
Nighttime Efforts

Sep 5th, 2016
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  1. Really, this was probably a bad idea.
  3. I looked at the card again. Yvette had given it to me with a wink and a smile, and even though she was one of my oldest friends, she could also be a best to put it? Careless? With some of her ideas. And this one had came nearly out of nowhere- but as with most things in my life, I blamed alcohol. Okay, well, it was me drinking too much alcohol, but if I hadn't, I wouldn't have done the stupidest thing possible and confessed my attraction to demons.
  5. Okay, okay, don't leave yet, at least let me TRY to dig myself out of the hole. It's not like I don't like humans, I swear! It's know, that feel of the exotic, how you're fucking something that's just so, so different? Honestly I've really gotten used to them- the hell refugees- lately, in a sense,but then again, my folks were big into the 'no labels' thing and it really stuck with me in regards to how I treat others. It's helped a lot in life.
  7. This, though? I'm not sure if this is exactly what one would call 'helpful' or not. She SWORE the next day when she gave it to me; 'Girl, trust me, you're gonna have the time of your life and THEN some.' I didn't know what to say at the time, so I took it.
  9. I guess part of me really really wanted it. I just wish I could turn that part of me on and off. But, sucks, bodies don't work like that. It'd solve SO many problems if they did, though.
  11. Really, the place looked...well, clean, I guess is the first word. Like a real professional place of business...that happened to cater to humans who wanted nothing more than to rail or get railed by creatures from Hell itself.
  13. Man, sounds like something straight out of a old-timey romance book now that I think of it. The sorts that old people would read without any shame in the middle of a public place for reasons no sane young person- myself included- has ever figured out. Well, I'm not intending to be one of those sorts any time soon, at least.
  15. I finally work up the nerve to enter- and I'm still surprised by how...professional the place looks. It's not sterile or anything- there's nicely done carpeting and some windows with holographic models inside them to show the current available...'personnel'. Most are women, and to be fair, I'm not exactly that picky- another reason why Yvette was so certain that this was a good idea, I suppose. I DO see a couple Imps a mancubus, a Stalker, that are listed as male, and several of varying species with the 'intersex' tag. Huh. Interesting...oh, hello?
  16. Way, waaaay down at the bottom of the list is 'Nellie'. A Hell Knight. Wow, wasn't expecting that. Listed intersex, too. I have to admit, I'm curious. So I pull her up.
  18. Wow. She's giant, if this was remotely life-sized, had a more human face- no eyes, though. But that wasn't the main thing I was worried about. And when I looked down, I found I had...absolutely NOTHING to worry about at all. Holy shit, she was probably as long as my arm! Not too thick, either, which was great, Wow wow.
  20. Yeah, yeah, I'm a bit of a size queen when it comes to what's hanging, so sue me.
  22. Suddenly there's a hand on my shoulder and I jump a little. I hadn't even heard the arch-vile running the counter come up behind me. She's got little more than pasties and some sheer two-piece dress on. “Ahhh, yes, a special one, she is. Know that the virility in this one is immense, quite possibly unintentionally, and she has something of a...reputation around hereabouts for being a lover unceasing.”
  24. “Wait, what?” I'd understood what she said, but didn't quite expect all the big words. Just-
  26. “She's going to fuck you senseless like it's her calling in life, dear.” Okay, wow, dumbed down and direct, thanks. “I suggest you get the all-nighter deal if you want her. Of course, we DO have a bit of a contest- whomever lasts the longest with her for the month gets a free visit.”
  28. Honestly, that wasn't what swayed me. I was hooked when I first saw that giant, amazing dick.
  30. I got the all-nighter.
  32. After the transaction's done, she leads me down the hallway. Soon, we get to her door. She gives me another look, pats me on the back, and whispers 'good luck'. Wow. Okay.
  34. I go ahead and enter the door, and holy shit she's already jerking it. I don't even know if she notices me, but that dick has to be over a foot long, easily. She's stroking it with hardly a care in the world, and her hips are bucking like mad, her fat chest heavy and breasts heaving. I can see her slimy, strong tongue lick her lips as she keeps going, and part of me is drawn to get closer- I barely remember to close the door in my stupor. The smell of it''s like nothing else. Like tasty, tasty meats, with the sweetest sugars on top- I don't know how to describe it. I really don't.
  36. Before I know it, I'm nose-to-dick with her, and I barely register my lips kissing the side of her cock. Immediately she groans and there's a large dollop of precum out of her. It slowly runs down the side of her cock, nearly reaching my face before I stick my tongue out and *lick*.
  38. “Ngghhhhaaaaa...” is all she gets out, but her head tilts a bit, and I can tell she's looking at me. I look back, and know I have a silly grin on my face, practically leaning on her erect dick. “Hi. I'm Silvia.”
  40. “Hhhhiiiiii...” Her voice is rough and raspy, and I love it. “Pleaaasssse...lick it moooore...”
  42. I can't help but giggle. “Oh? Like thiiiissss?” and I drag my tongue up the shaft so slooowly.
  44. “Yesssss...” she bucks a little, enjoying the sensation. “More, more, more...”
