
A Camping Trip

Sep 5th, 2013
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  1. Request: On Earth, Anon and his friends decide to go out for a camping trip. Somehow, they unknowingly end up in the Everfree Forest. They set up camp, ignorant of the many monsters that inhabit the forest. Fluttershy hunts them down and rapes them one by one.
  3. >Day Camping Trip in Equestri-Earth.
  4. >You and your friends have decided that you all were going to go on a camping trip for the weekend.
  5. >Sadly, you were a shut in who spends all of his time masturbating and playing video games, so the group was filled with only five people.
  6. >And the only reason you were friends with any of them was because they weren't complete idiots.
  7. >"Who's ready for a super amazing weekend?"
  8. >You groan as your friend Kimmy looks away from the road and turns to the four of you, smiling.
  9. >Your blond-haired,sunglasses-wearing-friend Zack pulls off his brand-named beats and stares at Kimmy.
  10. >"Stick to the road, faggot."
  11. >"Ok..."
  12. >Your overzealous friend's smile fades and he goes back to driving without making a peep.
  13. >Zack just puts his beats back on and continues to listen to some crappy rap song.
  14. >His ipod is set on full blast, so you can hear the word "nigger" being repeatedly used. A lot.
  15. >How the hell can he find that crap enjoyable?
  16. >"Hey Kimmy, you got some heavier weights I could use?"
  17. >Harry, your friend who is basically a hairless bear, comes out from the back of the car, holding a pair of hundred pound dumbbells.
  18. >"These feathers aren't doing anything to help me get stronger."
  19. >He drops the weights and they go through the floor, sinking into the dirt below.
  20. >"Harry! Just because you're a big, strong, tall, and attractive, doesn't mean you can trash my fabulous car!"
  21. >Fabulous car.
  22. >It's a huge as fuck pink van.
  23. >And it now has two holes onF the floor of it, both of which are as big as your shoes.
  24. >"I'm sorry, bro."
  25. >He puts his hands on the two metal gaps, and squeezes them together with no problem.
  26. >"Hmmp...There we go. I think I fixed the problem."
  27. >You look down and see that the floor looks as "good" as it previously did.
  28. >Except there is a large white stain on the floor that you've never noticed since you never look straight at the floor.
  29. "Uh, Kimmy?"
  30. >"Yes Nonny?"
  31. >God, you hated that nickname.
  32. Why is there is white stain the floor of your ca-
  33. >"No reason!"
  34. >Sweat drips down his face as he turns to you, sheepishly grinning.
  35. >"I-I's not because I-I've been meeting some guys in this vehicle at night..."
  36. >...
  37. >He's basically saying that he's had gay se-
  38. >"Hey look! A wooden bridge! I haven't seen one in so long!"
  39. >The five of you turn to the front, getting a glimpse of a bridge that looks like it could break any second.
  40. >Pieces of it are falling to the river below, there's no railing, there are holes in the logs, and the wood used to build it is now green and black.
  41. >"Uh, Kimmy? I don't think we should drive on top of that. It looks pretty dangerous."
  42. >You all turn towards your roommate Simon, who has birds flying above his head for some reason.
  43. >"I'm just saying...a bridge made of wood that looks like it hasn't been attended to for a long time is probably a health hazard. These birds above me probably wouldn't even go near a tree this bad.
  44. >He grabs the birds and pets each of them.
  45. >Kimmy stares for a moment, then laughs his concern away, and continues to drive over the death trap.
  46. >"What are you talking about, silly? This platform is obviously sa-"
  47. >*Insert sound of wood breaking here*
  48. >The van comes to a stop, and drops downwards.
  49. >"-fe."
  50. >"You were saying?"
  51. >The wheels rev up, but the incorrectly colored pedomobile doesn't move an inch.
  52. >Not even a millimeter.
  53. >"Guys? I think we might have a super tiny problem..."
  54. >You go to the front and look out of the window.
  55. >There's sharks in the water, which doesn't make sense since sharks only inhabit large bodies of water, not a small river.
  56. >Zack takes off his dumb headgear and punches the car.
  57. >"God damn it! This is what we get for trusting the queer with driving!"
  58. >"Hey, don't call me a queer! I'm not ga-ok, maybe a little, but don't call me a queer!"
  59. >"Aha! I knew you were ga-"
  60. >*Insert slapping noise here*.
  61. >"Zack, shut up. Kimmy, stop acting like a gay person in denial."
  62. >"OK..."
  63. >Now that the two idiots have stopped yelling at each other, you can now try to think of a pla-
  64. >"Fuck this, I'm jumping."
  65. >Harry goes up to the top of the van, causing it to shake.
  66. >To him, it's probably a minor bump.
  67. >But the car is sinking, and the top is very thin, so the big guy might end up falling through the top.
  68. >"Harry, no! You're to fit and sexy to do a risky j-"
  69. >He jumps and makes it to the other side with no problem.
  70. >Your faggotish friend just stares in awe with his hand down his pan-oh God, is he jacking off?!
  71. Kimmy, stop it!
  72. >You slap him in the face and his hand slips out of his trousers instantly.
  73. >Something white and sticky drips down his fingers and he blushes.
  74. >Gross.
  75. >"Sorry, Nonny."
  76. >You shake your head, pretending you never saw that.
  77. >Back to business.
  78. Alright, how do we get across this structure before it completely breaks apart and kills us?
  79. >"Do we really need a plan? Fuck that, I'm just going to walk across."
  80. >As Zack takes his walk, Simon grabs him and pulls him back.
  81. >"The bridge is unstable, you idiot."
  82. >The four of you look out the window, and see that Harry is just standing there, staring at you guys with his arms crossed.
  83. >"Are you un/fit/ guys going to cross the bridge, or what?"
  84. >Kimmy pops his head out of the window, waving.
  85. >"Don't worry! We're thinking of a plan, hot stuff!"
  86. >Alright, time to think of a solution.
  87. >Maybe if everyone crosses one by one...
