
Leeroy Jenkins reunites, argues with Regents

Aug 23rd, 2015
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  1. [00:35] * Alexander_Pyrite and Lyra_Bel watch Faerzen walk away
  2. [00:36] * Lyra_Bel takes a deep breath before exhaling slowly
  3. [00:36] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Lyra..."
  4. [00:36] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Are you alright"
  5. [00:36] <Lyra_Bel> "I was ready to fight"
  6. [00:36] <Lyra_Bel> "I had, I had plans"
  7. [00:37] <Alexander_Pyrite> "To fight the guy who threatened to take your soul?"
  8. [00:37] <Lyra_Bel> "Layers, lining them up so when one failed I could switch to another line of arguing"
  9. [00:37] <Lyra_Bel> "I was ready for it, and-"
  10. [00:38] * Lyra_Bel takes another deep breath
  11. [00:38] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Lyra I should confess something"
  12. [00:38] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Before the trial, when i was being all cheerful and stuff"
  13. [00:38] <Lyra_Bel> "Yeah?"
  14. [00:38] <Alexander_Pyrite> "that was all a massive act"
  15. [00:38] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Im not doing so good"
  16. [00:38] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I wanted to make you feel better though"
  17. [00:39] <Alexander_Pyrite> "So i tried to put on a... mask. Heh."
  18. [00:39] * Lyra_Bel smiles weakly
  19. [00:40] <Lyra_Bel> "What's the matter?"
  20. [00:40] <Alexander_Pyrite> "ppft."
  21. [00:40] <Alexander_Pyrite> "really?
  22. [00:40] <Alexander_Pyrite> "This fucking game"
  23. [00:41] <Alexander_Pyrite> "its... disheartening"
  24. [00:41] <Alexander_Pyrite> "where do i go? What do i do?"
  25. [00:41] <Lyra_Bel> "I know"
  26. [00:41] <Lyra_Bel> "It just..."
  27. [00:42] <Lyra_Bel> "It's hard."
  28. [00:42] <Lyra_Bel> "It's hard and no one understands"
  29. [00:43] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Well..."
  30. [00:43] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Im not all that smart, so im probably not helping"
  31. [00:43] <Lyra_Bel> "Welcome to the club. We have crumbled cookies and spilt milk"
  32. [00:44] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Well
  33. [00:44] <Alexander_Pyrite> "You have all these plans, you're definately smarter than i am at least"
  34. [00:45] <Lyra_Bel> "Pretty sure it doesn't count as a plan if I throw it out the window as soon as things start happening"
  35. [00:46] <Alexander_Pyrite> "they were made so that counts for something"
  36. [00:48] <Lyra_Bel> "Having a plan that won't work and never happens isn't worth much"
  37. [00:49] <Lyra_Bel> "Probably shouldn't have bothered trying"
  38. [00:49] <Alexander_Pyrite> "But you did"
  39. [00:49] <Alexander_Pyrite> "all i did was almost got killed by a spider"
  40. [00:50] <Lyra_Bel> "But you won"
  41. [00:50] <Lyra_Bel> "I needed you and Faerzen to bail me out of here"
  42. [00:50] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Like i did anything"
  43. [00:50] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I fucking passed out"
  44. [00:50] <Alexander_Pyrite> "er"
  45. [00:50] <Alexander_Pyrite> "freaking"
  46. [00:50] <Alexander_Pyrite> "almost forgot"
  47. [00:51] * Lyra_Bel smiles
  48. [00:51] <Lyra_Bel> "Thanks"
  49. [00:51] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Im just trying to make people happy"
  50. [00:51] <Lyra_Bel> "In a world that abhors the mere concept"
  51. [00:51] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Not just one world too"
  52. [00:52] <Alexander_Pyrite> "this place, my place prospit derse"
  53. [00:52] <Lyra_Bel> "Right"
  54. [00:52] <Lyra_Bel> "A reality that abhors the concept, then"
  55. [00:52] <Alexander_Pyrite> "The entire universe is against us"
  56. [00:52] <Alexander_Pyrite> "maybe thats a reason to fight it"
  57. [00:53] <Lyra_Bel> "Right. Us against the world, I guess"
  58. [00:53] <Alexander_Pyrite> "worlds"
  59. [00:54] <Alexander_Pyrite> "damn thats weird to say"
  60. [00:54] <Lyra_Bel> "Worlds"
  61. [00:54] <Lyra_Bel> "Heh, yeah"
  62. [00:54] <Lyra_Bel> "Can we say it's one world and a bunch of planets, maybe?"
  63. [00:55] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Yeah maybe"
  64. [00:55] <Alexander_Pyrite> "oh shit"
  65. [00:55] <Lyra_Bel> "Hmm?"
  66. [00:55] <Alexander_Pyrite> "uuh"
  67. [00:55] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Ok i just remembered something"
  68. [00:56] <Alexander_Pyrite> "but you have to promise you wont hate me"
  69. [00:56] <Lyra_Bel> "Um. Sure, alright?"
  70. [00:56] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I"
  71. [00:56] <Alexander_Pyrite> "am unconcious on derse"
  72. [00:56] * Alexander_Pyrite braces
  73. [00:56] <Lyra_Bel> "..."
  74. [00:57] <Lyra_Bel> "Okay"
  75. [00:57] <Lyra_Bel> "I probably should have seen that coming"
  76. [00:57] <Alexander_Pyrite> "sorry, i just wanted to explore, and they werent letting me see the dragon on prospit"
  77. [00:57] * Lyra_Bel closes her eyes and takes another deep breath
  78. [00:57] <Alexander_Pyrite> "augh im really sorry lyra"
  79. [00:57] <Alexander_Pyrite> "you do not need more on your plate"
  80. [00:58] <Lyra_Bel> "It's fine"
  81. [00:58] <Lyra_Bel> "The Derse plans were going to fall apart anyway"
  82. [00:58] <Lyra_Bel> "I can work with this"
  83. [00:58] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah"
  84. [00:58] <Alexander_Pyrite> "youre in prison right?"
  85. [00:58] <Alexander_Pyrite> "its gonne be great"
  86. [00:58] <Lyra_Bel> "I think so"
  87. [00:58] <Alexander_Pyrite> "a jailbreak adventure"
  88. [00:59] <Lyra_Bel> "Heh"
  89. [00:59] <Lyra_Bel> "Unless we get railroaded again"
  90. [00:59] <Alexander_Pyrite> "what do yo umean railroaded"
  91. [00:59] <Lyra_Bel> "The queen has a tendency to use her army's brute force to get what she wants"
  92. [01:00] <Lyra_Bel> "She doesn't really get the idea of a political campaign"
  93. [01:00] <Alexander_Pyrite> "neither do i so.."
