
all csgo cvars

Feb 17th, 2012
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  1. 1. +alt1
  2. 2. +alt2
  3. 3. +attack
  4. 4. +attack2
  5. 5. +back
  6. 6. +break
  7. 7. +camdistance
  8. 8. +camin
  9. 9. +cammousemove
  10. 10. +camout
  11. 11. +campitchdown
  12. 12. +campitchup
  13. 13. +camyawleft
  14. 14. +camyawright
  15. 15. +commandermousemove
  16. 16. +demoui2 // Bring the advanced demo player UI (demoui2) to foreground.
  17. 17. +duck
  18. 18. +forward
  19. 19. +graph
  20. 20. +grenade1
  21. 21. +grenade2
  22. 22. +jlook
  23. 23. +jump
  24. 24. +klook
  25. 25. +left
  26. 26. +lookdown
  27. 27. +lookspin
  28. 28. +lookup
  29. 29. +mat_texture_list
  30. 30. +movedown
  31. 31. +moveleft
  32. 32. +moveright
  33. 33. +moveup
  34. 34. +posedebug // Turn on pose debugger or add ents to pose debugger UI
  35. 35. +reload
  36. 36. +right
  37. 37. +score
  38. 38. +showbudget
  39. 39. +showbudget_texture
  40. 40. +showbudget_texture_global
  41. 41. +showscores
  42. 42. +showvprof
  43. 43. +sixense_left_point_gesture
  44. 44. +sixense_ratchet
  45. 45. +sixense_right_point_gesture
  46. 46. +speed
  47. 47. +strafe
  48. 48. +use
  49. 49. +vgui_drawtree
  50. 50. +voicerecord
  51. 51. +walk
  52. 52. +zoom
  53. 53. +zoom_in
  54. 54. +zoom_out
  55. 55. -alt1
  56. 56. -alt2
  57. 57. -attack
  58. 58. -attack2
  59. 59. -back
  60. 60. -break
  61. 61. -camdistance
  62. 62. -camin
  63. 63. -cammousemove
  64. 64. -camout
  65. 65. -campitchdown
  66. 66. -campitchup
  67. 67. -camyawleft
  68. 68. -camyawright
  69. 69. -commandermousemove
  70. 70. -demoui2 // Send the advanced demo player UI (demoui2) to background.
  71. 71. -duck
  72. 72. -forward
  73. 73. -graph
  74. 74. -grenade1
  75. 75. -grenade2
  76. 76. -jlook
  77. 77. -jump
  78. 78. -klook
  79. 79. -left
  80. 80. -lookdown
  81. 81. -lookspin
  82. 82. -lookup
  83. 83. -mat_texture_list
  84. 84. -movedown
  85. 85. -moveleft
  86. 86. -moveright
  87. 87. -moveup
  88. 88. -posedebug // Turn off pose debugger or hide ents from pose debugger UI
  89. 89. -reload
  90. 90. -right
  91. 91. -score
  92. 92. -showbudget
  93. 93. -showbudget_texture
  94. 94. -showbudget_texture_global
  95. 95. -showscores
  96. 96. -showvprof
  97. 97. -sixense_left_point_gesture
  98. 98. -sixense_ratchet
  99. 99. -sixense_right_point_gesture
  100. 100. -speed
  101. 101. -strafe
  102. 102. -use
  103. 103. -vgui_drawtree
  104. 104. -voicerecord
  105. 105. -walk
  106. 106. -zoom
  107. 107. -zoom_in
  108. 108. -zoom_out
  109. 109. achievement_debug "0" // Turn on achievement debug msgs.
  110. 110. achievement_disable "0" // Turn off achievements.
  111. 111. addip // Add an IP address to the ban list.
  112. 112. adsp_debug "0"
  113. 113. ainet_generate_report // Generate a report to the console.
  114. 114. ainet_generate_report_only // Generate a report to the console.
  115. 115. air_density // Changes the density of air for drag computations.
  116. 116. ai_clear_bad_links // Clears bits set on nav links indicating link is unusable
  117. 117. ai_debug_los "0" // itl
  118. 118. ai_debug_node_connect // Debug the attempted connection between two nodes
  119. 119. ai_debug_shoot_positions "0"
  120. 120. ai_disable // Bi-passes all AI logic routines and puts all NPCs into their idle animations. Can be used to get NPCs out of your way and to t
  121. 121. ai_drawbattlelines "0"
  122. 122. ai_drop_hint // Drop an ai_hint at the players current eye position.
  123. 123. ai_dump_hints
  124. 124. ai_hull // Controls which connections are shown when ai_show_hull or ai_show_connect commands are used Arguments: NPC name or classname,
  125. 125. ai_next_hull // Cycles through the various hull sizes. Currently selected hull size is written to the screen. Controls which connections are
  126. 126. ai_nodes // Toggles node display. First call displays the nodes for the given network as green objects. Second call displays the nodes a
  127. 127. ai_report_task_timings_on_limit "0"
  128. 128. ai_resume // If NPC is stepping through tasks (see ai_step ) will resume normal processing.
  129. 129. ai_setenabled // Like ai_disable but you manually specify the state (with a 0 or 1) instead of toggling it.
  130. 130. ai_set_move_height_epsilon // Set how high AI bumps up ground walkers when checking steps
  131. 131. ai_show_connect // Displays the allowed connections between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Gre
  132. 132. ai_show_connect_crawl // Displays the allowed connections between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Gre
  133. 133. ai_show_connect_fly // Displays the allowed connections between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Gre
  134. 134. ai_show_connect_jump // Displays the allowed connections between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Gre
  135. 135. ai_show_graph_connect // Toggles graph connection display for the node that the player is looking at. Nodes that are connected to the selected node by
  136. 136. ai_show_grid // Draw a grid on the floor where looking.
  137. 137. ai_show_hints // Displays all hints as small boxes Blue - hint is available for use Red - hint is currently being used by an NPC Orange -
  138. 138. ai_show_hull // Displays the allowed hulls between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Green -
  139. 139. ai_show_node // Highlight the specified node
  140. 140. ai_show_visibility // Toggles visibility display for the node that the player is looking at. Nodes that are visible from the selected node will be d
  141. 141. ai_step // use ai_step again. To resume processing no
  142. 142. ai_test_los // Test AI LOS from the players POV
  143. 143. ai_think_limit_label "0"
  144. 144. ai_vehicle_avoidance "1"
  145. 145. alias // Alias a command.
  146. 146. ammo_338mag_max "30"
  147. 147. ammo_357sig_max "52"
  148. 148. ammo_45acp_max "100"
  149. 149. ammo_50AE_max "35"
  150. 150. ammo_556mm_box_max "200"
  151. 151. ammo_556mm_max "90"
  152. 152. ammo_57mm_max "100"
  153. 153. ammo_762mm_max "90"
  154. 154. ammo_9mm_max "120"
  155. 155. ammo_buckshot_max "32"
  156. 156. ammo_decoy_max "1"
  157. 157. ammo_flashbang_max "1"
  158. 158. ammo_hegrenade_max "1"
  159. 159. ammo_molotov_max "1"
  160. 160. ammo_smokegrenade_max "1"
  161. 161. askconnect_accept // Accept a redirect request by the server.
  162. 162. asw_engine_finished_building_map // Notify engine that weve finished building a map
  163. 163. async_resume
  164. 164. async_suspend
  165. 165. audit_save_in_memory // Audit the memory usage and files in the save-to-memory system
  166. 166. autobuy // Attempt to purchase items with the order listed in cl_autobuy
  167. 167. autosave // Autosave
  168. 168. autosavedangerous // AutoSaveDangerous
  169. 169. autosavedangerousissafe
  170. 170. banid // Add a user ID to the ban list.
  171. 171. banip // Add an IP address to the ban list.
  172. 172. benchframe // Takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time demo.
  173. 173. bench_end // Ends gathering of info.
  174. 174. bench_showstatsdialog // Shows a dialog displaying the most recent benchmark results.
  175. 175. bench_start // Starts gathering of info. Arguments: filename to write results into
  176. 176. bench_upload // Uploads most recent benchmark stats to the Valve servers.
  177. 177. bind // Bind a key.
  178. 178. BindToggle // Performs a bind <key> increment var <cvar> 0 1 1
  179. 179. bind_osx // Bind a key for OSX only.
  180. 180. bink_dump_precached_movies // Dumps information about all precached Bink movies
  181. 181. blackbox_dump // Dump the contents of the blackbox
  182. 182. blackbox_record // Record an entry into the blackbox
  183. 183. bot_add // bot_add <t|ct> <type> <difficulty> <name> - Adds a bot matching the given criteria.
  184. 184. bot_add_ct // bot_add_ct <type> <difficulty> <name> - Adds a Counter-Terrorist bot matching the given criteria.
  185. 185. bot_add_t // bot_add_t <type> <difficulty> <name> - Adds a terrorist bot matching the given criteria.
  186. 186. bot_all_weapons // Allows the bots to use all weapons
  187. 187. bot_autodifficulty_threshold "0" // Percentage of Contribution Score that a bot must be outside of to change its difficulty (i.e. Contrib Score in the range [human
  188. 188. bot_chatter "0" // or normal.
  189. 189. bot_crouch "0"
  190. 190. bot_debug "0" // For internal testing purposes.
  191. 191. bot_debug_target "0" // For internal testing purposes.
  192. 192. bot_defer_to_human "0" // the bots will not do the scenario tasks.
  193. 193. bot_difficulty "1" // 3=expert.
  194. 194. bot_dont_shoot "0" // bots will not fire weapons (for debugging).
  195. 195. bot_freeze "0"
  196. 196. bot_goto_mark // Sends a bot to the marked nav area (useful for testing navigation meshes)
  197. 197. bot_goto_selected // Sends a bot to the selected nav area (useful for testing navigation meshes)
  198. 198. bot_join_after_player "1" // bots wait until a player joins before entering the game.
  199. 199. bot_join_team "0" // or CT.
  200. 200. bot_kick // matching the given criteria.
  201. 201. bot_kill // matching the given criteria.
  202. 202. bot_knives_only // Restricts the bots to only using knives
  203. 203. bot_loadout "0" // bots are given these items at round start
  204. 204. bot_mimic "0"
  205. 205. bot_mimic_yaw_offset "180"
  206. 206. bot_pistols_only // Restricts the bots to only using pistols
  207. 207. bot_place // bot_place - Places a bot from the map at where the local player is pointing.
  208. 208. bot_quota "0" // Determines the total number of bots in the game.
  209. 209. bot_quota_mode "0" // Determines the type of quota. Allowed values: normal, fill, and match. If fill, the server will adjust bots to keep N p
  210. 210. bot_randombuy "0" // should bots ignore their prefered weapons and just buy weapons at random?
  211. 211. bot_show_battlefront "0" // Show areas where rushing players will initially meet.
  212. 212. bot_show_nav "0" // For internal testing purposes.
  213. 213. bot_show_occupy_time "0" // Show when each nav area can first be reached by each team.
  214. 214. bot_snipers_only // Restricts the bots to only using sniper rifles
  215. 215. bot_stop "0" // immediately stops all bot processing.
  216. 216. bot_stop_control // Release control of a bot.
  217. 217. bot_take_control // Take control of a bot.
  218. 218. bot_traceview "0" // For internal testing purposes.
  219. 219. bot_zombie "0" // bots will stay in idle mode and not attack.
  220. 220. box // Draw a debug box.
  221. 221. buddha // Toggle. Player takes damage but wont die. (Shows red cross when health is zero)
  222. 222. budget_averages_window "30" // number of frames to look at when figuring out average frametimes
  223. 223. budget_background_alpha "128" // how translucent the budget panel is
  224. 224. budget_bargraph_background_alpha "128" // how translucent the budget panel is
  225. 225. budget_bargraph_range_ms "16" // budget bargraph range in milliseconds
  226. 226. budget_history_numsamplesvisible "100" // number of samples to draw in the budget history window. The lower the better as far as rendering overhead of the budget panel
  227. 227. budget_history_range_ms "66" // budget history range in milliseconds
  228. 228. budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction "0" // number between 0 and 1
  229. 229. budget_panel_height "384" // height in pixels of the budget panel
  230. 230. budget_panel_width "512" // width in pixels of the budget panel
  231. 231. budget_panel_x "0" // number of pixels from the left side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
  232. 232. budget_panel_y "50" // number of pixels from the top side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
  233. 233. budget_peaks_window "30" // number of frames to look at when figuring out peak frametimes
  234. 234. budget_show_averages "0" // enable/disable averages in the budget panel
  235. 235. budget_show_history "0" // turn history graph off and on. . good to turn off on low end
  236. 236. budget_show_peaks "1" // enable/disable peaks in the budget panel
  237. 237. budget_toggle_group // Turn a budget group on/off
  238. 238. bug // Show the bug reporting UI.
  239. 239. bugreporter_uploadasync "0" // Upload attachments asynchronously
  240. 240. bugreporter_username "0" // Username to use for bugreporter
  241. 241. bug_swap // Automatically swaps the current weapon for the bug bait and back again.
  242. 242. buildcubemaps // Rebuild cubemaps.
  243. 243. buildmodelforworld // buildmodelforworld
  244. 244. buymenu // Show or hide main buy menu
  245. 245. cache_print // cache_print [section] Print out contents of cache memory.
  246. 246. cache_print_lru // cache_print_lru [section] Print out contents of cache memory.
  247. 247. cache_print_summary // cache_print_summary [section] Print out a summary contents of cache memory.
  248. 248. camortho // Switch to orthographic camera.
  249. 249. cam_collision "1" // an attempt is made to keep the camera from passing though walls.
  250. 250. cam_command // Tells camera to change modes
  251. 251. cam_idealdelta "4" // Controls the speed when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view
  252. 252. cam_idealdist "150"
  253. 253. cam_idealdistright "0"
  254. 254. cam_idealdistup "0"
  255. 255. cam_ideallag "4" // Amount of lag used when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view
  256. 256. cam_idealpitch "0"
  257. 257. cam_idealyaw "0"
  258. 258. cam_showangles "0" // print viewangles/idealangles/cameraoffsets to the console.
  259. 259. cam_snapto "0"
  260. 260. cancelselect
  261. 261. cast_hull // Tests hull collision detection
  262. 262. cast_ray // Tests collision detection
  263. 263. cc_emit // Emits a closed caption
  264. 264. cc_findsound // Searches for soundname which emits specified text.
  265. 265. cc_flush // Flushes asyncd captions.