  46. She keeps up that refrain a bit as I keep licking her a little faster, a little harder as time passes. I haven't even gotten out of my clothes yet, I realize as my face gets coated by another rivulet of precum. I start to take off my button up blouse as I continue licking, focusing on the tip here and there, giving gentle, gentle nibbles to it that she seems to love. She's panting hard now, and I'm trying to think of a great way to set her off. There's NO way I'd get that giant pole of meat in my there? Hmmm...well, can't hurt to try!
  48. I put my hands around her massive shaft and hold it steady as I draw my face up. I can tell she's looking at me, that she sees me, eyes or not, as I open my mouth as wide as it can go, and...
  50. Oh fuck, it's a tight fit. Any further and I might dislocate my jaw or something might tear, but somehow I fit the circumference of her dick into my mouth. It's fucking amazing, the taste, and I slather my tongue all over her cockhead, as I manage to lower it into my mouth bit by bit. A howl, and suddenly there's a hand on my head, and holy shit I am drenching my panties right now as she forces me just a little further on her cock. At last I feel her hitting the back of my throat. I wish I didn't have a gag reflex, but I do, so I'm forced to come back up just a little bit. She allows it, but before I surrender too much cock to empty air, she pushes me back down again. This keeps going for a little bit, and I can hear her growls and yelps as she's about to blow, and I decide to give her the finisher as go down as far as I can and SUCK.
  52. She bellows, and I can FEEL the cum rushing up her pipe before I get a rapid mouthful of demon cream. I try to keep it inside- it actually kind of tastes like jello!- but there's so much, sooo much, and she cums and cums and cums, and it smells so good and so sweet and oh my god, oh my god I'm cumming, I'm cumming just from her cum, I'm cumming and it feels sooooo gooood...
  54. It feels like ages, but likely was just a few minutes, as I kneel on the bed, panting, both wondering if there's some way to wipe the cum off me and both never wanting it off. She looks my way, and there's a clear growl of desire. Her cock hadn't even flagged a centimeter. With sudden force, she grabs me, and I'm pushed against the bed, her large, muscular, dominating, hot, sexy, amazing holy shit-
  56. “Ffffffucking PLOW me right now!” Wow, was that really me? “I need this, holy fuck, just fucking AHHHHHh!” Yyyuuup, that was me.
  58. Her cock's amazing. It can't all get in me- she's WAY too big for that- but judging by her grunts of exertion, she's enjoying what she's getting in there, and damn, I love it too. There's no gentle holding here, no sweet words. She's got me by the neck in one hand and holding my entire body down with the other, and she is just WRECKING my pussy, and I love it, I love it so much. I'm screaming, I don't know what I'm screaming, but I know I have tears in my eyes because it's incredible, and sometimes it even hurts, but it hurts SO GOOD.
  60. Then before I know it she's flipped me over like I'm her little play doll (oh god, that mental image is hotter than it has any right to be), and she's taking me from behind. It's just as incredible, maybe even more, the feeling of that rock hard cock pistoning in and out. I can feel myself squirt on her, and she doesn't let up for even a second- once, twice, three times I cream over her cock, and she never drops her pace.
  62. Then suddenly, she starts speeding up, and her grunts get lighter and lighter again, and suddenly my pussy is warm, so warm, and everything inside me is warmer now...I come AGAIN when I realize what she just did inside me. And after a few minutes, she withdraws...only to tap-tap-tap her cock against my ass, pushing against the backdoor, asking for permission.
  64. Nasty nasty girl. But I'm in too much of a sex haze to say anything, and merely spread my cheeks in welcome for the intruder.
  66. She spears me with little fanfare, and my yell HAD to have been heard outside these rooms, I refuse to believe they're that soundproof. At this point I'm getting reamed in my ass and thinking 'oh my god, I'm letting a demon in my asshole and it's amazing, god I'm such a slut and I fucking LOVE it. I want her to take me. I want her to own me. I want this every day. Please, let me feed on your cum, put it in all my holes and make me so warm every day.'
  68. ...When you're hopped up on sheer bliss, you think some crazy stuff. I never said any of it, though, although part of me really wanted to right when she filled my ass up with cum.
  70. That continues throughout the night, too. She takes me in more positions than I can remember, positions I know the Kama Sutra never had, and fucks and fucks me until I couldn't yell, because my mouth was too stuffed with cum. Until I couldn't focus because my cunt's leaking at all times. Could barely move right because my ass was nearly a solid the end, I end up passing out due to an overload of pleasure
  72. When I wake up, there's no Tam to be found. In fact, this isn't even the same room. I'm naked, sore as possible as it is for something to be sore, but my clothes are right next to me, cleaned, dried, pressed. Along with a card:
  74. 'Congratulations! You beat the previous record by approximately 2.4 hours! Should this record hold, you are entitled to one (1) free 'servicing' by anyone of your choosing! Present this to the register to redeem after the posted date.'
  76. Grinning, I gingerly get dressed, and slip the card in my pocket. The end of the month was in a week. Just enough time for me to rest myself a bit, and, well, whether I had the record or not, I'd come back.
  78. ...Maybe I'd see if I could break my own record.
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