  94. [01:00] * Lyra_Bel shakes her head
  95. [01:01] <Lyra_Bel> "Doesn't matter, I've probably got it wrong anyway"
  96. [01:01] <Alexander_Pyrite> "got what wrong? her campaign tactics?"
  97. [01:02] <Lyra_Bel> "I dunno, the whole thing"
  98. [01:02] <Lyra_Bel> "Just like everything else in this game"
  99. [01:03] <Alexander_Pyrite> "It doesnt help we jsut got dropped here, no choice, no instruction manual"
  100. [01:03] <Alexander_Pyrite> "No help at all"
  101. [01:03] <Lyra_Bel> "Exactly, yeah"
  102. [01:03] <Lyra_Bel> "We're working with information that doesn't apply from a world that doesn't exist"
  103. [01:04] <Alexander_Pyrite> "that... is a depressing thought"
  104. [01:04] <Lyra_Bel> "Welcome to Sabath"
  105. [01:05] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I guess so"
  106. [01:05] * Alexander_Pyrite blurts
  107. [01:05] <Alexander_Pyrite> "are you a sadist"
  108. [01:05] <Lyra_Bel> "Hmm?"
  109. [01:05] <Alexander_Pyrite> "like in the trial"
  110. [01:05] <Alexander_Pyrite> "you said... like"
  111. [01:05] <Alexander_Pyrite> "stuff about pain and caring about it"
  112. [01:06] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh, uh, right"
  113. [01:06] <Lyra_Bel> "I guess so"
  114. [01:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "huh"
  115. [01:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "what about the opposite thing"
  116. [01:08] * Lyra_Bel frowns in confusion
  117. [01:08] <Alexander_Pyrite> "sorry that didnt make sense"
  118. [01:08] <Alexander_Pyrite> "embarrassed i guess"
  119. [01:08] <Lyra_Bel> "Not really"
  120. [01:08] <Lyra_Bel> "I don't think I get what you mean"
  121. [01:08] <Alexander_Pyrite> "are you also a masochist"
  122. [01:09] <Lyra_Bel> "Probably, yeah"
  123. [01:09] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Wow"
  124. [01:10] <Alexander_Pyrite> "i do not know what to say"
  125. [01:10] <Lyra_Bel> "There's a list of other stuff wrong with me, if you care"
  126. [01:10] <Lyra_Bel> "I had this whole rant ready"
  127. [01:11] <Alexander_Pyrite> "i'd hate to put it to waste"
  128. [01:11] * Alexander_Pyrite chuckles weakly
  129. [01:11] <Lyra_Bel> "Heh, sure"
  130. [01:11] <Lyra_Bel> "Sociopathy's the main one screwing me up, I guess"
  131. [01:13] <Lyra_Bel> "ASMR, sleeping weirdness, whatever it's called when you charge into situations without ever thinking..."
  132. [01:13] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I have that one"
  133. [01:14] <Lyra_Bel> "Heh, I hear ya"
  134. [01:14] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I actually jumped off a cliff recently"
  135. [01:14] <Alexander_Pyrite> "that was interesting"
  136. [01:14] <Lyra_Bel> "..."
  137. [01:14] * Lyra_Bel looks at the nearest cliff
  138. [01:14] <Lyra_Bel> "Dude"
  139. [01:15] <Alexander_Pyrite> "It wasnt bad, i got a bit of a slide on Bro here"
  140. [01:15] <Lyra_Bel> O.O
  141. [01:15] <Lyra_Bel> "Okay that actually sounds kinda awesome"
  142. [01:15] <Alexander_Pyrite> "it was"
  143. [01:15] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I only got hurt a bit though"
  144. [01:15] <Lyra_Bel> "Was this before or after killing Lanased's cousin?"
  145. [01:16] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Before
  146. [01:16] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I jumped off the cliff to cliff exploring"
  147. [01:16] <Lyra_Bel> "As one does, I guess"
  148. [01:16] <Alexander_Pyrite> "well come on"
  149. [01:16] <Alexander_Pyrite> "its a game, theres a cave"
  150. [01:17] <Lyra_Bel> "You'll need to show me where, I haven't found anything in this whole planet except a small handful of dungeon crawls"
  151. [01:17] <Alexander_Pyrite> "i wouldnt go in there"
  152. [01:17] <Alexander_Pyrite> "i didnt actually get any loot"
  153. [01:17] <Lyra_Bel> "That's so lame"
  154. [01:18] <Lyra_Bel> "What's even the point of killing giant spiders if you don't get to loot the bodies?"
  155. [01:18] <Alexander_Pyrite> "oh uh"
  156. [01:18] * Alexander_Pyrite scratches neck awkwardly"
  157. [01:18] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I did"
  158. [01:18] <Alexander_Pyrite> "i cut it apart and took its organs and hide and stuff"
  159. [01:19] * Lyra_Bel laughs
  160. [01:19] <Lyra_Bel> "Nice"
  161. [01:19] <Lyra_Bel> "I shoulda thought to do that with the ogre I killed a bit ago"
  162. [01:19] <Alexander_Pyrite> "i thought the ogre i killed like dissolved"
  163. [01:19] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh yeah, good point"
  164. [01:20] <Lyra_Bel> "So that probably woulda failed"
  165. [01:21] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Im still kinda irritated i didnt get any loot from the spider fight"
  166. [01:21] <Lyra_Bel> "Yeah, I hear ya"
  167. [01:21] <Lyra_Bel> "So, what, no grist at all?"
  168. [01:21] <Alexander_Pyrite> "nope"
  169. [01:21] <Lyra_Bel> "Man"
  170. [01:22] <Lyra_Bel> "That sucks"
  171. [01:22] <Alexander_Pyrite> "didnt dissolve, didnt do anything"
  172. [01:22] <Lyra_Bel> "Huh"
  173. [01:22] <Alexander_Pyrite> "plus i couldnt go deeper into the cave"
  174. [01:22] <Lyra_Bel> "That's actually kinda ominous"
  175. [01:22] <Alexander_Pyrite> "asshole spiders got in the way, i dont think theres any way it could be worse"
  176. [01:22] <Lyra_Bel> "Hey, Alex?"
  177. [01:22] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah?"
  178. [01:22] <Lyra_Bel> "Never say that again"
  179. [01:23] <Alexander_Pyrite> "wha- oh"
  180. [01:23] <Lyra_Bel> "This is Sabath. Things can ALWAYS be worse"
  181. [01:23] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah will dont"
  182. [01:24] <Lyra_Bel> "Smaller spiders blocking off the tunnel, eh?"
  183. [01:24] <Lyra_Bel> "Y'know, I've had some practice with a flamethrower before..."
  184. [01:24] * Lyra_Bel grins
  185. [01:24] <Alexander_Pyrite> "we could go"
  186. [01:24] <Alexander_Pyrite> "its not a far walk"
  187. [01:24] * Alexander_Pyrite grins back
  188. [01:25] <Lyra_Bel> "Awesome, yeah"
  189. [01:25] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh, one minute"
  190. [01:25] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Hm?"