  88. >The only problem is that the van would have to be abandon...
  89. >Wait, that's a good thing.
  90. Alright guys, we need to walk one by one, and we have to be extremely careful so the platform doesn't break before everyone can get to safety.
  91. >Everyone nods, and you all slip out of the gaystation 3 without getting a scratch.
  92. Time for the harder part.
  93. >You walk at a pace of one foot per second, and make it to the same side as Harry in about thirty seconds.
  94. >Not too shabby, since you lived, after all.
  95. >Hopefully, everyone else will follow your directions and not fuck this up.
  96. >You look to the others, and sigh.
  97. >Simon is just standing there, admiring the birds that are flying around him, Zack is walking, holding his ipod and probably not worried that he might die, and Kimmy is tip-toeing his way to you.
  98. >At least one of them is doing it somewhat right.
  99. >The swagfag makes it to you with his gold chains, sagging pants, boxers showing, and his headphones on.
  100. >"Alright, now that that's done, I need to take a piss."
  101. >He walks into the woods alone.
  102. >Hopefully he doesn't make it back.
  103. >...
  104. >If you didn't like him, then why did you bring him along?
  105. >And why are you friends with him in the first place?!
  106. >After about a minute, Kimmy finally makes his way off of the poorly maintained walkway while Simon is flown to you guys by the birds.
  107. >How the hell did those tiny animals manage to pick a person up?
  108. >As the birds fly away, Simon waves at them.
  109. >"Thanks for helping me, friends!"
  110. >Hm, so it seems that he has a knack for befriending birds...
  111. >You tap his shoulder, and he turns towards you.
  112. >"Did you want something, Anon?"
  113. Yeah, just a question: How did you get the birds to do that for you?
  114. >"Oh, That? I'm just great with animals."
  115. >OK then.
  116. >A noise of a crash attracts your attention, and you turn to the bridge.
  117. >Which isn't there.
  118. >You look over the cliff, and see that the van somehow got trashed from the fall.
  119. >The doors are torn off, the windows are broken, and the pedomobile is upside down, split in half.
  120. >How that makes sense, you will never know.
  121. >"My car!"
  122. >The child-molester-in-hiding runs to the cliff, and stares in horror.
  123. >He turns to you and gives you a hug with tears dripping from his face.
  124. >"*Sniffs* was my first was where I had my first kiss*sniffs*...where I had sex for the first time...I even sucked my first di-NEVERMIND!"
  125. >He pushes you away and whistles as he walks back to the others.
  126. >"So, decent-looking-males, how are we going to get our sexy butts back home now that my ride is gon-"
  127. >"AHHHH!"
  128. >That sounded like Zack.
  129. >Of course the asshole gets attacked first.
  130. >The four of you turn towards the area where the scream came from.
  131. >The woods.
  132. >It's rather foggy, so it wouldn't be safe to just ru-
  134. >God damn it, Kimmy.
  135. >The three of you run after him into the fog.
  136. >It is doing a great job of reducing your vision, and you can't see the others.
  137. Guys?
  138. >"Yeah?"
  139. I can't see anything.
  140. >"Well, that's because you don't guys don't exercise and eat healthy. I'm so healthy that I can see almost everything around us. In fact, I can see Kimmy running towards a body on the ground right now."
  141. >There are some stomping noises, and you both follow them because you don't know what else to do.
  142. >"Guys! I found Zack!"
  143. >OK, now you know where to go.
  144. >After a few steps, you finally find that Kimmy is on his knees, holding Zack's hand, and there are tears coming down from both of their eyes.
  145. >"S-Some monster..."
  146. >"Wh-What did this, Zack?"
  147. >"A-A monster...a-attacked me...and *coughs* it b-broke my..."
  148. >"Yes?"
  149. >"It broke my he-headphones..."
  150. >Face, meet palm.
  151. >Seriously? He's crying because his headphones are destroyed?
  152. >What a bitch.
  153. >A strange aroma fills your nose, and you sniff it, trying to figure out where it's coming from.
  154. >The smell leads you to Zack's shirt.
  155. >...Wat.
  156. >You look up, and notice numerous things.
  157. >One: His shirt is wet(No shit).
  158. >Two: There's white stuff all over him, and Kimmy isn't masturbating so it must either be the monster's or his own.
  159. >Three: Zack is panting. A lot.
  160. >Four: His arms are on around his pelvis, and he is moaning in pain.
  161. >Five: All of his "Yoloswag" stuff is gone.
  162. >Oh wait, all of it is a meter away from them.
  163. >Conclusion: Whatever this thing is must be crazy.
  164. >"A-Anon..."
  165. >You snap out of your semi-trance and turn to the downed now-normal-looking blond person.
  166. Hm?
  167. >"The thing that attacked me...had pink hair...and a yellow body...and maybe wings..."
  168. >Before you can think about the description, there is a roar noise from behind.
  169. >You all turn and hear stomps that are strong enough to make the leaves from nearby trees fall to the ground.
  170. >You feel arms wrap around you, along with the sounds of whimpering.
  171. >"Nonny...I'm scared..."
  172. >You roll your eyes and see that a large figure is starting to exit the fog.
  173. >All you can tell is that it is a big as Harry, maybe bigger.
  174. >Gulp.
  175. >The silhouette comes into your vision, revealing a giant...brown...bear.
  176. >And it is a chili pepper shade of red, meaning it must be pissed off.
  177. >"*ROARING NOISE*!"
  178. >"EEP!"
  179. >Kimmy jumps into your arms, flailing around.
  180. >"IT'S GOING TO EAT U-wait, is it a male?"
  181. >His eyes go down the bear, observing it for some reason.
  182. >There is some sighing, and then the wimp gets off of you.
  183. >"It's a female..."
  184. >The beast takes a few steps forward, only to be faced with Harry.
  185. >Bear vs. Bear?
  186. >This...could be a fun watch.
  187. >"Get out of here, guys. I'm the only one of us strong enough to take the thing on."