  266. 266. cc_lang "0" // Current close caption language (emtpy = use game UI language)
  267. 267. cc_linger_time "1" // Close caption linger time.
  268. 268. cc_predisplay_time "0" // Close caption delay before showing caption.
  269. 269. cc_random // Emits a random caption
  270. 270. cc_showblocks // Toggles showing which blocks are pending/loaded async.
  271. 271. cc_subtitles "0" // wont help hearing impaired players).
  272. 272. centerview
  273. 273. changelevel // Change server to the specified map
  274. 274. changelevel2 // Transition to the specified map in single player
  275. 275. chet_debug_idle "0" // many debug prints to help track down the TLK_IDLE issue. Set two for super verbose info
  276. 276. ch_createairboat // Spawn airboat in front of the player.
  277. 277. ch_createjeep // Spawn jeep in front of the player.
  278. 278. clear // Clear all console output.
  279. 279. clear_anim_cache // freeing the memory (until the next time a streaming animblock is requested).
  280. 280. clear_debug_overlays // clears debug overlays
  281. 281. clientport "27005" // Host game client port
  282. 282. closecaption "0" // Enable close captioning.
  283. 283. cl_allowdownload "0" // Client downloads customization files
  284. 284. cl_allowupload "0" // Client uploads customization files
  285. 285. cl_animationinfo // Hud element to examine.
  286. 286. cl_autobuy "0" // The order in which autobuy will attempt to purchase items
  287. 287. cl_autohelp "0" // Auto-help
  288. 288. cl_autowepswitch "0" // Automatically switch to picked up weapons (if more powerful)
  289. 289. cl_backspeed "450"
  290. 290. cl_bob "0"
  291. 291. cl_bobamt_lat "0"
  292. 292. cl_bobamt_vert "0"
  293. 293. cl_bobcycle "1"
  294. 294. cl_bobup "0"
  295. 295. cl_bob_lower_amt "21"
  296. 296. cl_brushfastpath "1"
  297. 297. cl_buy_favorite // Purchase a favorite weapon/equipment loadout
  298. 298. cl_buy_favorite_nowarn "0" // Skips the error prompt when saving an invalid buy favorite
  299. 299. cl_buy_favorite_quiet "0" // Skips the prompt when saving a buy favorite in the buy menu
  300. 300. cl_buy_favorite_reset // Reset favorite loadouts to the default
  301. 301. cl_buy_favorite_set // Saves the current loadout as a favorite
  302. 302. cl_camera_follow_bone_index "-2" // Index of the bone to follow. -2 == disabled. -1 == root bone. 0+ is bone index.
  303. 303. cl_chatfilters "63" // Stores the chat filter settings
  304. 304. cl_class "0" // Default class when joining a game
  305. 305. cl_clearhinthistory // Clear memory of client side hints displayed to the player.
  306. 306. cl_clockdrift_max_ms "150" // Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the servers.
  307. 307. cl_clockdrift_max_ms_threadmode "0" // Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the servers.
  308. 308. cl_clock_correction "1" // Enable/disable clock correction on the client.
  309. 309. cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount "200" // Sets the maximum number of milliseconds per second it is allowed to correct the client clock. It will only correct this amount
  310. 310. cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset "90" // it moves towards apply
  311. 311. cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset "10" // then no clock correction is applied.
  312. 312. cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick "999" // Force clock correction to match the server tick + this offset (-999 disables it).
  313. 313. cl_clock_showdebuginfo "0" // Show debugging info about the clock drift.
  314. 314. cl_cmdrate "66" // Max number of command packets sent to server per second
  315. 315. cl_crosshairalpha "255"
  316. 316. cl_crosshaircolor "1" // Set crosshair color as defined in game_options.360.txt
  317. 317. cl_crosshaircolor_b "250"
  318. 318. cl_crosshaircolor_g "250"
  319. 319. cl_crosshaircolor_r "50"
  320. 320. cl_crosshairdot "0"
  321. 321. cl_crosshairscale "768" // Crosshair scaling factor (deprecated)
  322. 322. cl_crosshairsize "7"
  323. 323. cl_crosshairthickness "0"
  324. 324. cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
  325. 325. cl_debugrumble "0" // Turn on rumble debugging spew
  326. 326. cl_detail_avoid_force "0" // percentage of the width of the detail sprite )
  327. 327. cl_detail_avoid_radius "64" // radius around detail sprite to avoid players
  328. 328. cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed "0" // how fast to recover position after avoiding players
  329. 329. cl_detail_max_sway "5" // Amplitude of the detail prop sway
  330. 330. cl_detail_multiplier "1" // extra details to create
  331. 331. cl_disablefreezecam "1" // Turn on/off freezecam on client
  332. 332. cl_disable_ragdolls "0"
  333. 333. cl_downloadfilter "0" // nosounds)
  334. 334. cl_drawhud "1" // Enable the rendering of the hud
  335. 335. cl_drawleaf "-1"
  336. 336. cl_drawmaterial "0" // Draw a particular material over the frame
  337. 337. cl_drawshadowtexture "0"
  338. 338. cl_dumpplayer // Dumps info about a player
  339. 339. cl_dumpsplithacks // Dump split screen workarounds.
  340. 340. cl_dump_particle_stats // dump particle profiling info to particle_profile.csv
  341. 341. cl_dynamiccrosshair "0"
  342. 342. cl_enable_weapon_voiceover "1" // Enable/Disable weapon name voice over.
  343. 343. cl_entityreport "0" // draw entity states to console
  344. 344. cl_ent_absbox // Displays the clients absbox for the entity under the crosshair.
  345. 345. cl_ent_bbox // Displays the clients bounding box for the entity under the crosshair.
  346. 346. cl_ent_rbox // Displays the clients render box for the entity under the crosshair.
  347. 347. cl_extrapolate "1" // Enable/disable extrapolation if interpolation history runs out.
  348. 348. cl_extrapolate_amount "0" // Set how many seconds the client will extrapolate entities for.
  349. 349. cl_fastdetailsprites "1" // whether to use new detail sprite system
  350. 350. cl_find_ent // Find and list all client entities with classnames that contain the specified substring. Format: cl_find_ent <substring>
  351. 351. cl_find_ent_index // Display data for clientside entity matching specified index. Format: cl_find_ent_index <index>
  352. 352. cl_fixedcrosshairgap "3" // How big to make the gap between the pips in the fixed crosshair
  353. 353. cl_flushentitypacket "0" // For debugging. Force the engine to flush an entity packet.
  354. 354. cl_forcepreload "1" // Whether we should force preloading.
  355. 355. cl_forwardspeed "450"
  356. 356. cl_fullupdate // Forces the server to send a full update packet
  357. 357. cl_game_mode_convars // Display the values of the convars for the current game_mode.
  358. 358. cl_idealpitchscale "0"
  359. 359. cl_ignorepackets "0" // Force client to ignore packets (for debugging).
  360. 360. cl_interp "0" // Sets the interpolation amount (bounded on low side by server interp ratio settings).
  361. 361. cl_interp_ratio "2" // Sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate).
  362. 362. cl_jiggle_bone_debug "0" // Display physics-based jiggle bone debugging information
  363. 363. cl_jiggle_bone_debug_pitch_constraints "0" // Display physics-based jiggle bone debugging information
  364. 364. cl_jiggle_bone_debug_yaw_constraints "0" // Display physics-based jiggle bone debugging information
  365. 365. cl_jiggle_bone_invert "0"
  366. 366. cl_lagcompensation "1" // Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.
  367. 367. cl_language "0" // Language (from Steam API)
  368. 368. cl_leafsystemvis "0"
  369. 369. cl_leveloverview "0"
  370. 370. cl_leveloverviewmarker "0"
  371. 371. cl_logofile "0" // Spraypoint logo decal.
  372. 372. cl_maxrenderable_dist "3000" // Max distance from the camera at which things will be rendered
  373. 373. cl_minimal_rtt_shadows "1"
  374. 374. cl_mouseenable "0"
  375. 375. cl_mouselook "1" // 0 for keyboard look. Cannot be set while connected to a server.
  376. 376. cl_observercrosshair "1"
  377. 377. cl_overdraw_test "0"
  378. 378. cl_panelanimation // Shows panel animation variables: <panelname | blank for all panels>.
  379. 379. cl_particles_dumplist // optional name substring.
  380. 380. cl_particles_dump_effects
  381. 381. cl_particles_show_bbox "0"
  382. 382. cl_particles_show_controlpoints "0"
  383. 383. cl_particle_retire_cost "0"
  384. 384. cl_pclass "0" // Dump entity by prediction classname.
  385. 385. cl_pdump "-1" // Dump info about this entity to screen.
  386. 386. cl_phys_show_active "0"
  387. 387. cl_phys_timescale "1" // Sets the scale of time for client-side physics (ragdolls)
  388. 388. cl_pitchdown "89"
  389. 389. cl_pitchup "89"
  390. 390. cl_playerspraydisable "1" // Disable player sprays.
  391. 391. cl_portal_use_new_dissolve "1" // Use new dissolve effect
  392. 392. cl_precacheinfo // Show precache info (client).
  393. 393. cl_predict "1" // Perform client side prediction.
  394. 394. cl_predictioncopy_describe // Describe datamap_t for entindex
  395. 395. cl_predictionlist "0" // Show which entities are predicting
  396. 396. cl_predictweapons "1" // Perform client side prediction of weapon effects.
  397. 397. cl_pred_track // for field fieldname.
  398. 398. cl_ragdoll_gravity "600" // Sets the gravity client-side ragdolls
  399. 399. cl_rebuy "0" // The order in which rebuy will attempt to repurchase items
  400. 400. cl_reloadpostprocessparams
  401. 401. cl_removedecals // Remove the decals from the entity under the crosshair.
  402. 402. cl_report_soundpatch // reports client-side sound patch count
  403. 403. cl_resend "6" // Delay in seconds before the client will resend the connect attempt
  404. 404. cl_resend_timeout "60" // Total time allowed for the client to resend the connect attempt
  405. 405. cl_righthand "1" // Use right-handed view models.
  406. 406. cl_rumblescale "0" // Scale sensitivity of rumble effects (0 to 1.0)
  407. 407. cl_scalecrosshair "1" // Enable crosshair scaling (deprecated)
  408. 408. cl_shadowtextureoverlaysize "256"
  409. 409. cl_showanimstate_activities "0" // Show activities in the (client) animation state display.
  410. 410. cl_showents // Dump entity list to console.
  411. 411. cl_showerror "0" // 2 for above plus detailed field deltas.
  412. 412. cl_showevents "0" // Print event firing info in the console
  413. 413. cl_showfps "0" // +10 = detailed )
  414. 414. cl_showhelp "0" // Set to 0 to not show on-screen help
  415. 415. cl_showloadout "1" // Toggles display of current loadout.
  416. 416. cl_showncustomtabhelp "0"
  417. 417. cl_showpluginmessages "0" // Allow plugins to display messages to you
  418. 418. cl_showpos "0" // Draw current position at top of screen
  419. 419. cl_show_scaleform_achievement_popups "1"
  420. 420. cl_sidespeed "450"
  421. 421. cl_skipfastpath "0" // Set to 1 to stop all models that go through the model fast path from rendering
  422. 422. cl_skipslowpath "0" // Set to 1 to skip any models that dont go through the model fast path
  423. 423. cl_soundemitter_flush // Flushes the sounds.txt system (server only)
  424. 424. cl_soundemitter_reload // Flushes the sounds.txt system
  425. 425. cl_soundfile "0" // Jingle sound file.
  426. 426. cl_soundscape_flush // Flushes the client side soundscapes
  427. 427. cl_soundscape_printdebuginfo // print soundscapes
  428. 428. cl_spec_mode "4" // Saves the last viewed spectator mode for use next time we start to spectate
  429. 429. cl_sporeclipdistance "512"
  430. 430. cl_ss_origin // print origin in script format
  431. 431. cl_steamscreenshots // Enable/disable saving screenshots to Steam
  432. 432. cl_sunlight_ortho_size "0" // Set to values greater than 0 for ortho view render projections.
  433. 433. cl_sun_decay_rate "0"
  434. 434. cl_team "0" // Default team when joining a game
  435. 435. cl_timeout "35" // the client will disconnect itself
  436. 436. cl_tree_sway_dir // sets tree sway wind direction and strength
  437. 437. cl_updaterate "66" // Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server
  438. 438. cl_updatevisibility // Updates visibility bits.
  439. 439. cl_upspeed "320"
  440. 440. cl_use_new_headbob "1"
  441. 441. cl_view // Set the view entity index.
  442. 442. cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "1"
  443. 443. cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0"
  444. 444. cl_winddir "0" // Weather effects wind direction angle
  445. 445. cl_windspeed "0" // Weather effects wind speed scalar
  446. 446. cl_wpn_sway_scale "1"
  447. 447. cmd // Forward command to server.
  448. 448. cmd1 // sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 1
  449. 449. cmd2 // sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 2
  450. 450. cmd3 // sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 3
  451. 451. cmd4 // sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 4
  452. 452. collision_test // Tests collision system
  453. 453. colorcorrectionui // Show/hide the color correction tools UI.
  454. 454. commentary_cvarsnotchanging
  455. 455. commentary_finishnode
  456. 456. commentary_firstrun "0"
  457. 457. commentary_showmodelviewer // Display the commentary model viewer. Usage: commentary_showmodelviewer <model name> <optional attached model name>
  458. 458. commentary_testfirstrun
  459. 459. condump // dump the text currently in the console to condumpXX.log
  460. 460. connect // Connect to specified server.
  461. 461. con_enable "1" // Allows the console to be activated.
  462. 462. crash // Cause the engine to crash (Debug!!)
  463. 463. CreatePredictionError // Create a prediction error
  464. 464. create_flashlight
  465. 465. creditsdone
  466. 466. crosshair "1"
  467. 467. cs_make_vip // Marks a player as the VIP
  468. 468. cs_ShowStateTransitions "-2" // cs_ShowStateTransitions <ent index or -1 for all>. Show player state transitions.
  469. 469. CS_WarnFriendlyDamageInterval "1" // Defines how frequently the server notifies clients that a player damaged a friend
  470. 470. cursortimeout "60" // Seconds before mouse cursor hides itself due to inactivity
  471. 471. cvarlist // Show the list of convars/concommands.
