
Fist of the FazBear: Ch 1

Sep 25th, 2014
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  1. -The Joy of Creation. -
  4. -It is something i have struggled to understand & use as a proper philosophy for some.
  7. -As time goes by. the answer always seemed to Elude me...-
  11. The pizzeria was dead silent, save for the occasional humming of the fluorescent lights. Chairs placed upside down lined the long tables within the dining area. The east & west halls devoid of any life. Another day gone by, another day of children enjoying the fun-loving, entertaining Mr. Faz Bear. At Freddy Faz Bear's Pizzeria, He was the lone star of the show. The brown, fuzzy & jolly bear was one of the popular highlights of the pizza place. He would always walk off stage and sing to all the kids, even singing personalized versions of 'Happy Birthday' to all the birthday boys & girls. Even the adults were appraising of Freddy's child friendly attitude. Soon he grew into pop culture stardom. Already there were Freddy Teddy's, direct-to-video cartoons highlighting his magical adventures in 'Pizza Land', and for a long while had a successful line of limited edition Oven Frozen Pizza to commemorate his first few years of success. But as with all success, there is always a downside. The Showbiz Pizza industry is never a kind one. There grew a festering, bitter disdain for Freddy's franchise. Three Pizza chains; 'Chuck E. Cheese's', Hungry Howie's & Pizza Hut, Saw Freddy Faz Bear as a threat to their private empire. And begun to conspire against the ever popular pizza place. Sure it started with notes tied to bricks being thrown through a window, some party goers tires getting slashed. But then came the threatening messages. And soon, some of the Pizza chefs started getting jumped as they left work. The staff felt threatened and decided to hire a night shift guard. There came Michael Schmidt. Just your average joe looking for a steady paying job in a shitty economy. So tonight, came his first shift.
  14. -Joy is something that brings smile and laughter to all.-
  17. -My intentions have always been bringing joy and harmony to everyone.-
  19. [12:00 AM]
  22. The first day of the rest of his early morning life. Twelve-To-Six, graveyard shift. For some reason these hours were oddly comfortable for him. Being slightly a night-owl since high school. Mike walked into his newly appointed office and sat in his chair, laying back for the long haul. He picked up the tablet and started to casually switch between camera feeds. He stops at the main show stage. There was lonely old Freddy. Mike rested his elbow gently on the table, and laid his head on his hand, taking a moment to see the bear itself. The showroom itself was dark and silent, all for the slightly dim stage lighting. It cast an illuminated shadow over the animatronic bear. He was quite taller and bulky in size than most animatronics. His burly arms were hanging to the side. In one hand he held his microphone, a permanent part of him. On his head sat his traditional little fancy bowler hat. As Freddy smiles at the empty dining area, his eyes carefully, and delicately move toward the observing camera. Deep down, a secret curiosity began to fill the bear with intrigue. In the office, mike stretched back & yawned briefly, taking a moment to briefly check the halls. As he picked up the tablet to watch a few feeds, he got drawn back to Freddy. But slowly did he begin to realize, that the bear was sort of looking at him. Michael's eyes began to widen a bit. As if feeling the eyes just scanning him, Mr. Faz Bear decided to open his eyes wider too.
  24. -Creation....The concept of bringing something into being. What was i really created for?-
  27. -and who am i being watched by?-
  30. [1:00 AM]
  33. What followed was a silently intense and paranoid filled Staring contest between Mr. Schmidt & Mr. Faz Bear. Freddy started moving his head slowly towards the camera. The servo motors humming semi-quietly. Something deep down inside Mike that made him slightly afraid of animatronics. Just like all technology, there are flaws and defects. One moment you could be playing with one, it tries to give you a hug and then SNAP, your spine is immediately snapped in two like a Slim Jim. Personally for Mike, he read up on the 'Bite of '87', which was enough for him to steer away from any 'Family Themed Restaurant's for a long, long time. But the landlord increased his rent & is getting fed up with Mikes piss poor IOU's. His excuse ironically being 'I'm still looking for work'. But now he had to swallow and face his fears at this lonely little place in one of the dingier parts of town. And here he was, having an intimate stare down with nightmare fuel that can last for weeks. But it was what happened several seconds afterwards that made him jump. "Toreador March" begins to play audibly on the screen, triggering mike to jump back and grip his heart. A slightly uttered 'Shit' was heard as mike returned to his desk to look back at Freddy, eyes lighting up rhythmically to the musical box jingle. "Shit." He spoke, sounding agitated, looking back at him.
  36. [2:30 AM]
  39. A half hour goes by, and all is quiet Outside the restaurant. Not a creäture was stirring, not even a hoodrat. But then suddenly, out of the darkness of the nearby alley, two headlights beamed to life. a white sedan began to pull into the parking lot of Freddy's Pizzeria. The lit-up logo on the top of the car contained a 'red hut,' with the name 'Pizza Hut' underlined in yellow. Four men in Red uniform shirts disembarked from the vehicle and began to creep towards the back entrance. The men held a sledgehammer, a crowbar, monkey wrench, and two hammers. It was more than obvious they were here to deliver a message to the local eatery. They heard the faint little musical jingle as they approached the back door. "Yeah i hear him. that's the one" stated an employee, clutching a crowbar tightly in his hands. A name tag dangled that said Davy. "Alright you know the orders. We break this joint down, turn the bear to scrap, and then we torch this place down." exclaimed another, tapping the monkey wrench excitedly in his gloved palm. "I heard from PR that they hired a security guard for this place." said another whose name tag read 'Bill', giving the sledgehammer to one of the crew members whilst looking around to make sure they were not being watched.