  188. >Bragging, much?
  189. >Well, then again...there really isn't much different from him and an actual bear, minus the lack of fur on his body.
  190. >The two of them engage is some mild combat, some fisting, scratches, yada yada.
  191. >Harry gets knocked to the ground, and you grab his arm, helping him back up.
  192. >They immediately rush towards their foe and clocks them in the face
  193. >Regardless of how it got here, it still tastes pretty good.
  194. >Your bear friend grabs the fiend in a headlock, and turns to the four of you.
  195. >"What are you idiots doing? Get out of heRE!"
  196. >He gets grabbed by the bear and is being her paw goes down to his thighs.
  197. >"Look, guys, I got this. Just leave and get awa-Oh, that feels...good...really firm and...soft..."
  198. >Oh God, do not want!
  199. >You quickly walk away, though your arm is pulled and you are thrown to the ground.
  200. >"Anon...we still need to get Zack..."
  201. >Oh right, he's not dead.
  202. God damn it Kimmy, I was planning on leaving him behind. And I don't plan on watching bear on bear action, so I'd rather just go. Right now."
  203. >"Well, that's not nice!"
  204. >Your "friend" grabs Zack by the pants, unzipping him.
  205. >After that, he grabs his(small) cock and proceeds to drag him across the ground by it.
  206. >...Wat.
  207. >"I'm just going to focus on the cute birds flying around the place and pretend what we just saw never happened..."
  208. >Simon walks away, and you follow because you'd rather be by the animalfag over the guy pulling another guy's cock.
  209. >...
  210. >You all lie down on the grass once the grunts of hardcore bear action can not be heard.
  211. >At least you weren't watching it.
  212. >Simon is in the fetal position, scared by the fact that a "cute and fluffy" bear is as deviant as a human when it comes to sex.
  213. >"St-Stop...I don't want to fuck you, Mrs. Fluffy..."
  214. >Kimmy drops Zack down, cum dripping from his fingers.
  215. >He looks at his palm, shrugs, and licks the substance off.
  216. >After a couple seconds, the fool drops to the ground, spitting it all out.
  217. >"Zack...that tasted terrible...what did you eat?"
  218. >"I...I ate out a hot b-bitch..."
  219. >Liar.
  220. >"BLEH! You made me taste a women?! Gross!"
  221. >Alright, this is stupid.
  222. Guys, stop being idiots, we have to keep moving, or else we might die out her-
  223. >"A P0NY!"
  224. >You turn and stare at your friend, who is running at something that is yellow
  225. >Yellow and Pink.
  226. >That's the colors Zack used to describe the thing that attacked him.
  227. >Would that mean...
  228. >Wait, he said it had wings to-
  229. >"Anon! It has wings!"
  230. >God damn it.
  231. >Time to attempt to be a "hero" and get your obssesive friend away from something capable of breaking his ribs with one kick.
  232. >You walk up to Simon, who is down on the grass, snuggling with the thing.
  233. >He releases her and turns to you, grinning.
  234. >"Anon, don't you she's the most adorable thing you've ever seen?"
  235. >The creature looks up at you, screams, and runs behind your friend.
  236. >Sounds of girly squeaks escape from it, and it starts to grip on Simon's shirt.
  237. >"P-Please don't hurt me..."
  238. >Huh, didn't think it could talk.
  239. >That should've been expected, considering the fact that most p0nies aren't yellow, they don't have pink hair, and they certainly don't have wings.
  240. >Back to semi-detectiveness.
  241. >Her soft and girly voice makes it seem like she would be WAY too innocent to be capable of hurting anyone in your group.
  242. >She also seems too like she wouldn't be able to hurt a thing, based on her body language.
  243. >The potential-animal-fucker drops back down and gives the yellow horse thing a hug.
  244. >"Shh...don't worry, you cute little button, I'll keep you safe."
  245. >She blushes at his white-knightyness and pecks him on the cheek.
  246. >"Th-Thanks, Simon."
  247. >You hear grunting noises coming from the area you were previously in.
  248. >"Damn it, Kimmy, why do I smell like di-"
  249. >Zack's eyes grow to the size of his face once he notices the yellow p0ny.
  250. >"That's....that's..."
  251. >He eeps loudly, causing leaves to fall into the ground, then slams his feet into the ground and sprints off.
  252. >Wonder why he did that...
  253. >Kimmy wipes his hand on the grass, and runs after him.
  254. >"Zack! where are you going?!"
  255. >They both disappear into the fog before you could attempt to stop them.
  256. >Well, they're fucked.
  257. >Now it's just you and guy who's probably going to fuck the horse he just found.
  258. >"Anon? Can we please keep Fluttershy?"
  259. >Fluttershy?
  260. Um, who's Fluttershy?
  261. >He points at the Pegasus, and she raises one of her hooves.
  262. >"U-Um, I already have a home..."
  263. >"Really? Where?"
  264. >"I-In the forest. I-I'll show you if you just wait a teeny tiny minut-"
  266. >The ground shakes, and the sounds of grunting return.
  267. >*Insert loud roar of a female bear enjoying sex here*
  268. >"I-Is that..."
  269. >*Thud*.
  270. >Simon drops to the ground, probably in realization of what he was listening to.
  271. >You roll your eyes and grab one of his arms, ready to drag him.
  272. Fluttershy, you mind helping me carry this fu-
  273. >You look up to see that she is gone.
  274. Huh. Guess it's just you and me, Simon.
  275. >You start to walk in a random direction whilst dragging your friend, leaving a trail in the ground.
  276. >Since it will probably be difficult to navigate your way through the forest, said trail might actually be useful.
  277. >After about ten minutes of pulling the fool across the land, you drop him in a dirt hole, and plant your arse by a nearby tree, sighing.
  278. God damn it...
  279. >Two of your friends are somewhere in the foggy forest, one is unconscious, and the last one is fucking a bear's brains how.
