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Jul 12th, 2015
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  1. Considered one of the most technologically advanced native races in the galaxy, the Osralions are a species of mammalian humanoids, standing over 10-12ft tall on average. They are able to sense the emotion of nearby beings, their skin color, eye, and hair color changing based on both how they feel and others feel. The feelings and emotions of others affect them on a personal level, and they naturally produce pheromones that produce situationally desirable effects in others. Through this they managed to tame many of the horrendous beast of their planet, and ensure an enviroment for them to evolve. From their they pushed forward and created a powerful civilization, built upon knowledge and emotion, that flourished upon their jupiter sized world. By the time they joined the DCS they were vastly superior in terms of technology, and their ability to read emotions allowed them to gain a major foothold in galactic politics. Had they pushed on they possibly could have ruled the galaxy, but they took another route. Having never experienced true war and battle, many of the race decided to become the warriors and military of the galaxy, wanting to experience this new emotion. Fighting in many wars over the millenia, the race as a whole began to find combat addicting, especially when balanced with dozens of other emotions and sensations. Soon the Osralions were seen in every combat profession, ranging from mercenaries and bounty hunters to soldiers and leaders. Life was a rush of excitement, and due to their long lives they wished to make every moment count. They created weapons the size of planets, melee weapons that functioned as both sword and gun, and many objects of such power they could be called mystical. When the fall came it was so unexpected that they were completely unprepared, and only a few of their massive legions got away. The Cojal legion is the most vital of all. It holds the council member Viscial, and she holds the knowledge and location of the great superweapon, codenamed Zeta-Breaker which may be able to stop the enemy. Sadly she is unable to act upon her knowledge, as the extragalactic enemies hounds the Legion relentlessly in a wish to capture Viscial and gain such vital technology.
  3. The Cojal Legion is her personal bodyguard detail. Formerly numbering in the hundreds thousands, this elite guard has been dwindled and crushed under the might of an unforgiving enemy, never backing down. It has some of the most advanced military technology available to the Osralians, ranging from semi-sentient orbs that provide plasma and laser shields and fire, to personal armor formerly considered unbreakable by galactic races. Male and female masters of war in all forms, they stood side by side and fought the threat with tooth and nail, their senses and adrenaline in overload as they finally fought equals. They won battle after unending battle, giving the enemy pyhirric victories they had not suffered to other races. But those battles took their toll, and they have only recently gained a reprieve, their formerly vast numbers dwindled to a fraction of the size.
  5. But this brutal war has taken more than its toll. Such massive loss of life, especially that of the homeworld, has affected the entire remaining Osralians. They are extremely saddened, with many falling into a sort of emotional sickness. Even the venerable Cojal Legion is affected, more so than most due to its up close and brutal fighting. Pheromone deployment and sexual activity has highly increased so as to raise happiness or end the sadness, as these are "good" sensations that helped them and others in the past, but even those formerly joyful activities are nothing as a collective melancholy sets over the whole legion.
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