  42. "Ah so fucking what. What are they gonna do; Shine a flashlight? Observe & report? Lemme tells you something Davy, if whoever is in there decides to act stupid and get in our way..." The red uniformed individual pulled one of his partners in close, the dangling pin on the shirt could read out 'Manager'. "Then they end up in the same Junkyard that we take ol Faz Fuck in dere! In fact, takeout whoever is in there. Far as I'm concerned, its guilt by association." exclaimed the Manager, clutching the sledge and standing near the back entrance. "Okay, one of you took care of the phone lines?" The manager asked. A hammer wielding employee stepped forward and nodded. "Yeah, one of our informants snuck inside and cut the lines before closing time" he uttered silently. The manager pulled him in and smiled mischievously. "Now that's what i call 'Employee of the Month' behavior." he beamed, looking at his crew. "By the end of tonight, we're all gonna be promoted. And you can bet your sweet asses im gonna give you all $50 raises." The manager said with growing enthusiasm in his voice. He then wound up his arms and swung the sledge against the back door, smashing it in to the sound of a cheering Pizza hut crew.
  45. -when did life become this difficult and challenging?-
  48. Mike held a mug of Coffee in his hand and proceeded to take a careful sip.The thunderous bang was enough for mike to spit hot coffee on one of the monitors. And oddly stop Freddy's jig, His eye's adjusted back to their original position With lightning reflex's, he picked up the tablet and checked all the cameras. It wasn't until he got to Cam 7 where his heart started racing. He saw shadowy figures, possibly holding weapons, were coming inside a smashed door. Adrenaline already flowing through him like a highly damaged floodgate, Mike quickly grabbed the office phone to dial 911, only being greeted by the beeping of a deadline. Changing to another camera feed to see an assailant charge toward his office. Quickly bashing the shudder door button, the door smashed downwards as the armed pizza hut employee ran to his window and immediately started hitting the glass. "Come on out Rent-a-cop! Get out here and earn your pay!" Taunted the hut employee. Within the light of the office, Mike could make out a name-tag with the name "Troy" on it. He was a Pizza Hut worker? Why the hell was an employee of another Pizza shop trespassing and vandalizing this place?
  51. Mike swallowed a sudden lump in his throat and glared at the intruder. summoning more inner strength. "You better get the hell out of here before the cops get here!!" he shouted. The armed employee laughed away, as the sound of destruction and chaos erupted throughout the Pizzeria. "Yeah, too bad the cops stopped coming to this part of town ages ago." he said with a sinister laugh. "No ones coming to save you." he viciously taunted as he continued to hammer away at the window, this time small cracks began to form. Mike was literally defenseless. Being just a night guard gave him no weapon.
  54. The only authority he had, was to Observe and Report. Before his very eyes; he observed the apparent vandalism and destruction of the Pizzeria, but reporting was useless since they managed to somehow disable the phone. Mike immediately turned to the monitors to see a guy with a sledge-hammer approaching the Show stage. Mike began to panic some more, knowing one of his prime responsibilities is ensuring nothing happens to that one, single Animatron. His ears perked up when he heard footsteps coming from the left. He checked cam 2A, while listening to the beating of the reinforced glass to see a crowbar wielding goon coming towards the office in the west hall. He then switched back to see the guy preparing to slug Ol' Faz bear. This was a definitive moment in Mike's life. To be stuck in his safe room whilst the vandals destroy the place with him in it, or go out and face very violent aggressors trying to ruin an innocent business. And on the first night, At Freddy Faz Bears Pizzeria, Mike took his job very seriously. The sound of running intensified as the Pizza Hut employee ran to mikes office. Only to run into an office chair colliding with his feet. The temporary diversion worked as Mike dashed out of his office and down the west hall, sprinting towards the show room.
