

Feb 17th, 2012
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  1. 3:43 Lljosemll (~Lljosemll@unaffiliated/lljosemll) has joined #frikipedia
  2. 23:43 mode/#frikipedia (+o Lljosemll) by ChanServ
  3. 23:45 Eustaquio680 (befa872a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
  4. 23:54 juanototo2 (bee20d12@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #frikipedia
  5. 23:54 < juanototo2> hola, frikipedicos
  6. 23:56 Lljosemll is now known as Diabeto
  7. 23:56 juanototo2 (bee20d12@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
  8. 23:58 <+objeto> o3o
  9. Day changed to 18 feb 2012
  10. 00:00 < Dj_Dexter> :D
  11. 00:00 * Dj_Dexter acaricia a objeto ;)
  12. 00:00 < Dj_Dexter> :D
  13. 00:00 <+objeto> no .w.
  14. 00:02 < Dj_Dexter> :p
  15. 00:02 (Users #frikipedia)
  16. 00:02 @Blas | +EmuAGR | Dj_Dexter | Guayota | mh0 |
  17. 00:02 @Diabeto | +Lemax | Exio4 | Helvetica | Srita-Pompis |
  18. 00:02 @Jocicuo | +objeto | G-SH | Messenger_bird | Venusaur |
  19. 00:02 Irssi: #frikipedia: Total of 15 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 3 voices, 9 normal)
  20. 00:02 <+objeto> ewé
  21. 00:02 < Dj_Dexter> sip :D
  22. 00:03 <+objeto> no o.ó
  23. 00:05 Dj_Dexter was kicked from #frikipedia by Diabeto (solo yo puedo acaricia a objeto)
  24. 00:11 Dj_Dexter (~Dark_X@gentoo/user/dj-dexter) has joined #frikipedia
  25. 00:11 Topic for #frikipedia: : FRIKIPEDIA : Lugar de reunión de psicópatas, degenerados y Ops medio borrachos... Ofertas 2x1 en baneos y 30% de descuento en shemales. | Normas del canal: | Stats del
  26. canal: | Lemax, the queen of butthurt| <c62666> Lemax: no seas nenaza <Lemax> yo soy lo que quiera ser :<
  27. 00:11 Topic set by [KrusheR] (~KrusheR@unaffiliated/krusher/x-687675) (Sat Feb 11 21:12:24 2012)
  28. 00:11 (Users #frikipedia)
  29. 00:11 @Blas | @objeto | +Shadowmura | G-SH | Messenger_bird | Venusaur |
  30. 00:11 @Diabeto | +EmuAGR | Dj_Dexter | Guayota | mh0 |
  31. 00:11 @Jocicuo | +Lemax | Exio4 | Helvetica | Srita-Pompis |
  32. 00:11 Irssi: #frikipedia: Total of 16 nicks (4 ops, 0 halfops, 3 voices, 9 normal)
  33. 00:11 Home page for #frikipedia:
  34. 00:11 Channel #frikipedia created Tue Jan 27 02:29:22 2009
  35. 00:11 Irssi: Join to #frikipedia was synced in 3 secs
  36. 00:11 < Dj_Dexter> wtf ? (;(
  37. 00:11 mode/#frikipedia (+v Dj_Dexter) by ChanServ
  38. 00:12 <+Lemax> LOL todas las preguntas son de una sola persona
  39. 00:12 <+Dj_Dexter> :/ Diabeto :/
  40. 00:12 <+Dj_Dexter> :DDD
  41. 00:12 <@Diabeto> dj no toques a objeto :|
  42. 00:12 <+Dj_Dexter> :/
  43. 00:12 <@Diabeto> objeto es mia >:D
  44. 00:12 <+Shadowmura> 0.0
  45. 00:12 <+Shadowmura> Op again.
  46. 00:12 <+Shadowmura> D:!
  47. 00:12 <@objeto> no lo soy .w.
  48. 00:13 <+Lemax> Shadowmura: esto te hace extrañar la dictadura de isanta
  49. 00:13 <@Diabeto> objeto si lo eres :D
  50. 00:13 <+Shadowmura> Lemax: mucho ._.
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