  472. 472. c_maxdistance "200"
  473. 473. c_maxpitch "90"
  474. 474. c_maxyaw "135"
  475. 475. c_mindistance "30"
  476. 476. c_minpitch "0"
  477. 477. c_minyaw "-135"
  478. 478. c_orthoheight "100"
  479. 479. c_orthowidth "100"
  480. 480. c_thirdpersonshoulder "0"
  481. 481. c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist "120"
  482. 482. c_thirdpersonshoulderdist "40"
  483. 483. c_thirdpersonshoulderheight "5"
  484. 484. c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset "20"
  485. 485. dbghist_addline // Add a line to the debug history. Format: <category id> <line>
  486. 486. dbghist_dump // Dump the debug history to the console. Format: <category id> Categories: 0: Entity I/O 1: AI Decisions 2: Sc
  487. 487. dbg_testdynamicwearablegib
  488. 488. debugsystemui // Show/hide the debug system UI.
  489. 489. debug_visibility_monitor "0"
  490. 490. default_fov "90"
  491. 491. demolist // Print demo sequence list.
  492. 492. demos // Demo demo file sequence.
  493. 493. demoui // Show/hide the demo player UI.
  494. 494. demoui2 // Show/hide the advanced demo player UI (demoui2).
  495. 495. demo_gototick // Skips to a tick in demo.
  496. 496. demo_pause // Pauses demo playback.
  497. 497. demo_recordcommands "1" // Record commands typed at console into .dem files.
  498. 498. demo_resume // Resumes demo playback.
  499. 499. demo_timescale // Sets demo replay speed.
  500. 500. demo_togglepause // Toggles demo playback.
  501. 501. developer "0" // Set developer message level
  502. 502. devshots_nextmap // Used by the devshots system to go to the next map in the devshots maplist.
  503. 503. devshots_screenshot // use the screenshot command instead.
  504. 504. differences // Show all convars which are not at their default values.
  505. 505. disable_static_prop_loading "0" // static props wont be loaded
  506. 506. disconnect // Disconnect game from server.
  507. 507. display_elapsedtime // Displays how much time has elapsed since the game started
  508. 508. display_game_events "0"
  509. 509. disp_list_all_collideable // List all collideable displacements
  510. 510. dlight_debug // Creates a dlight in front of the player
  511. 511. drawcross // Draws a cross at the given location Arguments: x y z
  512. 512. drawline // Draws line between two 3D Points. Green if no collision Red is collides with something Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
  513. 513. drawradar // Draws HUD radar
  514. 514. dsp_dist_max "1440"
  515. 515. dsp_dist_min "0"
  516. 516. dsp_enhance_stereo "0"
  517. 517. dsp_off "0"
  518. 518. dsp_player "0"
  519. 519. dsp_reload
  520. 520. dsp_slow_cpu "1"
  521. 521. dsp_volume "0"
  522. 522. dti_flush // Write out the datatable instrumentation files (you must run with -dti for this to work).
  523. 523. dumpentityfactories // Lists all entity factory names.
  524. 524. dumpeventqueue // Dump the contents of the Entity I/O event queue to the console.
  525. 525. dumpgamestringtable // Dump the contents of the game string table to the console.
  526. 526. dumpstringtables // Print string tables to console.
  527. 527. dump_entity_sizes // Print sizeof(entclass)
  528. 528. dump_globals // Dump all global entities/states
  529. 529. dump_particlemanifest // Dump the list of particles loaded.
  530. 530. echo // Echo text to console.
  531. 531. editdemo // Edit a recorded demo file (.dem ).
  532. 532. editor_toggle // Disables the simulation and returns focus to the editor
  533. 533. enable_debug_overlays "1" // Enable rendering of debug overlays
  534. 534. enable_skeleton_draw "0" // Render skeletons in wireframe
  535. 535. endmovie // Stop recording movie frames.
  536. 536. endround // End the current round.
  537. 537. english "1" // running the english language set of assets.
  538. 538. ent_absbox // Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Ar
  539. 539. ent_attachments // Displays the attachment points on an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is loo
  540. 540. ent_autoaim // Displays the entitys autoaim radius. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
  541. 541. ent_bbox // Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlay
  542. 542. ent_cancelpendingentfires // Cancels all ent_fire created outputs that are currently waiting for their delay to expire.
  543. 543. ent_create // Creates an entity of the given type where the player is looking.
  544. 544. ent_dump // Usage: ent_dump <entity name>
  545. 545. ent_fire // Usage: ent_fire <target> [action] [value] [delay]
  546. 546. ent_info // Usage: ent_info <class name>
  547. 547. ent_keyvalue // Applies the comma delimited key=value pairs to the entity with the given Hammer ID. Format: ent_keyvalue <entity id> <key1>=<v
  548. 548. ent_messages // Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies). The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any mes
  549. 549. ent_messages_draw "0" // Visualizes all entity input/output activity.
  550. 550. ent_name
  551. 551. ent_orient // only orients target entitys YAW. Use the allangles opt
  552. 552. ent_pause // Toggles pausing of input/output message processing for entities. When turned on processing of all message will stop. Any mess
  553. 553. ent_pivot // Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies). (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class
  554. 554. ent_rbox // Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Ar
  555. 555. ent_remove // Removes the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
  556. 556. ent_remove_all // Removes all entities of the specified type Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name}
  557. 557. ent_rotate // Rotates an entity by a specified # of degrees
  558. 558. ent_script_dump // Dumps the names and values of this entitys script scope to the console Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argume
  559. 559. ent_setang // Set entity angles
  560. 560. ent_setname // Sets the targetname of the given entity(s) Arguments: {new entity name} {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks wh
  561. 561. ent_setpos // Move entity to position
  562. 562. ent_show_response_criteria // an entitys current criteria set used to select responses. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} /
  563. 563. ent_step // When ent_pause is set this will step through one waiting input / output message at a time.
  564. 564. ent_teleport // Teleport the specified entity to where the player is looking. Format: ent_teleport <entity name>
  565. 565. ent_text // Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_
  566. 566. ent_viewoffset // Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks wha
  567. 567. envmap
  568. 568. escape // Escape key pressed.
  569. 569. exec // Execute script file.
  570. 570. execifexists // Execute script file if file exists.
  571. 571. exit // Exit the engine.
  572. 572. explode // Kills the player with explosive damage
  573. 573. explodevector // Kills a player applying an explosive force. Usage: explodevector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
  574. 574. fadein // fadein {time r g b}: Fades the screen in from black or from the specified color over the given number of seconds.
  575. 575. fadeout // fadeout {time r g b}: Fades the screen to black or to the specified color over the given number of seconds.
  576. 576. ff_damage_reduction_bullets "0" // How much to reduce damage done to teammates when shot. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an en
  577. 577. ff_damage_reduction_grenade "0" // How much to reduce damage done to teammates by a thrown grenade. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is don
  578. 578. ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self "1" // How much to damage a player does to himself with his own grenade. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is do
  579. 579. ff_damage_reduction_other "0" // How much to reduce damage done to teammates by things other than bullets and grenades. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damag
  580. 580. find // Find concommands with the specified string in their name/help text.
  581. 581. findflags // Find concommands by flags.
  582. 582. find_ent // Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substring. Format: find_ent <substring>
  583. 583. find_ent_index // Display data for entity matching specified index. Format: find_ent_index <index>
  584. 584. firetarget
  585. 585. firstperson // Switch to firstperson camera.
  586. 586. fish_debug "0" // Show debug info for fish
  587. 587. fish_dormant "0" // Turns off interactive fish behavior. Fish become immobile and unresponsive.
  588. 588. flush // Flush unlocked cache memory.
  589. 589. flush_locked // Flush unlocked and locked cache memory.
  590. 590. fogui // Show/hide fog control UI.
  591. 591. fog_color "-1"
  592. 592. fog_colorskybox "-1"
  593. 593. fog_enable "1"
  594. 594. fog_enableskybox "1"
  595. 595. fog_enable_water_fog "1"
  596. 596. fog_end "-1"
  597. 597. fog_endskybox "-1"
  598. 598. fog_hdrcolorscale "-1"
  599. 599. fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox "-1"
  600. 600. fog_maxdensity "-1"
  601. 601. fog_maxdensityskybox "-1"
  602. 602. fog_override "0" // Overrides the maps fog settings (-1 populates fog_ vars with maps values)
  603. 603. fog_start "-1"
  604. 604. fog_startskybox "-1"
  605. 605. forcebind // Bind a command to an available key. (forcebind command opt:suggestedKey)
  606. 606. force_audio_english "0" // Keeps track of whether were forcing english in a localized language.
  607. 607. force_centerview
  608. 608. foundry_engine_get_mouse_control // Give the engine control of the mouse.
  609. 609. foundry_engine_release_mouse_control // Give the control of the mouse back to Hammer.
  610. 610. foundry_select_entity // Select the entity under the crosshair or select entities with the specified name.
  611. 611. foundry_sync_hammer_view // Move Hammers 3D view to the same position as the engines 3D view.
  612. 612. foundry_update_entity // Updates the entitys position/angles when in edit mode
  613. 613. fps_screenshot_frequency "10" // While the fps is below the threshold we will dump a screen shot this often in seconds (i.e. 10 = screen shot every 10 seconds w
  614. 614. fps_screenshot_threshold "-1" // Dump a screenshot when the FPS drops below the given value.
  615. 615. fs_clear_open_duplicate_times // Clear the list of files that have been opened.
  616. 616. fs_dump_open_duplicate_times // Set fs_report_long_reads 1 before loading to use this. Prints a list of files that were opened more than once and ~how long was
  617. 617. fs_fios_cancel_prefetches // Cancels all the prefetches in progress.
  618. 618. fs_fios_flush_cache // Flushes the FIOS HDD cache.
  619. 619. fs_fios_prefetch_file // Prefetches a file: </PS3_GAME/USRDIR/filename.bin>. The preftech is medium priority and persistent.
  620. 620. fs_fios_prefetch_file_in_pack // Prefetches a file in a pack: <portal2/models/container_ride/fineDebris_part5.ani>. The preftech is medium priority and non-pers
  621. 621. fs_fios_print_prefetches // Displays all the prefetches currently in progress.
  622. 622. fs_printopenfiles // Show all files currently opened by the engine.
  623. 623. fs_syncdvddevcache // Force the 360 to get updated files that are in your p4 changelist(s) from the host PC when running with -dvddev.
  624. 624. fs_warning_level // Set the filesystem warning level.
  625. 625. func_break_max_pieces "15"
  626. 626. fx_new_sparks "1" // Use new style sparks.
  627. 627. g15_dumpplayer // Spew player data.
  628. 628. g15_reload // Reloads the Logitech G-15 Keyboard configs.
  629. 629. g15_update_msec "250" // Logitech G-15 Keyboard update interval.
  630. 630. gameinstructor_dump_open_lessons // Gives a list of all currently open lessons.
  631. 631. gameinstructor_enable "0" // Display in game lessons that teach new players.
  632. 632. gameinstructor_find_errors "0" // Set to 1 and the game instructor will run EVERY scripted command to uncover errors.
  633. 633. gameinstructor_reload_lessons // Shuts down all open lessons and reloads them from the script file.
  634. 634. gameinstructor_reset_counts // Resets all display and success counts to zero.
  635. 635. gameinstructor_save_restore_lessons "1" // Set to 0 to disable save/load of open lesson opportunities in single player.
  636. 636. gameinstructor_verbose "0" // Set to 1 for standard debugging or 2 (in combo with gameinstructor_verbose_lesson) to show update actions.
  637. 637. gameinstructor_verbose_lesson "0" // Display more verbose information for lessons have this name.
  638. 638. gamemenucommand // Issue game menu command.
  639. 639. gamepadslot1
  640. 640. gamepadslot2
  641. 641. gamepadslot3
  642. 642. gamepadslot4
  643. 643. gamepadslot5
  644. 644. gamepadslot6
  645. 645. gameui_activate // Shows the game UI
  646. 646. gameui_allowescape // Escape key allowed to hide game UI
  647. 647. gameui_allowescapetoshow // Escape key allowed to show game UI
  648. 648. gameui_hide // Hides the game UI
  649. 649. gameui_preventescape // Escape key doesnt hide game UI
  650. 650. gameui_preventescapetoshow // Escape key doesnt show game UI
  651. 651. getpos // dump position and angles to the console
  652. 652. getpos_exact // dump origin and angles to the console
  653. 653. give // Give item to player. Arguments: <item_name>
  654. 654. givecurrentammo // Give a supply of ammo for current weapon..
  655. 655. global_event_log_enabled "0" // Enables the global event log system
  656. 656. global_set // 2 = DEAD).
  657. 657. glow_outline_effect_enable "1" // Enable entity outline glow effects.
  658. 658. glow_outline_width "6" // Width of glow outline effect in screen space.
  659. 659. gl_clear_randomcolor "0" // Clear the back buffer to random colors every frame. Helps spot open seams in geometry.
  660. 660. god // Toggle. Player becomes invulnerable.
  661. 661. gods // Toggle. All players become invulnerable.
  662. 662. groundlist // Display ground entity list <index>
  663. 663. g_debug_angularsensor "0"
  664. 664. g_debug_constraint_sounds "0" // Enable debug printing about constraint sounds.
  665. 665. g_debug_ragdoll_removal "0"
  666. 666. g_debug_ragdoll_visualize "0"
  667. 667. g_debug_trackpather "0"
  668. 668. g_debug_vehiclebase "0"
  669. 669. g_debug_vehicledriver "0"
  670. 670. g_debug_vehicleexit "0"
  671. 671. g_debug_vehiclesound "0"
  672. 672. g_jeepexitspeed "100"
  673. 673. hammer_update_entity // Updates the entitys position/angles when in edit mode
  674. 674. hammer_update_safe_entities // Updates entities in the map that can safely be updated (dont have parents or are affected by constraints). Also excludes entit
  675. 675. heartbeat // Force heartbeat of master servers
  676. 676. help // Find help about a convar/concommand.
  677. 677. hideconsole // Hide the console.
  678. 678. hidehud "0"
  679. 679. hidepanel // Hides a viewport panel <name>
  680. 680. hideradar // Hides HUD radar
  681. 681. hidescores // Forcibly hide score panel
  682. 682. hide_main_menu // Hide the main menu
  683. 683. hide_sf_main_menu // Hide the Scaleform main menu
  684. 684. hostage_debug "0" // Show hostage AI debug information
  685. 685. hostfile "0" // The HOST file to load.
  686. 686. hostip "-1062731136.000" // Host game server ip
  687. 687. hostname "0" // Hostname for server.
  688. 688. hostport "27015" // Host game server port
  689. 689. host_flush_threshold "12" // Memory threshold below which the host should flush caches between server instances
  690. 690. host_map "0" // Current map name.