  57. [3:00 AM]
  60. -why do they want to hurt me?-
  64. Mr. Manager walked closer to the show stage, glaring at the bear with intensive malice. "Well well. looks like it's just you and me, Freddy." Said the manager, clutching the sledge-hammer tightly in his hands. "You've been a pain in my ass and the asses of all the big wigs. But now we're gonna make sure things are rather" he stops before laughing slightly and swung the sledge once for a display of strength. "Leveled. heh." The manager said, getting closer. Out of the kitchen came Pizza Hut Employee Bill, holding a box with fresh Stuffed Crust Pepperoni Pizza. The Manager looked at him with an annoyed expression. "What? You didn't let us have our Union appointed lunch breaks today, So i made Brunch!" Bill cried out, before taking a slice of piping hot pizza. Upon contact he jerked and winced in pain as droopy hot cheese made contact with his skin. "Ow! Fuck! that cheese is boiling hot!" he yelled out, tossing the box and slice on the table, holding his bottom lip in pain. "That's Ironic karma for slacking on the job when your supposed to trash this place!" Shouted the manager, "But now that your here, you can make yourself useful and help me trash this Bernstein bear reject-"
  70. A defiant tone boomed throughout the Pizzeria. There stood mike, standing tall & erect in the face of potential death. The Manager and Troy looked over at him with surprise. "Well i guess PR was right again." stated the money, shrugging towards his Employee troy whilst looking over towards Mike. "Listen Kid, you're in over your head in this one. This place ain't gonna last and its an obstacle for everyone else. And just like all obstacles, They get demolished." The Manager stated coldly, tapping the top of the sledge on the ground. "And a shit stain like you ain't gonna stop us.". Mike started clenching his fists. Just who the hell did these guys think they are? What made them so different from any other Pizza Place? "That isn't an excuse to do any kind Vandalism in this place, Now get the hell out Or I'll throw you out by the skin of your fucking balls!!" he barked out, stepping closer to them. The manager cocked his head in amusement. "I'd to see that happen. Troy!" he barked out, the employee already fiddling to get his hammers ready. "It's 'take out' time" he said, motioning to him.
  74. Bill gripped both his hammers and started walking towards Mike. He Swallowed hard and began to approach bill. It was then that Bill went in with a right swing, and got blocked by mike as he grips his hand. Bill tries the other, only getting caught, head butted & thrown to the side as mike quickly took a makeshift fighting stance. Now mike wasn't a fighter by trade or chance, be he's watched enough Kung-fu films & Action movies to possibly throw together some tricks. Bill got back up to his feet, and began to charge towards mike again. Immediately mike began to dodge the incoming ballpoint hammers that edged closer to him with every wave of his hand. Mike began to strike back, but got countered by two smacks, one to his arm when he defended, and on his back as he tried to dodge him again. Mike staggered to his feet, grimacing in pain from the impacts, gripping the table for support. "Finish him off!" shouted the manager, as Bill shrugged his shoulders and went in for the kill. Thinking quickly, Mike grabbed one of the chairs, and immediately turned and struck Bill, sending him crashing near the show stage. "I'm not gonna tell you again. Get. OUT!" Mike yelled out, clutching the chair handles tightly, blood dripping down his arm & back where the hammer made contact. The manager looked up to see two of his other employee's running into the dining area.
  78. Turning quickly, Michael saw the two others from earlier. "It's about time you two showed up, now take care of this Minimum wage slave!" he ordered the pair. Wasting no time, Davy charged toward him, thrusting the bottom of the crowbar to mike, whom intercepted it with the chair, getting it caught and twisting it out of Davy's hands. Whacking him aside with the chair, he turned to Troy, whom already looked a little panicked and clueless on what to do next. Mike raised an eyebrow quizzically and took a step towards him. Troy took one back, the wrench shaking in his hand. He faked a swing and caused Troy to open himself by attacking. Mike spun to the side as Troy started swinging away, only to feel the full force impact of the chair on his back, Sending him flying into a recovered Davy. Bill immediately became enraged and made a dash toward mike. He threw the chair toward Bill, be he strafed to the side. Jumping up and delivering a drop kick to mike, which caused him to both lose his security cap, and send him into a line-up of chairs. The manager began clapping his hands in pure enjoyment. "This is as much fun I've seen in this place more than in the day time!" he said, resting gently on the handle. "I'll say it again kid, This bear ain't worth your life" he taunted, watching as his crew were properly recovering and began to advance toward the table Mike fell off.
  81. -What makes them better than all?-
  84. -Do they have a better understanding to the concept of 'Joy'?-
  88. Mike rolled to the side & attempted to get back up after the painful blow. Trying to capture his breath, after having the wind knocked from him. He saw their legs move closer. He had to think quickly, or these guys were going to kill him. Mike struggled to find something else to use as a weapon,When his eyes landed on a small fork. Was probably accidentally left by the cleaning crew. he took it and hid within the tables. "Game over man, you should have run when you could." Davy said. He hopped on top of the table menacingly. But then he saw no sign of the night watchmen. "Da Fuck?! where did he go?!" he exclaimed loudly, looking all around the dining area. The suddenly, a sharp intensive, stabbing pain overcame him. He howled loudly in pain, as the fork went deep into his crotch. Dropping the crowbar; and doubling over in pain, gripping his bleeding crotch.
  91. -why does this person fight for me?-
  94. -does he understand the joy I bring?-
  97. Mike grabbed the crowbar and leaped from the table, Striking Davy downwards across the face. Bill came at him quickly spinning his hammers, but mike bobbed & weaved, countering by jabbing him in the bread basket; Then taking him by the arm & throwing him to the side of a table. Immediately the manager hopped off the stage and charged towards Mike. Swinging the hammer downwards, mike rolled to the left & got greeted by a kick to the face by the manager. Recovering quickly, Mike positioned himself defensively, clutching the wrench tightly in hand. Mr. Manager cracked his neck side-to-side. "I guess it'll take upper management to sort you out" he said. Mike swung with his left. The manager weaved and side kicked him in the gut. Mike moved back a little as the Manager began to swing again. Mike saw an opening to strike back, but the manager brought the sledge upwards to block. Thus allowing Mike to deliver a hard front kick to the manager. This only staggered him back slightly as mike unleashed a volley of wrench strikes, all to only be blocked successfully by the Manager. Suddenly, Bill throws one of his hammers is at Mikes hand, immediately losing the wrench. The manager came at him hard as Mike was frantically dodging. Then came a ball bleeding Davy from behind, striking mike in the shoulder with the crowbar. Wincing in pain, Mike immediately countered with a back fist, striking and slightly disorienting him. Mike turned and got struck very hard in the gut by the bulk top of the sledge-hammer, followed by an elbow to the face. Mike crashed into the table, where he has held in place by Davy & Troy. Bill then strode back over to them, & with a pissed off look, struck him several times in the chest. The painful impacts caused him to black out almost instantly...
