
Deadmeat Chronicles: Snuggle Wuggle Takes Over

Nov 8th, 2012
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  1. >In a secluded area of the local park they have just finished cleaning all the dead fluffies.
  2. >This was the area of a large fluffy herd.
  3. >It was out of the way and not many came here which is why it prospered.
  4. >But it was eradicated.
  5. >The men who cleaned the area walk out with wagons of dead fluffies.
  6. >Two exterminators are standing over a fallen limb.
  7. >”That the branch that got him?”
  8. >A man picks up a broken limb, “Yep, doc said it was a freak accident.”
  9. >”It went in and hit the artery.”
  10. >”And so ends our job, we got most of them.”
  11. >”Yea, I think we got every smarty in the park.”
  12. >”Oh well, time to move on.”
  13. >They turn away from the limb and they both walk away.
  14. >A few fluffies come into the area and start to chase each other.
  15. >Their giggling is all that breaks the quiet.
  16. >A breeze blows through the area rustling the leaves.
  17. >A soft tapping starts to resonate.
  18. >In the distance thunder rumbles.
  19. >The sound of marching hooves grows louder.
  20. >From a line of bushes a blue green pegasus fluffy with a green mane and emerald eyes comes out.
  21. >She prances forward as a line of large male fluffies come out following her.
  22. >One of the playing fluffies runs up to her, “New fwen? Wan pway?”
  23. >Three of her owchie friends run up and start to give owchies.
  24. >”Nuu tawk wif smawty!”, “Bad fwuffy!”, “Smawty say when smawty wan!”
  25. >The fluffy is quickly knocked to the ground as the owchie friends nip and buck his helpless body.
  26. >He lies crying as Snuggle Wuggle walks past in a huff.
  27. >She marches on with her owchie friends in tow.
  28. >She sees a small group of fluffies watching from a distance.
  29. >She points at them and yells, “Go way!”
  30. >One of the fluffies lets out a stream of shit, “Nuuu! Fwuffy point bad hoof at fwuffy!”
  31. >He shakes in mortal terror then falls over dead from shock.
  32. >The rest scatter, “Nuu! Meanie smawty point bad hoofey!”
  33. >She sneers and continues on.
  34. >She continues walking until she gets to a solitary bush.
  35. >Thunder rumbles again as the horizon darkens.
  36. >”Snuggle Wuggle go into hidey hole awone!”
  37. >All the male fluffies make a circle around the bush as she walks into it.
  38. >She looks at the interior of the dum dum smarty’s hidey hole.
  39. >He took time to bend the branches and burrow out some of the dirt.
  40. >There is an ample leaf nest.
  41. >She crawls in it and finds it is very comfortable.
  42. >She walks around poking her head out, she has a very good view of the area.
  43. >”Dum dum smawty haf gud hidey hole…”
  44. >She gets back under the bush looks around some more.
  45. >It looks like he made two small nest off to the side.
  46. >”Why dum dum do dat?”
  47. >She kicks the nest together.
  48. >”Make nice sweepy pwace fo babeh.”
  49. >Snuggle Wuggle walks out from the bush, “Dis Snuggle Wuggle awea now! Dis Snuggle Wuggle hidey hole!”
  50. >She gives a cold stare around, “Any fwuffy go in hidey hole get biggest owchies!”
  51. >The sky gets darker as thunder get louder.
  52. >All the owchie fluffies stand up as she speaks.
  53. >”Nuuu! Nuu hewt fwuffy!”
  54. >”Yoo bad fwuffy! Yoo wif munsta smawty!”
  55. >”Wahhhahhhhahhhhh! Saf Wosebewwy!”
  56. > A red earth fluffy with a blue purple mane comes running up to Snuggle Wuggle and jumps behind her.
  57. >”Nuuuu! Bad smawty come to gif owwies! Pwease safe Woseberry!”
  58. >She hunkers downs shivering behind the blue green pegasus.
  59. >A large fluffy comes truddling behind her, “Bad fwuffy! Gif owchies!”
  60. >When he approaches he sees Snuggle Wuggle and freezes.
  61. >”Fwuffy sowwy! Bad fwuffy get way! But fwuffy gif sowwies to bad fwuffy!”
  62. >Snuggle Wuggle looks at the fluffy, “Yoo wet fwuffy get way!”
  63. >She points at him, “Gif dat fwuffy wots owchies!”
  64. >Four of her body guards leap on the offending fluffy nipping and bucking him mercilessly.
  65. >He quickly falls crying and yelling sorry over and over.
  66. >Snuggle Wuggle turns and looks down at Roseberry.
  67. >Rose berry hears the yells of the chasing fluffy and starts to quit shaking.
  68. >”Yay! Gud fwuffy saf Wosebewwy from bad fwuffy. Gud fwuffy saf Wosebewwy fwom-“
  69. >She looks up and sees the stone face of Snuggle Wuggle.
  71. >She falls shaking again and covers her eyes.
  72. >”Why fwuffy hewe!? Yoo hewd get biggest owchies!” Snuggle Wuggle stomps on Roseberry’s head.
  73. >”Meanie hoomin twow ting at Wosebewwy! Gif big owchies to fwuffies! Wosebewwy wun off!”
  74. >”Twy fin munsta smawty but get wost! Hewp MUNSTA SMAWTY! Waaahhh!”
  75. >”Dum dum smawty go bye bye! Yoo haf nuu hewd!”
  76. >Snuggle Wuggle gets a satisfied look on her face at the cries of this female fluffy.
  77. >Her owchie friends get ready, they know the order to kill is imminent.
  78. >Snuggle Wuggle points at Roseberyy.