  191. [01:25] * Lyra_Bel flies up to the gas station roof, removes necklace, and draws a dome over the roof
  192. [01:26] <Alexander_Pyrite> Woah
  193. [01:26] <Alexander_Pyrite> WOAH
  194. [01:26] <Alexander_Pyrite> "how did i not notice those wings"
  195. [01:26] * Lyra_Bel changes into The Crawling Shell and grabs the gel flask, then descends
  196. [01:26] <Lyra_Bel> "Okay, let's do this"
  197. [01:26] <Alexander_Pyrite> "nice"
  198. [01:28] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh, wait"
  199. [01:29] <Lyra_Bel> "We should maybe not leave the evil mask alone"
  200. [01:29] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Shit right"
  201. [01:29] <Alexander_Pyrite> "shoot"
  202. [01:29] <Lyra_Bel> "Might be a poor decision"
  203. [01:29] <Alexander_Pyrite> "sorry gotta get used to that"
  204. [01:30] <Lyra_Bel> "S'fine"
  205. [01:30] <Lyra_Bel> "Let's just wait for Faerzen to get back and take over, then we can check it out. Sound good?"
  206. [01:30] <Alexander_Pyrite> "sure"
  207. [01:30] <Alexander_Pyrite> "its a date"
  208. [01:30] <Alexander_Pyrite> "wait what"
  209. [01:30] <Lyra_Bel> "Uh"
  210. [01:30] <Alexander_Pyrite> "that is not what i meant"
  211. [01:31] <Alexander_Pyrite> "shit alex ya fucked up"
  212. [01:31] <Lyra_Bel> "It's, uh..."
  213. [01:31] <Lyra_Bel> "Screw it, I dunno"
  214. [01:32] <Lyra_Bel> "I don't even know anymore"
  215. [01:32] * Alexander_Pyrite :0
  216. [01:33] <Alexander_Pyrite> "sorry i made it awkward"
  217. [01:33] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Plus who takes a girl on a spider murder mission as a first date"
  218. [01:33] <Lyra_Bel> "Just do what I do. Blame the nearest iteration of Reggie"
  219. [01:34] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah"
  220. [01:34] <Lyra_Bel> "Fun with mind control"
  221. [01:34] * Alexander_Pyrite points to abyss
  222. [01:34] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Fuck you"
  223. [01:34] * Lyra_Bel bursts out laughing
  224. [01:34] <Alexander_Pyrite> "what"
  225. [01:34] <Alexander_Pyrite> "that isnt reggie is it"
  226. [01:34] <Lyra_Bel> "Nah, it probably is"
  227. [01:35] <Alexander_Pyrite> "what isnt reggie"
  228. [01:35] <Alexander_Pyrite> "shield, pen, mask"
  229. [01:35] <Lyra_Bel> "Crown, book"
  230. [01:35] <Alexander_Pyrite> "what is the book anyway"
  231. [01:35] <Lyra_Bel> "My shades, probably"
  232. [01:35] <Lyra_Bel> "Faerzen's one"
  233. [01:36] <Alexander_Pyrite> "what does it do?"
  234. [01:37] <Lyra_Bel> "I dunno. It's basically the diary from Harry Potter, from what I can tell - you write in and it writes back out"
  235. [01:37] <Lyra_Bel> "Except it talks now or something"
  236. [01:37] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Didnt that like steal someones soul too"
  237. [01:38] <Lyra_Bel> "Yeah"
  238. [01:38] <Alexander_Pyrite> "man
  239. [01:38] <Alexander_Pyrite> "you have a magic pen"
  240. [01:38] <Alexander_Pyrite> "nick has a weird mask that turns people crazy"
  241. [01:38] <Alexander_Pyrite> "faerzen has a talking book"
  242. [01:38] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I have a slightly larger than average shield"
  243. [01:38] <Lyra_Bel> "That talks"
  244. [01:39] <Alexander_Pyrite> "True"
  245. [01:39] <Alexander_Pyrite> "but it talks like a bro"
  246. [01:39] <Lyra_Bel> "So did my Reggie at first"
  247. [01:39] <Lyra_Bel> "Then I started with the killing and he shut down pretty quickly"
  248. [01:40] <Alexander_Pyrite> "your demonic reggie talked like a bro?"
  249. [01:40] <Alexander_Pyrite> "also what were you killing"
  250. [01:41] <Lyra_Bel> "My Reg was the crown. He's kinda just mopey now"
  251. [01:41] <Lyra_Bel> "And I was trying to get him to overshadow one of the horses on that cliff over there, but apparently it was really old and sickly and wouldn't survive long enough for us to use him"
  252. [01:42] <Alexander_Pyrite> "ah"
  253. [01:43] <Alexander_Pyrite> "right he posessed various things"
  254. [01:43] <Lyra_Bel> "Yep. Anyone that wears him"
  255. [01:44] <Alexander_Pyrite> "cant you really abuse that"
  256. [01:44] <Alexander_Pyrite> "instantly kill one enemy"
  257. [01:44] <Lyra_Bel> "I've tried, yeah"
  258. [01:44] <Alexander_Pyrite> "plop it on their head from stealth"
  259. [01:44] <Lyra_Bel> "But I can't freaking FIND any enemies"
  260. [01:44] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I know"
  261. [01:44] <Alexander_Pyrite> "i had to go into a deep ass cave to find anything"
  262. [01:45] <Lyra_Bel> "There was like one ogre in the crystal caves, but that died way too fast"
  263. [01:47] <Alexander_Pyrite> "were you just that good"
  264. [01:47] <Alexander_Pyrite> :)
  265. [19:21] <Lyra_Bel> "Dude, you shoulda been there. It was a slaughter"
  266. [19:22] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Nice"
  267. [19:22] <Lyra_Bel> "Blew it up with a friggin' battleaxe"
  268. [19:22] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I smashed an ogre's face in but it took a ton of pain to get there"
  269. [19:22] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Wait yyou blew it up?"
  270. [19:22] <Lyra_Bel> "Uh. Into grist"
  271. [19:23] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Ah. Right"
  272. [19:24] <Lyra_Bel> "Gotta figure out a proper weapon sometime"
  273. [19:24] <Lyra_Bel> "I mean, swinging whatever I think of is nice and all"
  274. [19:25] <Lyra_Bel> "But I think I'm missing out on upgrading my gear"
  275. [19:25] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Same here."
  276. [19:25] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Love you bro but there could be so many opportunities"
  277. [19:25] <Lyra_Bel> "I know, right?"
