
SAAiE: Day Thirty Six, Part One: IatCoI

Feb 5th, 2013
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  3. It’s the day of Diamond Tiara’s birthday party. Despite losing a few hours yesterday naming ALL 372 TARANTULINGS with Fluttershy, I think I’ve gotten enough time with the guitar and songbirds to be able to perform. The party starts at 2:00 and ends at 8:30. It’s already 1:20, so I don’t have much time left. First things first though, lunch. It’d be rude to spend time eating at the party, so I decide to have a nutritious lunch of banana bread, almonds, and ‘Trottingham Prairies 100% Natural Milk’ (taste the freshness), for a sweet and nutritious meal that will keep me satisfied and give me the energy needed to play outside. I end up giving a fourth of it to Limberg the mouse however. He’s kind of a mooch.
  4. Fluttershy: It’s already forty minutes past two, shouldn’t you be out by now?
  5. Myself: I have a wrist-watch, but thank you for heads up Fluttershy.
  6. Fluttershy: Of course Anon…what’s a “wrist watch”.
  7. I pull down my sleeve showing my watch.
  8. FS: Oh yeah. I forgot about that thing.
  9. M: I’m always a little late so I can show up when a parties in full motion, but you’re right, I should be leaving.
  10. I get up, but a certain desire keeps me from leaving.
  11. M: I know you’re not invited, but would you like to…walk with me to the mansion?
  12. Fluttershy’s modest smile gets a little less modest.
  13. FS: Sure thing Anon.
  14. Out of nowhere Veronica hops onto my shoulder to tag along. Without a nest to look after, and all of her children departed across the corners of Equestria, she can pretty much do as she pleases now. She’s finally free from responsibility.
  15. M: I kind of just wanted the two of us.
  16. Veronica gives me an extraordinarily sad face. Darn it, I can’t reject those puppy-dog eyes
  17. M: Fine. You can come too.
  18. She shnuggles my cheek and soon crawls to my bowler hat.
  19. M: Let’s go.
  20. As we strolls through the streets, I hear the all too familiar lyre of Lyra nearby. It’s got a bit of a free form jazz kind of vibe. I still have twenty five bits left from when I ploughed Berry Punch’s plot a couple of weeks ago. I was saving it for paying back Rarity, but I doubt she’d mind having 120 bit instead of 125 bits. I should walk by and give her some bits. Good thing I always keep ten bits in my wallet.
  21. Once we reach her, I stop and proceed to make a bit off small talk.
  22. Myself: Nice playing Lyra.
  23. I drop five bits in her lyre case.
  24. Lyra: Thanks Anon. You know there’s a spider on your hat, right?
  25. M: It’s actually a tarantula. They have eight legs, while spiders only have six.
  26. L: Well, I guess I just learned something…So what’s up with the guitar, finally trying to get good at it?
  27. Her music’s getting a lot more perky and just reached a sharp key change.
  28. M: Kind of, I’ve actually spent the last couple of days learning a song for Diamond Tiara.
  29. L: Diamond Tiara? Why her?
  30. M: Well, she paid me to show up at her birthday, and she wanted me to play a song for her?
  31. Lyra’s hoof gives an unsatisfying sour note that’s plucked so loudly that you’d almost expect her string to pop.
  32. L: Oh…Y-you’re playing at parties now?
  33. Her music’s becoming really disjointed and inconsistent. Despite attending a liberal arts college, this music is too abstract to even classify.
  34. L: That’s…great Anon.
  35. Why am I getting this horrible feeling in my gut? Come on Anon. It has something to do with…Lyra’s couch? Yeah. OH YEAH!
  37. (Lyra: And then Bon Bon got all grumpy, and I had to sleep on the couch. WE HAVE SEPARATE BEDS BUT I STILL HAD TO SLEEP ON THE COUCH!
  38. Myself: Well…it is what it is. It’s a comfy couch though.
  39. L: Pfff. It’s not very pretty though. It’s waaay too old. I wish I could buy a new one, but it’s not like I have that kind of money.
