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Jun 5th, 2013
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  1. [19:26:25] <CatoSicarius> hello
  2. [19:26:36] <BlackWing> meow
  3. [19:26:55] <CatoSicarius> would anyone like to read a draft?
  4. [19:27:25] * Apomonomenos ( has joined
  5. [19:27:37] <Gustav> SHOW US CATO
  6. [19:27:41] <Gustav> the Draft
  7. [19:27:56] <CatoSicarius>
  8. [19:28:00] <CatoSicarius> there you go
  9. [19:28:11] <CatoSicarius> please give your feedback
  10. [19:28:46] <Slate> Jesus Christ, Rising Storm has some fucked death sounds
  11. [19:29:22] <BlackWing>
  12. [19:29:32] <Gustav> hmmm
  13. [19:29:35] <DrippingPitch> Hey, I saw that before!
  14. [19:29:39] * Voct reads 570 and shakes head
  15. [19:30:06] <CatoSicarius> has anyone read mine?
  16. [19:30:09] <DrippingPitch> anywho, bye
  17. [19:30:10] * Wogglebug has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 10.0/20120129021758])
  18. [19:30:16] <Gustav> I'm working on it Cato
  19. [19:30:21] <Apomonomenos> So is level 1 clearance the lowest?
  20. [19:30:33] <CatoSicarius> I thought it weas at least
  21. [19:30:40] <CatoSicarius> unless it's the highest
  22. [19:30:44] <Slate> No
  23. [19:30:45] <Slate> 0 is
  24. [19:30:47] <Slate> Well
  25. [19:30:50] <CatoSicarius> in which case I feel like an ass
  26. [19:30:56] * DrippingPitch has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  27. [19:30:58] <Slate> If you count D-Class as clearance, it's the lowesr
  28. [19:31:00] <BlackWing>
  29. [19:31:04] <Apomonomenos> Idk, I've never played SCP-CB so vOv
  30. [19:31:10] <CatoSicarius> so, is 0 the highest or lowest
  31. [19:31:21] <Slate> Lowest
  32. [19:31:29] <Apomonomenos> so it goes from lowest number to highest in terms of clearence?
  33. [19:31:34] <Slate> Highest clearance is to be a member of the O5
  34. [19:31:42] <Apomonomenos> Oh
  35. [19:31:45] <Slate> It goes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, O5
  36. [19:32:01] <Apomonomenos> Gotchya, few, was going to make a big mistake there]
  37. [19:32:05] <DreadLindwyrm> That makes sense when you think about it. It means if you ever need higher clearance, it can be added...
  38. [19:32:11] <Maddy> Echo's really good at explaining sec levels btw
  39. [19:32:27] <Slate> They're pretty simple
  40. [19:32:27] <CatoSicarius> anyone finished mine yet?
  41. [19:32:44] <Gustav> sweet jesus hold on Cato
  42. [19:33:05] <CatoSicarius> just checking if anyone else had, not rushing gustav
  43. [19:33:05] * Silber has quit (Broken pipe)
  44. [19:33:13] <Gustav> i'm trying to type something
  45. [19:33:14] <Apomonomenos> I like the idea of it, Cato, definitely something new
  46. [19:33:37] <CatoSicarius> is it ready to be thrown to the wolves, or does it need more revision?
  47. [19:35:26] <Apomonomenos> I think you can expand the last log in the addendum, I mean I don't think anyone will just say "fuck it, we're gonna starve to death"
  48. [19:35:39] <CatoSicarius> alright then
  49. [19:35:46] <CatoSicarius> i'll fix it up now.
  50. [19:35:47] <Apomonomenos> That's just my opinion, btw
  51. [19:35:58] <CatoSicarius> thank you for your opiniom.
  52. [19:36:00] <Roget>
  53. [19:37:35] * PeppersGhost ( has joined
  54. [19:37:56] <PeppersGhost> Heya
  55. [19:38:02] <Gustav> Cato, seems like SCP-XXX-1 the wandering nova suit should be the focus as the actual SCP rather than the space craft. You do have some good ideas in there, but right now you got a good amount of info on the spacecraft, but the wandering corpse/suit just seems tacked in there
  56. [19:38:13] <Aphex_> Hi Peppers
  57. [19:38:56] <Gustav> you got like 2 sentences about Michael Everett's wandering corpse on the moon
  58. [19:39:05] <Gustav> compared to the rest
  59. [19:40:34] * BlackWing has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803])
  60. [19:40:58] <Mr_Wilt> hi PeppersGhost
  61. [19:40:58] <Echo> Someone mention security clearance?
