
6.0.3 Opcodes

Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. public enum CGObjectData : uint
  2. {
  3. Guid = 0x0,
  4. Data = 0x10,
  5. Type = 0x20,
  6. EntryID = 0x24,
  7. DynamicFlags = 0x28,
  8. Scale = 0x2C,
  9. End = 0x30,
  10. }
  12. public enum CGItemData : uint
  13. {
  14. Owner = 0x30,
  15. ContainedIn = 0x40,
  16. Creator = 0x50,
  17. GiftCreator = 0x60,
  18. StackCount = 0x70,
  19. Expiration = 0x74,
  20. SpellCharges = 0x78,
  21. DynamicFlags = 0x8C,
  22. Enchantment = 0x90,
  23. PropertySeed = 0x12C,
  24. RandomPropertiesID = 0x130,
  25. Durability = 0x134,
  26. MaxDurability = 0x138,
  27. CreatePlayedTime = 0x13C,
  28. ModifiersMask = 0x140,
  29. Context = 0x144,
  30. End = 0x148,
  31. }
  33. public enum CGContainerData : uint
  34. {
  35. Slots = 0x148,
  36. NumSlots = 0x388,
  37. End = 0x38C,
  38. }
  40. public enum CGUnitData : uint
  41. {
  42. Charm = 0x30,
  43. Summon = 0x40,
  44. Critter = 0x50,
  45. CharmedBy = 0x60,
  46. SummonedBy = 0x70,
  47. CreatedBy = 0x80,
  48. DemonCreator = 0x90,
  49. Target = 0xA0,
  50. BattlePetCompanionGUID = 0xB0,
  51. BattlePetDBID = 0xC0,
  52. ChannelObject = 0xC8,
  53. ChannelSpell = 0xD8,
  54. SummonedByHomeRealm = 0xDC,
  55. Sex = 0xE0,
  56. DisplayPower = 0xE4,
  57. OverrideDisplayPowerID = 0xE8,
  58. Health = 0xEC,
  59. Power = 0xF0,
  60. MaxHealth = 0x108,
  61. MaxPower = 0x10C,
  62. PowerRegenFlatModifier = 0x124,
  63. PowerRegenInterruptedFlatModifier = 0x13C,
  64. Level = 0x154,
  65. EffectiveLevel = 0x158,
  66. FactionTemplate = 0x15C,
  67. VirtualItemID = 0x160,
  68. Flags = 0x16C,
  69. Flags2 = 0x170,
  70. Flags3 = 0x174,
  71. AuraState = 0x178,
  72. AttackRoundBaseTime = 0x17C,
  73. RangedAttackRoundBaseTime = 0x184,
  74. BoundingRadius = 0x188,
  75. CombatReach = 0x18C,
  76. DisplayID = 0x190,
  77. NativeDisplayID = 0x194,
  78. MountDisplayID = 0x198,
  79. MinDamage = 0x19C,
  80. MaxDamage = 0x1A0,
  81. MinOffHandDamage = 0x1A4,
  82. MaxOffHandDamage = 0x1A8,
  83. AnimTier = 0x1AC,
  84. PetNumber = 0x1B0,
  85. PetNameTimestamp = 0x1B4,
  86. PetExperience = 0x1B8,
  87. PetNextLevelExperience = 0x1BC,
  88. ModCastingSpeed = 0x1C0,
  89. ModSpellHaste = 0x1C4,
  90. ModHaste = 0x1C8,
  91. ModRangedHaste = 0x1CC,
  92. ModHasteRegen = 0x1D0,
  93. CreatedBySpell = 0x1D4,
  94. NpcFlags = 0x1D8,
  95. EmoteState = 0x1E0,
  96. Stats = 0x1E4,
  97. StatPosBuff = 0x1F8,
  98. StatNegBuff = 0x20C,
  99. Resistances = 0x220,
  100. ResistanceBuffModsPositive = 0x23C,
  101. ResistanceBuffModsNegative = 0x258,
  102. ModBonusArmor = 0x274,
  103. BaseMana = 0x278,
  104. BaseHealth = 0x27C,
  105. ShapeshiftForm = 0x280,
  106. AttackPower = 0x284,
  107. AttackPowerModPos = 0x288,
  108. AttackPowerModNeg = 0x28C,
  109. AttackPowerMultiplier = 0x290,
  110. RangedAttackPower = 0x294,
  111. RangedAttackPowerModPos = 0x298,
  112. RangedAttackPowerModNeg = 0x29C,