  278. [19:25] <Alexander_Pyrite> "plus evn though im somehow unnaturally strong, it doesnt hurt very much"
  279. [19:27] <Lyra_Bel> "It's like, Maskwraith had this crazy awesome glaive that cut through stone"
  280. [19:27] <Lyra_Bel> "I want something like that"
  281. [19:27] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Damn that guy is scary"
  282. [19:28] <Lyra_Bel> "Eh"
  283. [19:28] <Lyra_Bel> "He's not that bad"
  284. [19:28] <Alexander_Pyrite> "really? how?"
  285. [19:28] <Lyra_Bel> "..."
  286. [19:28] <Lyra_Bel> "He gave me some cookies"
  287. [19:29] <Lyra_Bel> "So that was nice"
  288. [19:29] <Alexander_Pyrite> "The evil mountain slicing guy gave you cookies?"
  289. [19:30] <Lyra_Bel> "Yup"
  290. [19:30] <Lyra_Bel> "And fruit juice"
  291. [19:31] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I swear is this a cartoon?"
  292. [19:31] <Alexander_Pyrite> "A dark, scary cartoon"
  293. [19:31] <Lyra_Bel> "Heh"
  294. [19:31] <Alexander_Pyrite> :|
  295. [19:31] <Lyra_Bel> "I brought that up with Faerzen, actually"
  296. [19:31] <Lyra_Bel> "Like the world's worst Disney movie"
  297. [19:32] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Are you the princess?"
  298. [19:32] <Alexander_Pyrite> "disney princess"
  299. [19:32] * Lyra_Bel snorts
  300. [19:32] <Alexander_Pyrite> "fuck that sounded weird"
  301. [19:32] <Lyra_Bel> "Yeah, sure"
  302. [19:32] <Lyra_Bel> "I'm the magical fairy princess"
  303. [19:32] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I mean"
  304. [19:32] <Lyra_Bel> "And this is the story of my gradual mutilation"
  305. [19:32] * Alexander_Pyrite gestures at wings"
  306. [19:32] <Lyra_Bel> "Y'know"
  307. [19:32] <Lyra_Bel> "For the kids"
  308. [19:33] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Man our movie is going to sell so well"
  309. [19:33] <Lyra_Bel> "Ha ha"
  310. [19:33] <Alexander_Pyrite> "We're going to be rich!"
  311. [19:33] <Alexander_Pyrite> "dead"
  312. [19:33] <Alexander_Pyrite> "But rich!"
  313. [19:34] <Lyra_Bel> "Because there are so many buyers on the market for Disney snuff"
  314. [19:34] <Lyra_Bel> "Think of all the people who would love to buy our movies"
  315. [19:34] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Oh right i forgot the earth and everyone we ever knew or loved is dead"
  316. [19:34] <Lyra_Bel> "Easily forgettable"
  317. [19:34] <Lyra_Bel> :P
  318. [19:34] <Lyra_Bel> "S'not that big a deal, really"
  319. [19:35] <Lyra_Bel> "Most people I knew pre-game are still in here"
  320. [19:35] <Alexander_Pyrite> "And youre a sociopath"
  321. [19:35] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh yeah, that too"
  322. [19:36] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I lived in pretty much solitude so I was fine"
  323. [19:37] <Lyra_Bel> "Right, you mentioned that"
  324. [19:37] <Lyra_Bel> "I, uh, I guess I only lost one person too"
  325. [19:37] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Oh, Im sorry"
  326. [19:37] <Lyra_Bel> "S'fine"
  327. [19:38] <Lyra_Bel> "I'm sure he's happy"
  328. [19:38] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Happy being dead?"
  329. [19:38] <Lyra_Bel> "I meant it in the afterlife sense"
  330. [19:39] <Lyra_Bel> "Chilling with all his biggest heroes"
  331. [19:39] <Alexander_Pyrite> "i guess thats comforting"
  332. [19:39] <Alexander_Pyrite> "knowing thees something after you die"
  333. [19:40] <Lyra_Bel> "Well, we really don't"
  334. [19:40] <Lyra_Bel> "He might have just gotten pulverized"
  335. [19:41] <Alexander_Pyrite> "oh"
  336. [19:42] * Lyra_Bel shrugs
  337. [19:43] <Lyra_Bel> "Not that big a deal"
  338. [19:43] <Lyra_Bel> "Can't prove either one, so may as well assume he's happy"
  339. [19:43] <Alexander_Pyrite> "what a nice sentiment"
  340. [19:44] <Lyra_Bel> "What about your parents? I don't think you ever said why it was you lived alone"
  341. [19:45] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Long story short"
  342. [19:45] <Alexander_Pyrite> "they were pressuring me to do things i didnt want to do"
  343. [19:45] <Lyra_Bel> "Ah"
  344. [19:45] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I decided it would be better to get away, relax alone"
  345. [19:45] <Lyra_Bel> "So you just... did"
  346. [19:46] <Lyra_Bel> "And that worked out for you?"
  347. [19:46] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah"
  348. [19:46] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I nver really thought about it"
  349. [19:46] <Lyra_Bel> "Seriously?"
  350. [19:46] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I think my parents were really lucky or something"
  351. [19:47] <Alexander_Pyrite> "This is the "future" keep in mind"
  352. [19:47] <Alexander_Pyrite> "things were... different"
  353. [19:47] <Lyra_Bel> "Different enough that you can just drop off the map and apparently be just fine?"
  354. [19:47] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah"
  355. [19:48] <Lyra_Bel> "That doesn't make any sense"
  356. [19:48] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Money and stuff were not as important"
  357. [19:48] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Hell
  358. [19:48] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Maybe they were and I just didnt pay attention to it"
  359. [19:48] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I did sorta abandon my parents and disappoint them"
  360. [19:48] <Alexander_Pyrite> "They made it so that I would be gone. Permenantly. I couldnt go back if i wanted"
  361. [19:49] <Lyra_Bel> "You can't just not pay attention to stuff like that!"
  362. [19:49] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Lyra, I dont know if you've gotten this yet"
  363. [19:49] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Im kind of an idiot"
  364. [19:50] <Lyra_Bel> "Well YEAH, but- oh sorry"
  365. [19:50] <Alexander_Pyrite> :/
  366. [19:50] <Lyra_Bel> "There's no way just disappearing worked out"
  367. [19:50] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I only dissapeared for a short time before the earth was..."
  368. [19:51] <Alexander_Pyrite> "destroyed?"
  369. [19:51] <Alexander_Pyrite> "dunno"
  370. [19:51] <Lyra_Bel> "But- but-"
  371. [19:52] <Lyra_Bel> "How can you be so passive about everything!?"
  372. [19:52] <Lyra_Bel> "You can't just ignore the consequences and do whatever!"
