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a guest
Dec 12th, 2012
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  1. v17
  2. This server is rated +4 by other players.
  3. It is now month 2 of year 50
  4. You are now 1 years old physically (Born 1 years ago)
  5. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): That doesnt happen on RP I'm afraid.
  6. Winter Bliss(WinterBliss): please i dont wanna be by myself
  7. AzureFlames(Azureflames): Well hello Exgen, lovely day we are having?
  8. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): do i know u
  9. Gheis(AGuestAccount): lewis
  10. Gheis(AGuestAccount): he was calling you a failure script kiddie earlier
  11. AzureFlames(Azureflames): I am possibly the bane of your existance
  12. AzureFlames(Azureflames): Lewis was it?
  13. Talon(Beast-Shard): Could we make Space Pirate a rank?
  14. Willard Montgomery [SP](MegaBlues): Just be one.
  15. AzureFlames(Azureflames): Hello lewis, you are the script kiddie going around byond being a prtender hacker?
  16. Saving all items. Prepare for lag spike.
  17. Map Saved (13635)
  18. Saving items...
  19. Items saved (1939 items)
  20. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): hi.
  21. Talon(Beast-Shard): Space pirate = Bojack ^.^
  22. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): You must be a fool to go on hearsay.
  23. AzureFlames(Azureflames): Hello lewis. Question, why do you impersonate something you are not?
  24. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): >Implying I'm a hacker.
  25. Senia(Koroko): actually, the pretender is the one going around threatening exgen for no reason just because they wont't approve their server
  26. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): >Implying you know anything.
  27. AzureFlames(Azureflames): No i am a man of facts, and facts are I ahve watched you threaten
  28. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): So, do me a favor.
  29. AzureFlames(Azureflames): Poke at
  30. AzureFlames(Azureflames): And overly probe at players mentaly
  31. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): Gtfo or act already.
  32. AzureFlames(Azureflames): So do me a favor.
  33. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): k
  34. AzureFlames(Azureflames): Hack me
  35. AzureFlames(Azureflames): No GM verbs
  36. AzureFlames(Azureflames): No banning
  37. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): naw.
  38. AzureFlames(Azureflames): No muting
  39. AzureFlames(Azureflames): hack me
  40. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): I'ma just hostban you.
  41. AzureFlames(Azureflames): That all you can do?
  42. Winter Bliss(WinterBliss): can sombody please help me i just made abyond account cuz my friend said it was cool
  43. AzureFlames(Azureflames): See, you are no hacker
  44. AzureFlames(Azureflames): Simply a script kiddie
  45. Senia(Koroko): he never said he was, you derp
  46. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): You're dumb.
  47. Senia(Koroko): some other guy was threatening to hack him
  48. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): You think I'll take bait?
  49. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): lol
  50. AzureFlames(Azureflames): I think you are a script kiddie
  51. Arkael Morrigan(The Almighty 1-Star Dragon): Good for you.
  52. AzureFlames(Azureflames): Real hackers dont worry about bait
  53. AzureFlames(Azureflames): So how about this.
  54. Azureflames was banned.
  55. Reason: hi. ur now ban on sight and hostbanned and codebanned next update..
  56. Time: 240 hours.
  57. Banned by: EXGenesis
  58. Connection died.
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