  280. >Well, isn't this turning out to be a great camping trip...
  281. >"Anon? Why am I in a hole?"
  282. >You look down and see the moron trying to get out, though he fails to get his hand to the top of said hole.
  283. >He looks up at you, tilting his head.
  284. >"How long was I out?"
  285. Only ten minutes.
  286. >You pull out your phone-that-only-exists-for-plot-convenience- to check the time.
  287. Alright, it's around ten as we spea-wait, I can call for help with this!
  288. >You dial nine-one-one, only to see that your phone has no bars, and is almost dead.
  289. >Shit.
  290. Well, Simon, I am ninety-nine percent sure we'll probably die out here, and I am one-hundred percent sure that the yellow p0ny you found won't make it either.
  291. >Simon's eyes grow to the size of his head once you finish your statement.
  292. >Incoming freak out from the guy that is WAY too into animals in
  293. >"WHAT?!"
  294. >He immediately climbs out of the hole with no problem, grabs you, and runs off in a random direction.
  295. >"Let's go, Anon! We have to find her!"
  296. >The amount of force he is using to get your ass off of the ground is enough for you to accidentally trip over your own foot, giving you your first kiss when you slam face-first into the ground.
  297. >You try to get up, but eh, the wet and squishy feeling of dirt connecting with your tongue feels...nice.
  298. >It feels even better in the lower area, despite the fact your crotch is covered.
  299. >The pants you are wearing start to tighten up as time goes on.
  300. >"Anon, even though we're both perma-virgins, fucking the ground is still weird. And we still have to save the fair maiden.
  301. >The nimrod ruins your fun and gets you back on your feet.
  302. >When you approach him, he turns away, covering his eyes.
  303. >"Dude, your dicks hanging out."
  304. >Whoops.
  305. >You zip your erection up, and punch the bastard in the head.
  306. >"Ow..."
  307. That's what you get for cock-blocking me.
  308. >He stops rubbing the area you hit and looks at you in disbelief.
  309. >"A-Are you saying that you would've actually fucked the ground if I didn't stop it?"
  310. >You smile and nod.
  311. Yep. And I know it would've been amazing.
  312. >His right eye twitches for a couple seconds, then he just turns and walks away.
  313. >You follow him because you don't want to be alone.
  314. After a few minutes, the two of you find that you are surrounded by weird looking trees.
  315. >All of them have carved faces, and the branches are in the shape of fingers that are one foot long.
  316. >"A-Anon? I-I not sure this is a safe place to be..."
  317. >You stare at one of the trees, inspecting its many elements.
  318. >It is a dark color, like a shade of purple or black.
  319. >When you run your fingers through it, you feel notice that you are not getting splinters/cuts.
  320. >Weird, since touching a tree would always result in you getting hurt in some way.
  321. >It even got to the point where a tree branch ended up going into a certain part of your body.
  322. >...
  323. >Long story short, you were ear-raped the last time you touched a tree.
  324. >Maybe that could explain the desire to stick your cock in the ground, but that thought must be saved for another time.
  325. >The feeling of leaves appear from behind, and you turn around, though you do not find a single thing, minus your friend who is ten feet away from you.
  326. >Literally every tree around the two of you does not contain anything besides the wood.
  327. >Suspecious...
  328. >After a quick glance at the faces, you notice that there are wooden fangs, and the eyes are in a triangle shape.
  329. >The nose is the same shape as well.
  330. >Somewhat creepy...
  331. >...
  332. >Nah, not really.
  333. >This seems like middle schoolers trying to be scary more than anything else.
  334. >"ROAR!"
  335. >Oh God, they're still going at it?
  336. >Damn.
  337. >You're going to have to get both of them a gift in the future.
  338. >"A-Anon?"
  339. Hm?
  340. >Simon runs behind you, pointing at some behind you.
  341. >"I saw a monster and it's coming for us!"
  342. >There is some more roaring, except this time, the ground shakes and you fall to the ground.
  343. >Sadly, you didn't fall face/crotch first.
  344. >Maybe next time it'll go in your favor.
  345. >Something jumps from the fog, inroducing a creature with a redish mane, a scorpion tail, light brown fur, paws, and wings.
  346. >That description fits one of the creature that you would always encounter in deungeons and dragons.
  347. >A manticore.
  348. >"Anon, that thing is going to kill us!"
  349. >He grips onto your shirt, causing rips on the areas he touched.
  350. >He has a right to be scared, since this thing actually does eat humans, unlike normal animals.
  351. >Wait a second...manticores aren't real.
  352. >How the hell is one in your pressence?
  353. Simon, hide.
  354. >"What?"
  355. >You grab him and push him away from you, moving the beast's attention towards yourself.
  356. This creature is from one a board game that I pla-I mean, used to play. If it's anything like the games version, then I should be able to take it on by myself, without you getting hurt.
  357. >He nods and climbs up a tree.
  358. >"A-Are you sure about this?"
  359. >You crack your knuckles.
  360. Of course I'm sure.
  361. >The creature leaps at you, but it was too slow, allowing you to easily dodge it.
  362. >Alright, now it is open, and all you have to do is attack it like you would in the game.
  363. >You raise your arm, aiming at the beast.
  364. >Nothing happens.
  365. >Huh.
  366. >This would always work in the sessio-
  367. >Wait a freaking fuck.
  368. >You were always the mage when you fought these things!
  369. >Fuck!
  370. >The monster stares at you for a few seconds, then shrugs and continues to rush at you.
  371. Shit!
  372. >You run in a random direction, hoping the gigantic amount of trees and fog could help you lose the manticore.
  373. >If only you had chosen the warrior class.
  374. >That would've probably given you some idea of how to physically hurt this thing.
  375. >*ROAR*
  376. >"Anon! Keep running! The thing is right behind you!"'
  377. >Gee, thanks, Captain Obvious.
  378. >Two thoughts hit your head as you are sprinting away.
  379. >One: How are you still barely outrunning the damn thing?