  373. [19:53] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I know, its just when the time comes i just... do it"
  374. [19:53] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I dont think about it"
  375. [19:53] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Derse looks cool, lets explore"
  376. [19:53] <Alexander_Pyrite> "this cliff isnt that high"
  377. [19:53] <Lyra_Bel> "B-buh-"
  378. [19:54] <Lyra_Bel> "That's utterly crazy"
  379. [19:54] <Lyra_Bel> "You're crazy"
  380. [19:54] <Alexander_Pyrite> "hehe..."
  381. [19:54] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Like you said"
  382. [19:54] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Join the club"
  383. [19:54] <Alexander_Pyrite> "or whatever"
  384. [19:55] * Lyra_Bel opens her mouth to respond, closes it, opens it again, then puts her head in her hands with a groan
  385. [19:55] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Sorry"
  386. [19:56] <Alexander_Pyrite> "of all the guys to be stuck with eh?"
  387. [19:56] * Lyra_Bel laughs
  388. [19:56] <Lyra_Bel> "Better than Nickolai, I guess"
  389. [19:57] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Well Nick is with Faerzen anyway"
  390. [19:58] <Lyra_Bel> "Wait, really? I thought he was on one of the other planets"
  391. [19:58] <Alexander_Pyrite> "No i mean like together with"
  392. [19:59] <Alexander_Pyrite> "in a relationship"
  393. [19:59] * Lyra_Bel blinks
  394. [19:59] <Lyra_Bel> "When was this?"
  395. [19:59] <Alexander_Pyrite> "What"
  396. [19:59] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I dont know"
  397. [20:00] <Alexander_Pyrite> "When nick was healing my leg we got smashed and told me about it"
  398. [20:00] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Am i not remembering right"
  399. [20:00] * Alexander_Pyrite closes eyes and rubs temples
  400. [20:00] <Lyra_Bel> "I dunno, I never knew anything about them being an item"
  401. [20:01] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Huh i thought that was a somewhat large thing with nick"
  402. [20:02] * Lyra_Bel shrugs
  403. [20:02] <Lyra_Bel> "News to me"
  404. [20:02] <Alexander_Pyrite> "now you know"
  405. [20:03] <Alexander_Pyrite> "From what i remember it was some weird destiny soul mates bullshit thing going on"
  406. [20:03] <Alexander_Pyrite> "even though Faerzen is from my time and nick is from waay not my time"
  407. [20:03] <Lyra_Bel> "Heh"
  408. [20:03] <Lyra_Bel> "Reminds me of that one xkcd thing"
  409. [20:04] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Whats that"
  410. [20:04] <Lyra_Bel> "A website"
  411. [20:04] <Lyra_Bel> "This guy did the math on what'd happen if everyone in the world had exactly one soul mate"
  412. [20:05] <Lyra_Bel> "Most of them are long-dead or won't be born for centuries"
  413. [20:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "And this game took people from different timezones"
  414. [20:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "No way right?"
  415. [20:08] * Lyra_Bel shrugs
  416. [20:08] <Lyra_Bel> "I dunno"
  417. [20:08] <Lyra_Bel> "Probably doing the overdramatic 'true love with the first person to smile at me' thing that kids are so known for"
  418. [20:08] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah probably"
  419. [20:09] <Lyra_Bel> "I'd give it a week if I thought we'd all survive that long"
  420. [20:09] * Alexander_Pyrite stares off into the distance imagining the first time he looked at lyra. She was naked and had crystal eyes.
  421. [20:09] <Alexander_Pyrite> "What? Oh yeah sure"
  422. [20:14] * Lyra_Bel and Alexander_Pyrite are silent for a few minutes
  423. [20:14] * Lyra_Bel stands up
  424. [20:14] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Whats up?"
  425. [20:14] <Lyra_Bel> "Faerzen and Reg have had enough time to sulk. I'm doing this."
  426. [20:14] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Niiice"
  428. [20:39] * Lyra_Bel approaches the floating book
  429. [20:39] <Lyra_Bel> " 'Scuse me?"
  430. [20:40] <Regent> "Hmm?"
  431. [20:40] <Lyra_Bel> "The thing that means we're able to ask you for clarifications and advice still applies, right?"
  432. [20:41] <Regent> "Yes"
  433. [20:41] <Lyra_Bel> "Even after the recess ends, which is... eventually, I guess"
  434. [20:42] <Regent> "Out of court the offer stands as well"
  435. [20:42] <Regent> "That is true"
  436. [20:42] <Lyra_Bel> "No, but when we start up again"
  437. [20:42] <Lyra_Bel> "If I don't understand, or if I need help following the rules"
  438. [20:42] <Lyra_Bel> "Can I ask?"
  439. [20:42] <Regent> "Of course you may"
  440. [20:43] <Lyra_Bel> "Okay. Thanks, Reg"
  441. [20:43] <Lyra_Bel> "Now. Is Carl really able to just quit the contract like that?"
  442. [20:44] <Regent> "Only because he is certain that something went wrong from a legal standpoint"
  443. [20:45] <Lyra_Bel> "And I couldn't do the same, even though I obviously knew it was broken?"
  444. [20:47] <Regent> "No, you could not. He has rights you do not as a higher power of sorts"
  445. [20:48] <Regent> "A divine being"
  446. [20:48] <Lyra_Bel> "But he's still bound to certain rules. Right?"
  447. [20:48] <Lyra_Bel> "Which is why he needed a version of me to accept the deal"
  448. [20:48] <Regent> "Certainly"
  449. [20:49] <Lyra_Bel> "I see"
  450. [20:49] <Regent> "Take thanks that he decided to make a contract with you"
  451. [20:49] <Regent> "He could've just gone off script and drained your life force when you first put him on"
  452. [20:50] <Lyra_Bel> "Off script meaning what, exactly?"
  453. [20:50] <Regent> "Noncontracted"
  454. [20:50] <Lyra_Bel> "But you just said he couldn't do that"
  455. [20:50] <Regent> "I said there were rules"
  456. [20:50] <Regent> "For legal contracts is what I meant"
  457. [20:51] <Lyra_Bel> "Alright"
  458. [20:51] <Regent> "He did not need you to accept a deal if he didn't offer one"
  459. [20:51] <Lyra_Bel> "So if he decides the other contract isn't going well, he can decide not to enforce it and then kill me for fun"
  460. [20:51] <Regent> "Not at all"
  461. [20:52] <Regent> "A contract is binding"
  462. [20:52] <Lyra_Bel> "Except when he wants it nullified"
  463. [20:52] <Regent> "By using a contract he is essentially putting legal bindings on how he could abuse you"
  464. [20:53] <Lyra_Bel> "We never established that he couldn't hurt me for fun"
  465. [20:53] <Regent> "That is true"
  466. [20:53] <Regent> "You never established you couldn't hurt him for fun"
  467. [20:54] <Lyra_Bel> "He's a god, you said"
  468. [20:54] <Regent> "He is a divine entity"
  469. [20:55] <Regent> "He can be hurt"
  470. [20:55] <Lyra_Bel> "How?"