  691. 691. host_reset_config // reset config (for testing) with param as splitscreen index.
  692. 692. host_runofftime // Run off some time without rendering/updating sounds
  693. 693. host_sleep "0" // Force the host to sleep a certain number of milliseconds each frame.
  694. 694. host_timescale "1" // Prescale the clock by this amount.
  695. 695. host_writeconfig // Store current settings to config.cfg (or specified .cfg file).
  696. 696. host_writeconfig_ss // Store current settings to config.cfg (or specified .cfg file) with first param as splitscreen index.
  697. 697. hud_fastswitch "1"
  698. 698. hud_reloadscheme // Reloads hud layout and animation scripts.
  699. 699. hud_scaling "0" // Scales hud elements
  700. 700. hud_showtargetid "1" // Enables display of target names
  701. 701. hud_subtitles // Plays the Subtitles: <filename>
  702. 702. hud_takesshots "0" // Auto-save a scoreboard screenshot at the end of a map.
  703. 703. hunk_print_allocations
  704. 704. hunk_track_allocation_types "1"
  705. 705. hurtme // Hurts the player. Arguments: <health to lose>
  706. 706. impulse
  707. 707. incrementvar // Increment specified convar value.
  708. 708. inferno_child_spawn_interval_multiplier "1" // Amount spawn interval increases for each child
  709. 709. inferno_child_spawn_max_depth "4"
  710. 710. inferno_damage "40" // Damage per second
  711. 711. inferno_debug "0"
  712. 712. inferno_dlight_spacing "200" // Inferno dlights are at least this far apart
  713. 713. inferno_flame_lifetime "7" // Average lifetime of each flame in seconds
  714. 714. inferno_flame_spacing "50" // Minimum distance between separate flame spawns
  715. 715. inferno_forward_reduction_factor "0"
  716. 716. inferno_friendly_fire_duration "6" // FF is credited back to the thrower.
  717. 717. inferno_initial_spawn_interval "0" // Time between spawning flames for first fire
  718. 718. inferno_max_child_spawn_interval "1" // Largest time interval for child flame spawning
  719. 719. inferno_max_flames "32" // Maximum number of flames that can be created
  720. 720. inferno_max_range "300" // Maximum distance flames can spread from their initial ignition point
  721. 721. inferno_per_flame_spawn_duration "5" // Duration each new flame will attempt to spawn new flames
  722. 722. inferno_scorch_decals "1"
  723. 723. inferno_spawn_angle "45" // Angular change from parent
  724. 724. inferno_surface_offset "20"
  725. 725. inferno_velocity_decay_factor "0"
  726. 726. inferno_velocity_factor "0"
  727. 727. inferno_velocity_normal_factor "0"
  728. 728. invnext
  729. 729. invnextgrenade
  730. 730. invnextnongrenade
  731. 731. invprev
  732. 732. in_forceuser "0" // Force user input to this split screen player.
  733. 733. ip "0" // Overrides IP for multihomed hosts
  734. 734. items_game_use_local "1" // items_game.txt will not be stomped by the GC.
  735. 735. item_show_whitelistable_definitions // Lists the item definitions that can be whitelisted in the item_whitelist.txt file in tournament mode.
  736. 736. joinsplitscreen // join split screen
  737. 737. joyadvancedupdate
  738. 738. joystick "0" // false otherwise.
  739. 739. joy_accelmax "1"
  740. 740. joy_accelscale "0"
  741. 741. joy_advanced "0"
  742. 742. joy_advaxisr "0"
  743. 743. joy_advaxisu "0"
  744. 744. joy_advaxisv "0"
  745. 745. joy_advaxisx "0"
  746. 746. joy_advaxisy "0"
  747. 747. joy_advaxisz "0"
  748. 748. joy_autoaimdampen "0" // How much to scale user stick input when the gun is pointing at a valid target.
  749. 749. joy_autoaimdampenrange "0" // The stick range where autoaim dampening is applied. 0 = off
  750. 750. joy_axisbutton_threshold "0" // Analog axis range before a button press is registered.
  751. 751. joy_cfg_preset "1"
  752. 752. joy_circle_correct "1"
  753. 753. joy_diagonalpov "0" // too.
  754. 754. joy_display_input "0"
  755. 755. joy_forwardsensitivity "-1"
  756. 756. joy_forwardthreshold "0"
  757. 757. joy_gamma "0"
  758. 758. joy_inverty "0" // Whether to invert the Y axis of the joystick for looking.
  759. 759. joy_lowend "1"
  760. 760. joy_lowmap "1"
  761. 761. joy_movement_stick "0" // Which stick controls movement (0 is left stick)
  762. 762. joy_name "0"
  763. 763. joy_no_accel_jump "0"
  764. 764. joy_pitchsensitivity "0" // joystick pitch sensitivity
  765. 765. joy_pitchthreshold "0"
  766. 766. joy_response_look "0" // 1=Acceleration Promotion
  767. 767. joy_response_look_pitch "1" // 1=Acceleration Promotion
  768. 768. joy_response_move "1" // 1/sensitivity
  769. 769. joy_sensitive_step0 "0"
  770. 770. joy_sensitive_step1 "0"
  771. 771. joy_sensitive_step2 "0"
  772. 772. joy_sidesensitivity "1"
  773. 773. joy_sidethreshold "0"
  774. 774. joy_wingmanwarrior_centerhack "0" // Wingman warrior centering hack.
  775. 775. joy_wingmanwarrior_turnhack "0" // Wingman warrior hack related to turn axes.
  776. 776. joy_yawsensitivity "-1" // joystick yaw sensitivity
  777. 777. joy_yawthreshold "0"
  778. 778. jpeg // Take a jpeg screenshot: jpeg <filename> <quality 1-100>.
  779. 779. kdtree_test // Tests spatial partition for entities queries.
  780. 780. key_findbinding // Find key bound to specified command string.
  781. 781. key_listboundkeys // List bound keys with bindings.
  782. 782. key_updatelayout // Updates game keyboard layout to current windows keyboard setting.
  783. 783. kick // Kick a player by name.
  784. 784. kickid // with a message.
  785. 785. kill // Kills the player with generic damage
  786. 786. killserver // Shutdown the server.
  787. 787. killvector // Kills a player applying force. Usage: killvector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
  788. 788. lastinv
  789. 789. lightcache_maxmiss "2"
  790. 790. lightprobe // Samples the lighting environment. Creates a cubemap and a file indicating the local lighting in a subdirectory called material
  791. 791. light_crosshair // Show texture color at crosshair
  792. 792. linefile // Parses map leak data from .lin file
  793. 793. listdemo // List demo file contents.
  794. 794. listid // Lists banned users.
  795. 795. listip // List IP addresses on the ban list.
  796. 796. listmodels // List loaded models.
  797. 797. listRecentNPCSpeech // Displays a list of the last 5 lines of speech from NPCs.
  798. 798. load // Load a saved game.
  799. 799. loadcommentary
  800. 800. loader_dump_table
  801. 801. locator_split_len "0"
  802. 802. locator_split_maxwide_percent "0"
  803. 803. log // and udp < on | off >.
  804. 804. logaddress_add // Set address and port for remote host <ip:port>.
  805. 805. logaddress_del // Remove address and port for remote host <ip:port>.
  806. 806. logaddress_delall // Remove all udp addresses being logged to
  807. 807. logaddress_list // List all addresses currently being used by logaddress.
  808. 808. log_color // Set the color of a logging channel.
  809. 809. log_dumpchannels // Dumps information about all logging channels.
  810. 810. log_flags // Set the flags on a logging channel.
  811. 811. log_level // Set the spew level of a logging channel.
  812. 812. lookspring "0"
  813. 813. lookstrafe "0"
  814. 814. loopsingleplayermaps "0"
  815. 815. map // Start playing on specified map.
  816. 816. maps // Displays list of maps.
  817. 817. map_background // Runs a map as the background to the main menu.
  818. 818. map_commentary // on a specified map.
  819. 819. map_edit
  820. 820. map_setbombradius // Sets the bomb radius for the map.
  821. 821. map_showbombradius // Shows bomb radius from the center of each bomb site and planted bomb.
  822. 822. map_showspawnpoints // Shows player spawn points (red=invalid)
  823. 823. mat_accelerate_adjust_exposure_down "40"
  824. 824. mat_aniso_disable "0" // NOTE: You must change mat_forceaniso after changing this convar for this to take effect
  825. 825. mat_bloomamount_rate "0"
  826. 826. mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar "0"
  827. 827. mat_bumpbasis "0"
  828. 828. mat_camerarendertargetoverlaysize "128"
  829. 829. mat_colcorrection_forceentitiesclientside "0" // Forces color correction entities to be updated on the client
  830. 830. mat_configcurrent // show the current video control panel config for the material system
  831. 831. mat_crosshair // Display the name of the material under the crosshair
  832. 832. mat_crosshair_edit // open the material under the crosshair in the editor defined by mat_crosshair_edit_editor
  833. 833. mat_crosshair_explorer // open the material under the crosshair in explorer and highlight the vmt file
  834. 834. mat_crosshair_printmaterial // print the material under the crosshair
  835. 835. mat_crosshair_reloadmaterial // reload the material under the crosshair
  836. 836. mat_debug // Activates debugging spew for a specific material.
  837. 837. mat_debugalttab "0"
  838. 838. mat_debug_bloom "0"
  839. 839. mat_displacementmap "1"
  840. 840. mat_drawflat "0"
  841. 841. mat_drawwater "1"
  842. 842. mat_dynamiclightmaps "0"
  843. 843. mat_dynamicPaintmaps "0"
  844. 844. mat_dynamic_tonemapping "1"
  845. 845. mat_edit // Bring up the material under the crosshair in the editor
  846. 846. mat_exposure_center_region_x "0"
  847. 847. mat_exposure_center_region_y "0"
  848. 848. mat_fastclip "0"
  849. 849. mat_fastnobump "0"
  850. 850. mat_fillrate "0"
  851. 851. mat_forcedynamic "0"
  852. 852. mat_force_bloom "0"
  853. 853. mat_force_tonemap_min_avglum "-1" // Override. Old default was 3.0
  854. 854. mat_force_tonemap_percent_bright_pixels "-1" // Override. Old value was 2.0
  855. 855. mat_force_tonemap_percent_target "-1" // Override. Old default was 60.
  856. 856. mat_force_tonemap_scale "0"
  857. 857. mat_frame_sync_enable "1"
  858. 858. mat_frame_sync_force_texture "0" // Force frame syncing to lock a managed texture.
  859. 859. mat_fullbright "0"
  860. 860. mat_hdr_enabled // Report if HDR is enabled for debugging
  861. 861. mat_hdr_tonemapscale "1" // 16 = eyes wide open.
  862. 862. mat_hdr_uncapexposure "0"
  863. 863. mat_hsv "0"
  864. 864. mat_info // Shows material system info
  865. 865. mat_leafvis "0" // or [3] entire PVS (see mat_leafvis_draw_mask for what
  866. 866. mat_loadtextures "1"
  867. 867. mat_lpreview_mode "-1"
  868. 868. mat_luxels "0"
  869. 869. mat_measurefillrate "0"
  870. 870. mat_monitorgamma "2" // monitor gamma (typically 2.2 for CRT and 1.7 for LCD)
  871. 871. mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "1"
  872. 872. mat_morphstats "0"
  873. 873. mat_norendering "0"
  874. 874. mat_normalmaps "0"
  875. 875. mat_normals "0"
  876. 876. mat_postprocess_enable "1"
  877. 877. mat_powersavingsmode "0" // Power Savings Mode
  878. 878. mat_proxy "0"
  879. 879. mat_queue_mode "-1" // 2=queued
  880. 880. mat_queue_priority "1"
  881. 881. mat_reloadallmaterials // Reloads all materials
  882. 882. mat_reloadmaterial // Reloads a single material
  883. 883. mat_reloadtextures // Reloads all textures
  884. 884. mat_remoteshadercompile "0"
  885. 885. mat_rendered_faces_count "0" // Set to N to count how many faces each model draws each frame and spew the top N offenders from the last 150 frames (use mat_re
  886. 886. mat_rendered_faces_spew // mat_rendered_faces_spew <n> Spew the number of faces rendered for the top N models used this frame (mat_rendered_faces_count
  887. 887. mat_reporthwmorphmemory // Reports the amount of size in bytes taken up by hardware morph textures.
  888. 888. mat_resetdefaults // resets the video config options to their defaults
  889. 889. mat_reversedepth "0"
  890. 890. mat_savechanges // saves current video configuration to the registry
  891. 891. mat_setvideomode // windowed state of the material system
  892. 892. mat_shadercount // display count of all shaders and reset that count
  893. 893. mat_showcamerarendertarget "0"
  894. 894. mat_showframebuffertexture "0"
  895. 895. mat_showlowresimage "0"
  896. 896. mat_showmaterials // Show materials.
  897. 897. mat_showmaterialsverbose // Show materials (verbose version).
  898. 898. mat_showmiplevels "0" // 1: everything else
  899. 899. mat_showtextures // Show used textures.
  900. 900. mat_showwatertextures "0"
  901. 901. mat_show_texture_memory_usage "0" // Display the texture memory usage on the HUD.
  902. 902. mat_softwareskin "0"
  903. 903. mat_spewalloc "0"
  904. 904. mat_spewvertexandpixelshaders // Print all vertex and pixel shaders currently loaded to the console
  905. 905. mat_stub "0"
  906. 906. mat_suppress // Supress a material from drawing
  907. 907. mat_surfaceid "0"
  908. 908. mat_surfacemat "0"
  909. 909. mat_tessellationlevel "6"
  910. 910. mat_tessellation_accgeometrytangents "0"
  911. 911. mat_tessellation_cornertangents "1"
  912. 912. mat_tessellation_update_buffers "1"
  913. 913. mat_texture_list_content_path "0" // itll assume your content directory is next to the currently runn
  914. 914. mat_texture_list_exclude // save - saves exclude list file
  915. 915. mat_texture_list_txlod // -1 to dec resolution
  916. 916. mat_texture_list_txlod_sync // save - saves all changes to material content files
  917. 917. mat_tonemap_algorithm "1" // 0 = Original Algorithm 1 = New Algorithm
  918. 918. mat_updateconvars // updates the video config convars
  919. 919. mat_viewportscale "1" // Scale down the main viewport (to reduce GPU impact on CPU profiling)
  920. 920. mat_wireframe "0"
  921. 921. mat_yuv "0"
  922. 922. maxplayers // Change the maximum number of players allowed on this server.