  380. >Two: The damn thing has wings, can't he just fly over you?
  381. >*MORE ROARING*
  382. >The brute launches itself into the air, landing in front of you.
  383. >Spoke too soon.
  384. >Welp.
  385. >The opposite direction, we must go!
  386. >You slam your feet into the soil, and attempt to do a one-hundred-eighty degree turn.
  387. >Sadly, you were too slow and the fiend swipes at you, ripping your shirt off and stealing one of your shoes in the process.
  388. >That thing will pay for this, once you get an advantage!
  389. >But first, you need to make sure you don't di-
  390. HMPF!
  391. >The damn thing had punched you, sending you into a tree.
  392. >The impact made said tree split into millions of pieces, and had created a crater in the area where you had landed.
  393. >And there's a fire for some reason.
  394. >" got me..."
  395. >You turn and see that Kimmy is right next to you in the fetal position, naked.
  396. >He also has some clear liquid going down his back.
  397. >No time to inspect, the two of you have to run.
  398. >You look through the debris, and see that the monstrosity has no idea where you are.
  399. >It grabs a rock and lifts it, probably with the assumption that you were somehow able to squeeze under it.
  400. >You lean in towards the nudist's ear, hoping he is still able to hear you.
  401. Kimmy, get up. There's a manticore and it's going to kill us if we don't run.
  402. >He doesn't move an inch.
  403. Kimmy?
  404. >"I-I was r-raped..."
  405. >Hm? Raped?
  406. >It does explain why he is naked...
  407. >There is another roar, and you look around to see if there's anything you could us-
  408. >A tree!
  409. >A strange feeling takes over your body as your heartbeat rises.
  410. >Must be adrenaline.
  411. >You grab Kimmy, smirking.
  412. >"Anon...what do you think you're doing?"
  413. Saving your life.
  414. >Using your temporary strength, you throw your friend onto the highest branch, and he connects to it with ease.
  415. >Time to climb the thing, yourself.
  416. >You attempt to jump to the top to join him, but the feeling in your body disappears and you fall on your ass.
  417. >The grass you land on ends up exploding out of the ground, creating an easy-to-see barrier.
  418. >The critter notices the barrier, and makes a run for you.
  419. Crap, crap, crap, crap!
  420. >You jump and grab the closest branch, but it breaks off and you fall down again.
  421. >Shit.
  422. >After more attempts at grabbing branches, you manage to break off all of the parts that you could've climbed.
  423. >The beast smirks at your failing, and readies to attack.
  424. >"EEP!"
  425. >You look up and see that the queer is falling all the way down from the top of the tree.
  426. >Along the way, he slams into branches, rips his shirt, cuts a circle around the crotch area of his pants, gets a thumb-wide cut, breaks a nail, chips his tooth, gets assfucked by one of the remaining branches, cums, and lands on a pile of leaves that shouldn't exist.
  427. >There is a gust of wind that blows all the leaves that were under Kimmy, revealing a gap in the ground.
  428. >He looks down, gulps, then falls down said opening.
  429. >There is a thud, and some dust comes out of the pit.
  430. >You'll get him later.
  431. >First, you have to take care of the ominous manticore who is being...yelled Fluttershy.
  432. >"Now go to them and tell them you're sorry, mister!"
  433. >It looks at you, and carves "the bitch is making me do th-"
  434. >"UNF!"
  435. >The mare punches him in the head, and stares at the creature, causing him to whimper.
  436. >"Apologize. Now."
  437. >The savage looks down and writes "I'm sorry" on the dirt.
  438. >"Thank you. You can go do whatever now, friend!"
  439. >Once it leaves, Fluttershy looks up at you, squeeing.
  440. >Eh, she deserves it.
  441. >You drop down and give her a hug.
  442. >Some of her mane ends up getting into your mouth, and your hands start to sink into her body.
  443. >When you let go of her, you notice that she is walking in a funny way, and there are hand marks on her fur.
  444. >"Fluttershy!"
  445. >Simon jumps out of the tree he was hiding in, and immediately grabs Fluttershy and gives her a tight hug.
  446. >From the looks of it, it seems that his hands are sinking deep into the little horse.
  447. >"Oh, I was so worried that you would get hurt!"
  448. >The Pegasus tries to move away, but fails.
  449. >"'"
  450. >When he lets her go, she falls to the ground on her face, panting.
  451. >"Oops. Sorry about that."
  452. >As he lowers his hand to help her up, she pushes it away, and looks at you.
  453. >"Your muscles looks very..."
  454. >Her wings expand, and she goes into the air, giving you bedroom eyes.
  455. >"...alluring..."
  456. >Alluring?
  457. >Usually when someone says that, they would be trying to get sex.
  458. >But a critter this cute wouldn't be doing that, would she?
  459. >She leans close to your ear, and you can feel the hot breath on your skin.
  460. >" woods...and some hardcore se-"
  461. >"Nonny! I figured out a way to escape this scary hole a way!"
  462. >You turn and see the gayish one jump out of his pit, smiling.
  463. >"All it took was a simple jump! Also, where did that thing that was chasing us go? It was a he, so I thought I'd give the thing a tr-WHY ARE YOU RIGHT NEXT TO HER?!"
  464. >Before you can try to comprehend why he randomly screamed, you see that the nude one has leaped on top of the waist-tall animal, pinning her down.
  465. >"You may have had your way with me, but there is no way I'm letting you touch my two handsome-and-still-virgin friends, you she-devil! And where did you put Zack, anyway?! I can't find him!"
  466. >Tears drip down the p0ny-with-butterfly-painting's face as she strugglesto break free.
  467. >"P-Please let me go..."
  468. >"Never! You'll pay for making my dick touch a vagina!"
  469. >Wait, what?
  470. >He's angry that he had sex with a female?
  471. >That's rather suspicious...
  472. >"Kimmy! Leave the cutie pie alone!"
  473. >Simon gallops and pushes Kimmy over, causing the two of them to crash into a tree.
