
PeneloQuinn SCU

Nov 28th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn laid across her bed, her textbook open to one side of her with her laptop open directly in front of her. Her arm was propped underneath her chin, her lips in a pout as she scrolled through the social media page browsing pictures of her friends living it up and having fun together back home. She let out a soft sigh, chewing on the inside of her cheek and completely neglecting her research to be homesick instead.-
  2. Tsaaq: Penelope flipped through the pages of the sketch book she had purchased earlier in the day. She inhaled it's scent as the pages turned before the book came to a close. She let out a relaxed sigh and stood from her squishy couch and went out her door, going down the hall to Quinn's room. She poked out her large lips a moment and went to reach for the door knob. Penelope shook her head at herself and knocked on the door with her free hand.
  3. Alexithymiaa: (YAYYY PENELOPE)
  4. Tsaaq: ((Shush!))
  5. Alexithymiaa: -She lifted her eyes from the screen of her computer to look toward the door when she heard the knock, not actually moving or changing her pout or lifting her head or literally anything. She only called out. "Come in."-
  6. Tsaaq: "Hello Q." Penelope greeted sweetly. "Are you busy?" She asked, opening the door all the way and leaned against the door with her face pressed against the side. "Your little roommate isn't home yet?" Penelope tilted her head.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, no. I was just..." She paused, looking at her computer screen again before pushing the top closed. "Working." She tugged her 'Q' pillow over to wrap her arms around it, letting her head rest on top of it. "No, she's not. I haven't seen her in here yet. I was hoping to have a few moments with her to go over some roommate rules I'd like us to mutually respect for one another."-
  8. Smokeless: Bea walked out of her room her heels clicking against the wooden floor in the silent kitchen. she had her phone to her ear listening to the other person on the other end. she smiled grabbing a pizza from the freezer and placed it on a pizza pan and stuck it in the oven leaning against the counter listening."oh okay. uh huh..well i am not sure."
  9. Tsaaq: "A good method." She nodded her head slowly. "May I join you?" Penelope requested politely. She held her sketchbook to her chest as she stood up straight in the doorway.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Of course. Come sit." She said, patting the brightly colored comforter next to her with a smile. "And thank you for knocking before coming in. I really appreciate that."-
  11. Smokeless: Bea hung up the phone and she made her way up the steps only to stop half way"hey I am making pizza if anyone is home and wants some. If not thats cool too." she shrugged her shoulders some.
  12. Tsaaq: Penelope smiled and went to sit down on the bed beside Quinn and opened up the sketch book to the page after the first and clutched her charcoal pencil. "I figured I should respect your wishes if you're going to like me." She said. Her head raised at Bea's announcement. "Did you want pizza?" She asked Quinn. Because she certainly didn't.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Her head popped up a bit at Bea calling out for pizza, raising her brows. "Pizza?" She asked, clearly interested because Quinn and food, bro. "I could go for some pizza." She pushed to sit up on her butt, propping her hand underneath her to hold up her torso. "Thank you, Penelope. And I do like you, I just like my privacy as well."-
  14. Smokeless: Bea went back to the kitcehn to check up on the pizza. she sat on the counter with ehr legs crossed. she held her phone up taking a selfie and sending it out to someone. she smiled and jsut focused on her phone
  15. Tsaaq: "I've come to relaize that. I understand. I suppose I can be overbearing." She said as she nodded her head. "Come on." Penelope sighed as she put down her sketch book on the bed and went to help Quinn up to her feet. "Let's get downstairs and grab you a slice." She started to laugh.
  16. Alexithymiaa: -She dragged herself up off the bed, straightening out her Wonder Woman pajamas because she's a nerd, but also female empowerment. "You don't want any?" She asked her as she she took her hand more for the closeness thing than the help thing.-
  17. Smokeless: Bea pulled the pizza out of the oven setting it on top and turning the oven off. she found the pizza cutter and cut the pizza up
  18. Tsaaq: Penelope pressed her lips against each other and shook her head as she went to lead Quinn out of the bedroom. "Not particulary..." She replied. "I'm not very hungry right now." She said. "But I suppose if you're having a slice, I'll indulge in a nibble?" Penelope went down the stairs and into the kitchen, waving at Bea. "Is the pizza finished?" She inquired.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "We can share." She said to Penelope with a smile, feeling considerably less homesick now that she was spending time with Penelope and definitely did not let go of the female's hand once they were out of the room. Better get used to that throuple shit. Making her way down the stairs, she stiffed the air, her eyes falling on the pizza that Bea had pulled out of the oven. "It smells wonderful."-
  20. Smokeless: Bea turned"yeah its done." she smiled and placed a piece for herself on a plate."I can't eat a whole pizza by myself but im pretty hungry." she smiled to them both and leaned on the counter blowing on her pizza before takign a bite.
  21. Tsaaq: She nodded her head. "That sounds just fine to me." Penelope smiled as her eyes went to look at the pizza that was now on the counter. "Which piece do you want?" She asked Quinn, not letting go of the other female's hand either, in fact she was playfully swinging their hands back and forth. "I couldn't imagine eating a whole anything by myself." She said in reply to Bea. "Maybe a bowl of grapes?"