  923. 923. mc_accel_band_size "34" // (degrees)
  924. 924. mc_aim_heading_multiplier "1"
  925. 925. mc_aim_pitch_multiplier "1"
  926. 926. mc_dead_zone_radius "10" // (degrees)
  927. 927. mc_max_turnrate "210" // (degrees/sec)
  928. 928. memory // Print memory stats.
  929. 929. mem_compact
  930. 930. mem_dump // Dump memory stats to text file.
  931. 931. mem_dumpvballocs // Dump VB memory allocation stats.
  932. 932. mem_eat
  933. 933. mem_incremental_compact
  934. 934. mem_incremental_compact_rate "0" // Rate at which to attempt internal heap compation
  935. 935. mem_test
  936. 936. mem_vcollide // Dumps the memory used by vcollides
  937. 937. mem_verify // Verify the validity of the heap
  938. 938. menuselect // menuselect
  939. 939. minisave // Saves game (for current level only!)
  940. 940. mm_datacenter_debugprint // Shows information retrieved from data center
  941. 941. mm_debugprint // Show debug information about current matchmaking session
  942. 942. mm_dedicated_force_servers "0" // Comma delimited list of ip:port of servers used to search for dedicated servers instead of searching for public servers. Use sy
  943. 943. mm_dedicated_search_maxping "150" // Longest preferred ping to dedicated servers for games
  944. 944. mm_dlc_debugprint // Shows information about dlc
  945. 945. mm_server_search_lan_ports "27015" // Ports to scan during LAN games discovery. Also used to discover and correctly connect to dedicated LAN servers behind NATs.
  946. 946. mod_DumpWeaponWiewModelCache // Dumps the weapon view model cache contents
  947. 947. mod_DumpWeaponWorldModelCache // Dumps the weapon world model cache contents
  948. 948. motdfile "0" // The MOTD file to load.
  949. 949. movie_fixwave // etc.
  950. 950. mp_afterroundmoney "0" // amount of money awared to every player after each round
  951. 951. mp_autokick "1" // Kick idle/team-killing players
  952. 952. mp_buytime "90" // How many seconds after round start players can buy items for.
  953. 953. mp_death_drop_defuser "1" // Drop defuser on player death
  954. 954. mp_death_drop_grenade "2" // 2=current or best
  955. 955. mp_death_drop_gun "1" // 2=current or best
  956. 956. mp_defuser_allocation "0" // 2=everyone
  957. 957. mp_disable_autokick // Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked
  958. 958. mp_dump_timers // Prints round timers to the console for debugging
  959. 959. mp_forcerespawnplayers // Force all players to respawn.
  960. 960. mp_forcewin // Forces team to win
  961. 961. mp_force_pick_time "10" // The amount of time a player has on the team screen to make a selection before being auto-teamed
  962. 962. mp_freezetime "6" // how many seconds to keep players frozen when the round starts
  963. 963. mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay "15" // Number of seconds to delay before restarting a round after a win in gungame progessive
  964. 964. mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus "1" // Number of bonus upgrades to award the Ts when they detonate a gun game bomb
  965. 965. mp_halftime_duration "15" // Number of seconds that halftime lasts
  966. 966. mp_join_grace_time "20" // Number of seconds after round start to allow a player to join a game
  967. 967. mp_limitteams "2" // Max # of players 1 team can have over another (0 disables check)
  968. 968. mp_match_end_restart "1" // perform a restart instead of loading a new map
  969. 969. mp_maxmoney "16000" // maximum amount of money allowed in a players account
  970. 970. mp_playercashawards "1" // Players can earn money by performing in-game actions
  971. 971. mp_playerid "0" // Controls what information player see in the status bar: 0 all names; 1 team names; 2 no names
  972. 972. mp_playerid_delay "0" // Number of seconds to delay showing information in the status bar
  973. 973. mp_playerid_hold "0" // Number of seconds to keep showing old information in the status bar
  974. 974. mp_required_voters "3" // The number of human players required for a vote
  975. 975. mp_required_vote_majority "0" // The percentage of human players that need to vote yes for a vote to pass
  976. 976. mp_restartgame "0" // game will restart in the specified number of seconds
  977. 977. mp_roundtime "5" // How many minutes each round takes.
  978. 978. mp_round_restart_delay "7" // Number of seconds to delay before restarting a round after a win
  979. 979. mp_scrambleteams // Scramble the teams and restart the game
  980. 980. mp_startmoney "800" // amount of money each player gets when they reset
  981. 981. mp_switchteams // Switch teams and restart the game
  982. 982. mp_teamcashawards "1" // Teams can earn money by performing in-game actions
  983. 983. mp_tkpunish "0" // 1=yes}
  984. 984. mp_tournament_restart // Restart Tournament Mode on the current level.
  985. 985. mp_win_panel_display_time "5" // The amount of time to show the win panel between matches / halfs
  986. 986. ms_player_dump_properties // Prints a dump the current players property data
  987. 987. multvar // Multiply specified convar value.
  988. 988. muzzleflash_light "1"
  989. 989. m_customaccel "0" // Custom mouse acceleration: 0: custom accelaration disabled 1: mouse_acceleration = min(m_customaccel_max, pow(raw_mouse_delta,
  990. 990. m_customaccel_exponent "1" // Mouse move is raised to this power before being scaled by scale factor.
  991. 991. m_customaccel_max "0" // 0 for no limit
  992. 992. m_customaccel_scale "0" // Custom mouse acceleration value.
  993. 993. m_forward "1" // Mouse forward factor.
  994. 994. m_mouseaccel1 "0" // Windows mouse acceleration initial threshold (2x movement).
  995. 995. m_mouseaccel2 "0" // Windows mouse acceleration secondary threshold (4x movement).
  996. 996. m_mousespeed "1" // 2 to enable secondary threshold
  997. 997. m_pitch "0" // Mouse pitch factor.
  998. 998. m_rawinput "0" // Use Raw Input for mouse input.
  999. 999. m_side "0" // Mouse side factor.
  1000. 1000. m_yaw "0" // Mouse yaw factor.
  1001. 1001. name "0" // Current user name
  1002. 1002. nav_add_to_selected_set // Add current area to the selected set.
  1003. 1003. nav_add_to_selected_set_by_id // Add specified area id to the selected set.
  1004. 1004. nav_analyze // Re-analyze the current Navigation Mesh and save it to disk.
  1005. 1005. nav_area_bgcolor "503316480" // RGBA color to draw as the background color for nav areas while editing.
  1006. 1006. nav_area_max_size "50" // Max area size created in nav generation
  1007. 1007. nav_avoid // Toggles the avoid this area when possible flag used by the AI system.
  1008. 1008. nav_begin_area // drag the opposite corner to the desired location and
  1009. 1009. nav_begin_deselecting // Start continuously removing from the selected set.
  1010. 1010. nav_begin_drag_deselecting // Start dragging a selection area.
  1011. 1011. nav_begin_drag_selecting // Start dragging a selection area.
  1012. 1012. nav_begin_selecting // Start continuously adding to the selected set.
  1013. 1013. nav_begin_shift_xy // Begin shifting the Selected Set.
  1014. 1014. nav_build_ladder // Attempts to build a nav ladder on the climbable surface under the cursor.
  1015. 1015. nav_check_connectivity // Checks to be sure every (or just the marked) nav area can get to every goal area for the map (hostages or bomb site).
  1016. 1016. nav_check_file_consistency // Scans the maps directory and reports any missing/out-of-date navigation files.
  1017. 1017. nav_check_floor // Updates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area.
  1018. 1018. nav_check_stairs // Update the nav mesh STAIRS attribute
  1019. 1019. nav_chop_selected // Chops all selected areas into their component 1x1 areas
  1020. 1020. nav_clear_attribute // Remove given nav attribute from all areas in the selected set.
  1021. 1021. nav_clear_selected_set // Clear the selected set.
  1022. 1022. nav_clear_walkable_marks // Erase any previously placed walkable positions.
  1023. 1023. nav_compress_id // Re-orders area and ladder IDs so they are continuous.
  1024. 1024. nav_connect // then invoke the connect command. Note that this creates a
  1025. 1025. nav_coplanar_slope_limit "0"
  1026. 1026. nav_coplanar_slope_limit_displacement "0"
  1027. 1027. nav_corner_adjust_adjacent "18" // radius used to raise/lower corners in nearby areas when raising/lowering corners.
  1028. 1028. nav_corner_lower // Lower the selected corner of the currently marked Area.
  1029. 1029. nav_corner_place_on_ground // Places the selected corner of the currently marked Area on the ground.
  1030. 1030. nav_corner_raise // Raise the selected corner of the currently marked Area.
  1031. 1031. nav_corner_select // Select a corner of the currently marked Area. Use multiple times to access all four corners.
  1032. 1032. nav_create_area_at_feet "0" // Anchor nav_begin_area Z to editing players feet
  1033. 1033. nav_create_place_on_ground "0" // nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when created by hand.
  1034. 1034. nav_crouch // Toggles the must crouch in this area flag used by the AI system.
  1035. 1035. nav_debug_blocked "0"
  1036. 1036. nav_delete // Deletes the currently highlighted Area.
  1037. 1037. nav_delete_marked // Deletes the currently marked Area (if any).
  1038. 1038. nav_disconnect // then invoke the disconnect command. This will remove all connec
  1039. 1039. nav_displacement_test "10000" // Checks for nodes embedded in displacements (useful for in-development maps)
  1040. 1040. nav_dont_hide // Toggles the area is not suitable for hiding spots flag used by the AI system.
  1041. 1041. nav_draw_limit "500" // The maximum number of areas to draw in edit mode
  1042. 1042. nav_edit "0" // Set to one to interactively edit the Navigation Mesh. Set to zero to leave edit mode.
  1043. 1043. nav_end_area // Defines the second corner of a new Area or Ladder and creates it.
  1044. 1044. nav_end_deselecting // Stop continuously removing from the selected set.
  1045. 1045. nav_end_drag_deselecting // Stop dragging a selection area.
  1046. 1046. nav_end_drag_selecting // Stop dragging a selection area.
  1047. 1047. nav_end_selecting // Stop continuously adding to the selected set.
  1048. 1048. nav_end_shift_xy // Finish shifting the Selected Set.
  1049. 1049. nav_flood_select // use this command again.
  1050. 1050. nav_generate // Generate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk.
  1051. 1051. nav_generate_fencetops "1" // Autogenerate nav areas on fence and obstacle tops
  1052. 1052. nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas "1" // Convert obsolete jump areas into 2-way connections
  1053. 1053. nav_generate_incremental // Generate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk.
  1054. 1054. nav_generate_incremental_range "2000"
  1055. 1055. nav_generate_incremental_tolerance "0" // Z tolerance for adding new nav areas.
  1056. 1056. nav_gen_cliffs_approx // post-processing approximation
  1057. 1057. nav_jump // Toggles the traverse this area by jumping flag used by the AI system.
  1058. 1058. nav_ladder_flip // Flips the selected ladders direction.
  1059. 1059. nav_load // Loads the Navigation Mesh for the current map.
  1060. 1060. nav_lower_drag_volume_max // Lower the top of the drag select volume.
  1061. 1061. nav_lower_drag_volume_min // Lower the bottom of the drag select volume.
  1062. 1062. nav_make_sniper_spots // Chops the marked area into disconnected sub-areas suitable for sniper spots.
  1063. 1063. nav_mark // Marks the Area or Ladder under the cursor for manipulation by subsequent editing commands.
  1064. 1064. nav_mark_attribute // Set nav attribute for all areas in the selected set.
  1065. 1065. nav_mark_unnamed // Mark an Area with no Place name. Useful for finding stray areas missed when Place Painting.
  1066. 1066. nav_mark_walkable // Mark the current location as a walkable position. These positions are used as seed locations when sampling the map to generate
  1067. 1067. nav_max_view_distance "0" // Maximum range for precomputed nav mesh visibility (0 = default 1500 units)
  1068. 1068. nav_max_vis_delta_list_length "64"
  1069. 1069. nav_merge // and invoke the merge comm
  1070. 1070. nav_merge_mesh // Merges a saved selected set into the current mesh.
  1071. 1071. nav_no_hostages // Toggles the hostages cannot use this area flag used by the AI system.
  1072. 1072. nav_no_jump // Toggles the dont jump in this area flag used by the AI system.
  1073. 1073. nav_place_floodfill // and flood-fills the Place to all adjacent Areas. Flood-filli
  1074. 1074. nav_place_list // Lists all place names used in the map.
  1075. 1075. nav_place_pick // Sets the current Place to the Place of the Area under the cursor.
  1076. 1076. nav_place_replace // Replaces all instances of the first place with the second place.
  1077. 1077. nav_place_set // Sets the Place of all selected areas to the current Place.
  1078. 1078. nav_potentially_visible_dot_tolerance "0"
  1079. 1079. nav_precise // Toggles the dont avoid obstacles flag used by the AI system.
  1080. 1080. nav_quicksave "0" // Set to one to skip the time consuming phases of the analysis. Useful for data collection and testing.
  1081. 1081. nav_raise_drag_volume_max // Raise the top of the drag select volume.
  1082. 1082. nav_raise_drag_volume_min // Raise the bottom of the drag select volume.
  1083. 1083. nav_recall_selected_set // Re-selects the stored selected set.
  1084. 1084. nav_remove_from_selected_set // Remove current area from the selected set.
  1085. 1085. nav_remove_jump_areas // replacing them with connections.
  1086. 1086. nav_run // Toggles the traverse this area by running flag used by the AI system.
  1087. 1087. nav_save // Saves the current Navigation Mesh to disk.
  1088. 1088. nav_save_selected // Writes the selected set to disk for merging into another mesh via nav_merge_mesh.
  1089. 1089. nav_selected_set_border_color "-16751516" // Color used to draw the selected set borders while editing.
  1090. 1090. nav_selected_set_color "1623785472.000" // Color used to draw the selected set background while editing.
  1091. 1091. nav_select_blocked_areas // Adds all blocked areas to the selected set
  1092. 1092. nav_select_damaging_areas // Adds all damaging areas to the selected set
  1093. 1093. nav_select_half_space // Selects any areas that intersect the given half-space.
  1094. 1094. nav_select_invalid_areas // Adds all invalid areas to the Selected Set.
  1095. 1095. nav_select_obstructed_areas // Adds all obstructed areas to the selected set
  1096. 1096. nav_select_overlapping // Selects nav areas that are overlapping others.