  471. [20:55] <Regent> "Why would you want to hurt a divine entity that has no ill will towards you?"
  472. [20:56] <Lyra_Bel> "Because I don't believe he has no ill will"
  473. [20:56] <Lyra_Bel> "For what should be obvious reasons"
  474. [20:56] <Regent> You also are almost certainly legally insane from the way the trial was going to end
  475. [20:57] <Lyra_Bel> "Well I mean, duh"
  476. [20:57] * Lyra_Bel sighs
  477. [20:57] <Lyra_Bel> "That should go without saying at this point"
  478. [20:58] <Regent> "A divine entity such as he is no different in mind from a mortal like yourself"
  479. [20:58] <Regent> "You may find it hard to physically wound him, or mentally assault him"
  480. [20:59] <Regent> "But he is vulnerable emotionally and psychologically"
  481. [20:59] <Lyra_Bel> "..."
  482. [20:59] <Lyra_Bel> "Can I hurt the queen of Derse the same way?"
  483. [21:00] <Regent> "Gods are just tougher humans"
  484. [21:00] <Regent> "As a rule, sentient things that aren't programmed are vulnerable psychologically"
  485. [21:01] <Lyra_Bel> "So I'm actually hurting it"
  486. [21:02] <Regent> "Do you realize it could kill you any moment you tried to engage it in hostile activity?"
  487. [21:02] <Lyra_Bel> "But it won't"
  488. [21:02] <Lyra_Bel> "Right?"
  489. [21:03] <Regent> "You want to hurt Abyss solely out of spite and expect no consequences?"
  490. [21:03] <Lyra_Bel> "Not spite. Revenge."
  491. [21:03] <Lyra_Bel> "I want justice."
  492. [21:03] <Lyra_Bel> "That's all"
  493. [21:04] <Regent> "You sicken me."
  494. [21:04] <Lyra_Bel> "Get in line, I sicken everyone"
  495. [21:05] <Regent> "The fact that you could hurt this creature so maliciously without any cause other than your own satisfaction... It's like kicking a puppy"
  496. [21:05] <Lyra_Bel> "..."
  497. [21:05] <Lyra_Bel> "Let's maybe use another comparison, shall we?"
  498. [21:06] <Regent> "It's like punching a baby for biting your hand?"
  499. [21:07] <Lyra_Bel> "I was gonna say more along the lines of putting down a mad dog that's already crippled you"
  500. [21:07] <Regent> "Crippled?"
  501. [21:07] <Regent> "Don't go blaming your preexisting raging mental disorders on him"
  502. [21:07] <Lyra_Bel> "It's a metaphor"
  503. [21:08] <Lyra_Bel> "Before, I didn't actually look forward to dying"
  504. [21:08] <Lyra_Bel> "Before, I thought I might have a chance to win the game"
  505. [21:08] <Regent> "Wasn't Exhibit C before you met Abyss?"
  506. [21:08] <Lyra_Bel> "Which one was that?"
  507. [21:09] <Regent> "The video with the gates"
  508. [21:09] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh, right"
  509. [21:09] <Regent> < The convo log sorry >
  510. [21:10] <Lyra_Bel> "That was after"
  511. [21:11] <Regent> "Uh-Huh"
  512. [21:12] <Lyra_Bel> "Before the contract, but after meeting it"
  513. [21:12] <Regent> "Listen, I'm not really interested in continuing this conversation"
  514. [21:13] <Regent> "You're shortsighted, conceited, and insane"
  515. [21:13] <Lyra_Bel> "You said you'd answer my questions"
  516. [21:13] <Regent> "I changed my mind"
  517. [21:13] <Regent> "I don't want to talk to you anymore"
  518. [21:13] <Lyra_Bel> "..."
  519. [21:13] <Lyra_Bel> "You really are Reggie, huh?"
  520. [21:14] <Regent> "I don't know who I am"
  521. [21:14] <Regent> "I have amnesia"
  522. [21:14] <Lyra_Bel> "So you're broken too"
  523. [21:15] <Lyra_Bel> "Probably better for you."
  524. [21:16] <Regent> "Get away from me"
  525. [21:17] <Regent> "I have nothing to say to you"
  526. [21:17] * Lyra_Bel rolls her eyes
  527. [21:17] <Lyra_Bel> "One last question."
  528. [21:18] <Lyra_Bel> "Promise you'll answer it truthfully."
  529. [21:19] <Regent> "No"
  530. [21:19] <Lyra_Bel> "Perfect"
  531. [21:19] * Lyra_Bel returns to sitting with Alex
  532. [21:19] * Regent spits ink at your face as you turn to leave
  533. [21:21] <Lyra_Bel> "Probably deserve that"
  534. [21:21] * Lyra_Bel returns to sitting with Alex
  536. [22:11] <Regent> Oh, and Alex
  537. [22:12] <Regent> You remember that thing you saw over Lyra's head earlier?
  538. [22:13] <Regent> Nah, my bad, wasn't over Lyra's head
  539. [22:13] <Alexander_Pyrite> crows and book and crown and shadow
  540. [22:13] <Regent> Was with her shadow
  541. [22:16] <Regent> You see those again, but Lyra's shadow seems closer to normal and the mask seems tons more scuffed up than before
  542. [22:16] <Regent> But just for a few moments and they're gone
  544. [22:16] * Alex|Vossum backs up a bit
  545. [22:16] <Alex|Vossum> "Lyra"
  546. [22:17] <Alex|Vossum> "did anything feel weird just now"
  547. [22:17] <Lyra_Bel> "Nothing out of the usual"
  548. [22:17] <Alex|Vossum> "Alright I might of just hallucinated"
  549. [22:17] * Lyra_Bel wipes the ink off with a sleeve
  550. [22:17] <Lyra_Bel> "Well, nuts. Last thing we need is more crazy people"
  551. [22:18] <Alex|Vossum> "Like your shadow turned black, two crow masks and a book flying around your head"
  552. [22:18] <Alex|Vossum> "and a crown"
  553. [22:18] <Lyra_Bel> "..."
  554. [22:18] <Lyra_Bel> "Welp"
  555. [22:18] <Alex|Vossum> "Heh."
  556. [22:18] <Alex|Vossum> "Thats all the reggies right?"
  557. [22:18] <Lyra_Bel> "Except Brofessor, yeah"
  558. [22:19] <Alex|Vossum> "yeah"
  559. [22:19] <Alex|Vossum> "but hes cool"
  560. [22:19] <Regent> < No, Crow Masks were Faerzen, No book >
  561. [22:19] <Alex|Vossum> ((shit really, oops))
  562. [22:19] <Alex|Vossum> ((change yours to yours and faerzen's))
  563. [22:21] <Lyra_Bel> "Used to think the others were cool too"
  564. [22:21] <Alex|Vossum> "Well he doesnt really do much to me"
  565. [22:21] <Lyra_Bel> "Probably a matter of time before this one hates my guts too"
  566. [22:21] <Alex|Vossum> "Naah"
  567. [22:21] <Alex|Vossum> "here lets tlak to him why not"
  568. [22:22] * Alex|Vossum pulls out Bro
  569. [22:22] <Regent> Oh, you finally got a babe to hit on you?