  79. >Snuggle Wuggle freezes.
  80. *sniff* *sniff*
  81. >She lowers her hoof and walks to Roseberry who is still shivering and covering her eyes.
  82. *sniff* *sniff*
  83. >She starts to sniff her back and down her sides.
  84. >She moves to the back of Roseberry and noses under her tail.
  85. *sniff* *sniff* *sniff* *sniff*
  86. >Roseberry cries louder, “Wahhhhh! Meanie smawty do bad tings to Wosebewwy pee pee pwace! Huu huuuuu!”
  87. >Snuggle Wuggle steps back with her jaw down and her eyes wide.
  88. >All she says is “Stwong babeh…..”
  89. >She starts to look around.
  90. >If one fluffy got away pregnant, how many other strong babies are out there?
  91. >Snuggle Wuggle keeps a calm look but panics on the inside.
  92. >She has done too much, she has her babbies coming.
  93. >they will be strong.
  94. >She will control the herd with those babies.
  95. >But now, what if other strong babies come?
  96. >She stomps in frustration, all her owchie friends jump back unsure who she wants punished.
  97. >Her head is killing her as the situation sinks in.
  98. >She has used too many fluffies to get what she wants.
  99. >She was going to love her babies and they would listen to her and now Dum Dum has stopped her again!
  100. >She knows she needs strong fluffies and they come from strong babies!
  101. >It must be her strong babies that keeps the herd in line!
  102. >Snuggle Wuggle gets a cold smile across her face.
  103. >She looks down at Roseberry, “Nuu hewt dis fwuffy!”
  104. >All her owchie friends, the beaten fluffy and Roseberry all say at once, “Wha!?”
  105. >”Nuu hewt dis fwuffy. Fwuffy haf Snuggle Wuggle babeh in her tummy!”
  106. >Roseberry forgets her fear and sits up looking at her belly, “Wosebewwy haf babeh?”
  107. >One of her owchie friends cocks his head to the side, “How smawty get babeh in udder fwuffy?”
  108. >She ponts at the fluffy who spoke out of turn, “Gif owchies! Gif biggest owchies!”
  109. >Five large fluffies jump on the doomed fluffy.
  110. >They kick, bite, and unicorns poke.
  111. >”Snuggle Wuggle say Snuggle Wuggle babeh! Babeh bewong Snuggle Wuggle!”
  112. >Roseberry is smiling and rubbing her tummy, “Wosebewwy haf babeh in tummy!”
  113. >Snuggle Wuggle gets in her face, “Dat Snuggle Wuggle babeh, wet fwuffy haf babeh fo Snuggle Wuggle.”
  114. >Roseberry falls back down, “Wosebewwy undastan, dey yoo babeh!”
  115. >She starts to shiver again.
  116. >Snuggle Wuggle walks below her new bush, “Owchie fwens do gud job. Nee speshul huggies.”
  117. >All her bodyguards stand tall.
  118. >The one beating the out of line fluffy have finished and left the beaten corpse to listen to the smarty.
  119. >”Owchie fwens noa get wots of speshul huggies!”
  120. >They all smile and start to wag their tails.
  121. >”Fwom new speshul huggie fwen.”
  122. >Snuggle Wuggle points to Roseberry.
  123. >The nearest fluffy runs over and jumps on Roseberry’s back and quickly mounts her.
  124. >”Enf! Enf! Enf! Gud feew! Enf! Enf! Enf!..”
  125. >”NUUU! Wosebewwy nu wan speshul hugies! Waahhhhh! Nuuu gif speshul huggies! Waahhhhh!”
  126. >The wind picks up as dark clouds start to blow over the park.
  127. >Snuggle Wuggle walks in front of Roseberry, “Yoo get speshul huggies when hewd wan! Yoo stay at end of hewd awea! Babeh bewong Snuggle Wuggle!”
  128. >Roseberry’s cries as she hears what her fate is.
  129. >”Yoo haf Snuggle Wuggle babeh, yoo nuu get biggest owchies. Yoo hewd speshul huggie fwen now!”
  130. >Roseberry lets out a wail of anguish as a line of fluffies is getting behind her.
  131. >The first fluffy finishes and gets off with a stupid grin on his face, the next mounts instantly.
  132. >” Enf! Enf! Enf!....”
  133. >”Wahhhhh… saf Wosebewwy… huu huuu huuuu…”
  134. >You walk out and point to the fluffy you just ordered killed, “Take dis way!”
  135. >A small group of fluffies is looking at you from under a tree.
  136. >One of them puffs their cheeks, “Yoo bad fwuffy! Yoo go way!”
  137. >Snuggle Wuggle points at the group and a bolt of lightning strikes the tree.
  138. >Three of the group stiffen up and fall over with their fluff smoking.
  139. >”NUUU! Fwuffy point and gif owies! Say way fwom magi fwuffy!”
  140. >Snuggle Wuggle looks around.
  141. >She sees her new hidey hole.
  142. >She hears the cries of Roseberry as she is mounted again by one of her owchie friends.
  143. >She sees the smoking fluffies and the dead fluffy being drug off.
  144. >There are no more fluffies in her way.
  145. >She is the last smarty.
  146. >She starts to laugh.
  147. >”Tee hee hee… tee hee hee! TEE HEE HEEE TEE HEE!”
  148. >“Snuggle Wuggle take efewyting! Snuggle Wuggle biggest smawty! SNUGGLE WUGGLE WIN!!!”
  149. >The dark cloud is now over the park and the wind is starting to blow hard.
  150. >The fluffies who hide and look up have no idea how long the storm will last.
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