  62. [19:41:04] <Gustav> the space craft is just the vessel that got scp-xxx-1 there, so the space craft should probably be the xxx-1
  63. [19:41:18] <Apomonomenos> Mhm
  64. [19:41:36] <randnamez> is asking if an idea I have sounds similar to any other SCP ok?
  65. [19:41:39] <Gustav> thats if you want the wandering suit to be the Euclid objest to be contained
  66. [19:41:48] <randnamez> I've read many, maybe most but but may have forgotten, glossed over one
  67. [19:42:22] <Apomonomenos> Echo, could you expand on security clearances a bit?
  68. [19:42:30] <Gustav> because right now you got the ship in the hanger Cato, but nothing for the anomalous wandering corpse on the moon
  69. [19:42:32] <Echo> ABSOLUTELY
  70. [19:42:48] <Roget>
  71. [19:43:17] <PeppersGhost> Hiya Aphex & Wilt
  72. [19:43:19] <Echo> Are you familiar with existing methods of classifying information in the real world? I.E. Classified/Secret/Top Secret?
  73. [19:43:27] <PeppersGhost> randnamez: go for it
  74. [19:43:30] <Voct> "Need to know"
  75. [19:43:40] <Apomonomenos> Im familiar, yes
  76. [19:43:58] <randnamez> kk, generalized concept, glasses that show you an alternate reality of the object you're staring at
  77. [19:44:15] <Echo> That's what security clearance is, with the added connotation of a measure of supreme authority at O6
  78. [19:44:18] <randnamez> kinda simplistic, used a lot in various sci-fi, doctor who, fringe etc as either magnifying glass objects etc.
  79. [19:44:26] <randnamez> but I have some interesting ideas on how it could be turned a bit more horrific
  80. [19:44:29] <Echo> It's not your rank, it's not your level of authority
  81. [19:44:32] <Voct> randnamez - careful not to make this too appealing
  82. [19:44:40] <PeppersGhost> Whoops, I've actually gotta run
  83. [19:44:42] <Echo> It's what you've been deemed trustworthy enough to know
  84. [19:44:46] * Diction ( has joined
  85. [19:44:52] <PeppersGhost> But the idea in itself sounds pretty cliche, sorry
  86. [19:44:52] * Dr_Kens has quit (Quit: Off to see the wizard!)
  87. [19:45:08] <PeppersGhost> You may be able to build on it if you can find a strong enough hook, but I'd suggest exploring other avenues for the time being
  88. [19:45:09] * PeppersGhost has quit (Client exited)
  89. [19:45:17] <Apomonomenos> So it would be possible to be, let's say, a researcher working under someone, but still have higher clearance level than him/her?
  90. [19:45:23] <Diction> what idea is clichΓ©?
  91. [19:45:30] <Echo> You have just understood it perfectly
  92. [19:45:36] <Apomonomenos> :D
  93. [19:45:39] <Gustav> CatoSicarius: so in a nutshell, Micheal's disease makes him a space zombie?
  94. [19:45:43] <Echo> For another example
  95. [19:46:14] <Echo> In the military, you may have a Private First Class, an E-2, that has to work on highly sensitive radio systems
  96. [19:46:34] <Echo> His job would require a Top Secret clearance, due to the nature of the material he's working on.
  97. [19:47:06] <Echo> By an opposite measure, you may have a Gunnery Sergeant, an E-7, that works in a supply warehouse that manages cold weather gear.
  98. [19:47:28] <Echo> His job may be managing lots of other troops, and expensive equipment
  99. [19:47:44] <Echo> But he doesn't need access to any sort of sensitive information or equipment to do his job
  100. [19:47:49] <Gustav> CatoSicarius
  101. [19:47:58] <Echo> But yeah, you nailed it on the first guess
  102. [19:48:03] <Echo> Good job, Apomonomenos
  103. [19:48:12] <Apomonomenos> ^^
  104. [19:48:15] <Gustav> yay Apomonomenos
  105. [19:48:18] <Gustav> hurrah
  106. [19:48:19] <Apomonomenos> Ok, one last thing, is O5-1 O6?
