
Exploration of nharris' political worldview

Mar 11th, 2018
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  1. 20:12 *** GProc joined #politics
  2. posted by Mark Dice: a message from DJ Trump Show YouTube video (
  3. Topic set by realiste! on Sun Mar 11 2018 09:40:13 GMT-0700 (PDT)
  4. 20:12 Ekko Greetings GProc, #politics is currently moderated. If you wait a minute without changing your nickname, you can take part in the discussion (mode +v).
  5. 20:12 +++ Ekko has given voice to GProc
  6. 20:13 nharris How DARE someone not toe the "guilty white" line?
  7. 20:13 nharris Jaba the "Heart" on left
  8. 20:14 GProc nharris: What's your ideal American society?
  9. 20:14 urlinfo *** Ann Wilson Weight Loss - Celebrity Weight Loss
  10. 20:14 nharris GProc: minimal government, maximum self responsibility, more shame on errant behavior.
  11. 20:15 GProc nharris: Is your system rights-based?
  12. 20:15 GProc If so, how does your system cope with subnational factions that violate the rights of individuals?
  13. 20:15 nharris Absolutely. The constitution is the ORACLE in my society
  14. 20:15 Kaliuna define subnational
  15. 20:15 nharris all unconstitutional acts and infractions against rights shall be punished
  16. 20:16 brogie It's unfair to blame all white people when only the American ones are still in the barbaric phase
  17. 20:16 GProc Kaliuna: Not the federal government.
  18. 20:16 Lukin subnational... more like subversion perhaps
  19. 20:16 nharris It's unfair to judge American people by looking at Brogie
  20. 20:16 Lukin subnational doesnt make sense unless you take subversive elements into account
  21. 20:16 Kaliuna GProc you talking about states rights? and laws
  22. 20:16 brogie you want a black american to stop being racist against whitey? send him to canada for a week
  23. 20:17 Kaliuna technically there are no or very few "white" people -- white = albino...
  24. 20:17 brogie it's ok, they're not all a bunch of half-retarded illiterate gun-obsessed pro-war death zombies
  25. 20:17 nharris send a black american to Africa for a week, the very place he says he's treated properly
  26. 20:17 --- VonMises has banned *!60569743@ircip*
  27. 20:17 *** GProc was kicked by VonMises (Banned: ailennich ban evasion)
  28. 20:17 !!! You have been kicked from #politics
  29. 20:17 %%% Jinx1 has invited you to join #political
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