  113. RangedAttackPowerMultiplier = 0x2A0,
  114. MinRangedDamage = 0x2A4,
  115. MaxRangedDamage = 0x2A8,
  116. PowerCostModifier = 0x2AC,
  117. PowerCostMultiplier = 0x2C8,
  118. MaxHealthModifier = 0x2E4,
  119. HoverHeight = 0x2E8,
  120. MinItemLevelCutoff = 0x2EC,
  121. MinItemLevel = 0x2F0,
  122. MaxItemLevel = 0x2F4,
  123. WildBattlePetLevel = 0x2F8,
  124. BattlePetCompanionNameTimestamp = 0x2FC,
  125. InteractSpellID = 0x300,
  126. StateSpellVisualID = 0x304,
  127. StateAnimID = 0x308,
  128. StateAnimKitID = 0x30C,
  129. StateWorldEffectID = 0x310,
  130. ScaleDuration = 0x320,
  131. LooksLikeMountID = 0x324,
  132. LooksLikeCreatureID = 0x328,
  133. End = 0x32C,
  134. }
  136. public enum CGPlayerData : uint
  137. {
  138. DuelArbiter = 0x32C,
  139. WowAccount = 0x33C,
  140. LootTargetGUID = 0x34C,
  141. PlayerFlags = 0x35C,
  142. PlayerFlagsEx = 0x360,
  143. GuildRankID = 0x364,
  144. GuildDeleteDate = 0x368,
  145. GuildLevel = 0x36C,
  146. HairColorID = 0x370,
  147. RestState = 0x374,
  148. ArenaFaction = 0x378,
  149. DuelTeam = 0x37C,
  150. GuildTimeStamp = 0x380,
  151. QuestLog = 0x384,
  152. VisibleItems = 0xF3C,
  153. PlayerTitle = 0x1020,
  154. FakeInebriation = 0x1024,
  155. VirtualPlayerRealm = 0x1028,
  156. CurrentSpecID = 0x102C,
  157. TaxiMountAnimKitID = 0x1030,
  158. AvgItemLevelTotal = 0x1034,
  159. AvgItemLevelEquipped = 0x1038,
  160. CurrentBattlePetBreedQuality = 0x103C,
  161. InvSlots = 0x1040,
  162. FarsightObject = 0x1BC0,
  163. KnownTitles = 0x1BD0,
  164. Coinage = 0x1BF8,
  165. XP = 0x1C00,
  166. NextLevelXP = 0x1C04,
  167. Skill = 0x1C08,
  168. CharacterPoints = 0x2308,
  169. MaxTalentTiers = 0x230C,
  170. TrackCreatureMask = 0x2310,
  171. TrackResourceMask = 0x2314,
  172. MainhandExpertise = 0x2318,
  173. OffhandExpertise = 0x231C,
  174. RangedExpertise = 0x2320,
  175. CombatRatingExpertise = 0x2324,
  176. BlockPercentage = 0x2328,
  177. DodgePercentage = 0x232C,
  178. ParryPercentage = 0x2330,
  179. CritPercentage = 0x2334,
  180. RangedCritPercentage = 0x2338,
  181. OffhandCritPercentage = 0x233C,
  182. SpellCritPercentage = 0x2340,
  183. ShieldBlock = 0x235C,
  184. ShieldBlockCritPercentage = 0x2360,
  185. Mastery = 0x2364,
  186. Amplify = 0x2368,
  187. Multistrike = 0x236C,
  188. MultistrikeEffect = 0x2370,
  189. Readiness = 0x2374,
  190. Speed = 0x2378,
  191. Lifesteal = 0x237C,
  192. Avoidance = 0x2380,
  193. Sturdiness = 0x2384,
  194. Cleave = 0x2388,
  195. Versatility = 0x238C,
  196. VersatilityBonus = 0x2390,
  197. PvpPowerDamage = 0x2394,
  198. PvpPowerHealing = 0x2398,
  199. ExploredZones = 0x239C,
  200. RestStateBonusPool = 0x26BC,
  201. ModDamageDonePos = 0x26C0,
  202. ModDamageDoneNeg = 0x26DC,
  203. ModDamageDonePercent = 0x26F8,
  204. ModHealingDonePos = 0x2714,
  205. ModHealingPercent = 0x2718,
  206. ModHealingDonePercent = 0x271C,
  207. ModPeriodicHealingDonePercent = 0x2720,