  107. [19:48:30] <Echo> Yes
  108. [19:48:30] <Voct> Bo
  109. [19:48:31] <randnamez> diction: mine I think
  110. [19:48:41] <randnamez> and it is, but I think there could be some fair darkness in it
  111. [19:48:44] <Echo> There are (usually) 13 O5s
  112. [19:48:55] <Gustav> CatoSicarius please respond
  113. [19:49:00] <Diction> randnamez: what is it?
  114. [19:49:00] <Echo> O5-1 to O5-13
  115. [19:49:22] <Echo> All holding the same level of authority
  116. [19:49:33] <Apomonomenos> Does the director hold the highest level of authority, then?
  117. [19:49:34] <randnamez> the very simplified version, glasses that let you see an alternate reality of what you look at
  118. [19:49:46] <randnamez> figure it could range from, oh, she has slightly shorter hair in that reality
  119. [19:49:50] <Gustav> ground control to major CatoSicarius
  120. [19:49:51] <Echo> The Director?
  121. [19:50:03] <Roget> The Administrator is the king of the foundation
  122. [19:50:05] <Apomonomenos> I think i read it in a tale somewhere, let me see if I can pull it up...
  123. [19:50:12] <randnamez> to the experimenter being turned into a gibbering idiot from seeing horrors of non-dimensional variety
  124. [19:50:12] <Echo> O5s are the top dogs of the Foundation, coordinating and determining its global scale
  125. [19:50:13] <Apomonomenos> Or maybe the Admninistrator
  126. [19:50:13] <Roget> he is SCP jesus
  127. [19:50:22] <Gustav> .y 2001 a space oddity
  128. [19:50:23] <Nala> Gustav: David Bowie - Space Oddity by Andrew Caldwell (3 m 38 s) - - published Mon Aug 27, 2007 - 4.92/5.00 (120.0, +117/-3), 26,560 views
  129. [19:50:25] * Magnobile ( has joined
  130. [19:50:25] <Roget> he died for your [REDACTED]
  131. [19:50:32] * Xiao (ninja@asian.vengeance) has joined
  132. [19:50:33] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Xiao
  133. [19:50:48] <Gustav> then he got better Roget, using fountain of youth
  134. [19:50:52] <Gustav> hi Xiao
  135. [19:51:04] <Xiao> Hey Gustav
  136. [19:51:07] <Xiao> Anyone up for TF2?
  137. [19:51:13] <Gustav> noooooooooooooooooooooo
  138. [19:51:16] <Voct> the Administrator would have a lot less mystique if he hadn't withdrawn from the project so early on
  139. [19:51:23] <Roget> Gustav do you have a deviantart
  140. [19:51:31] <Diction> randnamez: that is pretty clichΓ©. You could pull it off, but you'd need god-like execution in order to do it
  141. [19:51:38] <Apomonomenos> Ugh, yeah the Admninistrator
  142. [19:51:38] <Echo> Apomonomenos: The Administrator is an actual writer here
  143. [19:51:39] <Gustav> not really Roget whys
  144. [19:51:45] <Echo> Well, was
  145. [19:51:48] <Roget>
  146. [19:51:52] <randnamez> yeah, my thought is it would be a nice builder object
  147. [19:51:53] <Echo> Left super early on
  148. [19:52:03] <Gustav> okies
  149. [19:52:09] <CatoSicarius> sorry gustav, just got back. It's not clear what michaels disease does. he could be a zombie, a supernatural phenomenon, or a host to an alien parasite
  150. [19:52:10] <Apomonomenos> So the Admninistrator is a person, not a rank, then?
  151. [19:52:11] <randnamez> ie.: what would various people encounter when viewing various scp's with it
  152. [19:52:21] <Echo> Apomonomenos: Correct
  153. [19:52:23] <randnamez> 682 might be a pretty kitty somewhere?
  154. [19:52:24] <Roget> The Administrator was a sexy stranger who slept with the community one night and left the next day, leaving only a mysterious note behind...
  155. [19:52:28] <Voct> randnamez - are you familiar with the Desire Camera ?
  156. [19:52:30] <Echo> The administrator is the name of a guy's wikidot account
  157. [19:52:36] <Echo> Like mine is EchoFourDelta
  158. [19:52:51] <Gustav> Randnamez: 682 was a kitty for a while, then people died
  159. [19:52:52] <Voct> Apomonomenos - "The Administrator" was the guy who founded the SCP Wiki. That was his username.