  40. Bon Bon: That’s because you don’t have a real job.
  41. L: Don’t tell me how to run my life Bon Bon!
  42. Lyra grumpily stuffs a bunch truffle into her mouth, but still continues to speak.
  43. L: I’ll get hired for something soon. *chew chew* I’m sure of it.)
  45. I feel like a colossal jerk-off right now.
  46. Myself: It’s not like I’ll be making a career from this though. This is probably just a one-time thing.
  47. Lyra rolls her eyes in disbelief.
  48. Lyra: Sure it is.
  49. Her cheeks are puffed out in a grumpy expression, so I do the one thing any sensible person would do; cuddle her, pet the heck out of her mane, and ask for forgiveness in the cutest babby voice possible.
  50. M: Please don’t be mad at me Lyra.
  51. Her body begins to tremble as my fingers do their magic.
  52. Eventually her grump face drops, her music goes back to its jazzy beebopishness, and she gives an accepting sigh.
  53. L: I can’t stay mad at you Anon.
  54. M: Thanks Lyra.
  55. I drop another five bits in her case and head off.
  56. L: Have fun.
  57. I’m feeling good, so good I’m actually waving to other ponies as I walk to Diamond’s home. Today will be a good day, I can already tell. We finally make it to the gate of the Rich manor.
  58. Myself: Thanks for coming with me guys.
  59. Fluttershy: Anytime Anon.
  60. I pull Veronica off of my hat, and place her in Fluttershy’s mane
  61. M: I’ll see you two later.
  62. As Fluttershy and Veronica depart, I slowly approach the door, hyping myself up as much as possible. I’m going to make this worth every bit Mr. Rich is paying, even if I ruin my arm in the process. Daffodil the Donkey Maid opens the door.
  63. Daffodil: Well, if it isn’t the human. Please come with me.
  64. I walk with Ms. Daffodil until the sounds of music and children guide us to the backyard. Diamond’s backyard is beautiful with a finely tiled marble patio, and a shrubbery that’s blooming with flowers and berries. It looks even better due to the many balloons and streamers that decorate it, along with a massive banner that I assume says “Happy Birthday Diamond Tiara”.
  65. The place is packed with foals including Twist, Snips, Snails, Licketty Split, Rumble, Pipsqueak, Truffle Shuffle, Silver Spoon, and of course, Diamond Tiara. Silver and Diamond are wearing an adorable pair of dresses that I’m sure were made by Rarity. Diamond's dress is red and dark pink with an emerald brooch set in gold, Silver’s is blue and yellow with a yellow sash and bow to complement the dress. Some ponies are talking, a few at the buffet having punch and cramming their face in the deserts, and others are dancing to the sugary techno house rock pop music being emitted from the speakers of the one and only DJ Pon-3. This doesn’t really seem like the kind of party she’d be at, but as far as I know, she’s Ponyville’s ONLY disk jockey, so I guess she’s a natural choice for parties/weddings/fashion shows. I’ve been here long enough to not spill spaghetti over the fan favorites, so I do not react to Pon-3’s presence.
  66. Diamond Tiara’s face lights up as she sees that I’ve arrived.
  67. Diamond: ANON!
  68. I practically throw the guitar strap around Daffodil before running in, and slide into a hug on my knees.
  69. Myself: DIAMOND!!!
  70. I ignore the slight stinging sensation in my left arm and begin rubbing cheek to cheek with her. She takes the unexpected action, and begins petting my head. This is a really surreal moment for me, but I let it pass.
  71. M: Are you ready to have the bestest birthday EVER!?
  72. DT: You bet! This is going to be so much fun, and best of all, my Daddy’s here.
  73. She waves to her father who’s watching the party in the background. He gives a bit of a smile and waves back.
  74. DT: I can’t remember the last time he’s been to one of my birthdays.
  75. M: Well ain’t that sweet.
  76. I toss her into the air and despite her giant dress, manage to plop her onto my shoulders. With a firm grip on her legs, I stand up bringing her to the sky, and run straight into the dance floor. Diamond clamps around my body at first, but her fear is quickly replaced with excitement.
  77. DT: Keep running!
  78. She laughs as her forelegs let free into the air, and I begin to pick up my pace. The foals below watch in excitement as I run laps around her gigantic backyard. I eventually stop in the dance floor and let her down to her friends.
  79. Twist: Whoa. He’th even taller than latht time I thaw him.
  80. Silver Spoon: You are SO cool for getting the human to show up.
  81. DT: I know right!?
  83. The voice of Sweetie Belle grabs my attention from behind.
  84. Sweetie: ANON!?
  85. I turn around and see Sweetie Belle running to me with the Crusaders tailing behind her.
  86. Sweetie’s wearing a very classy white top, with a dark aqua green skirt bow combo. Absolutely adorable. I’m sure Rarity planned this, because our outfits actually complement each other.
