
Hunting Grounds

Mar 26th, 2017
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  1. The sun raised above on the sky, bringing a new day to the mountains. With no humans around, the place was a paradise where local fauna thrived, away from prying eyes.
  3. The small white rabbit hopped around, going from bush to bush in the search of his lunch. After a few of minutes, he found some tasty vegetables. Without losing a second, he began to nibble at them. Yet, the peacefulness of the place had turned him careless. Dulling his senses against predators on the prowl. Focused on his meal, the rabbit was unaware of the hungry wolf making his way through him. Centimeter by centimeter, the canine was moving towards the rabbit like a shadow.
  5. When the wolf was ready to pounce over the defenseless rabbit, a tremor shook the entire mountain. This startled the rabbit, who vanished among the foliage. The wolf growled in frustration since all that work was for nothing. Still, he decided to investigate the origin of that tremor. Thus he headed towards the summit of the mountain, where its senses tell him it was the epicenter of the tremor. Soon he found himself gazing a clearing between the trees with a woman standing in front of a fallen tree. The causative of the tremor no doubt.
  7. “Enjoying the spectacle my friend?”
  9. Now it was the wolf’s turn to be startled. On the scant few seconds the wolf had focused on the fallen tree, the woman had moved from the clearing to his side. Faced with such terrible enemy, the wolf ran away.
  11. “Humph, for a second I thought there was someone to test my might, but it was just a wolf.” The woman sighed disappointed before returning to the side of the falling tree.
  13. The woman stood out like a sore thumb and not only due being the only human around. Very muscular but also blessed with an ample blossom, she could pass as one of the fabled amazons of lore. Rather than use clothing better fit for the task she had opted to binding her breasts with bandages. Clearly, she wasn’t one to worry about modesty. Camo pants with matching bandanna, an open vest and a couple of combat boots rounded her outfit. And yet, her more striking feature was the flowing mane of black hair that cascaded down her shoulders and beyond her waist.
  15. The woman knelt besides the tree. Her bandaged hands explored every inch of the trunk, looking for imperfections. She needed it on top condition for her purposes.
  17. All the sudden she stood up and adopted a combat stance. Among the natural noise caused by animals and the wind, her fine-tuned senses had picked up a sigh. Her activities had chased away all the animals around and the sigh hadn’t been hers so it only meant one thing.
  19. She wasn’t alone.
  21. Her eyes examined the scenery, looking for anything that could betray the position of her uninvited guest. Even though she should worry about the possibility of an ambush, she could barely contain her excitement. After two weeks alone on the mountain, she was more than eager for some conflict to blow up some steam.
  23. As the seconds turned into minutes with no change whatsoever, she relaxed. Did her senses lied to her? No, that was impossible. Maybe her would-attacker thought it better and escaped? Disappointing but it would be the only explanation. Giving one last look at the trees around her, she picked up the fallen tree with ease and headed back to her camp.
  25. No sooner she vanished on the horizon, something left its hiding spot on the top of the largest tree. Said place gave it a front row seat to the woman’s activities through the day. Once on the ground, It got close to the stump left by the fallen tree. Its attention focused on the point where the woman used her bare hands to cut clean the tree.
  27. “Did you enjoyed the spectacle my friend?”—It said in a garbled imitation of the woman’s voice before vanishing without leaving a trace.
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