  160. [19:52:53] <Echo> Or Roget's is IEnjoyManCock
  161. [19:53:06] <Gustav> then 682 returned to normal
  162. [19:53:10] <Apomonomenos> Oooooh
  163. [19:53:11] <randnamez> ah see also why I'm asking, that seems pretty close to what I'm thinking
  164. [19:53:17] <Gustav> see testing logd
  165. [19:53:20] <randnamez> different object, same result
  166. [19:53:22] <Gustav> logs
  167. [19:53:29] <Voct> Apomonomenos - and very early on, he withdrew and passed control to... DrGears, I think
  168. [19:53:30] <Servbot> Roget:
  169. [19:53:31] <Servbot> YES
  170. [19:53:48] <CatoSicarius> so gustav, the disease could be whatever the reader imagines it to be, but whatever that thing is, it sent the ship to the 21st century
  171. [19:54:04] <Apomonomenos> So DrGears is the new head of the SCP wiki?
  172. [19:54:05] <randnamez> Voct: oh wait, no its sorta different...
  173. [19:54:11] <Echo> No
  174. [19:54:16] <CatoSicarius> i like gears
  175. [19:54:26] <randnamez> I'm thinking more just either completely random or more, multiverse concept
  176. [19:54:27] <Echo> Gears is basically a non-factor these days, but a lot of people like to pretend he's heavily involved.
  177. [19:54:29] <Roget> Servbot :D
  178. [19:54:39] <Echo> DrMann is the wiki's owner
  179. [19:54:44] <Roget> Echo what about... FRITZWILLIE
  180. [19:54:44] <Voct> Apomonomenos -
  181. [19:54:49] <Roget> :|:|:|:|:|:|:|
  182. [19:54:50] <Apomonomenos> Thank you
  183. [19:54:52] <Servbot> I love how you draw everyone here
  184. [19:55:00] * odocoileus ( has joined
  185. [19:55:14] <Echo> ...
  186. [19:55:16] <Echo> Roget
  187. [19:55:18] <Roget> Servbot they asked me to
  188. [19:55:20] <Gustav> CatoSicarius: you need to figure out what your main focus is, because I don't see how mystery disease could do that. I can imagine faster than light travel causing the ship to go into the past, but not a disease from Titan
  189. [19:55:23] <Echo> The one of PeppersGhost is fucking brilliant
  190. [19:55:24] <Servbot> Draw me
  191. [19:55:28] <odocoileus> helloo
  192. [19:55:30] <Roget> Echo thank you
  193. [19:55:30] <Servbot> Draw me please
  194. [19:55:34] <Servbot> me me me
  195. [19:55:46] * Servbot grabs odocoileus, throws her on the sofa
  196. [19:55:52] <CatoSicarius> like i said though, it's not NECESSARILY a disease
  197. [19:55:54] <odocoileus> o.o
  198. [19:55:56] <Gustav> Roget, take a break from drawing I need your helo
  199. [19:56:10] <Echo> > helo
  200. [19:56:12] <Roget> Servbot respond to this if you want me to draw you
  201. [19:56:15] <Roget> helo
  202. [19:56:15] <Echo> He needs the Apache
  203. [19:56:28] <Gustav> help
  204. [19:56:34] <Voct> like, The Administrator is the guy who suggested renaming "Demon Skull" to "Possible Skull of the White Div"
  205. [19:56:39] <CatoSicarius> it could be supernatural, a psychic alien infecting a host, or anything the reader comes up with gustav. it's part of the mystery
  206. [19:56:56] * Roget drops an apache on gustav
  207. [19:57:05] <Apomonomenos> GET TO THE helo
  208. [19:57:07] <randnamez> Voct: anything else come to mind thats sorta an alternate reality viewer?
  209. [19:57:09] * Gustav detonates apache
  210. [19:57:20] <Roget>
  211. [19:57:35] <randnamez> I feel the idea may sorta be cliche overall but hasn't been done in the SCP that I see
  212. [19:57:36] <Echo>
  213. [19:57:36] <Gustav> CatoSicarius, no no no. too much mystery, and not getting the connection between these things
  214. [19:57:40] <Echo> There's my drawing
  215. [19:57:55] <Gustav> Roget help me with CatoSicarius
  216. [19:58:06] <Gustav> Roget here
  217. [19:58:17] <Gustav> Attack!