  87. M: Oh my gosh. LOOK AT YOU!
  88. SB: DO YOU LIKE IT!?
  89. M: You look adorable!
  90. I lift her up into a massive bear hug and sway her from side to side. She’s giggling the whole time until I eventually put her down.
  91. Apple Bloom: Hey Anon.
  92. Hug.
  93. M: Hey Apple Bloom. Hey Scoots.
  94. Hug.
  95. Scootaloo: I told you not to call me…*sigh* Hey Anon.
  96. I notice a particularly upbeat song playing over the basses, and my right foot begins to tap rhythmically to the beat.
  97. Sweetie: You wanna dance?
  98. Diamond pushes Sweetie Belle out of the way.
  99. Diamond: Back off blank-flank, I get the first dance!
  100. Trying not to have the situation escalate, I crouch down and pull Diamond upon her hind hooves.
  101. Myself: Don’t worry Sweetie, you’ll get the next dance.
  102. SB: Oh. Okay then.
  103. We begin to boogie down with shuffles, tosses, and twist all over the place. We pull more and more attention from the fillies until it turns into a drowning wave of “GO ANON! GO ANON!”. Dancing with someone who barely reaches your waist is awkward, especially when they’re not naturally bipedal, but darn it, I’m doing my best.
  104. As we dance, I grab Diamond’s hoof and begin twirling her. Twirl after twirl, I rotate her about twelve times before letting her go. She spins across the ground before dizzily stumbling and finally collapsing on the dance floor. Immediately an orange filly with a sun bleached mane and sun-butt cuts in.
  105. Orange filly: I’m Sunny Daze.
  106. I try to walk around the foal, but her legs shuffle in my way no matter what I do.
  107. SD: Can I dance with you?
  108. Diamond’s then carried off by a white Pegasus foul. Eh, she’ll be fine.
  109. M: I guess so.
  110. We begin to jive.
  111. Soon more dancing ponies begin to enter; Rumble and Lemon Daze, Licketty Split and Piña Colada, and a bunch of fillies, trying to dance with me.
  112. Dinky: Mr. Anon, I’m Dinky Doo. Can I dance with you?
  113. Myself: B-but Sunny Daze-
  114. Twist: You’ll have time for me though, right Mr. Anonymouth?
  115. M: Sure Twist, but I’m not even-
  116. Silver: I’m Diamond Tiara’s best friend, so I get Anon next!
  117. Diamond shoves her way through the fillies.
  118. Diamond: GET OUT OF MY WAY! THIS IS MY DANCE!!!
  119. Diamond grabs my sleeve with her teeth and pulls me away to continue dancing.
  120. She begins to mimic some of my dance moves to the best of her ability, and the other fillies begin to join in synchronizing to my movements. Together, we do the twist, the Charleston, and a few different kinds of shuffles, but unfortunately, they can’t do the robot, or the traditional pelvic thrust. What does surprise me however is that Twist is really good at performing an inverted stanky leg; It’s not as easy as it sounds. Sweetie Belle is constantly left out of her opportunity to join, so she dances with the Crusaders in the all too familiar “Since we’re all friends, we should totally dance together in a circle”, circle.
  121. Eventually the song winds down, and I tell Diamond that I’m going to go get some punch. As I walk to the table, I see Filthy who’s also getting some punch.
  122. Filthy: Lookin’ a bit winded Anonymous.
  123. Myself: These fillies are going to be the death of me hehe. *sip* This punch taste familiar, is this stuff locally made?
  124. FR: I bought it from some mare who told me that you’d do random work for money. By the way, how many jobs have you had so far?
  125. M: Just that and this sir. I really wanted to do more, but things sort of got in the way of that.
  126. FR: Well, play you’re cards right, and I just might hire you for a little something extra.
  127. M: That would be amazing sir.
  128. Vinyl: Hey Anonymous?!
  129. I turn my head over to Vinyl’s DJ table. She’s waving to get my attention so I walk over.
  130. VS: Man, you sure are hitting it off with the fillies. You’re like a young “Buddy Heartthrob”.
  131. Myself: I don’t know who that is, but thanks Vinyl.
  132. VS: Whoa, you actually know my name. I didn’t think somepony like you would know somepony like me. Got a friend who’s a fan or something?