  100. -these men have lived Joyless lives...and have decided to take away the joy of others .-
  103. [4:00 AM]
  105. "Wakey-wakey." Said troy; as he kicked Michael in the ribs to wake up. Sharp pain rain throughout his body. His hands and arms were being held by Davy & Bill. Troy hunched over slightly, still in deep pain after having one of his testicles forked. "Don't think you won't pay for this." he said holding the fork up, Dangling it in front of Michael's slightly bruised & blooded face. He immediately jammed it into his shoulder. Mike gasped out in pain. The Pizza hut employee's laughed as they each started getting a turn physically torturing him. Mr. Manager strode towards them. "Not many night-shift guards actually put up a half-decent fight." He said, holding Mike's head up by his chin. "You ain't half bad kid, but you signed up with the wrong people." he said, letting go of him. Michael took a deep breath before looking up towards the manager. "Just answer me this...Why are yo doing this?" he said, weakly trying to stand. The manager looked at him with a smirk, and simply shook his head. "It's simply business." stated the manager bluntly. "It's a dog eat dog world, and this Pizzeria has been wearing a nice pair bacon-scented pants for too long." he chimed on. Freddy Faz Bear's eyes & head turned to Mike & the Manager, As if listening to them. "Freddy's been taking our profits & customers, and the higher up's have had about enough of it." retorted the manager, turned around & walked back towards Mike. "As far as the rest of the industry concerns itself, there is only room for one Animatronic Mascot." He said, coining a reference to a well-known, nationwide Pizzeria-chain mascot. "And i ain't one to play favorites neither, i could careless about the rat. I just want to continue getting a check at the end of every week." the manager finished, holding the Sledgehammer across his shoulders. "So tonight's the night that Freddy Faz Bear's Pizzeria, Place is history!" exclaimed the manager, walking casually back towards the stage.
  109. As the manager walked back toward the stage, Mike struggled to free himself, but the rival Pizza employees were already reapplying the pain mike inflicted on them. After getting smacked by a crowbar across the face and getting struck in the abdomen several times, Mike fell to his knees in defeat. Only being supported by the pizza hut employees Troy & Bill, Mike looked up weakly to see the manager, walking back towards the titular Freddy, whom was looking out at them as if silently observing. With a smarmy look on his face, he faces mike. "You really did pick the wrong line of work today." started the manager as he started pacing back and forth across the stage. "There could have been so many other places for you to work security at. a Cinemaplex, a general store. Heck, you'd a been better off being a mallcop!" he projected to him, pointing and waving the end of the sledgehammer at him. "At least you could have ridden a neat little segway! But now its a bit too late to reconsider your career, cause you are about to watch it be turned into a broken down mess. And when I'm done with Freddy Faz fuck here, I'm gonna finish you off and send both of you into the trash!" raved the manager. The latter half of that sentence somehow caused ol Freddy's eyes to dart toward the manager. Only Mike was somehow able to notice it. He couldn't help but feel as if, somehow, someway, Freddy understood what was going on. He watched, he listened, he observed the fight from that stage. Mike tried to struggle, but the guys held him tightly in place. Being forced to watch a child-friendly mascot get smashed to bits. "And now...we bid adieu, to a very special bear." Said the Manager, readying the sledge with both hands, raising above his head. "Farewell Freddy. The world was just not Ready for you." he chuckled as he brought down the hammer with all his might. Mike cried out "No!"
  112. -I will not let them bully others into submission.-
  115. [4:45 AM]
  118. What followed next, would be engraved within Michael Schmidt's psyche for a very long time. A brown, furry hand immediately grabbed the top most part of the handle. Stopping the sledgehammer in its place. The manager had a look of shock that mirrored Mike's and the employee's expression of disbelief. Suddenly, the little musical jingle Freddy played earlier started up again, his eyes flashing to the tempo. His head immediately turned towards the manager. And with a sudden eyebrow raised in a questionable manner, Freddy broke the tense silence by speaking. "Uh oh! looks like someone doesn't know the rules!" Said Freddy, his tone recognizably jolly and cheery. The manager freaked out slightly as he tried to pry free the sledgehammer. "What the hell!? he ain't supposed to be active!"