  474. >"Ow...why'd you do that?"
  475. >Not a second after the sentence was said, the animal molestor gets up and smacks the faggot.
  476. >"That's for trying to hurt her, you asshat."
  477. >"But...but..."
  478. >Simon grabs Kimmy's shirt and brings him up to his face, staring him in the eye.
  479. >"If you ever think of hurting a l cute and cuddly animal again, I. Will. Break. You."
  480. >Gulp.
  481. >Well, time to make sure Fluttershy's safe.
  482. >Now where is that petite thing?
  483. Fluttershy?
  484. >No response.
  485. >Huh, she should be around here somewhere.
  486. >You walk around the trees, scorwering for the shy three-foot-tall, anime-hair-colored mare.
  487. Fluttershyyyyy...
  488. >Still no response.
  489. >You look up at the branches, only getting a glimpse of the beautiful moon.
  490. >For a second, there is an evil laughter, but once you stop to listen, the sound is gone.
  491. >Creepy...
  492. >"Alright, where the hell is Fluttershy?!"
  493. >"I don't know, but listen! She raped me! The same thing happened to Zack, damn it!"
  494. >Rape?
  495. >The hell's he talking about....
  496. >"Anon, you gotta believe me, that thing is evil! We have to find Zack and Harry and immeiately get our sweet asses out of here! But first..."
  497. >Kimmy drops down to his knees, his head by your crotch.
  498. Um, what are you doing?
  499. >He looks up at you, scratching the back of his head.
  500. >"Look Anon, I doubt any of us will survive the night, and I know you're a virgin. I'm a faggot, you're cute, you have a decent-sized cock, and this is the only hole you're probably going to be near for a while, so...wanna do it?"
  501. >...
  502. >He's gay?
  503. You're gay?
  504. >He nods.
  505. >"Yep. Now, are we going to do it, or what?"
  506. >Time to contenpla-
  507. >"AHHHHHH!!"
  508. >That sounded like Harry.
  509. >They're still going at it?
  510. >What. The. Fuck.
  511. >"You know what? I'm just going to look for Fluttershy. Even if she is evil, it'd be a much better experience than having to hear that crap over. And over. And over."
  512. >The future animalologist/whatever-that-profession-is-called stomps the ground as he walks away, leaving shoe marks on the dirt.
  513. >"No, Simon! If you go to her alone, she'll convine you to do whatever she wants! And the fact that you love animals supports this!"
  514. >A tug on your arm forces you towards a sweating faggot.
  515. >"Anon, you have to keep an eye on him. You go find and kill Fluttershy and I'll stay by this tree with a...glorious dick-shaped tree branch."
  516. >Before you can say a word, Kimmy is grabbed by the tree with a wooden cock.
  517. >"Oh, looks like I won't have to do all the work by myself...*insert evil smirk noise here*"
  518. >Oh God, do not want!
  519. >You run off into the fog, following Simon's trail.
  520. >This bastard is going to get himself killed, you know it.
  521. Simon!
  522. >No respon-
  523. >"What?!"
  524. >There is a siloutte in the fog that walks towards you, revealing the ignorant moron.
  525. >"What is it, Anon?"
  526. >Alright, time to choose your words carefully.
  527. >The fool's love for animals could work against you if you say the wrong things.
  528. >...
  529. >"Uh, weren't you going to say something Anon?"
  530. >Oh, screw it.
  531. What's your obsession with this horse? What about her would make risking your life worth it?
  532. >He raises his hand and opens his mouth, though nothing comes out.
  533. Simon? You alright?
  534. >His hands are now rubbing across his chin.
  535. >Guess he's realizing how stupid he has been today.
  536. >"You know what? I just realized that Fluttershy could fly out of here if she was lost. She could go above the trees and find her way to to a safe area, and we wouldn't even have to be around her for that to happen.
  537. >...Close enough.
  538. We should probably go back and get Kimmy before he becomes a treefucker.
  539. >As you start to walk, there is a grip on your shoulder.
  540. >"I'm sorry if I heard this wrong, but did you just say treefucker?"
  541. >You sigh and continue to walk.
  542. It'll make sense once you see it.
  543. >...
  545. >You and Simon are currently watching Kimmy sitting on a tree's "lap", getting his rectum eradicated by a wooden phallus.
  546. >His meat is flopping around, spewing juices everywhere.
  547. >Simon's jaw sank to the ground once he got a glimpse of this horror.
  548. >His eyes are also the size of his entire head, which is kinda creepy.
  549. >Drool drips down from the treefucker's mouth as his partner drags his two-foot-long shaft out of his prostate, and shoves it back it, chipping a part of its material off.
  550. >That's gotta hurt for the both of them.
  551. >Blood drips from Kimmy's anus as the tree's...balls slap against his own.
  553. >Something green explodes from the wood, going all over Kimmy.
  554. >After a couple seconds, he slides off of the wood, with both him and the tree grinning.
  555. >"That...was...amazing..."
  556. >Kimmy proceeds to lick all of the what-you're-assuming-is-tree-cum off of his skin.
  557. >"Oh...*licks* this is...really good..."
  558. >...You are never going to touch that freak once you get out of here.
  559. are we going to find the others?
  560. >"Not...sure, but...could you just...leave me here...for now..."
  561. >Whatever.
  562. Simon, I'll go into the woods and look for the others. You stay here and watch after Kimmy. And don't let him get within fucking distance of a tree.
  563. >He looks at Kimmy's cum-stained body, twitches his eye, shakes his head, and nods.
  564. >"Alright. Just don't get hurt, Anon."
  565. >Heh.
  566. >He thinks that you, out of everyone in the forest, would die.
  567. >Cute.
  568. >You go into the dark fog, holding a flashlight that metaphorically came out if your ass.
  569. >Time to do this.
  570. >After a few minutes of a boring march, a part of a tree breaks off and lands by your foot.
  571. >Eh, it could work as a weapon.
  572. >How it fell? You will never know.