  133. M: Well…
  134. (Lyra: And then I said, “You always hire me for your tri-monthly garden parties.” And then she says, “Sorry, I have some extra money, so I’ve decided to get an entire group this time.”
  135. Myself: Ouch, that must’ve stung.
  136. L: Yeah. Times have really changed. It’s not as easy getting jobs to play ambient background music for parties, especially with that DJ-PON3 butting in. “Oh, look at me I’m Vinyl Scratch, with my fancy turn table and shiny sunglasses that I’m wearing even though it’s night.” Pfff…Didn’t I mention I don’t like Vinyl Scratch?
  137. M: Yyyeah, you’ve mentioned it twice already.)
  139. M:…Kind off.
  140. VS: You sound kind of offish about that answer. What’s wrong. Is this somepony some kind of deranged fan.
  141. M: Nope.
  142. VS: Musical critic?
  143. M: Sort of.
  144. VS: Is the pony still crazy?
  145. M: Possibly.
  146. VS:…Is it Lyra Heartstrings?
  147. M:…
  148. VS:…
  149. Diamond Tiara suddenly begins to pull my pant leg with her teeth.
  150. Diamond: Anon!? I’ve been waiting a whole 2 minutes for you to get back to the dance floor.
  151. M: Sorry Diamond. [To Vinyl] I gotta get back.
  152. VS: Sure thing man.
  153. Diamond brings me back and everyone continues dancing for at least twenty minutes before things finally die down a bit. The dance circle slowly decreases as ponies tire out, hit the buffet, or just stop to start talking again. I’ve still got plenty of stamina to spare however, and Sweetie wasn’t dancing much, so she seems pretty fine. Now’s my chance. As Diamond talks to Pipsqueak, I slippery snake my way to Sweetie Belle.
  154. Sweetie: Anon?
  155. Myself: Hey Sweetie. I still promised you a dance, didn’t I?
  156. Her two friends give a suggestive “ooooooh” in the background.
  157. SB: Guys!?
  158. They begin to giggle a little as Sweetie’s cheeks turn red.
  159. SB: I’d love to.
  160. I take her hoof, but that’s as far as I get.
  161. Diamond: Anon!?
  162. I turn around and see Diamond on the wooden stool by the small scale drawing canvas.
  163. Diamond: Do you think you could do one of your sketches of me?
  164. She’s at least ten feet away, but I can still see the sparkly adorableness in her eyes.
  165. M: I…am supposed to entertain her.
  166. Sweetie’s head drops, but she doesn’t confront the situation.
  167. SB: It’s okay, I understand.
  168. M: Don’t worry, we’ll dance eventually. I promise.
  169. I scurry over to Diamond and take a seat in the other bench. This doesn’t feel right though.
  170. M: I think this would look better if you had a friend in the sketch. Weren’t you bumping butts with another pony earlier?
  171. DT: Oh yeah. SILVER SPOON!?
  172. Silver Spoon, despite wearing a dress and heels (they are way too young to be wearing heels) manages to run from a conversation she was having, all the way to Diamond.
  173. Silver: *huff* Did you- *huff* What was that?
  174. DT: Anon’s going to draw me, do you want to join?
  175. Silver gets a huge smile,
  176. SS: Sure!
  177. and squeezes herself onto the stool.
  178. M: Arms around shoulders.
  179. SS: What?
  180. M: Arms…Forelegs around necks.
  181. They do so accordingly.
  182. M: Adorable.
  183. I grab one of the pencils, and begin to draw on the canvas.
  184. So far things are going pretty good. I’m leading this party as if I was Pinkie Pie. I’m still going to hate having to play the guitar though.
  188. (Pinkie’s Perspective)
  190. I’m really excited right now. Twilight’s finally picked ME for one of her interviews. I’ve been anticipating this ever since Fluttershy got her interview, and now it’s finally my turn! I trot to the library and open the door to Twilight who’s dusting the ‘H’ section of the library.