  122. 'No...he isn't.' Mike thought to himself. Management never informed him of Freddy being active at all at night. This was something that unnerved him more than the aggressive Pizza guy's. "Let's have a refresher of some of the rules" Started the big bear, turning his head again towards everyone. "Rule #1: No pooping on the floor. Rule #2: No running. Rule #3: No screaming. Rule #4: no yelling!" he proclaimed, the costumed animatronic moving its upper-body & limbs in an artificial fashion. "Rule #5: No Hitting." Freddy stated, looking directly at the Pizza hut employees, as if almost directly speaking to them. That last statement was enough for the manager to grow furious, as he tried to wrestle free the sledgehammer from Freddy's grip. "Grrr! Shut up!" he yelled. The robotic bear continued to discuss the rules of the restaurant. "Rule #6: Always stay close to mom. And No touching"
  126. "Ahhhh!! Enough!!" roared the manager, staggering back slightly after finally prying free the sledge-hammer. "I'm done listening to this Bullshit!!" yelled the manager, taking a running start towards Freddy. He raised the Sledge high, and swung down with all his might. This time, not only did Freddy's whole body come to life, but he dodged the attack fluidly. Mr. Manager was yet again at a loss. both shocked, awed, and freaked out that an animatronic bear was stopping his attacks. Freddy looked at him, his blue eyes changed into darkened eyes, accompanied by white little beady dots that shined in the dim light. "Don't....Touch. ME." uttered the Bear. Suddenly an opened palm, slightly revealing a slightly robotic hand; struck the manager right in the face with bone crunching force, causing him to go sailing off the stage. Freddy's hand retracted back to its original position. Then he started walking off stage. The sound of hydraulics was heard as Freddy crouched down some, and then Jumped off stage, landing in front of them with a loud Thud. Straightening himself out, he brought the microphone to his flapping mouth. "You aren't following the rules~" Freddy stated teasingly, pointing at the Pizza hut guys with his left finger, which wagged side-to-side. Bill had a look of dread on his face. "T-this cannot be happening." he uttered, his grip semi-loosening on Mike, whom was still in shock over the fact that a bulky, mechanical bear was coming to life before his very eyes.
  130. The manager was staggering back to his feet, holding his jaw and sputtering out blood, & fragments of teeth out of his now crooked jaw. He glaringly turned back to his stunned men; "don't jhust schtand dere!" he slurred, "destroy him!!". Davy was the first to step up to Freddy. The slightly towering brown bear looked down at him slightly, Still having that smile on his face. "y-you don't scare me!" shouted Davy, acting defiant. Freddy cocked his head to the side, showing some confusion. Davy swung left with the crowbar, but Freddy easily blocked it with a quick arm jerk. Shocked, Davy tried again with the right, same instant reaction. Davy could not fathom how any of this was even remotely happening. So he began swinging at him effortlessly to try & land a hit on him. But Freddy Faz Bear had his arms raised and ready to defend. Blocking & deflecting all the swings with his burly costumed arms.
  134. Crowbar clanking with his arms. Davy panted heavily, growing exhausted trying to damage him. "Jesus Christ what kind of animatronic is this?!" Davy yelled out in Frustration and fear. He brought his hands together and attempted to jam the bottom part of the crowbar into Freddy Faz Bears godforsaken face, pry it off and mangle the endoskeleton within. But from Mike's perspective, even in his battered state, he could have sworn seeing a small red light shine in Freddy's right eye for a moment. Freddy grabbed both of Davy's wrists, stopping them as Davy's hands trembled with force & fear. Bringing his hands down caused Davy to come face to face with the Fuzzy Faz bear. His brows furrowed down and his eyes closed halfway to express disapproval. The look of fear on Davy's face was indescribable. "Someone wasn't ready for Freddy." he said, in a very dark tone. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, He head butt Davy with enough force to break his nose, then tossed him over his shoulder to the ground. The manager looked on in horror, as Freddy brought one of his feet on Davy's bloody face. He began to apply pressure, Davy's muffled screams were heard. "And when you're not ready." said Freddy, turning his head towards the Pizza crew, managing to show a frown. "It gets deadly." he finished, bringing the full weight of his foot down on Davy's head. The sound of skull cracking echoed throughout the pizzeria. As well as the horrified screams of the remaining two employee's. Mike's face was literally white washed with fear. The manager clutched the sledgehammer even tighter & looked over at his two coworkers. "We can take dis thing down! kill it!" He ordered, walking back toward the bear. The two Pizza hut employee's looked at each other with doubt. But then nodded, tossing mike to the side to join their boss.
  137. [5:00 AM]
  140. Mike slumped himself into a chair, trying to recover from the brutal assault. His eyes fixated on the bear, who started getting surrounded by The three men. Freddy turned himself side to side to see them positioning themselves, articulately observing their movement. Freddy took a moment to take a glance at mike, whom was staring at him with fearful intrigue. Freddy couldn't help but grin & wink at him for a second. This unnerved him a little more, but he couldn't just get up and run. In his state of weakness, he could only stay there and watch three men try to tango with a deadly, robotic kids mascot. Fred brought the microphone to him and said "Alright boy's & girls! It's time for some Freddy fun time!" he said in an excited and jolly tone. He extended his hand outwards, and dropped the would be attached microphone to the ground. This was enough of a signal top cause the manager to scream and charge at Freddy from the front. Freddy fluidly positioned his hands in a defensive posture. As Mr. Manager came in striking distance, Freddy slid his foot forward towards him. He brought his left up and blocked the end of the sledge; and proceeded to punch him at least three times before grabbing his throat & tossing him aside; Disarming him in the process. Troy ran at him with the Wrench, But got clocked by the back of Freddy's hand. Bill came at him more readily, twirling his hammers and taunting Freddy. But as Bill swung, Freddy simply deflected all his blows. "You must not of had Joy in your life." Freddy said, sounding a little disappointed.