  573. >With one quick swipe, you manage to add said branch into your inventory/up your anus.
  574. >It's a tight fit, but you made it work.
  575. >Now that you have a weapon, you can at least attempt to fight the denizens here.
  576. >Let's see if there is anything else that could help you in this endeavor...
  577. >You turn on the flashlight and aim it at the fog.
  578. >It improves the distance that can be seen, though you still see nothing besides trees, grass, rocks, and bushes.
  579. >Zack should be the first person you should look for, since Harry is probably still with that bear from earlier.
  580. >And he's possibly still fucking her.
  581. >Alright, time to actually start looking for them.
  582. >You pull out the branch, holding it in one hand.
  583. >Hopefully, you don't actually have to use it, though it is a necessity in a dangerous area such as a forest, so having it is nice.
  584. >Leaves-that-shouldn't-exist fly past your head, going in a random direction.
  585. >Since the forest contains way too many things that don't make sense(trees that are alive, a talking p0ny, etc.), it wouldn't be surprising if the wind was trying to get you to go somewhere.
  586. >Eh, at least it's some kind of direction.
  587. >Definitely walking around without knowing where the hell you're going.
  588. >A leaf hits you in the face and slides off, and you let it lead the way, keeping your flashlight on it at all times.
  589. >Don't forget about your original goal, Anon.
  590. >You shake your head, realizing that following a floating leaf isn't the smartest of ideas, and point the beacon all over the place.
  591. >Still no sign of Za-wait, there's a gold chain.
  592. >You run up to the object, looking around.
  593. >No sign of Zack, but his sunglasses are a couple feet away from the fake metal.
  594. >Good, seems like you might actually find him.
  595. >Turns out there is a really big trail of his objects.
  596. >You followed it, wondering where the swaggot is.
  597. >If his stuff is here, then he should be close by...
  598. >The trail ends with his headphones, which are split in half.
  599. >You look up at the trees.
  600. >Maybe there was something up there that you missed.
  601. >With a quick glance, you can confirm that nothing is up there.
  602. Zack! Where are you?!
  603. >Yet a-fucking-gain, there isn't a pee-
  604. >"Hi Anon."
  605. AH!
  606. >You jump and land on your ass.
  607. >The stick stabs itself into the soil, and doesn't budge when you try to pull it out.
  608. >Damn it.
  609. >"So...what are you doing out here alone, Anon?"
  610. >You look up at Fluttershy, scratching the back of your head.
  611. I'm just looking for a frie-wait, how do you know my name?
  612. >"Oh, I overheard it when you were talking with Simon."
  613. >Oh.
  614. >"You never answered my question."
  615. >Right...
  616. I'm looking for a friend of mine. His name is Zack. He had sunglasses, wore a pair of giant headphones, carries an ipod around with hi-wait, you don't know what most of the things I'm talking about are, do you?
  617. >She shakes her head.
  618. >"Nope, not a single thing, besides the sunglasses."
  619. >She knows about sunglasses?
  620. >OK then.
  621. >" there anyp0ny in your life that you cherish, Anon? Somep0ny you just want to mount and shove your large cock in?
  622. >Memories of past girlfriends flood your mind as she finishes asking her question.
  623. >...
  624. >There wasn't a single memory. None at all.
  625. No, not really.
  626. >The petite mare grins and walks a different direction with her hips swaying for some reason.
  627. >It's giving you a view of her flanks, though you do not have a single reaction towards it.
  628. >"Oh, well maybe I could help you."
  629. >Her tail lifts up, giving you a view of-OH GOD, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HER PUSSY?!
  630. >It keeps opening and closing, as if it's a door.
  631. >A clear juice flows from it down to the ground, causing a feeling of nausea to take over your body.
  632. >"You like what you see?"
  633. >The movement increases in speed, and vomit exits you mouth.
  634. N-No. P-Please put that a-away.
  635. >"Why? Wh-What's wrong with i-wait, are you a faggot?"
  636. >Huh?
  637. >Why would she ask tha-
  638. >"It's OK, Anon. It just means that we're going to have more fun before we get to the good stuff..."
  639. >She bats her eyes at you, biting her lower lip.
  640. Uh...what are you doing...
  641. >The creepy horse starts taking steps towards you.
  642. >Everytime she moves towards you, you move back at an equal pace.
  643. >"Why are you moving away, there a reason you don't want me to defile that perfect body of yours? Do you want to end up getting killed like your sunglasses-wearing friend did?"
  644. >Sweat drips down your face as you end up walking into a wall.
  645. >Crap!
  646. >"Looks like you don't have anywhere to go, Anon..."
  647. >She flies up to your ear, her breath feeling very warm.
  648. >"I'm going to make this amazing for you."
  649. >There is a roar from the distance, causing Fluttershy to eep and slam into you.
  650. >It sends the two of you flying, and you slam into a boulder.
  651. >When you land on the floor, pain soars through your lower back as you sink into the plushie-like ground.
  652. >Damn it...guess this is it...
  653. >Never expected that getting raped by a cute and cuddly horse would be how you would go...
  654. >You close your eyes, accepting your new fate.
  655. >...
  656. >"Um, Anon? You're on top of me and I can't get up."
  657. >Face? Re-meet palm.
  658. >"You're crushing my chest...and I think I'm running out of...air..."
  659. >This is fucking pathetic.
  660. >"P-Please? This really hurts."
  661. >You can only muster the strength to turn your head at her.
  662. Why should I let you go when you just tried to rape me?
  663. >She looks down, twiddling her hooves.
  664. >"Um, because your really cute?"
  665. >Your face gives no emotion as she smiles with sweat dripping down her face.
  666. >After a couple more seconds of crushing the demon, she crosses her hooves and rolls her eyes.
  667. >"Fine, I won't make you have sex with me."
  668. >Blood pumps through your arms and you manage to get back up, arms crossed at the rapists.
  669. >Her crushed body slowly inflates back.
