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a guest
May 13th, 2012
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text 4.59 KB | None | 0 0
  1. rpi-dev hello_world # make
  3. cc -o hello_world.bin -Wl,--whole-archive -L/opt/vc/lib/ -lGLESv2 -lEGL -lopenmaxil -lbcm_host -lvcos -lvchiq_arm ../libs/libilclient.a world.o -Wl,--no-whole-archive -rdynamic
  4. /usr/lib/gcc/armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi/4.5.3/../../../../armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: error: hello_world.bin uses VFP register arguments, ../libs/libilclient.a(ilcore.o) does not
  5. /usr/lib/gcc/armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi/4.5.3/../../../../armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: failed to merge target specific data of file ../libs/libilclient.a(ilcore.o)
  6. /usr/lib/gcc/armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi/4.5.3/../../../../armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: error: hello_world.bin uses VFP register arguments, ../libs/libilclient.a(ilclient.o) does not
  7. /usr/lib/gcc/armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi/4.5.3/../../../../armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: failed to merge target specific data of file ../libs/libilclient.a(ilclient.o)
  8. /usr/lib/gcc/armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi/4.5.3/../../../../armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: error: hello_world.bin uses VFP register arguments, ../libs/libilclient.a(ilclient_util.o) does not
  9. /usr/lib/gcc/armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi/4.5.3/../../../../armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: failed to merge target specific data of file ../libs/libilclient.a(ilclient_util.o)
  10. collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  11. make: *** [hello_world.bin] Error 1
  12. rm world.o
  13. rpi-dev hello_world # ls -lha world.o
  14. ls: cannot access world.o: No such file or directory
  15. rpi-dev hello_world # cc -DSTANDALONE -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -DTARGET_POSIX -D_LINUX -fPIC -DPIC -D_REENTRANT -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -Wall -g -DHAVE_LIBOPENMAX=2 -DOMX -DOMX_SKIP64BIT -ftree-vectorize -pipe -DUSE_EXTERNAL_OMX -DHAVE_LIBBCM_HOST -DUSE_EXTERNAL_LIBBCM_HOST -DUSE_VCHIQ_ARM -Wno-psabi -I/opt/vc/include/ -I/opt/vc/include/ -I./ -I../libs -g -c world.c -o world.o -Wno-deprecated-declarations
  16. rpi-dev hello_world # readelf -A world.o
  17. Attribute Section: aeabi
  18. File Attributes
  19. Tag_CPU_name: "6J"
  20. Tag_CPU_arch: v6
  21. Tag_ARM_ISA_use: Yes
  22. Tag_THUMB_ISA_use: Thumb-1
  23. Tag_FP_arch: VFPv2
  24. Tag_ABI_PCS_wchar_t: 4
  25. Tag_ABI_FP_denormal: Needed
  26. Tag_ABI_FP_exceptions: Needed
  27. Tag_ABI_FP_number_model: IEEE 754
  28. Tag_ABI_align_needed: 8-byte
  29. Tag_ABI_align_preserved: 8-byte, except leaf SP
  30. Tag_ABI_enum_size: int
  31. Tag_ABI_HardFP_use: SP and DP
  32. Tag_ABI_VFP_args: VFP registers
  33. Tag_ABI_optimization_goals: Aggressive Debug
  34. Tag_DIV_use: Not allowed
  35. rpi-dev hello_world # readelf -A ../libs/libilclient.a
  37. File: ../libs/libilclient.a(ilcore.o)
  38. Attribute Section: aeabi
  39. File Attributes
  40. Tag_CPU_name: "ARM1176JZF-S"
  41. Tag_CPU_arch: v6K
  42. Tag_ARM_ISA_use: Yes
  43. Tag_THUMB_ISA_use: Thumb-1
  44. Tag_FP_arch: VFPv2
  45. Tag_ABI_PCS_wchar_t: 4
  46. Tag_ABI_FP_denormal: Needed
  47. Tag_ABI_FP_exceptions: Needed
  48. Tag_ABI_FP_number_model: IEEE 754
  49. Tag_ABI_align_needed: 8-byte
  50. Tag_ABI_align_preserved: 8-byte, except leaf SP
  51. Tag_ABI_enum_size: int
  52. Tag_ABI_HardFP_use: SP and DP
  53. Tag_ABI_optimization_goals: Aggressive Debug
  55. File: ../libs/libilclient.a(ilclient.o)
  56. Attribute Section: aeabi
  57. File Attributes
  58. Tag_CPU_name: "ARM1176JZF-S"
  59. Tag_CPU_arch: v6K
  60. Tag_ARM_ISA_use: Yes
  61. Tag_THUMB_ISA_use: Thumb-1
  62. Tag_FP_arch: VFPv2
  63. Tag_ABI_PCS_wchar_t: 4
  64. Tag_ABI_FP_denormal: Needed
  65. Tag_ABI_FP_exceptions: Needed
  66. Tag_ABI_FP_number_model: IEEE 754
  67. Tag_ABI_align_needed: 8-byte
  68. Tag_ABI_align_preserved: 8-byte, except leaf SP
  69. Tag_ABI_enum_size: int
  70. Tag_ABI_HardFP_use: SP and DP
  71. Tag_ABI_optimization_goals: Aggressive Debug
  73. File: ../libs/libilclient.a(ilclient_util.o)
  74. Attribute Section: aeabi
  75. File Attributes
  76. Tag_CPU_name: "ARM1176JZF-S"
  77. Tag_CPU_arch: v6K
  78. Tag_ARM_ISA_use: Yes
  79. Tag_THUMB_ISA_use: Thumb-1
  80. Tag_FP_arch: VFPv2
  81. Tag_ABI_PCS_wchar_t: 4
  82. Tag_ABI_FP_denormal: Needed
  83. Tag_ABI_FP_exceptions: Needed
  84. Tag_ABI_FP_number_model: IEEE 754
  85. Tag_ABI_align_needed: 8-byte
  86. Tag_ABI_align_preserved: 8-byte, except leaf SP
  87. Tag_ABI_enum_size: int
  88. Tag_ABI_HardFP_use: SP and DP
  89. Tag_ABI_optimization_goals: Aggressive Debug
  90. rpi-dev hello_world #
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