  144. "S-s-shut up you freak!" yelled Bill as he raised both hammers up to bring down. Freddy then delivered a series of five rapid punches to Bill's chest, breadbasket, and abdomen. Bill lurched over in pain, only to get front kicked by Freddy. A recovered Troy came back towards Freddy, this time circling him carefully. Freddy began to circle him as well, a single eyebrow raised. "I don't think your qualified by Faz Bear Entertainment to handle tools." taunted Freddy, in his abnormally friendly tone. with a look of fear, troy attempted a right jab at him, only to have his fist caught, crushed by Freddy, and then thrown to a table. Bill regained composure, standing on one knee as he held his chest & retrieved his fallen hammer. Freddy took one look at bill and troy before he strode towards the pizza box. "Y-you don't know what kind of life i lived!" screamed Bill; spitting out blood, knee's shaking weakly. "Y-you don't know what I been through!". Freddy turned & carefully picked up the pizza box, steam emitting from the still fresh pie.
  148. "Oh dear! I am sincerely sorry for my previously offensive statement." said Freddy, sounding both sincere & apologetic. Michael was at an absolute loss of words. This machination was not only capable of defending itself, but was psychologically taunting his opponents. Just what kind of place is this, Michael tried to process. "Please, let me make this up to you all personally." Freddy said, addressing both Troy & Bill, who looked at him with pure resentment. He reached inside the box, gripping a few slices. "Have some Pizza on me!" he exclaimed with a short shriek, unleashing several extremely hot cheesy slices at them. One made contact with Troy's hand, causing him to drop the wrench and grip his hand. the rest made contact with bill's hands and face. Bill utterly screamed in agony as the molten cheese melted away parts of his face. With this opening, Freddy immediately ran at them; Striking Troy with a flying kick to the throat. Yet another sickening crack was heard as Troy flew back and died instantly. As Bill ripped off the pizza's; as well flesh from his face and hands, Freddy appeared before him. He smacked him around and grabbed the back of his throat. Freddy's hand reached back and clenched into a fist. With yet another shriek, Freddy Faz Bear punched the back of his the head, right where the cerebellum resided. The impact was enough for bills eye's to pop out of his head. With a gurgled cry of defeat, Freddy struck Bill in the center of his skull, killing him immediately. Mike being a witness to nothing like this in his life, observed it all with awe & horror.
  153. As his body fell to the ground in a bloody mess, Freddy turned and looked towards mike. He leaned back a bit scarred, The titular Brown bear gave him a sincere grin & wave. Freddy began to advance towards Mike, his bloody foot stepping over Bill's carcass. Fear & dread started to increase inside Mike as Fazzy approached. Three men were just killed by him, without any effort. If they weren't ready for Freddy, how could he be? His bloodstained face reflected elegantly off the stage lights. He tried to move back, but ended up falling out of his chair, hurting himself in the process. Freddy's eyes widened with real concern as he got closer to Mike, who was trying to move back from him. But suddenly, out of the corner of his, Mike saw the Pizza hut manager stagger up, clutching the sledgehammer. Out of pure instinct, Mike yelled out to Freddy "Watch out!", as Freddy turned and got struck directly in the face with the Sledgehammer. Freddy staggered back a little, and received another blow to the back. Freddy was down, shrieking a bit at the blows. Mike got back on his feet. Somehow gaining a second wind after watching someone try to beat another while their down, even if it was a potentially homicidal machine. He charged forward and tackled Mr. Manager to the ground, causing him to lose the sledge, and just began to wail on him intensely.
  157. He was then pushed off by the manager, whom then proceeded to get ontop and try to strangle him. Mike began to kick & try to push him off. "Phuck you! Phuck dis place! Phuck dat Bear! We're ghonna torchh dhis whole goddamn place to da ground!!!" The manager angrily sputtered with his crooked jaw. Overhead, Mike could faintly catch a glimpse of a bear overhead, his jaw slightly broken but still capable of movement. Some of his teeth cracked and missing. One of his eyes was also busted, allowing him to see the little red light in his socket. But what Mike was able to notice more, was the second set of teeth within the mouth. Freddy's hands grabbed the managers head tightly. Already screaming with pain, he was slowly lifted off mike as he tried to free himself of Faz Bear's grip. Mike crawled back a little and coughed several times, gasping for air. The grip around the managers head was slowly increasing in pressure & further crush his jaw, causing immense pain for the Pizza Hut manager. "You don't know the meaning of Joy" Freddy said in his regular tone, albeit a little remorseful sounding. "You come to destroy a place that brings joy & laughter to children. And you think you know the true meaning of creating Joy?" he continued on, his tone getting more agitated sounding. Mike could only watch on in shock as his head was being slowly crushed. "I try to bring smiles and laughter to children. To bring them some Joy in their lives. To create happy memories!!" he shrieked loudly, breaking the managers jaw even more. His cries became louder as he struggled and kicked to free himself from the vicious bear. "You won't stop me. They won't stop me. No ONE, will stop me." he said, sounding even more malicious by the second. "I neglect to mention that there was one more rule before you rudely interrupted me." he stated, the red light beaming intensely. Mike swallowed once more, looking at the menacing bear. "Always leave before Dark." he stated, before crushing the mans skull in his hands. Croaking slightly while his body twitched several times before finally going limp. Freddy held the corpse for a whole minute, before letting it fall out of his hands, thumping to the ground. Freddy then took his bloody hand and attempted to readjust his now broken costumed jaw.