  191. Myself: Hello-ooo? I’m here for my four o-clock.
  192. Twilight: Ah, Pinkie. You’re…really early.
  193. Myself: Is that a problem, because I could totally take a few more walks around the block or something.
  194. I head back to the door, but Twilight stops me.
  195. TS: It’s okay Pinkie.
  196. M: Are you sure?
  197. TS: Of course.
  198. M: Pooositive?
  199. She puts down the duster.
  200. TS: Come on, we’ll do this in my room.
  201. We trot upstairs and I notice Spike’s doodling on the floor. He crumples it up immediately, but I’m pretty sure it had Rarity in it.
  202. Myself: Hey Spike!
  203. Spike: H-hey Pinkie. I’ll just get the quill.
  204. M: What were you drawing?
  205. S: Nothing.
  206. He throws the drawing into the trash.
  207. S: Let’s just do this.
  208. M:…Okee dokee.
  209. I hop on Twilight’s bed and get super comfy. Twilight sits by my side, and Spike gets on the table.
  210. S: Ready.
  211. M: Ask away.
  212. Twilight: State your name and occupation.
  213. M: Pinkamena Diane Pie; I like Pinkie Pie better though. I’m a baker.
  214. TS: What’s your relation to Anonymous?
  215. M: I’m his BESTEST friend.
  216. TS: 'Bestest'?
  217. M: You bet.
  218. TS: Okay then. What were your first impressions of Anonymous?
  219. M: I thought he was super-duper scary. Next question.
  220. TS: Could you elaborate a bit on your first week prior to befriending Anonymous?
  221. M: Well, I think everything changed when you first told me about Anon…
  223. (Twilight: And then he’ll eat all of the crops, turn the forest into his fortress and eventually destroy everything.
  224. Myself: So THAT’S what humans do?
  225. TS: Well, that’s what I read, but I’m pretty sure-
  227. I hurry out of the library and rush back to Sugarcube Corner. I’m not going to let the Cakes get hurt, not on my watch. If I’m going to stop Anonymous, I’ll need to build a bunker, get some supplies, maybe make some pots and pans armor for the twins, and…what else. Ooh, I should learn about the enemy. That’s a really good idea.
  228. I do a 180 and scamper back to the library.
  229. Myself: Do you have any books on humans?
  230. Twilight: But you just…*sigh* Yes I have books.)
  232. M:…After reading a few fables, I devised a series of Pinkie-plans to stop Anon. If they’d work, nopony would get hurt, and I could still hide in the basement-bunker with the Cakes. Pinkie-plan one; Dig a pit, covering it with a blanket, and lure Anon in the hole with a stuffed filly on a dinner tray. Anon didn’t really leave to explore Ponyville much though, so I had to refill the pit I dug at the park. Pinkie-plan two; Leave a trail of cupcakes to lure Anon into the Arctic North. We didn’t have enough flour. I did rework that though to have a trail that led to a party cannon that would SHOOT him to the artic, but I’d still need around three-hundred and seventy-three cupcakes. Then I got a REALLY good idea; Remember that one story about the beautiful mare that lured a human into a cave for tea and rice cakes, but then trapped it in the cave with a spell she learned.
  233. TS: ‘Ruā the Rice Field Maiden’?
  234. M: Yeah! Since Rarity’s really pretty, I wanted to have her lure Anon into a party, and at the party we’d have warm milk and tea, and then Anon would get sleepy, and when he fell asleep, we’d chain him up, and send him all the way to the Arctic…or tartarus…in fact, maybe the hole would’ve worked.
  235. TS: That sounds kind of dark for somepony like you.
  236. M: Yeah, it kind of was, but once Fluttershy helped me accept Anon, I threw all of those plans out of the window. Literally.
  237. TS: What do you think of Anonymous now that you’ve gotten to know him better?
  238. M: I think he’s AWESOME! He’s really nice, and funny, and talented, and I think it’s adorable when he dances. It’s a good thing I didn’t send him to the arctic. I’m glad I’m his bestest friend.
  239. TS: Are you sure you’re his "bestest" friend?
  240. M: Well duUUUuh. We play together, we party together, I even trained him for that fight with Dash.
  241. I motion my forelegs up and down displaying my pink adorableness.
  242. M: Who else can compete with ALL THIS?
  243. TS: I guess I can’t argue with that. How significantly has Anonymous affected your life?
  244. M: He taught me how to ‘Cat Daddy’, so significantly.
  245. TS: Last question, have you learned anything from Anonymous?
  246. M: Um…Confront issues, and don’t try sending them to the arctic.
  247. TS: Thank you for that?
  248. M: You’re welcome.
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