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Jan 2nd, 2016
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  1. <aft444> Hello 🍂
  2. <aft444> I desire for you all good 🌿
  3. <aft444> 🌾 simply.
  4. <aft444> -(1) It’s just a brief about Islam (you won’t lose anything)
  5. <aft444> -(2) Just read a little about Islam (consider this as a general knowledge)
  6. <aft444> -(3) Just expose yourself to the truth that will delight you (you’re the only one who will benefit)
  7. <aft444> -(4) Don’t listen to the media only (Don't let him fool you)
  8. <aft444> -(👦) Trust yourself; you are liberal, educated & smart, (so listen from Islam; don’t listen to what’s said about Islam)
  9. <aft444> -(5) Know about Islam from its authentic sources which are Quran & Sunnah (prophet Muhammad’s traditions)
  10. <aft444> -(6) On YouTube , or any website, explore the scientists, artists, singers, athletes, thinkers, etc. Listen to the stories of those who embraced Islam like Tyson, Arnoud van Doorn (an anti-Muslim film maker) and other celebrities. Listen to how they were happy after knowing & worshipping their Creator.
  11. <aft444> -(7) Think about the oneness of God who has no partner. You will find the real happiness and inner peace that you have never imagined. You will feel something different; the taste of faith and believing in the only One God. Ask anyone who embraced Islam about that.
  12. <aft444> -(🔥) Save yourself & your beloved ones from the Hellfire through embracing Islam and monotheism
  13. <aft444> -(8) Remember that you will die and be returned to Allah (God). He will ask and punish you for associating another partner with Him. So:
  14. <aft444> 🌻 Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One,
  15. <aft444> 🌻 Allah, the Eternal Refuge.
  16. <aft444> 🌻 He neither begets nor is born,
  17. <aft444> 🌻 Nor is there to Him any equivalent."
  18. <aft444> -(💡) Don’t forget this statement -↠ 🍂 DON'T HEAR (ABOUT) ISLAM ; HEAR (FROM) ISLAM 🍂 .
  19. <aft444> - That’s all I want to say 🍵
  20. <aft444> Finally,
  21. <aft444> -(🐬) They are online chat websites that answer & introduce Islam, and How to become a Muslim.
  22. <aft444> .👀⤴. htt ps://ww com/watch?v=7 qs_QKTd8Fg
  23. <aft444> .👀⤴. ht tps://w com/watch?v=H IkXAd2o8WM
  24. <aft444> .👀⤴. h ttps://yo utu be/D 0U5MzEMDWk?t=8m15s
  25. <aft444> .🌾⤴. ht tp://qu sa/in dex.php?l=en#aya=5_72&m=hafs&qaree=en&trans=en_sh
  26. <aft444> .🌾⤴. h ttp://qu sa/in dex.php?l=en#aya=5_72&m=hafs&qaree=absulbasit.m&trans=en_sh
  27. <aft444> -↠⤴. ht tp://isl amqa info/en/11 819
  28. <aft444> -↠⤴. h ttps://en.wik ipedia org/wiki/Ar noud_van_Doorn
  29. <aft444> 📞 Websites with (ONLINE CHAT).
  30. <aft444> h ttp:// lamr eligion com
  31. <aft444> ht tp:// lam-port com
  32. <aft444> htt p://www.isla mhouse com
  33. <aft444> ht tp://www.isl amic-message net
  34. <aft444> h ttp:// lamland com/eng
  35. <aft444> ht tps://www.ed ialogue org
  36. <aft444> ,🌷, Be happy in this world and the Hereafter ,🌷,
  37. <aft444> * Save this message. To read it later. Maybe you need it someday.🍵
  38. <aft444> That’s it ♥
  39. <aft444> May Allah (God) grant you all good .💐.
  40. <aft444> ,🌹, Good bye ,🌹,
  41. <michaelni> hmm, do you happen to know where i can find english translations of all the charlie hebdo cartoons? just asking as you seem an expert on the subject. Btw have fun and may peace be with you and everyone no matter in which deity they believe!
  43. religious spam is from: ~444@ Sun Jan 2 23:19 UTC 2016
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