  570. [22:23] <Alex|Vossum> "come on dude"
  571. [22:23] <Regent> What?
  572. [22:23] <Alex|Vossum> "Im trying to make a point thats youre cool"
  573. [22:23] <Alex|Vossum> "and not like a bro cool"
  574. [22:23] <Alex|Vossum> "like cool cool"
  575. [22:24] <Regent> Soooooo....
  576. [22:24] <Regent> The chick isn't hitting on you?
  577. [22:24] <Alex|Vossum> "Uh."
  578. [22:25] * Alex|Vossum turns to lyra, with an expression that says help me
  579. [22:25] <Lyra_Bel> "You got yourself into this mess, you get out of it"
  580. [22:25] <Lyra_Bel> :P
  581. [22:25] <Regent> So she *is* hitting on you?
  582. [22:25] <Regent> Nice
  583. [22:26] <Alex|Vossum> "why... dont you ask her"
  584. [22:26] <Regent> Hey baby
  585. [22:26] <Regent> My name's Bro
  586. [22:26] <Alex|Vossum> "i regret my decision immediately"
  587. [22:26] <Regent> Short for Brofessor
  588. [22:26] <Lyra_Bel> "I noticed"
  589. [22:26] <Regent> But you can call me Bro
  590. [22:26] <Lyra_Bel> "From the way he called you Bro and identified you as Brofessor"
  591. [22:27] <Regent> So are you hitting on my protege Alex here?
  592. [22:27] * Alex|Vossum watches closely
  593. [22:27] <Regent> You crushing for him?
  594. [22:27] <Lyra_Bel> "Your protege, eh?"
  595. [22:28] <Regent> Meh
  596. [22:28] <Regent> I'm being generous
  597. [22:29] <Lyra_Bel> "To which of you?"
  598. [22:29] <Regent> You're avoiding the question I see
  599. [22:30] <Lyra_Bel> "And you're avoiding the request"
  600. [22:30] * Alex|Vossum looks regretful. Again.
  601. [22:31] <Regent> You wouldn't want me to get the wrong impression, would you?
  602. [22:31] * Lyra_Bel shrugs
  603. [22:31] <Lyra_Bel> "Pretty sure it's gonna happen that way anyway, right?"
  604. [22:31] * Alex|Vossum nods subtly
  605. [22:32] <Lyra_Bel> "I have a pattern of turning you guys against me"
  606. [22:32] <Regent> What, you're not going to end up making out in a closet behind my back?
  607. [22:33] <Lyra_Bel> "First, you don't have a back, you're a shield. Second, this planet has a significant lack of closets"
  608. [22:33] <Lyra_Bel> "And third. No."
  609. [22:33] <Alex|Vossum> "Plus i could just capthcalogue you"
  610. [22:33] <Regent> That's dissapointing
  611. [22:34] <Regent> And Alex, that's just dirty
  612. [22:34] <Lyra_Bel> "I dunno, I'm kinda leaning towards that option myself"
  613. [22:34] <Regent> Pfft
  614. [22:34] <Regent> You all are being very rude about all of this
  615. [22:35] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh, there it is"
  616. [22:35] <Regent> Have you ever been captchalogued before?
  617. [22:35] <Regent> It isn't enjoyable
  618. [22:35] * Alex|Vossum :|
  619. [22:36] <Lyra_Bel> "So I've heard"
  620. [22:37] <Lyra_Bel> "Have you considered not being an insufferable jerk while not captchalogued?"
  621. [22:38] <Regent> Babe, I'm sorry that you just can't handle this much cool
  622. [22:38] <Regent> I'm toning it down just for you
  623. [22:38] * Alex|Vossum :||||
  624. [22:39] <Lyra_Bel> "I'll admit, I'm interested to see how much lower you can tone it"
  625. [22:39] <Regent> No, see, I've already been toning it down
  626. [22:40] <Regent> Like, because I thought that you were important to Alex
  627. [22:40] * Alex|Vossum o.o
  628. [22:40] <Lyra_Bel> "Well, you're kinda just being an idiot. Couldja quit it for like thirty seconds?"
  629. [22:41] <Regent> Babe, just shut your mouth and accept that I just am this way
  630. [22:42] <Regent> If you don't like it, you don't have to deal with it
  631. [22:42] * Alex|Vossum 0.0
  632. [22:42] <Lyra_Bel> "Good point. I guess Sabath isn't so bad after all"
  633. [22:42] <Regent> Thank you
  634. [22:42] <Regent> *some people...*
  635. [22:43] * Alex|Vossum :0
  636. [22:43] <Alex|Vossum> "please be merciful to him lyra, he knows not what he says"
  637. [22:43] <Alex|Vossum> "and hes a good shield"
  638. [22:43] <Regent> Pffft
  639. [22:43] <Regent> I know exactly what I'm saying
  640. [22:44] <Lyra_Bel> "He just doesn't care"
  641. [22:44] <Regent> I cared enough to try
  642. [22:45] <Regent> Doesn't that count for something?
  643. [22:45] * Lyra_Bel glances to Alex. "You wanna take this one?"
  644. [22:45] * Alex|Vossum looks panicked at lyra
  645. [22:45] <Alex|Vossum> "Uh"
  646. [22:45] <Alex|Vossum> "Sure"
  647. [22:46] <Alex|Vossum> "but you suck at trying so stop"
  648. [22:46] <Regent> Whatever
  649. [22:46] <Regent> I should've known you wouldn't have managed to get a girl on your own
  650. [22:46] <Alex|Vossum> "dude you arent helping at all"
  651. [22:47] <Alex|Vossum> "probably making it worse in fact"
  652. [22:47] <Lyra_Bel> "No probably about it"
  653. [22:47] <Lyra_Bel> "You're pretty blatantly making it worse"
  654. [22:47] <Regent> Hey, I literally was "born" a few days ago
  655. [22:47] <Regent> Gimme a break
  656. [22:48] <Alex|Vossum> "i guess"
  657. [22:48] <Alex|Vossum> "but that doesnt mean you can somewhat hit on everything in sight"
  658. [22:49] <Regent> Hit on?
  659. [22:49] <Alex|Vossum> "what"
  660. [22:49] <Regent> Why would I want a fleshy mortal chick? No offense
  661. [22:49] <Alex|Vossum> "What are you doing then"
  662. [22:50] <Regent> Making conversation
  663. [22:50] <Alex|Vossum> "Trying to get me a- uh, mortal chick while youre at it"
  664. [22:50] <Alex|Vossum> "The fuck dude"
  665. [22:50] <Alex|Vossum> "i didnt ask for this"
  666. [22:50] <Regent> Woah bro
  667. [22:50] <Regent> The fuck are you talking about?
