

Feb 20th, 2017
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  1. [12:37 PM] Gary2346: hey yo tony I have a request
  2. [12:37 PM] Gary2346: so I was talking about this to some guys in QC group last night
  3. [12:38 PM] Gary2346: because I'm salty as fuck
  4. [12:38 PM] Gary2346: and I really wanted to make a discussion thread about possible alternative methods to potentially modify OU's suspecting system
  5. [12:39 PM] Gary2346: ie something like UU has been doin considering that last gen they had one of the most balanced metas in the shortest amount of time up until they had a fuck ton of drops
  6. [12:39 PM] Gary2346: atm there's not really a place to discuss this which is why I think a new thread needs to be created
  7. [12:40 PM] Gary2346: I was thinking about making a post in PR but I would prefer it just to be directed towards the OU community and I want everyone to see it, not just badged users, and PR oftentimes is just fool of higher up or irrelevant badged users that think they are entitled to an opinion despite not having touched OU
  8. [12:41 PM] Gary2346: so would I be able to do something like that?
  9. [12:41 PM] Gary2346: ik discussion might turn sour but it's to be expected tbh, and as long as I get the idea out there I honestly dont care
  10. [12:42 PM] Subject 18: hmm
  11. [12:43 PM] Subject 18: the best place to post this is probably either in IS or in PR. if its in IS it will only get seen by badged users and have better discussions and might be less active. but if you post in PR everyone sees it but only badged users and a handful of non badged users will be able to post
  12. [12:44 PM] Subject 18: like yeah I also agree with you
  13. [12:44 PM] Subject 18: on changing the suspect system
  14. [12:44 PM] Subject 18: because right now it takes forever to reach a good/stable point meta wise
  15. [12:45 PM] Subject 18: I would PM carson or someone in Senoir staff
  16. [12:45 PM] Subject 18: hmm
  17. [12:45 PM] Subject 18: thinking about it
  18. [12:46 PM] Subject 18: I'm trying to think of how its going to affect the tour scene
  19. [12:46 PM] Subject 18: cuz if bans happen often it changes the dynamic of how they build/prep and the meta a lot
  20. [12:46 PM] Subject 18: which sucks and I know a lot of tour players dont like
  21. [12:47 PM] Gary2346: i just think that maybe it should start off in OU an djust go from there
  22. [12:47 PM] Gary2346: because I really think OU is lacking in this sort of discussion
  23. [12:47 PM] Gary2346: it's basically just
  24. [12:47 PM] Subject 18: maybe
  25. [12:47 PM] Gary2346: like 3 threads
  26. [12:47 PM] Subject 18: but generally policy thread arent the best in OU forums
  27. [12:48 PM] Subject 18: while I do agree
  28. [12:48 PM] Subject 18: we need more good discussion
  29. [12:48 PM] Subject 18: the OU forums is probs not the best way to get it out there
  30. [12:48 PM] Subject 18: idk
  31. [12:48 PM] Gary2346: yeh I see what you're saying
  32. [12:48 PM] Subject 18: talk to Finch
  33. [12:48 PM] Gary2346: it's just that I hate posting in PR
  34. [12:48 PM] Subject 18: since hes online rn
  35. [12:48 PM] Gary2346: because it's almost like a circlejerk
  36. [12:48 PM] Subject 18: he can give some insight
  37. [12:48 PM] Subject 18: as well
  38. [12:48 PM] Gary2346: I did talk to finch he just kinda memed me lol
  39. [12:48 PM] Subject 18: .
  40. [12:49 PM] Subject 18: what did he say
  41. [12:49 PM] Gary2346: he said PR but he agreed that it would probably just be shut down
  42. [12:49 PM] Gary2346: because of what I said about
  43. [12:49 PM] Gary2346: badged users who think they are entitled to an opinion but really dont have a say
  44. [12:50 PM] Gary2346: because so many people hate on the koko method for absolutely no reason
  45. [12:50 PM] Gary2346: despite it being
  46. [12:50 PM] Gary2346: so good at what it does
  47. [12:50 PM] Gary2346: so idk
  48. [12:50 PM] Gary2346: I would still prefer it to start out in just the OU community because I dont think something like this should be 100% taboo to talk about(edited)
  49. [12:50 PM] Gary2346: which is kinda what it seems like
  50. [12:51 PM] Gary2346: it also just gives other people a place to give their overall thoughts
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