
Warforged in Equestria : Chapter Two - Ghost Town

Apr 1st, 2012
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  1. > Much to your surprise the walk out of the forest takes little more then half an hour.
  2. > Though it was likely close to the middle of the day during your fall, your time inert and the walk have left sunset only scant few hours from now.
  3. > You begin to think to yourself.
  4. > 'Hmmm, these... p0nies speak common. Perhaps this is simply a far flung reach of Eberron? When the sun has set I will need to check the stars for what constellations I know.'
  5. > 'If this is Eberron perhaps they may even be able to help me reach my home again... And then I can KILL that damned Kobold...'
  6. > Before you have time to contemplate how to best turn that reptilian bastard into goo, you realize you have reached the outskirts of what appear to be a small village.
  7. > When you notice how close you have come to the town you stop to address the two you have been traveling with.
  8. > "Before I can continue another step, I must know the types of reactions I can expect from the local populace"
  9. > Twilight turns to look up at you with a raised eyebrow, a look of what you think is confusion on her face.
  10. > "What do you mean?"
  11. > You ponder for a moment how to better phrase the question.
  12. > "You two had entirely different reactions to my appearance, as such I need to know if others will have similar reactions, or if there is a possibility of outright hostility."
  13. > She adopts a look of shock, telling you all you need to know before she answers, though you know it impolite to interrupt.
  14. > "I can't imagine anypony being... hostile, though a few might be afraid. Still I'm sure everyp0ny will welcome you with open legs"
  15. > An ambiguously gendered, living construct with no sex drive you may be, but the implications of this statement are far from lost on you.
  16. > Needless to say that, much to the confusion of your two companions, you burst into an uproarious laughter.
  18. > Now both are starring at you with looks of confusion.
  19. > After a few moments of you standing there laughing like your voice box was on constant loop, you snap back to your usual self.
  20. > "Terribly sorry about that, but I have a feeling that doesn't mean the same thing when dealing with bipedal creatures."
  21. > The silence that follows is deafening.
  22. > Oddly enough it's Fluttershy who breaks the silence.
  23. > "So... What was so funny... I mean... Um... that, was... You where laughing right?... I'm sorry"
  24. > "You need not apologize, my kind has always had... Trouble... Conveying emotion. We get used to it."
  25. > "As for your question, amongst most intelligent bipedal species that I know of, the similar terms are used to describe females of... Loose morality"
  26. > "Anyway now that all our questions are answered, let us be on our way"
  27. > You don't even bother to look at there facial expressions, though you are sure they would be beyond value.
  29. > Within short few minutes you are in the village proper, strangely despite the number of homes you have passed, the streets are almost totally devoid of life.
  30. > You are unsure if this is unusual until Twilight voices her own concerns over the matter.
  31. > "Where is everyp0ny? Shy, is something going on in town that I forgot about"
  32. > "N-no, I don't think so?"
  33. > A quick look around at some of the nearby homes reveals something moving within the windows, though too quick to get a good look at whatever it is...
  34. > ...That is until a p0ny reaches out her window to slam the shutters closed, a look of panic on her face.
  35. > Well that's all you needed to see to figure out where everyone went.
  36. > "Twilight it appears as though you are a paragon of bravery among your kind."
  37. > She looks at you, again confused, an expression you are getting very familiar with.
  38. > "Um thanks... I think? Where did that come from""
  39. > "Look around carefully, not at the streets but at the windows. Everyone is in hiding."
  40. > Both Fluttershy and Twilight quickly do just that and then look at each other and frown.
  41. > "What should we do Twilight, it's just like when Zecora showed up?"
  42. > She raises a hoof to her chin pondering the question.
  43. > Much to your confusion after a few seconds she raises her hoof above her head and you hear what you assume to be a snap.
  45. > "We need to get him to Sugercube Corner stat! Shy, lead him there I'll go ahead and tell Pinkie you're coming so she doesn't freak out when you get there"
  46. > What follows is a similar snapping sound and a bright light, before you know it Twilight is gone and you are left standing in the street with Fluttershy.
  47. > "Umm okay, Mister Anonymous, please follow me"
  48. > A nod is your response before she starts off running.
  49. > After a few minutes of running through town the silence and total lack of another presence is shattered as a voice rings out from... above you?
  50. > "Stay away from her you jerk!"
  51. > You look up to see a cyan colored blur hurling towards you.
  52. > No time to anchor your feet for a proper defensive stance and no shield. Dodge it is.
  53. > You manage to tumble to your right just as the streak of color shoots past you.
  54. > You catch a glimpse of it was you just dodged as it flies past you.
  55. > A cyan coated, rainbow maned... Pegasus?
  56. > Well this day has just been full of fun little discoveries hasn't it?
  57. > Coming out of your roll you turn to see the streak of color beginning to turn towards you once more.
  58. > You anchor your feet and raise your arms to defend yourself as the streak begins its charge again...
  60. > This time You're ready for it...
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