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Hmmm..." She said as she looked the pizza over, inspecting the slices like it actually mattered which one she selected because they were all going to taste the same. "This one looks good." She said as she picked up one of the slices at random and bit into the tip of it before holding it out toward Penelope for a bite. "I could probably eat a whole pizza by myself if I'm hungry enough. I've done it once before."-
  23. Smokeless: Bea shrugged."I don't really gain weight. I really have to eat alot to gain weight. I've always been that way though." she shrugged her shoulders.She took another bite slurping the gooey cheese into her mouth.
  24. Tsaaq: She snickered and went to take her turn taking a bite of the pizza. "I don't think I've been that hungry before. Perhaps sometimes before my menses." She admitted in a quiet voice. Penelope turned to look Bea over and raised her eyebrow skeptically. "Oh." She whispered as she looked away and shifted her gaze to Quinn.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "I'm that hungry like.. at least once a week." She said with a smile, taking another bite of the pizza once Penelope took her bite. She pursed her lips at Bea's comment about her weight, shifting her gaze to look at Penelope. "You might be able to eat an entire bowl of my mashed potatoes. I told Thorn I'd make more since he keeps raving about them, so this time you get to have some."-
  26. Tsaaq: Penelope laughed and took her bite once more. She watched Bea wander off to her room. "I'd like to try your mash potatoes. I'm really interested if it's as delicious as he claims. And I have no reason to doubt his judgment. Since food is sort of one of this things." She said. "She's dreaming if she thinks she can eat whatever she wants without gaining mass." Penelope leaned in to whisper to Quinn then covered her mouth with her free hand as she giggled.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "They're not hard to make, so maybe this weekend I'll make some for you guys." She said with a smile, finishing off their slice of pizza and grabbing for a napkin to wipe her hands off. "I know. I went through a phase a year or so ago when my eating habits were catching up with me a bit, but I just upped the amount of time I spend dancing and it balances out for me."-
  28. Tsaaq: "That's very smart. And you like to dance so it's almost like it isn't exercise at all." Penelope laughed. She went to the sink and washed her hands then went over to Quinn again and leaned her head on her shoulder a moment before playing with the ends of her hair. "When we get back up to the room, can I sketch you?" She asked her softly.
  29. Alexithymiaa: -She tipped her head in to rest against Penelope's gently, falling silent for a moment because no one's ever asked to sketch her before. "Sketch me?" She repeated with interest before lifting her head off the redheads. "I think that would be kind of cool, actually. Yes, you can sketch me."-
  30. Tsaaq: Penelope started to grin at her. "Yay!" She cheered with her pearly whites showing as she clapped her hands then went to take Quinn's hand. "I was thinking yesterday. About what you and Thorn said about me still doing my art... I do miss it. It's not much but sketching is always a good start. Especially when my subject is so lovely." Penelope complimented as she swayed back and forth.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Of course it's a good start. And I'd love to be a part of helping you begin again." She laced her fingers with Penelope's easing away from the counter to begin walking across the kitchen. "Come on, let's go back upstairs. This is kind of exciting for me. I'm not very artistic so I'm interested to see you work."-
  32. Tsaaq: She walked towards the stairs with Quinn. "Marvelous idea." Penelope said with an excited squeal. "I suppose it's a special occasion. I've seldom shared my artwork with anyone. But I don't want to hide it from you or Thorny."
  33. Alexithymiaa: "I don't want you to hide it. We just want to support you." She said with another smile as she started up the stairs with Penelope. "My room or yours?"-
  34. Tsaaq: "Well, it feels nice." She started to smile. "So thank you." Penelope sighed. "Which ever makes you feel more comfortable?" Penelope asked. "Either way I'll just be drawing you and such... I think my room so we can have privacy. You can lay on my bed if you like?"
  35. Alexithymiaa: "That works for me. Although I can't promise I won't fall asleep if I'm lying on your bed." She turned and walked over toward Penelope's room, stepping inside and making her way over to the bed to take a seat. "What should I do? Should I take my hair out or pose or something?"-
  36. Tsaaq: "Just lay naturally darling, I'm going to grab my sketch book." She called out. "Either way I'll be capturing your naturally beauty." Penelope reemerged with her sketch book and sat on the edge of the bed with Quinn so she'd still be close to her and even if she did fell asleep it'd be okay. Because then she'd have more poses and a cuddle partner. Win win.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Okay." She moved her hands to her hair, pulling out the small hair ties that held her braids at the ends. Shaking her fingers through her hair, she stretched to lay on her side, holding her head with her hand and letting her hair fall around her shoulders. She only held it for a moment before sliding down to rest her head on the bed. "How is this?"-
  38. Tsaaq: Penelope began to sketch carefully with soft yet precise strokes of her charcoal pencil. "Very lovely." She replied as she started to draw. A crease forming between her ginger eyebrows as she remained focused and observant. Smiling every so often as she fell silent. The only soundtrack being the sound of her pencil against her paper and her easy breathing.
  39. Alexithymiaa: -Considering Quinn wasnt actually doing anything, but lying there and being comfortable and it was late, her eyes grew heavy and she was eventually unable to keep them open any longer. Giving in, she drifted off to sleep on Penelope's bed.-
  40. Tsaaq: ((-pats- Sleep tight sleepy sleepyhead.))
  41. Alexithymiaa: (bahahahahaa what)
  43. Alexithymiaa: (Q is already a nickname!)
  44. Tsaaq: ((Only Penelope calls her it and if anybody else does they will perish.))
  45. Alexithymiaa: (Bro Angel and Libi call her Q. not that they really exist anymore, but theyre canon for her.)
  46. Tsaaq: ((LISTEN.))
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