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a guest
Jun 5th, 2014
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  1. TXT
  2. entityType "Buff"
  3. onReapplyDuplicateType "PrioritizeNewBuffs"
  4. buffStackingLimitType "ForAllPlayers"
  5. stackingLimit 1
  6. allowFirstSpawnerToStack TRUE
  7. buffExclusivityForAIType "ExclusiveForAllPlayers"
  8. isInterruptable FALSE
  9. isChannelling FALSE
  10. numInstantActions 2
  11. instantAction
  12. buffInstantActionType "ApplyBuffToTargetsInRadiusWithTravel"
  13. instantActionTriggerType "OnCondition"
  14. instantActionConditionType "IfOwnerDoesNotHaveBuff"
  15. conditionBuffType "BuffBoardingPartyRecourse"
  16. conditionBuffShortName "IDS_BUFFSHORTNAME_BOARDED"
  17. buffType "BuffDemolitionTeamDamage"
  18. targetFilter
  19. numOwnerships 1
  20. ownership "Enemy"
  21. numObjects 5
  22. object "Frigate"
  23. object "CapitalShip"
  24. object "StarBase"
  25. object "Titan"
  26. object "Corvette"
  27. numSpaces 1
  28. space "Normal"
  29. numConstraints 0
  30. range
  31. Level:0 2000.000000
  32. Level:1 2500.000000
  33. Level:2 3000.000000
  34. Level:3 3500.000000
  35. maxTargetCount
  36. Level:0 25.000000
  37. Level:1 25.000000
  38. Level:2 25.000000
  39. Level:3 25.000000
  40. effectInfo
  41. effectAttachInfo
  42. attachType "Center"
  43. smallEffectName ""
  44. mediumEffectName ""
  45. largeEffectName ""
  46. soundID ""
  47. travelSpeed 1200.000000
  48. effectStaggerDelay 0.000000
  49. hasWeaponEffects FALSE
  50. instantAction
  51. buffInstantActionType "ApplyBuffToTargetsInRadiusWithTravel"
  52. instantActionTriggerType "OnCondition"
  53. instantActionConditionType "IfOwnerHasBuff"
  54. conditionBuffType "BuffBoardingPartyRecourse"
  55. conditionBuffShortName "IDS_BUFFSHORTNAME_BOARDED"
  56. buffType "BuffDemolitionTeamDamageBoarded"
  57. targetFilter
  58. numOwnerships 1
  59. ownership "Enemy"
  60. numObjects 5
  61. object "Frigate"
  62. object "CapitalShip"
  63. object "StarBase"
  64. object "Titan"
  65. object "Corvette"
  66. numSpaces 1
  67. space "Normal"
  68. numConstraints 0
  69. range
  70. Level:0 2500.000000
  71. Level:1 3000.000000
  72. Level:2 3500.000000
  73. Level:3 4000.000000
  74. maxTargetCount
  75. Level:0 25.000000
  76. Level:1 25.000000
  77. Level:2 25.000000
  78. Level:3 25.000000
  79. effectInfo
  80. effectAttachInfo
  81. attachType "Center"
  82. smallEffectName ""
  83. mediumEffectName ""
  84. largeEffectName ""
  85. soundID ""
  86. travelSpeed 1200.000000
  87. effectStaggerDelay 0.000000
  88. hasWeaponEffects FALSE
  89. numPeriodicActions 0
  90. numOverTimeActions 0
  91. numEntityModifiers 0
  92. numEntityBoolModifiers 0
  93. numFinishConditions 1
  94. finishCondition
  95. finishConditionType "AnyOnConditionInstantActionDone"
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