  668. [22:51] <Regent> I wasn't trying to be your wingman
  669. [22:51] <Regent> I thought this chick was already your girlfriend
  670. [22:52] <Alex|Vossum> "i dont know what to say about that"
  671. [22:52] <Alex|Vossum> "i think that it was fairly obvious she wasnt"
  672. [22:52] <Regent> Well yeah
  673. [22:52] <Regent> I noticed
  674. [22:52] <Alex|Vossum> "what so you noticed and you still did-"
  675. [22:53] <Alex|Vossum> "fuck it man"
  676. [22:53] <Alex|Vossum> "im so confused"
  677. [22:53] <Alex|Vossum> "im gonna go put you over there to think about it"
  678. [22:53] <Regent> I noticed after she said she didn't want to make out with you
  679. [22:53] <Regent> Though you really should get a bae
  680. [22:53] <Regent> You're the right age for it
  681. [22:53] <Alex|Vossum> "Dude what is this"
  682. [22:54] <Alex|Vossum> "2014?"
  683. [22:54] * Alex|Vossum slides bro away in the direction of the cliff
  684. [22:54] <Regent> Ruuuuuuuuuudddddeeee
  685. [22:54] <Lyra_Bel> "Justifiiiiiiiiiiiiied"
  686. [22:54] <Alex|Vossum> roll 1d20+2 dex to not overshoot and knock off cliff
  687. [22:54] <`DICE> Alex|Vossum rolled 1d20+2 dex to not overshoot and knock off cliff [ 1d20=20 ]{22}
  688. [22:54] <Lyra_Bel> ((Nailed it))
  689. [22:55] <Alex|Vossum> ((so its like hanging off balanced))
  690. [22:55] <Regent> Bro
  691. [22:55] <Regent> I'm just saying
  692. [22:55] <Regent> You need me to help you search for a girl?
  693. [22:56] <Regent> Or a guy I guess?
  694. [22:56] * Alex|Vossum walks over and pushes him off
  695. [22:56] <Alex|Vossum> "we are done here"
  696. [22:56] <Alex|Vossum> "i..."
  697. [22:56] <Alex|Vossum> "am so sorry"
  698. [22:56] <Regent> < Wow, rude >
  699. [22:56] * Lyra_Bel watches Brofessor fall basically forever
  700. [22:56] <Lyra_Bel> "Yeah, no, don't-"
  701. [22:57] <Regent> YOU DIIIIIIIIIIII
  702. [22:57] <Lyra_Bel> "Don't apologize. Wasn't your fault"
  703. [22:57] <Regent> IIIIIIiiiiiiicccccccccc-
  704. [22:57] <Alex|Vossum> "man i kinda feel bad"
  705. [22:57] <Alex|Vossum> "no i have to go get that"
  706. [22:57] <Alex|Vossum> ((do i have those spears from derse on me?))
  707. [22:57] <Regent> < No >
  708. [22:58] <Alex|Vossum> "shit."
  709. [22:58] <Alex|Vossum> "well at least thats over"
  710. [22:58] <Lyra_Bel> "Thank goodness for little miracles"
  711. [22:59] <Alex|Vossum> "like talkig shields?" hehe
  712. [22:59] <Lyra_Bel> "Heh, I'm just happy my Reggie stopped acting that way after we killed that horse"
  713. [23:00] <Alex|Vossum> "I hope this doesnt turn him demonic"
  714. [23:00] <Lyra_Bel> "Good point"
  715. [23:00] * Alex|Vossum suddenly realizes he may have turned his shield against him to make a girl happy
  716. [23:00] <Lyra_Bel> "Maybe throwing away your resident NPC was a poor decision"
  717. [23:00] <Regent> Alex realizes that this is the second being he was responsible for who's blood is on his hands
  718. [23:01] <Lyra_Bel> "Since he's kinda also your weapon"
  719. [23:01] <Alex|Vossum> "maybe"
  720. [23:01] <Lyra_Bel> "And debatably a piece of armour"
  721. [23:01] <Alex|Vossum> "i regret this"
  722. [23:01] <Alex|Vossum> "so sorry about that whole "hitting on you for me" thing"
  723. [23:01] <Lyra_Bel> "S'fine"
  724. [23:01] <Lyra_Bel> "I kinda got used to it from Reg"
  725. [23:02] <Lyra_Bel> "If, uh..."
  726. [23:02] <Lyra_Bel> "If you want, we could go get him"
  727. [23:02] <Alex|Vossum> "Hm?"
  728. [23:02] <Alex|Vossum> "sure"
  729. [23:02] <Alex|Vossum> "any idea how to get down?"
  730. [23:02] <Lyra_Bel> :P
  731. [23:02] * Lyra_Bel flutters her wings
  732. [23:03] <Alex|Vossum> "right"
  733. [23:03] <Alex|Vossum> "no offence but are you strong enough to carry me or someting?"
  734. [23:03] <Lyra_Bel> "Heck no"
  735. [23:03] <Lyra_Bel> "I was gonna make you a pair"
  736. [23:04] <Alex|Vossum> "You were what"
  737. [23:04] <Alex|Vossum> "oh right"
  738. [23:04] <Alex|Vossum> "the pen thing"
  739. [23:04] <Lyra_Bel> "All the cool kids have them"
  740. [23:05] <Lyra_Bel> "Except I guess for Tarane"
  741. [23:05] <Alex|Vossum> "i dont know"
  742. [23:05] <Alex|Vossum> "im not sure if i want permanent wings"
  743. [23:05] <Lyra_Bel> "Not permanent. I can just stop sustaining it"
  744. [23:05] <Lyra_Bel> "This is I think my third set on this body"
  745. [23:05] <Alex|Vossum> "ah"
  746. [23:06] <Alex|Vossum> "alright, draw away"
  747. [23:06] <Lyra_Bel> Roll 1d20+5 to draw wings
  748. [23:06] <`DICE> Lyra_Bel rolled 1d20+5 to draw wings [ 1d20=19 ]{24}
  749. [23:06] <Lyra_Bel> ((Heck yeah))
  750. [23:07] <Regent> < describe Em >
  751. [23:07] <Alex|Vossum> (whew)
  752. [23:07] <Alex|Vossum> ((i woudl survive a fall but id rather not))
  753. [23:07] <Lyra_Bel> ((Still the only pair she knows how to draw. Copied from Nick))
  754. [23:07] <Lyra_Bel> ((Except bigger))
  755. [23:08] <Lyra_Bel> ((Scaled up to fit Alex instead of Nick))
  756. [23:08] <Regent> < They come out perfectly >
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