  1097. 1097. nav_select_radius // Adds all areas in a radius to the selection set
  1098. 1098. nav_select_stairs // Adds all stairway areas to the selected set
  1099. 1099. nav_set_place_mode // Sets the editor into or out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names.
  1100. 1100. nav_shift // Shifts the selected areas by the specified amount
  1101. 1101. nav_show_approach_points "0" // Show Approach Points in the Navigation Mesh.
  1102. 1102. nav_show_area_info "0" // Duration in seconds to show nav area ID and attributes while editing
  1103. 1103. nav_show_compass "0"
  1104. 1104. nav_show_continguous "0" // Highlight non-contiguous connections
  1105. 1105. nav_show_danger "0" // Show current danger levels.
  1106. 1106. nav_show_light_intensity "0"
  1107. 1107. nav_show_nodes "0"
  1108. 1108. nav_show_node_grid "0"
  1109. 1109. nav_show_node_id "0"
  1110. 1110. nav_show_player_counts "0" // Show current player counts in each area.
  1111. 1111. nav_show_potentially_visible "0" // Show areas that are potentially visible from the current nav area
  1112. 1112. nav_simplify_selected // Chops all selected areas into their component 1x1 areas and re-merges them together into larger areas
  1113. 1113. nav_slope_limit "0" // The ground unit normals Z component must be greater than this for nav areas to be generated.
  1114. 1114. nav_slope_tolerance "0" // The ground unit normals Z component must be this close to the nav areas Z component to be generated.
  1115. 1115. nav_snap_to_grid "0" // Snap to the nav generation grid when creating new nav areas
  1116. 1116. nav_solid_props "0" // Make props solid to nav generation/editing
  1117. 1117. nav_splice // connected area between them.
  1118. 1118. nav_split // align the split line using your cursor and invoke the split command.
  1119. 1119. nav_split_place_on_ground "0" // nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when split.
  1120. 1120. nav_stand // Toggles the stand while hiding flag used by the AI system.
  1121. 1121. nav_stop // Toggles the must stop when entering this area flag used by the AI system.
  1122. 1122. nav_store_selected_set // Stores the current selected set for later retrieval.
  1123. 1123. nav_strip // and Encounter Spots from the current Area.
  1124. 1124. nav_subdivide // Subdivides all selected areas.
  1125. 1125. nav_test_node "0"
  1126. 1126. nav_test_node_crouch "0"
  1127. 1127. nav_test_node_crouch_dir "4"
  1128. 1128. nav_test_stairs // Test the selected set for being on stairs
  1129. 1129. nav_toggle_deselecting // Start or stop continuously removing from the selected set.
  1130. 1130. nav_toggle_in_selected_set // Remove current area from the selected set.
  1131. 1131. nav_toggle_place_mode // Toggle the editor into and out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names.
  1132. 1132. nav_toggle_place_painting // pointing at an Area will paint it with the current Place.
  1133. 1133. nav_toggle_selected_set // Toggles all areas into/out of the selected set.
  1134. 1134. nav_toggle_selecting // Start or stop continuously adding to the selected set.
  1135. 1135. nav_transient // Toggles the area is transient and may become blocked flag used by the AI system.
  1136. 1136. nav_unmark // Clears the marked Area or Ladder.
  1137. 1137. nav_update_blocked // Updates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area.
  1138. 1138. nav_update_lighting // Recomputes lighting values
  1139. 1139. nav_update_visibility_on_edit "0" // If nonzero editing the mesh will incrementally recompue visibility
  1140. 1140. nav_use_place // the current Place is set.
  1141. 1141. nav_walk // Toggles the traverse this area by walking flag used by the AI system.
  1142. 1142. nav_warp_to_mark // Warps the player to the marked area.
  1143. 1143. nav_world_center // Centers the nav mesh in the world
  1144. 1144. net_allow_multicast "1"
  1145. 1145. net_blockmsg "0" // Discards incoming message: <0|1|name>
  1146. 1146. net_channels // Shows net channel info
  1147. 1147. net_droppackets "0" // Drops next n packets on client
  1148. 1148. net_dumpeventstats // Dumps out a report of game event network usage
  1149. 1149. net_earliertempents "1"
  1150. 1150. net_fakejitter "0" // Jitter fakelag packet time
  1151. 1151. net_fakelag "0" // Lag all incoming network data (including loopback) by this many milliseconds.
  1152. 1152. net_fakeloss "0" // Simulate packet loss as a percentage (negative means drop 1/n packets)
  1153. 1153. net_graph "1" // = 3 draws payload legend.
  1154. 1154. net_graphheight "64" // Height of netgraph panel
  1155. 1155. net_graphmsecs "400" // The latency graph represents this many milliseconds.
  1156. 1156. net_graphpos "2"
  1157. 1157. net_graphproportionalfont "1" // Determines whether netgraph font is proportional or not
  1158. 1158. net_graphshowinterp "1" // Draw the interpolation graph.
  1159. 1159. net_graphshowlatency "1" // Draw the ping/packet loss graph.
  1160. 1160. net_graphsolid "1"
  1161. 1161. net_graphtext "1" // Draw text fields
  1162. 1162. net_maxroutable "1200" // Requested max packet size before packets are split.
  1163. 1163. net_public_adr "0" // this is the public facing ip address string: (x.x.x.x
  1164. 1164. net_scale "5"
  1165. 1165. net_showreliablesounds "0"
  1166. 1166. net_showsplits "0" // Show info about packet splits
  1167. 1167. net_showudp "0" // Dump UDP packets summary to console
  1168. 1168. net_showudp_oob "0" // Dump OOB UDP packets summary to console
  1169. 1169. net_showudp_remoteonly "0" // Dump non-loopback udp only
  1170. 1170. net_splitpacket_maxrate "15000" // Max bytes per second when queueing splitpacket chunks
  1171. 1171. net_splitrate "1" // Number of fragments for a splitpacket that can be sent per frame
  1172. 1172. net_start // Inits multiplayer network sockets
  1173. 1173. net_status // Shows current network status
  1174. 1174. net_steamcnx_allowrelay "1" // Allow steam connections to attempt to use relay servers as fallback (best if specified on command line: +net_steamcnx_allowrel
  1175. 1175. net_steamcnx_enabled "1" // 2 forces use of steam connections instead of raw UDP.
  1176. 1176. net_steamcnx_status // Print status of steam connection sockets.
  1177. 1177. next "0" // Set to 1 to advance to next frame ( when singlestep == 1 )
  1178. 1178. nextdemo // Play next demo in sequence.
  1179. 1179. noclip // Toggle. Player becomes non-solid and flies. Optional argument of 0 or 1 to force enable/disable
  1180. 1180. noclip_fixup "1"
  1181. 1181. notarget // Toggle. Player becomes hidden to NPCs.
  1182. 1182. npc_ally_deathmessage "1"
  1183. 1183. npc_ammo_deplete // Subtracts half of the targets ammo
  1184. 1184. npc_bipass // s
  1185. 1185. npc_combat // Displays text debugging information about the squad and enemy of the selected NPC (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {npc_name}
  1186. 1186. npc_conditions // Displays all the current AI conditions that an NPC has in the overlay text. Arguments: {npc_name} / {npc class_name} / no a
  1187. 1187. npc_create // Creates an NPC of the given type where the player is looking (if the given NPC can actually stand at that location). Argumen
  1188. 1188. npc_create_aimed // Creates an NPC aimed away from the player of the given type where the player is looking (if the given NPC can actually stand at
  1189. 1189. npc_destroy // Removes the given NPC(s) from the universe Arguments: {npc_name} / {npc_class_name} / no argument picks what player is looki
  1190. 1190. npc_destroy_unselected // Removes all NPCs from the universe that arent currently selected
  1191. 1191. npc_enemies // Shows memory of NPC. Draws an X on top of each memory. Eluded entities drawn in blue (dont know where it went) Unreachable
  1192. 1192. npc_focus // Displays red line to NPCs enemy (if has one) and blue line to NPCs target entity (if has one) Arguments: {npc_name} / {np
  1193. 1193. npc_freeze // uses the NPC under the crosshair. Arguments
  1194. 1194. npc_freeze_unselected // Freeze all NPCs not selected
  1195. 1195. npc_go // Selected NPC(s) will go to the location that the player is looking (shown with a purple box) Arguments: -none-
  1196. 1196. npc_go_random // Sends all selected NPC(s) to a random node. Arguments: -none-
  1197. 1197. npc_heal // Heals the target back to full health
  1198. 1198. npc_height_adjust "1" // Enable test mode for ik height adjustment
  1199. 1199. npc_kill // Kills the given NPC(s) Arguments: {npc_name} / {npc_class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
  1200. 1200. npc_nearest // Draws a while box around the NPC(s) nearest node Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player i
  1201. 1201. npc_relationships // Displays the relationships between this NPC and all others. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks wha
  1202. 1202. npc_reset // Reloads schedules for all NPCs from their script files Arguments: -none-
  1203. 1203. npc_route // Displays the current route of the given NPC as a line on the screen. Waypoints along the route are drawn as small cyan rectang
  1204. 1204. npc_select // Select or deselects the given NPC(s) for later manipulation. Selected NPCs are shown surrounded by a red translucent box Arg
  1205. 1205. npc_set_freeze // uses the NPC under the crosshair. Arguments
  1206. 1206. npc_set_freeze_unselected // Freeze all NPCs not selected
  1207. 1207. npc_squads // Obsolete. Replaced by npc_combat
  1208. 1208. npc_steering // Displays the steering obstructions of the NPC (used to perform local avoidance) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / n
  1209. 1209. npc_steering_all // Displays the steering obstructions of all NPCs (used to perform local avoidance)
  1210. 1210. npc_tasks // Displays detailed text debugging information about the all the tasks of the selected NPC current schedule (See Overlay Text) A
  1211. 1211. npc_task_text // Outputs text debugging information to the console about the all the tasks + break conditions of the selected NPC current schedu
  1212. 1212. npc_teleport // Selected NPC will teleport to the location that the player is looking (shown with a purple box) Arguments: -none-
  1213. 1213. npc_thinknow // Trigger NPC to think
  1214. 1214. npc_viewcone // Displays the viewcone of the NPC (where they are currently looking and what the extents of there vision is) Arguments: {ent
  1215. 1215. option_duck_method "0"
  1216. 1216. option_speed_method "0"
  1217. 1217. paintsplat_bias "0" // Change bias value for computing circle buffer
  1218. 1218. paintsplat_max_alpha_noise "0" // Max noise value of circle alpha
  1219. 1219. paintsplat_noise_enabled "1"
  1220. 1220. panel_test_title_safe "0" // Test vgui panel positioning with title safe indentation
  1221. 1221. particle_simulateoverflow "0" // Used for stress-testing particle systems. Randomly denies creation of particles.
  1222. 1222. particle_test_attach_attachment "0" // Attachment index for attachment mode
  1223. 1223. particle_test_attach_mode "0" // follow_origin
  1224. 1224. particle_test_file "0" // Name of the particle system to dynamically spawn
  1225. 1225. particle_test_start // particle_test_attach_mode and particl
  1226. 1226. particle_test_stop // Stops all particle systems on the selected entities. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what playe
  1227. 1227. password "0" // Current server access password
  1228. 1228. path // Show the engine filesystem path.
  1229. 1229. pause // Toggle the server pause state.
  1230. 1230. perfui // Show/hide the level performance tools UI.
  1231. 1231. perfvisualbenchmark
  1232. 1232. perfvisualbenchmark_abort
  1233. 1233. physics_budget // Times the cost of each active object
  1234. 1234. physics_constraints // Highlights constraint system graph for an entity
  1235. 1235. physics_debug_entity // Dumps debug info for an entity
  1236. 1236. physics_highlight_active // Turns on the absbox for all active physics objects
  1237. 1237. physics_report_active // Lists all active physics objects
  1238. 1238. physics_select // Dumps debug info for an entity
  1239. 1239. phys_debug_check_contacts "0"
  1240. 1240. phys_show_active "0"
  1241. 1241. picker // pivot and debugging text is displayed for whatever entity the play
  1242. 1242. ping // Display ping to server.
  1243. 1243. pingserver // Ping a server for info
  1244. 1244. pixelvis_debug // Dump debug info
  1245. 1245. play // Play a sound.
  1246. 1246. playdemo // Play a recorded demo file (.dem ).
  1247. 1247. player_botdifflast_s "0"
  1248. 1248. player_classplayedlast "0"
  1249. 1249. player_debug_print_damage "0" // print amount and type of all damage received by player to console.
  1250. 1250. player_gamemodelast_m "0"
  1251. 1251. player_gamemodelast_s "1"
  1252. 1252. player_gametypelast_m "0"
  1253. 1253. player_gametypelast_s "0"
  1254. 1254. player_last_leaderboards_filter "0" // Last mode setting in the Leaderboards screen
  1255. 1255. player_last_leaderboards_mode "0" // Last mode setting in the Leaderboards screen
  1256. 1256. player_last_leaderboards_panel "0" // Last opened panel in the Leaderboards screen
  1257. 1257. player_last_medalstats_access_time1 "0" // Last year/month/day we accessed this screen - packed as a uint32 of year:16-month:8-day:8
  1258. 1258. player_last_medalstats_access_time2 "0" // Last hour/min/sec we accessed this screen - packed as a uint32 of hour:8-min:8-sec:8
  1259. 1259. player_last_medalstats_category "0" // Last selected category on the Medals panel in the Medals & Stats screen
  1260. 1260. player_last_medalstats_panel "0" // Last opened panel in the Medals & Stats screen
  1261. 1261. player_maplast_m "0"
  1262. 1262. player_maplast_s "1"
  1263. 1263. player_mmprivacylast_m "0"
  1264. 1264. player_teamplayedlast "3"
  1265. 1265. playflush // reloading from disk in case of changes.
  1266. 1266. playgamesound // Play a sound from the game sounds txt file
  1267. 1267. playsoundscape // Forces a soundscape to play
  1268. 1268. playvideo // Plays a video: <filename> [width height]
  1269. 1269. playvideo_end_level_transition // Plays a video fullscreen without ability to skip (unless dev 1) and fades in: <filename> <time>
  1270. 1270. playvideo_exitcommand // Plays a video and fires and exit command when it is stopped or finishes: <filename> <exit command>
  1271. 1271. playvideo_exitcommand_nointerrupt // Plays a video (without interruption) and fires and exit command when it is stopped or finishes: <filename> <exit command>
  1272. 1272. playvideo_nointerrupt // Plays a video without ability to skip: <filename> [width height]
  1273. 1273. playvol // Play a sound at a specified volume.
