
Sid the Delivery Kid

Jan 6th, 2016
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  1. Sid took a quick peek behind him. Six Toxic Vermin gangbangers looking to take what he had been contracted to deliver. Sid leaned forward on his hoverboard and raced off. He had to get more distance between him and the Vermin. But they wouldn't let a perfectly good score slip from them and the Vermin gave chase. Streaks of blue and green raced through the streets and alleys, kicking up gusts of wind in their wake. The chase was caught on Novak CORP surveillance cameras. And one Christopher Novak watched the chase with interested eyes.
  2. “Give us the package, boy,” shouted one of the Vermin. He was spinning a length of chain in preparation to attack the delivery boy. “And maybe we won't kick your butt so hard.”
  4. Sid just accelerated further, if he kept ahead, he could lose them in the Mid Level back-alleys. The chain wrapped around the back of his board, the head gangbanger pulling him in. The Vermin behind him all cheered and hollered. Sid swerved back and forth, trying to get the chain off. No dice, at least not immediately. With a stomp of his board, the propulsion system went in to overdrive and he sped away. The Vermin banger tethered to Sid was pulled off his board, clutching on to the chain for dear life. Sid came to a sudden stop. Whipping the end of his board around, he sent the Toxic Vermin gangbanger flying. The ganbanger took the chain with him.
  6. He quickly checked his pack to make sure his package was unharmed. Everything seemed to be in order, no damage, at least on the exterior. Sid reactivated his board when he heard the jeers and hollering of the remaining Vermin.
  8. “Gimme a way out, Gearz,” Sid said, tapping his headset. “I got five bogeys on me and I have a feeling they won't be easy to shake off.”
  9. “I hear you, Sid,” replied Gearz of the radio. “I'll update your heads-up display with a route to get rid of the Vermin on your tail.”
  10. “You have five minutes,” Sid said before cutting communication.
  12. He raced as fast as he could, swerving around corners and boosting down straightaways. A green path showed up on his heads-up display, the route Gearz had laid out for him, no doubt. Sid took a hard right on to the sidewalk of a main street. People barely had enough reaction time to get out of his way. The air blew his hair completely back, revealing his alien, purple eyes. His teeth clenched as he leaned harder in to his acceleration. Behind him, just keeping pace, were the Vermin, brandishing baseball bats and lead pipes. One of them had another magnetic chain, doubtless to try and stop him so they could kick his ass.
  14. Sid took in a deep breath, clearing his mind. Desperation was clouding his mind, and that would lead to hasty decision-making. He recalled Babs' training, the philosophy of Zen. He had to find his center, that serene calmness, even in the chaos of such an intense chase. He opened his and hooked a hard right before he splattered on the wall right in front of him. Sid reached up and deactivated his heads-up display. He didn't need a route to lose a bunch of common street punks. He had tricks of his own.
  16. He rode up the side of a building, maxing out the speed on his board. The trails of light left behind burned as bright as street lights, like rays of sunshine. And then he slammed his foot on the accelerator. Bringing his board to its absolute limit as he shot up the building, flying off of it in an instant.
  18. Then he kicked himself off his board while still in the air. Turning in the air, looking the Vermin, still on his tail, right in the eyes. He curled his fingers in to a tight fist, cocked his arm back, and punched down. His fist met with the face of the Vermin closest to him, the sheer force causing the gas mask he was wearing to shatter. Sid hit the accelerator on his board with his elbow, using like a makeshift jetpack. The Vermin collided one-by-one, the force of what felt like a speeding mac-truck. All the while, Sid kept a calm expression on his face, his purple eyes empty, his mind emptied.
  20. The impact left a huge crater in the sidewalk, the Vermin laying in a crumpled heap. A huge geyser of dust and debris kicked up, viewable for entire blocks. The force of the impact shattered a few windows and knocked lampposts over. Sid, breathing heavily and his hand, maybe even his entire right arm, broken. He knelt over his defeated pursuers. He got on his board and sped away. He reactivated his heads-up display. He switched the route from his escape route to the delivery route. He still had a package to deliver, after all.
  22. Christopher Novak sat back in his chair, one leg crossed over the other and his hands together. A grin spread across his lips. Yes, this boy would do nicely, he thought to himself. He sat back up in his red velvet chair and pressed a red button on his communicator.
  23. “Captain Alrex,” he said, his voice was like wine, refined and smooth. “I have a target for you and your men. A delivery boy. I believe he will be a valuable asset in our endeavors.”
  24. “What's his name, sir,” responded the Captain.
  25. “From cross-referencing the footage with our databanks, I believe his name is Sid Redgrave. I want this boy found. And I want him brought to me.”
  26. “At once, sir.”
  28. Christopher Novak released the button, ending the call. He swiveled in his chair and looked out at his view of Seraphon City. This place was his kingdom, his playground. And in this playground, he got what he wanted. And he wanted that courier.
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