  159. "O-o-one way or another." he looked up for a second to the ceiling, stuttering slightly.
  162. "They will know the meaning of t-t-the [Joy of Creation]." he said in a deep voice.
  165. After that, he looked back down towards Mike, whose back was against the bottom of the stage. Freddy walked towards him again. Mike raised an arm up in pure fear. "Oh shit!" he uttered. Freddy Faz Bear extended his hand towards him. "A-a-a-are you ok-kay?" asked the bear, his voice both skipping slightly as a sign of damage, and sounding pleasantly jolly again. Mike lowered his arm and stared at the bear for a second. Even with a damaged jaw, he had a crooked smile on his face, even after what he did. Being very hesitant, Mike reached out slowly to him, his hand shaking intensely. Freddy carefully gripped his hand and raised Mike to his feet. Mike stood face to face with Freddy. "I...uh...i'm alright." he said, holding his side that took the hammer hits. He took a quick moment to look at the corpses of the four Pizza Hut employee's. Troy was dead with a broken neck. Bill's face was partially melted with his eyes popped out of his head, and his skull fractured. Davy's head was now the equivalent of excrement on Freddy's foot. And the Manager for the local Pizza Hut was 'Upper-Managed' by Freddy. "I d-don't know why they do this." said Freddy, whom also took a look at them. "Wait, this isn't the first time?" Asked Mike. The animatronic bear walked over to one of the Corpses, gazing at it.
  169. "They've b-been harassing e-e-veryone who comes here." he started, looking over at the other three. "O-one of them tried to deconstruct me not too l-long ago." Freddy said, turning to look at Mike. He walked toward him slightly, glancing at the damage down in the dining area. "They actually tried..?" Mike inquired, not just seeming sympathetic towards the deadly Animatronic, but also out of morbid curiosity. "Y-y-yes. But of course that cannot be allowed." said Freddy, walking mechanically over towards a door labeled "employees Only. "I-i-i-i do not understand why they h-hate me or this place." Freddy said, his tone sounding rather sad. His long arm reaching forward, grabbing the knob and turning gently, but was unable to open the door. With that, his head turned quickly to Mike, causing his jaw to go agape once again. "Excuse me, but could you please open this door?" asked Freddy, his tone sounding a bit more joyous this time. Mike was hesitant for a split second, freaked out by the slacked jawed bear. Swallowing a large lump in his throat, He nodded. "I just need to see if i have a s-spare key available in the office." he said, before he started speed walking back to the office. He didn't dare Incur the wraith of Freddy by running. In the distance, Freddy said aloud "Papa bear needs a new jaw! haha!" he said jokingly, utilizing a haunting laugh track that echoed throughout the Pizzeria.
  171. [5:50 AM]
  174. Mike turned the key, unlocking & opening the backstage room. It appeared to a medium-sized room, containing spare parts for ol Freddy for when any sort of breakdown during the daytime hours. As the door opened, it started letting ambient light in, illuminating the room ominously. On the wall next to the door were wires that ran down the height of the wall. On the other walls are shelves, which had spare costume heads. In the very center of the room was a table, holding an extra endoskeleton. Mike didn't know which creeped him out the most. as well as a spare suit head for Freddy. Freddy strode in and plopped right onto the table. He slowly removed his damaged head, revealing his metallic endoskeleton face. Mike turned away some, his childhood fears returning to him faster than a repressed memory. But even then he found himself looking at disembodied heads of Fred. Some with eyes and mouths open, others were eyeless. As if they were staring right into his soul, Mike simply closed his eyes and focused on breathing to relax. His body ached from all the ruckus before. He may have a cracked rib, but that didn't seem to remotely matter to him at this moment. Being in the same room with Freddy Faz Bear was enough for him to ignore the pain. Freddy placed his damaged bloody head to the side, and took the pristine head next to him. As Freddy struggled to re-attach his head, Michael started coughing a little. As he tried to surpress it, a shot of pain went through him as he coughed.