  208. WeaponDmgMultipliers = 0x2724,
  209. WeaponAtkSpeedMultipliers = 0x2730,
  210. ModSpellPowerPercent = 0x273C,
  211. ModResiliencePercent = 0x2740,
  212. OverrideSpellPowerByAPPercent = 0x2744,
  213. OverrideAPBySpellPowerPercent = 0x2748,
  214. ModTargetResistance = 0x274C,
  215. ModTargetPhysicalResistance = 0x2750,
  216. LocalFlags = 0x2754,
  217. LifetimeMaxRank = 0x2758,
  218. SelfResSpell = 0x275C,
  219. PvpMedals = 0x2760,
  220. BuybackPrice = 0x2764,
  221. BuybackTimestamp = 0x2794,
  222. YesterdayHonorableKills = 0x27C4,
  223. LifetimeHonorableKills = 0x27C8,
  224. WatchedFactionIndex = 0x27CC,
  225. CombatRatings = 0x27D0,
  226. PvpInfo = 0x2850,
  227. MaxLevel = 0x28E0,
  228. RuneRegen = 0x28E4,
  229. NoReagentCostMask = 0x28F4,
  230. GlyphSlots = 0x2904,
  231. Glyphs = 0x291C,
  232. GlyphSlotsEnabled = 0x2934,
  233. PetSpellPower = 0x2938,
  234. Researching = 0x293C,
  235. ProfessionSkillLine = 0x2964,
  236. UiHitModifier = 0x296C,
  237. UiSpellHitModifier = 0x2970,
  238. HomeRealmTimeOffset = 0x2974,
  239. ModPetHaste = 0x2978,
  240. SummonedBattlePetGUID = 0x297C,
  241. OverrideSpellsID = 0x298C,
  242. LfgBonusFactionID = 0x2990,
  243. LootSpecID = 0x2994,
  244. OverrideZonePVPType = 0x2998,
  245. ItemLevelDelta = 0x299C,
  246. BagSlotFlags = 0x29A0,
  247. BankBagSlotFlags = 0x29B0,
  248. InsertItemsLeftToRight = 0x29CC,
  249. PassiveSpells = 0x29D0,
  250. End = 0x31D4,
  251. }
  253. public enum CGGameObjectData : uint
  254. {
  255. CreatedBy = 0x30,
  256. DisplayID = 0x40,
  257. Flags = 0x44,
  258. ParentRotation = 0x48,
  259. FactionTemplate = 0x58,
  260. Level = 0x5C,
  261. PercentHealth = 0x60,
  262. SpellVisualID = 0x64,
  263. StateSpellVisualID = 0x68,
  264. StateAnimID = 0x6C,
  265. StateAnimKitID = 0x70,
  266. StateWorldEffectID = 0x74,
  267. End = 0x84,
  268. }
  270. public enum CGDynamicObjectData : uint
  271. {
  272. Caster = 0x30,
  273. TypeAndVisualID = 0x40,
  274. SpellID = 0x44,
  275. Radius = 0x48,
  276. CastTime = 0x4C,
  277. End = 0x50,
  278. }
  280. public enum CGCorpseData : uint
  281. {
  282. Owner = 0x30,
  283. PartyGUID = 0x40,
  284. DisplayID = 0x50,
  285. Items = 0x54,
  286. SkinID = 0xA0,
  287. FacialHairStyleID = 0xA4,
  288. Flags = 0xA8,
  289. DynamicFlags = 0xAC,
  290. FactionTemplate = 0xB0,
  291. End = 0xB4,
  292. }
  294. public enum CGAreaTriggerData : uint
  295. {
  296. Caster = 0x30,
  297. Duration = 0x40,
  298. SpellID = 0x44,
  299. SpellVisualID = 0x48,
  300. ExplicitScale = 0x4C,
  301. End = 0x50,
  302. }
  304. public enum CGSceneObjectData : uint
  305. {
  306. ScriptPackageID = 0x30,
  307. RndSeedVal = 0x34,
  308. CreatedBy = 0x38,
  309. SceneType = 0x48,
  310. End = 0x4C,
  311. }
  313. public enum CGConversationData : uint
  314. {
  315. Dummy = 0x30,
  316. End = 0x34,
  317. }
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