  1274. 1274. plugin_load // plugin_load <filename> : loads a plugin
  1275. 1275. plugin_pause // plugin_pause <index> : pauses a loaded plugin
  1276. 1276. plugin_pause_all // pauses all loaded plugins
  1277. 1277. plugin_print // Prints details about loaded plugins
  1278. 1278. plugin_unload // plugin_unload <index> : unloads a plugin
  1279. 1279. plugin_unpause // plugin_unpause <index> : unpauses a disabled plugin
  1280. 1280. plugin_unpause_all // unpauses all disabled plugins
  1281. 1281. post_jump_crouch "0" // This determines how long the player character will crouch for after landing a jump. This only affects the third person animati
  1282. 1282. press_x360_button // d[own])
  1283. 1283. print_colorcorrection // Display the color correction layer information.
  1284. 1284. progress_enable
  1285. 1285. prop_crosshair // Shows name for prop looking at
  1286. 1286. prop_debug // props will show colorcoded bounding boxes. Red means ignore all damage. White means respond phys
  1287. 1287. prop_dynamic_create // Creates a dynamic prop with a specific .mdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.mdl name}
  1288. 1288. prop_physics_create // Creates a physics prop with a specific .mdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.mdl name}
  1289. 1289. pwatchent "-1" // Entity to watch for prediction system changes.
  1290. 1290. pwatchvar "0" // Entity variable to watch in prediction system for changes.
  1291. 1291. quit // Exit the engine.
  1292. 1292. radarvisdistance "1000" // at this distance and beyond you need to be point right at someone to see them
  1293. 1293. radarvismaxdot "0" // how closely you have to point at someone to see them beyond max distance
  1294. 1294. radarvismethod "1" // 1 for more realistic method
  1295. 1295. radarvispow "0" // and still see them on radar.
  1296. 1296. radio1 // Opens a radio menu
  1297. 1297. radio2 // Opens a radio menu
  1298. 1298. radio3 // Opens a radio menu
  1299. 1299. rate "20000" // Max bytes/sec the host can receive data
  1300. 1300. rcon // Issue an rcon command.
  1301. 1301. rcon_address "0" // Address of remote server if sending unconnected rcon commands (format x.x.x.x:p)
  1302. 1302. rcon_password "0" // remote console password.
  1303. 1303. rebuy // Attempt to repurchase items with the order listed in cl_rebuy
  1304. 1304. recompute_speed // Recomputes clock speed (for debugging purposes).
  1305. 1305. record // Record a demo.
  1306. 1306. reload // Reload the most recent saved game (add setpos to jump to current view position on reload).
  1307. 1307. reload_vjobs // reload vjobs module
  1308. 1308. remote_bug // Starts a bug report with data from the currently connected rcon machine
  1309. 1309. removeid // Remove a user ID from the ban list.
  1310. 1310. removeip // Remove an IP address from the ban list.
  1311. 1311. render_blanks // render N blank frames
  1312. 1312. report_cliententitysim "0" // List all clientside simulations and time - will report and turn itself off.
  1313. 1313. report_clientthinklist "0" // List all clientside entities thinking and time - will report and turn itself off.
  1314. 1314. report_entities // Lists all entities
  1315. 1315. report_simthinklist // Lists all simulating/thinking entities
  1316. 1316. report_soundpatch // reports sound patch count
  1317. 1317. report_touchlinks // Lists all touchlinks
  1318. 1318. reset_expo // and end the round
  1319. 1319. reset_gameconvars // Reset a bunch of game convars to default values
  1320. 1320. respawn_entities // Respawn all the entities in the map.
  1321. 1321. restart // Restart the game on the same level (add setpos to jump to current view position on restart).
  1322. 1322. rope_min_pixel_diameter "2"
  1323. 1323. rr_debugresponseconcept_exclude // Set a list of concepts to exclude from rr_debugresponseconcept. Separate multiple concepts with spaces. Call with no arguments
  1324. 1324. rr_followup_maxdist "1800" // then ANY or then ALL response followups will be dispatched only to characters within this distance.
  1325. 1325. rr_forceconcept // fire a response concept directly at a given character. USAGE: rr_forceconcept <target> <concept> criteria1:value1,criteria2:va
  1326. 1326. rr_reloadresponsesystems // Reload all response system scripts.
  1327. 1327. rr_remarkables_enabled "0" // polling for info_remarkables and issuances of TLK_REMARK is enabled.
  1328. 1328. rr_remarkable_max_distance "1200" // AIs will not even consider remarkarbles that are more than this many units away.
  1329. 1329. rr_remarkable_world_entities_replay_limit "1" // TLK_REMARKs will be dispatched no more than this many times for any given info_remarkable
  1330. 1330. rr_thenany_score_slop "0" // all rule-matching scores within this much of the best score will be considere
  1331. 1331. r_AirboatViewDampenDamp "1"
  1332. 1332. r_AirboatViewDampenFreq "7"
  1333. 1333. r_AirboatViewZHeight "0"
  1334. 1334. r_alphafade_usefov "1" // Account for FOV when computing an entitys distance-based alpha fade
  1335. 1335. r_ambientfraction "0" // Fraction of direct lighting used to boost lighting when model requests
  1336. 1336. r_ambientlightingonly "0" // Set this to 1 to light models with only ambient lighting (and no static lighting).
  1337. 1337. r_avglight "1"
  1338. 1338. r_avglightmap "0"
  1339. 1339. r_brush_queue_mode "0"
  1340. 1340. r_cheapwaterend
  1341. 1341. r_cheapwaterstart
  1342. 1342. r_cleardecals // Usage r_cleardecals <permanent>.
  1343. 1343. r_ClipAreaFrustums "1"
  1344. 1344. r_ClipAreaPortals "1"
  1345. 1345. r_colorstaticprops "0"
  1346. 1346. r_debugcheapwater "0"
  1347. 1347. r_debugrandomstaticlighting "0" // Set to 1 to randomize static lighting for debugging. Must restart for change to take affect.
  1348. 1348. r_depthoverlay "0" // Replaces opaque objects with their grayscaled depth values. r_showz_power scales the output.
  1349. 1349. r_DispBuildable "0"
  1350. 1350. r_DispWalkable "0"
  1351. 1351. r_dlightsenable "1"
  1352. 1352. r_drawallrenderables "0" // even ones inside solid leaves.
  1353. 1353. r_DrawBeams "1" // 2=Wireframe
  1354. 1354. r_drawbrushmodels "1" // 2=Wireframe
  1355. 1355. r_drawclipbrushes "0" // purple=NPC)
  1356. 1356. r_drawdecals "1" // Render decals.
  1357. 1357. r_DrawDisp "1" // Toggles rendering of displacment maps
  1358. 1358. r_drawentities "1"
  1359. 1359. r_drawfuncdetail "1" // Render func_detail
  1360. 1360. r_drawleaf "-1" // Draw the specified leaf.
  1361. 1361. r_drawlightcache "0" // 0: off 1: draw light cache entries 2: draw rays
  1362. 1362. r_drawlightinfo "0"
  1363. 1363. r_drawlights "0"
  1364. 1364. r_DrawModelLightOrigin "0"
  1365. 1365. r_drawmodelstatsoverlay "0"
  1366. 1366. r_drawmodelstatsoverlaydistance "500"
  1367. 1367. r_drawmodelstatsoverlayfilter "-1"
  1368. 1368. r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax "1" // time in milliseconds beyond which a model overlay is fully red in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2
  1369. 1369. r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin "0" // time in milliseconds that a model must take to render before showing an overlay in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2
  1370. 1370. r_drawopaquerenderables "1"
  1371. 1371. r_drawopaqueworld "1"
  1372. 1372. r_drawothermodels "1" // 2=Wireframe
  1373. 1373. r_drawparticles "1" // Enable/disable particle rendering
  1374. 1374. r_DrawPortals "0"
  1375. 1375. r_DrawRain "1" // Enable/disable rain rendering.
  1376. 1376. r_drawrenderboxes "0" // (0 - off) (1 - Draws the bounding box of entities) (2 - Draws the axis aligned bounding box used for culling) (3 - draws both b
  1377. 1377. r_drawropes "1"
  1378. 1378. r_drawscreenoverlay "0"
  1379. 1379. r_drawskybox "1"
  1380. 1380. r_drawsprites "1"
  1381. 1381. r_drawstaticprops "1" // 2=Wireframe
  1382. 1382. r_drawtracers "1"
  1383. 1383. r_drawtranslucentrenderables "1"
  1384. 1384. r_drawtranslucentworld "1"
  1385. 1385. r_drawunderwateroverlay "0"
  1386. 1386. r_drawvgui "1" // Enable the rendering of vgui panels
  1387. 1387. r_drawviewmodel "1"
  1388. 1388. r_drawworld "1" // Render the world.
  1389. 1389. r_dscale_basefov "90"
  1390. 1390. r_dscale_fardist "2000"
  1391. 1391. r_dscale_farscale "4"
  1392. 1392. r_dscale_neardist "100"
  1393. 1393. r_dscale_nearscale "1"
  1394. 1394. r_dynamic "1"
  1395. 1395. r_dynamiclighting "1"
  1396. 1396. r_eyegloss "0"
  1397. 1397. r_eyemove "0"
  1398. 1398. r_eyeshift_x "0"
  1399. 1399. r_eyeshift_y "0"
  1400. 1400. r_eyeshift_z "0"
  1401. 1401. r_eyesize "0"
  1402. 1402. r_eyewaterepsilon "7"
  1403. 1403. r_farz "-1" // Override the far clipping plane. -1 means to use the value in env_fog_controller.
  1404. 1404. r_flashlightambient "0"
  1405. 1405. r_flashlightbacktraceoffset "0"
  1406. 1406. r_flashlightbrightness "0"
  1407. 1407. r_flashlightclip "0"
  1408. 1408. r_flashlightconstant "0"
  1409. 1409. r_flashlightdrawclip "0"
  1410. 1410. r_flashlightfar "750"
  1411. 1411. r_flashlightfov "53"
  1412. 1412. r_flashlightladderdist "40"
  1413. 1413. r_flashlightlinear "100"
  1414. 1414. r_flashlightlockposition "0"
  1415. 1415. r_flashlightmuzzleflashfov "120"
  1416. 1416. r_flashlightnear "4"
  1417. 1417. r_flashlightnearoffsetscale "1"
  1418. 1418. r_flashlightoffsetforward "0"
  1419. 1419. r_flashlightoffsetright "5"
  1420. 1420. r_flashlightoffsetup "-5"
  1421. 1421. r_flashlightquadratic "0"
  1422. 1422. r_flashlightscissor "0"
  1423. 1423. r_flashlightshadowatten "0"
  1424. 1424. r_flashlightvisualizetrace "0"
  1425. 1425. r_flushlod // Flush and reload LODs.
  1426. 1426. r_hwmorph "0"
  1427. 1427. r_itemblinkmax "0"
  1428. 1428. r_itemblinkrate "4"
  1429. 1429. r_JeepFOV "90"
  1430. 1430. r_JeepViewBlendTo "1"
  1431. 1431. r_JeepViewBlendToScale "0"
  1432. 1432. r_JeepViewBlendToTime "1"
  1433. 1433. r_JeepViewDampenDamp "1"
  1434. 1434. r_JeepViewDampenFreq "7"
  1435. 1435. r_JeepViewZHeight "10"
  1436. 1436. r_lightcachecenter "1"
  1437. 1437. r_lightcachemodel "-1"
  1438. 1438. r_lightcache_invalidate
  1439. 1439. r_lightcache_numambientsamples "162" // number of random directions to fire rays when computing ambient lighting
  1440. 1440. r_lightcache_radiusfactor "1000" // Allow lights to influence lightcaches beyond the lights radii
  1441. 1441. r_lightinterp "5" // 0 turns off interpolation
  1442. 1442. r_lightmap "-1"
  1443. 1443. r_lightstyle "-1"
  1444. 1444. r_lightwarpidentity "0"
  1445. 1445. r_lockpvs "0" // Lock the PVS so you can fly around and inspect what is being drawn.
  1446. 1446. r_mapextents "16384" // Set the max dimension for the map. This determines the far clipping plane
  1447. 1447. r_modelAmbientMin "0" // Minimum value for the ambient lighting on dynamic models with more than one bone (like players and their guns).
  1448. 1448. r_modelwireframedecal "0"
  1449. 1449. r_nohw "0"
  1450. 1450. r_nosw "0"
  1451. 1451. r_novis "0" // Turn off the PVS.
  1452. 1452. r_occlusionspew "0" // Activate/deactivates spew about what the occlusion system is doing.
  1453. 1453. r_oldlightselection "0" // Set this to revert to HL2s method of selecting lights
  1454. 1454. r_particle_demo "0"
  1455. 1455. r_partition_level "-1" // Displays a particular level of the spatial partition system. Use -1 to disable it.
  1456. 1456. r_portalsopenall "0" // Open all portals
  1457. 1457. r_PortalTestEnts "1" // Clip entities against portal frustums.
  1458. 1458. r_printdecalinfo
  1459. 1459. r_proplightingpooling "-1" // 1 - static prop color meshes are allocated from a single shared vertex buffer (on hardware that supports stream offset
  1460. 1460. r_radiosity "4" // 0: no radiosity 1: radiosity with ambient cube (6 samples) 2: radiosity with 162 samples 3: 162 samples for static props, 6 sam
  1461. 1461. r_rainalpha "0"
  1462. 1462. r_rainalphapow "0"
  1463. 1463. r_RainCheck "0" // Enable/disable IsInAir() check for rain drops?
  1464. 1464. r_RainDebugDuration "0" // Shows rain tracelines for this many seconds (0 disables)
  1465. 1465. r_raindensity "0"
  1466. 1466. r_RainHack "0"
  1467. 1467. r_rainlength "0"
  1468. 1468. r_RainProfile "0" // Enable/disable rain profiling.
  1469. 1469. r_RainRadius "1500"
  1470. 1470. r_RainSideVel "130" // How much sideways velocity rain gets.
  1471. 1471. r_RainSimulate "1" // Enable/disable rain simulation.