  178. Freddy turned his half attached head toward him, eyebrow raised. "Are you sure you're okay?" asked Freddy. Mike leaned against the wired wall slightly, regaining more composure as the pain slowly subsided. "Yeah. No worries, i been through worse in high school." he said jokingly, daring to look at him. "Those people were going to k-k-kill you" Freddy stated, trying to get his head properly in place. Mike did come to the grim realisation. Had it not been for this Animatronic behemoth of a bear, he would have been dead. Freddy continued having trouble getting his head on straight.. "I hate to bother you again, but could you possibly help me one more time?" he asked, eyebrows raised upwards indicating distress. Mike looked back at him and gulped. "S-sure" he said, walking towards Freddy carefully. Mike started fiddling with his head, Freddy's hands carefully assisting him. He heard a click as Freddy lifted his head, turning and blinking. Mike backed up slightly, being spooked. Freddy looked back at him with a smile. "Thank you for helping me Mr...uh." Freddy started. He cocked his head to the side again. "I'm sorry, what is your name?" he asked. Mike finally relaxed some, standing up straight. "Michael, Michael Schmidt." he stated. Freddy's ears twitched. "Is it Okay if I call you Mike?" Asked Freddy. A self-defense capable bear was asking him for permission. Mike didn't know if this was real life or a very trippy hallucination. So he simply nodded. "Most people call me Mike most of the time, so it's fine." said Mike, wiping away some sweat."Ah, Mike. It's a nice name. Well let me introduce myself mike." Said Freddy, hoping off the table. "I'm Freddy Faz Bear!"he exclaimed, grinning happily. Very surprised at Freddy's enthusiasm, Mike decided to crack a small smile.
  182. "Well uh, it's a pleasure meeting you Mr. Faz Bear..." Mike said. Freddy walked towards him, the sound of his feet thumping the ground. Michael looked towards him, trying to not let his fear get to him. Freddy hulked over Mike in terms of height. "Please." Said Freddy, extending his open hand out to mike, which was still stained with blood, and small fragments of Skull. "Call me Freddy" he said with a gentle tone. Mike raised his hand, but became unnerved by his messy hand. Freddy saw the hesitation within Mike, and quickly switched with his slightly cleaner hand. Michael then reached his hand out and carefully held Freddy's hand. Freddy's grip was firm, yet gentle. The two immediatly shook hands, which was incredibly baffling from Mikes perspective. "Were you the one who was watching me?" inquired Freddy. Mike felt chilled for a second there. Now he knew for sure he wasn't losing his mind. The bear WAS looking at him through the camera. His heart began to race. He let go of Freddy's hand. This Animatronic bear was sentient, Self-aware, and fully capable of lethal self-defense. He swallowed the sudden lump in his Throat. "Yes. Yes i was watching you. And this place." Mike told Freddy. "I was recently hired to keep a watchful eye on this place. T-this was my first night." Mike managed to get out, looking down & scratching the back of his head nervously. Freddy blinked twice before speaking. "Well, from my perspective." Freddy started, putting a hand carefully on Mike's shoulder, which caused him to instantly look back up at him. "You did pretty okay for your first night." he said, sounding very encouraging. Michael was utterly speechless. His brain couldn't even begin to comprehend all the events that lead up to this moment. Before he could even reply, or thank him, Mike took a look at his watch. It was 5:56 AM. "Oh shit, my Shift is almost up!" Mike exclaimed.
  186. As he walked out, he still saw all the damage left from the fight. A broken chair or two, some tables were out-of-place. Not to mention the Corpses of four Pizza hut employees littered the floor. "Ah crap I'm so fired!" Mike shouted, holding his hands on his head in pure frustration. "Don't worry about it Mike. I'll take care of the mess here..." Said Freddy, who walked out of the room, and went to go collect the bodies. "There is a morning janitorial staff that always arrives in the wee hours of the morning, to do some early cleaning. They can handle the dining area, and anything else that was damaged." Freddy explained, already slinging two bodies over one of his shoulders as he went to collect the other two. A slight feeling of dread returned to Mike as he saw The hulking bear carry the carcasses. "B-but what about the..."
  189. "You just leave that to me Mike." Freddy said, giving him yet another toothy grin, this time showing both sets of teeth. Michael decided to not question the bear any further. "I-i guess i should go now." he said, turning towards the west hall. "Wait! be sure to fill out an incident report!" exclaimed Freddy, as he stopped to look back at Mike. He turned his head back to the bear. "If you wanna keep your job here, you need to fill out an Incident report pronto! Just write everything that happened. And don't worry" Said Freddy, who was taking the corpses into the backstage room, "Be honest". Michael stopped to process that information for a moment. He had to write down all that happened. Men from Pizza hut broke into Freddy's Pizzeria; trashed half the place, Brutally assaulted him & almost killed him, and then were all killed by the hands of Freddy Faz Bear. A Childhood icon for a ton of kids. He had only minutes to think of how to properly write all this down. "Okay I will." Mike said, as he started back towards the hall. "And also" chimed Freddy, whom was peering behind a half closed-door. Mike looked back to see him through the half closed-door. "Thank you for trying to stand up for me." Freddy stated, a sound of immense sincerity detected in his voice. Michael paused as he looked at the already closed the door. He took a moment to see the damage one more time, before his eyes settled on the Pizza box that Freddy had previously weaponized. He saw at least one last piece of Pizza. It was already room temperature. Mike took the slice, and then looked back at the backstage door. He then simply walked down the east hall back to the Office, eating the now lukewarm pizza. 'Sure thing. It's my job after all...' he thought to himself. Back in the Dining area, strange sounds were emanating from the backstage. It was an odd sound. A fleshy, meaty sound. Like the sound of something getting forcefully stuffed into something. It was then that the clock struck [6:00 AM]
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