. Cool stuff, can you teach me how to do that? Can you do other cool things with that horn of yours?
  87. >You ask the purple unicorn a few questions, and after a while she asks if you wouldn't mind following her for a moment.
  88. >Lucky for you, as the other little horses were giving you wary looks, seemingly only tolerating your presence because the little purple unicorn did.
  90. 5/?
  92. >You, being the curious guy you are, follow the small talking unicorn to what looks like a tree on the outside, but acts as the town library. The irony is lost on you.
  93. >Books line the walls, and there appear to be multiple floors, you have to sort of hunch to fit through the door, but once inside you can stand regularly.
  94. So, I'm sorry, but is there something I can call you, the narrator is getting tired of describing you based on your appearance, and would really appreciate a name to associate with it.
  95. >"The Narrator? I'm not sure what you mean by that, but sure, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and this, is my home." She waves around as she ends the sentence.
  96. A pleasure to make your acquaintance Twilight sparkle, I am Anonymous.
  97. >"Likewise"
  98. Ok, so now that the formalities are over and done with, might I ask a few questions, Twilight Sparkle?
  99. >"Of course, but only if you don't mind answering a few of my own."
  100. Sure, you go first.
  101. >"How did you get here?"
  102. Well, that's a great question, but i'm afraid I have no idea, If I'm perfectly honest, I think I'm having a dream right now, and this is all just some weird lucid dreaming thing happening right now.
  103. >"Pity, ok well fair's fair, what's your question?"
  104. Well, i shoukd think this first question is a pretty obvious one to ask, Where am I?
  106. 6/6
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