  218. [19:58:18] * Diction calls upon the power of Little Shop of Horrors
  219. [19:58:22] <Diction> FEED ME
  220. [19:58:28] <Roget> > space craft of origin which is not entirely clear
  221. [19:58:33] <Roget> ohboyherewego.jpeg
  222. [19:58:41] <Voct> the origin is quite clear
  223. [19:58:42] <Voct> Space.
  224. [19:58:43] <Gustav> Seymour is not here Diction
  225. [19:58:55] <Diction> FEED ME ANYWAY
  226. [19:59:15] <Roget> Okay so every paragraph starts with SCP-XXX
  227. [19:59:19] <Roget> that's a bad sign
  228. [19:59:38] <Echo> "All corpses were wearing what was revealed to be Nova-7 E.V.A. suits. (No such suits currently exist.)"
  229. [19:59:41] <Echo> Wat
  230. [19:59:47] <Echo> > revealed to be
  231. [19:59:52] <Servbot>
  232. [19:59:53] <Nala> Servbot: Persona 3 - The Battle for Everyone's Souls by Slayer0 (5 m 34 s) - - published Fri Dec 7, 2007 - 4.95/5.00 (7819.0, +7725/-94), 2,023,143 views
  233. [19:59:53] <Roget> this is not very good
  234. [19:59:54] <Echo> This isn't a stage production
  235. [20:00:18] <Echo> "SCP-XXX-1 is currently believed to be the body of Michael Everett, the fourth crew of SCP-XXX."
  236. [20:00:23] <Echo> > the fourth crew
  237. [20:00:33] <Gustav> ok catosicarius good luck with scp idea. I gave some suggestions, now Roget and Echo are going in with scalpels and chainsaws
  238. [20:00:46] <Roget> so this is a ship what comes from the future
  239. [20:00:50] <Echo> Crew is a noun that can be used as a plural to describe the personnel who operate a vehicle as a whole
  240. [20:00:59] <Echo> It's is not a singular noun
  241. [20:01:11] <Echo> Not as it's used in this situation, at least
  242. [20:01:12] * EthanRedinger ( has joined
  243. [20:01:19] <EthanRedinger> I got a question everyone.
  244. [20:01:24] <CatoSicarius> crew member?
  245. [20:01:25] <Echo> -5 MK-4 plasma rifles
  246. [20:01:26] <Gustav> shoot Ethan
  247. [20:01:28] <Servbot> shoot
  248. [20:01:33] <Echo> This is fucking bullshit
  249. [20:01:34] * Servbot punches Gustav
  250. [20:01:37] <EthanRedinger> Is there an SCP that could cause a ZK class scenario if containment is broken?
  251. [20:01:48] * Gustav punches back
  252. [20:01:58] <Gustav> you owe me a coke Servbot
  253. [20:02:03] <Roget> > plasma rifles
  254. [20:02:11] <Diction> what's a ZK class again?
  255. [20:02:15] <EthanRedinger> End of reality
  256. [20:02:19] <Gustav> hold on
  257. [20:02:20] <Echo> Rogwr
  258. [20:02:23] <CatoSicarius> so maybe take out the plasma rifles?
  259. [20:02:24] <Echo> *Roget
  260. [20:02:28] <Roget> Ecki
  261. [20:02:30] <Echo> Could you look back at your logs
  262. [20:02:34] <Voct> EthanRedinger - only a few of the -K class scenarios are properly defined
  263. [20:02:35] <CatoSicarius> yeah take out the plasma rifles
  264. [20:02:38] <Echo> And see if you can find that 20-minute section
  265. [20:02:39] <CatoSicarius> logs are not done
  266. [20:02:42] <EthanRedinger> Voct: That one is.
  267. [20:02:44] <Echo> Where we were riffing on this
  268. [20:02:49] <EthanRedinger> Let me reword this.
  269. [20:02:50] <CatoSicarius> the end of the last one is being taken out
  270. [20:02:54] <Roget> stand by
  271. [20:02:56] <Echo> And making up shit about plasma rifles and laser rifles
  272. [20:02:57] <Apomonomenos> What are all of teh -K classes? I though there was only XK
  273. [20:03:00] <Apomonomenos> the8
  274. [20:03:00] <EthanRedinger> Is there an SCP that could destroy EVERYTHING if it is not contained?
  275. [20:03:00] <CatoSicarius> they're going to be expanded on
  276. [20:03:02] <Apomonomenos> the**
  277. [20:03:03] <Echo> You should snippet that
  278. [20:03:11] <Gustav>
  279. [20:03:17] <Apomonomenos> Merci
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