  670. >"Th-Thank you."
  671. >She looks up at you, squeeing.
  672. >"Does this mean you like me?"
  673. >OK, this fucking bitch is stupid.
  674. >You grab her tail, and she tries to flap her wings in an attempt to get away.
  675. >It doesn't work.
  676. >"Hmpf, let me go!"
  677. Not until you promise to leave me and my friends alone.
  678. >"But I need some of your hot monkey dic-"
  679. >*Insert slapping noise here*.
  680. NO.
  681. >A red mark appears on Fluttershy's face, and she nods, whimpering.
  682. >"O-OK..."
  683. >Her front hooves connect with your chest, knocking you to the ground.
  684. >"If you don't want a piece of this ass, that's your loss, faggot."
  685. >She vanishes into the fog, leaving you alone.
  686. >Time to make sure everyone else is safe.
  687. >Except for Zack, because that swagfag deserved to get killed.
  688. >"Anon!"
  689. >The ground shakes as the familiar voice gets closer to you by each second.
  690. >It sounds like...
  691. >"It's me, Harry!"
  692. >Yep, it's your bear friend.
  693. >Wonder why he ran up to you and just hugged you right now.
  694. >"Dude...I was worried that you guys were all dead...I just left you there in the fog, with no way to survive."
  695. >Oxygen leaves your lungs as the hug gets tighter.
  697. >He drops you and you fall on the floor with a *pomf* sound.
  698. >"Whoops. Sorry about that, bro."
  699. >*ROAR*
  700. >The bear from before approaches the two of you, smiling.
  701. H-Harry...why is that thing coming at us...
  702. >"Oh, about that..."
  703. >The female animal stands up, revaling a ring on one of her paws.
  704. >"We kinda got married..."
  705. >...
  706. >WHAT?!
  707. WHAT?!
  708. >Your jaw slams into the ground.
  709. >"Don't worry, dude..."
  710. >He leans into your ear.
  711. >"...she's amazing in the sack."
  712. >...That's not why you screamed.
  713. >But it could be added to the list of reasons why you screamed.
  714. >"She's also the only thing capable of handling someone as strong as me."
  715. >Uh...let's just pretend that his reason is logical.
  716. You know what? I'm not even going to question it. Let's just get back to the others.
  717. >They nod and the three of you walk into the fog, hoping that the others are safe.
  718. >...
  719. >The march back is rather boring, and it makes you wish that you didn't make Fluttershy to go away yet.
  720. >She may have been evil, but at least she wasn't a snooze-fest.
  721. >You see two shilloetes, assuming they are your two friends.
  722. >The gay one, and the animal fucker.
  723. >For some reason, Kimmy is tied up, from neck to toe.
  724. >"Simon, could you pleeeease let me out? I promise I won't fuck the trees a third time."
  725. >He fucked the trees again?
  726. >God damn it, Simon.
  727. >"Fine, but I'm keeping your hands tied."
  728. >"OK..."
  729. >He procceds to untie the idiot, and they both get up, noticing you.
  730. >"Oh, hi Nonny."
  731. >Kimmy tries to wave with one of his restricted hands.
  732. >It barely moves.
  733. Alright, you guys ready to get out of here?
  734. >The two nod at first, then change end up tilting their head.
  735. >"Uh, Nonny? How are we going to get all the way back to town?"
  736. >"Rawr!"
  737. >"What's that, beautiful?"
  738. >He leans down towards the bear, and she says something that you can't quite decipher.
  739. >"What? You're going to give all of us a ride? But that's impossible!"
  740. >"Rawr."
  741. >"OK...if you say so..."
  742. >Harry hops on top of his wife, and motions for the rest of you to do the same.
  743. >You all comply, and the four of you ride off into the sunset.
  744. >Actually, she just takes you back home, and you celebrate by instantaneously running into your house, masturbating for the rest of the night.
  745. >And Simon may have seen it, since you left the door open and did it in the living room of the house that you both live in.
  746. >The end.
  748. [spoiler]SECRET ENDING!
  749. >A week later...
  750. >You open your eyes, waking up to the smell of dirt.
  751. What the hell is that smell...
  752. >Getting up, you look back at your bed, inspecting it.
  753. >There is a circle of brown on top of the covers.
  754. >What?
  755. >You always clean the sheets daily, so this is rather unusual.
  756. >Something pink catches your eye, causing you to pick up the pillow.
  757. >There's hair on it.
  758. >Odd...
  759. A speck of yellow fur on the floor catches your eye, and you pick it up.
  760. >Yellow hair...
  761. >Would that mean...
  762. >No, she can't be here, she said that she would stay away from you guys.
  763. >But then again, the villian never listens to the hero.
  764. >A baseball bat flies through the window and lands in your hands.
  765. >Not really a smart way of getting a weapon, but it works.
  766. >The door creaks open, though no one is on the other side.
  767. >It's either the wind or...
  768. >The curtains fly up and smack you in the face.
  769. >Yep, it's the wind.
  770. >With the bat in hand, you slowly walk into the living room.
  771. >Something is definitely wrong.
  772. >The television isn't on, the fridge is wide open, and the house reaks of sex.
  773. Simon?
  774. >"Yeah?"
  775. >There are footsteps, and you see that the animal lover is wearing clothes, and has a fat stomach.
  776. >He normally pulls a nudist for the first hour of the day, so this isn't normal at all.
  777. >"Did you want something, Anon?"
  778. >Sweat drips down his face, and something slips out of his shir-is that a pink tail?
  779. Simon, what is tha-
  780. >"EEP!"
  781. >A yellow thing crashes into the floor, with stars around its head.
  782. >"Ow..."
  783. >That voice...
  784. >Fucking Fluttershy!
  785. Simon! What the hell is she doing here?!
  786. >"Well, Anon..."
  787. >The two of them move close to each other, and nuzzle their heads together.[/spoiler]
  788. [spoiler]>"...cute yellow ponies are my fetish."[/spoiler]
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