  1472. 1472. r_rainspeed "600"
  1473. 1473. r_RainSplashPercentage "20"
  1474. 1474. r_rainwidth "0"
  1475. 1475. r_randomflex "0"
  1476. 1476. r_rimlight "1"
  1477. 1477. r_screenoverlay // Draw specified material as an overlay
  1478. 1478. r_shadowangles // Set shadow angles
  1479. 1479. r_shadowblobbycutoff // some shadow stuff
  1480. 1480. r_shadowcolor // Set shadow color
  1481. 1481. r_shadowdir // Set shadow direction
  1482. 1482. r_shadowdist // Set shadow distance
  1483. 1483. r_shadowfromanyworldlight "0"
  1484. 1484. r_shadowfromworldlights_debug "0"
  1485. 1485. r_shadowids "0"
  1486. 1486. r_shadows_gamecontrol "-1"
  1487. 1487. r_shadowwireframe "0"
  1488. 1488. r_shadow_debug_spew "0"
  1489. 1489. r_shadow_deferred "0" // Toggle deferred shadow rendering
  1490. 1490. r_showenvcubemap "0"
  1491. 1491. r_showz_power "1"
  1492. 1492. r_skin "0"
  1493. 1493. r_skybox "1" // Enable the rendering of sky boxes
  1494. 1494. r_slowpathwireframe "0"
  1495. 1495. r_SnowDebugBox "0" // Snow Debug Boxes.
  1496. 1496. r_SnowEnable "1" // Snow Enable
  1497. 1497. r_SnowEndAlpha "255" // Snow.
  1498. 1498. r_SnowEndSize "0" // Snow.
  1499. 1499. r_SnowFallSpeed "1" // Snow fall speed scale.
  1500. 1500. r_SnowInsideRadius "256" // Snow.
  1501. 1501. r_SnowOutsideRadius "1024" // Snow.
  1502. 1502. r_SnowParticles "500" // Snow.
  1503. 1503. r_SnowPosScale "1" // Snow.
  1504. 1504. r_SnowRayEnable "1" // Snow.
  1505. 1505. r_SnowRayLength "8192" // Snow.
  1506. 1506. r_SnowRayRadius "256" // Snow.
  1507. 1507. r_SnowSpeedScale "1" // Snow.
  1508. 1508. r_SnowStartAlpha "25" // Snow.
  1509. 1509. r_SnowStartSize "1" // Snow.
  1510. 1510. r_SnowWindScale "0" // Snow.
  1511. 1511. r_SnowZoomOffset "384" // Snow.
  1512. 1512. r_SnowZoomRadius "512" // Snow.
  1513. 1513. r_swingflashlight "1"
  1514. 1514. r_updaterefracttexture "1"
  1515. 1515. r_vehicleBrakeRate "1"
  1516. 1516. r_VehicleViewClamp "1"
  1517. 1517. r_VehicleViewDampen "1"
  1518. 1518. r_visocclusion "0" // Activate/deactivate wireframe rendering of what the occlusion system is doing.
  1519. 1519. r_visualizelighttraces "0"
  1520. 1520. r_visualizelighttracesshowfulltrace "0"
  1521. 1521. r_visualizetraces "0"
  1522. 1522. safezonex "1" // The percentage of the screen width that is considered safe from overscan
  1523. 1523. safezoney "1" // The percentage of the screen height that is considered safe from overscan
  1524. 1524. save // Saves current game.
  1525. 1525. save_finish_async
  1526. 1526. say // Display player message
  1527. 1527. say_team // Display player message to team
  1528. 1528. scene_flush // Flush all .vcds from the cache and reload from disk.
  1529. 1529. scene_playvcd // Play the given VCD as an instanced scripted scene.
  1530. 1530. scene_showfaceto "0" // show the directions of faceto events.
  1531. 1531. scene_showlook "0" // show the directions of look events.
  1532. 1532. scene_showmoveto "0" // show the end location.
  1533. 1533. scene_showunlock "0" // Show when a vcd is playing but normal AI is running.
  1534. 1534. screenshot // Take a screenshot.
  1535. 1535. script // Run the text as a script
  1536. 1536. script_client // Run the text as a script
  1537. 1537. script_debug // Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger
  1538. 1538. script_debug_client // Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger
  1539. 1539. script_dump_all // Dump the state of the VM to the console
  1540. 1540. script_dump_all_client // Dump the state of the VM to the console
  1541. 1541. script_execute // Run a vscript file
  1542. 1542. script_execute_client // Run a vscript file
  1543. 1543. script_help // optionally with a search string
  1544. 1544. script_help_client // optionally with a search string
  1545. 1545. script_reload_code // replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script
  1546. 1546. script_reload_entity_code // replacing existing functions with the functions in the run scripts
  1547. 1547. script_reload_think // replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script
  1548. 1548. sensitivity "1" // Mouse sensitivity.
  1549. 1549. server_game_time // Gives the game time in seconds (servers curtime)
  1550. 1550. setang // Snap player eyes to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
  1551. 1551. setang_exact // Snap player eyes and orientation to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
  1552. 1552. setinfo // Adds a new user info value
  1553. 1553. setmodel // Changess players model
  1554. 1554. setpause // Set the pause state of the server.
  1555. 1555. setpos // Move player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
  1556. 1556. setpos_exact // Move player to an exact specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
  1557. 1557. setpos_player // Move specified player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
  1558. 1558. sfcrosshair "0"
  1559. 1559. sf_ui_tint "1" // The current tint applied to the Scaleform UI
  1560. 1560. shake // Shake the screen.
  1561. 1561. shake_stop // Stops all active screen shakes.
  1562. 1562. shake_testpunch // Test a punch-style screen shake.
  1563. 1563. showbudget_texture "0" // Enable the texture budget panel.
  1564. 1564. showbudget_texture_global_dumpstats // Dump all items in +showbudget_texture_global in a text form
  1565. 1565. showconsole // Show the console.
  1566. 1566. showpanel // Shows a viewport panel <name>
  1567. 1567. showtriggers "0" // Shows trigger brushes
  1568. 1568. showtriggers_toggle // Toggle show triggers
  1569. 1569. show_loadout_toggle // Toggles loadout display
  1570. 1570. show_main_menu // Show the main menu
  1571. 1571. show_sf_main_menu // Show the Scaleform main menu
  1572. 1572. singlestep "0" // Run engine in single step mode ( set next to 1 to advance a frame )
  1573. 1573. sixense_aim_1to1_heading_multiplier "3"
  1574. 1574. sixense_aim_1to1_pitch_multiplier "3"
  1575. 1575. sixense_aim_1to1_ratchet_vertical "1"
  1576. 1576. sixense_aim_freeaim_accel_band_exponent "1"
  1577. 1577. sixense_aim_freeaim_accel_band_size "15"
  1578. 1578. sixense_aim_freeaim_auto_level_rate "1"
  1579. 1579. sixense_aim_freeaim_dead_zone_radius "0"
  1580. 1580. sixense_aim_freeaim_heading_multiplier "1"
  1581. 1581. sixense_aim_freeaim_max_speed "12"
  1582. 1582. sixense_aim_freeaim_pitch_multiplier "1"
  1583. 1583. sixense_aim_freeaim_spin_disabled
  1584. 1584. sixense_aim_freeaim_switch_blend_time_enter "0"
  1585. 1585. sixense_aim_freeaim_switch_blend_time_exit "0"
  1586. 1586. sixense_aim_scope_heading_multiplier "0"
  1587. 1587. sixense_aim_scope_pitch_multiplier "0"
  1588. 1588. sixense_always_draw_crosshair "1"
  1589. 1589. sixense_base_offset_x "0"
  1590. 1590. sixense_base_offset_y "0"
  1591. 1591. sixense_base_offset_z "-20"
  1592. 1592. sixense_bind // Bind a concommand to a button.
  1593. 1593. sixense_clear_bindings // Clear all sixense bindings.
  1594. 1594. sixense_controller_angle_mode "0"
  1595. 1595. sixense_create_default_bindings // Erase all current bindings and load the default bindings for this game.
  1596. 1596. sixense_crosshair_horiz_multiplier "1"
  1597. 1597. sixense_crosshair_vert_multiplier "1"
  1598. 1598. sixense_crouch_sensitivity "1"
  1599. 1599. sixense_delete_binding // Delete a single binding by index.
  1600. 1600. sixense_disable_gestures
  1601. 1601. sixense_enabled "0"
  1602. 1602. sixense_exit_metroid_blend "0"
  1603. 1603. sixense_exit_one_to_one_dot "0"
  1604. 1604. sixense_feet_angles_offset_stick_spin_exponent "1"
  1605. 1605. sixense_feet_angles_offset_stick_spin_horiz_multiplier "7"
  1606. 1606. sixense_feet_angles_offset_stick_spin_invert_pitch "1"
  1607. 1607. sixense_feet_angles_offset_stick_spin_vert_multiplier "4"
  1608. 1608. sixense_filter_level "0"
  1609. 1609. sixense_jump_sensitivity "1"
  1610. 1610. sixense_left_handed "0"
  1611. 1611. sixense_list_bindings // List the sixense bindings.
  1612. 1612. sixense_max_charge_spin "3"
  1613. 1613. sixense_melee_pitch_blend_val "0"
  1614. 1614. sixense_mode "0"
  1615. 1615. sixense_mouse_enabled "1"
  1616. 1616. sixense_mouse_sensitivity "1"
  1617. 1617. sixense_point_gesture_angle_threshold "15"
  1618. 1618. sixense_reload_sensitivity "1"
  1619. 1619. sixense_roll_correct_blend "0"
  1620. 1620. sixense_select_grenade
  1621. 1621. sixense_select_machinegun
  1622. 1622. sixense_select_melee
  1623. 1623. sixense_select_pistol
  1624. 1624. sixense_sensitivity_level "2"
  1625. 1625. sixense_set_base_offset
  1626. 1626. sixense_set_filter_params
  1627. 1627. sixense_show_frame // Show/hide Sixense UI.
  1628. 1628. sixense_spring_view_enabled "1"
  1629. 1629. sixense_spring_view_max_angle "45"
  1630. 1630. sixense_spring_view_max_spring "0"
  1631. 1631. sixense_spring_view_min_angle "1"
  1632. 1632. sixense_spring_view_min_spring "0"
  1633. 1633. sixense_teleport_metroid_blend_time "3"
  1634. 1634. sixense_teleport_wait_to_blend_time "0"
  1635. 1635. sixense_tilt_gesture_angle_threshold "35"
  1636. 1636. sixense_trigger_threshold "0"
  1637. 1637. sixense_walking_dead_zone_percent "10"
  1638. 1638. sixense_walking_exponent "1"
  1639. 1639. sixense_weapon_select_sensitivity "1"
  1640. 1640. sixense_write_bindings // Save the sixense bindings to a file.
  1641. 1641. sixense_zoom_momentary_time "500"
  1642. 1642. skill "1" // Game skill level (1-3).
  1643. 1643. skip_next_map // Skips the next map in the map rotation for the server.
  1644. 1644. sk_autoaim_mode "1"
  1645. 1645. slot0
  1646. 1646. slot1
  1647. 1647. slot10
  1648. 1648. slot11
  1649. 1649. slot2
  1650. 1650. slot3
  1651. 1651. slot4
  1652. 1652. slot5
  1653. 1653. slot6
  1654. 1654. slot7
  1655. 1655. slot8
  1656. 1656. slot9
  1657. 1657. snapto
  1658. 1658. sndplaydelay
  1659. 1659. snd_async_flush // Flush all unlocked async audio data
  1660. 1660. snd_async_showmem // Show async memory stats
  1661. 1661. snd_async_showmem_music // Show async memory stats for just non-streamed music
  1662. 1662. snd_async_showmem_summary // Show brief async memory stats
  1663. 1663. snd_duckerattacktime "0"
  1664. 1664. snd_duckerreleasetime "2"
  1665. 1665. snd_duckerthreshold "0"
  1666. 1666. snd_ducking_off "1"
  1667. 1667. snd_ducktovolume "0"
  1668. 1668. snd_dumpclientsounds // Dump sounds to console
  1669. 1669. snd_dump_filepaths
  1670. 1670. snd_filter "0"
  1671. 1671. snd_foliage_db_loss "4" // foliage dB loss per 1200 units
  1672. 1672. snd_gain "1"
  1673. 1673. snd_gain_max "1"
  1674. 1674. snd_gain_min "0"
  1675. 1675. snd_getmixer // Get data related to mix group matching string
  1676. 1676. snd_legacy_surround "0"
  1677. 1677. snd_mixahead "0"
  1678. 1678. snd_musicvolume "0" // Music volume
  1679. 1679. snd_mute_losefocus "1"
  1680. 1680. snd_obscured_gain_dB "-2"
  1681. 1681. snd_op_test_convar "1"
  1682. 1682. snd_pause_all "1" // Specifies to pause all sounds and not just voice
  1683. 1683. snd_pitchquality "1"
  1684. 1684. snd_playsounds // Play sounds from the game sounds txt file at a given location
  1685. 1685. snd_prefetch_common "1" // Prefetch common sounds from directories specified in scripts/sound_prefetch.txt
  1686. 1686. snd_pre_gain_dist_falloff "1"
  1687. 1687. snd_print_channels // Prints all the active channel.
  1688. 1688. snd_print_channel_by_guid // Prints the content of a channel from its guid. snd_print_channel_by_guid <guid>.
  1689. 1689. snd_print_channel_by_index // Prints the content of a channel from its index. snd_print_channel_by_index <index>.
  1690. 1690. snd_print_dsp_effect // Prints the content of a dsp effect.
  1691. 1691. snd_rebuildaudiocache // rebuild audio cache for current language
  1692. 1692. snd_refdb "60" // Reference dB at snd_refdist
  1693. 1693. snd_refdist "36" // Reference distance for snd_refdb
  1694. 1694. snd_restart // Restart sound system.
  1695. 1695. snd_setmixer // solo.
  1696. 1696. snd_setmixlayer // solo.
  1697. 1697. snd_setmixlayer_amount // Set named mix layer mix amount.
  1698. 1698. snd_setsoundparam // Set a sound paramater
  1699. 1699. snd_set_master_volume // Sets the master volume for a channel. snd_set_master_volume <guid> <mastervolume>.
  1700. 1700. snd_showstart "0"
  1701. 1701. snd_sos_flush_operators // Flush and re-parse the sound operator system
  1702. 1702. snd_sos_list_operator_updates "0"
  1703. 1703. snd_sos_show_client_xmit "0"
  1704. 1704. snd_sos_show_operator_entry_filter "0"
  1705. 1705. snd_sos_show_operator_init "0"
  1706. 1706. snd_sos_show_operator_prestart "0"
  1707. 1707. snd_sos_show_operator_shutdown "0"
  1708. 1708. snd_sos_show_operator_start "0"
  1709. 1709. snd_sos_show_operator_stop_entry "0"
  1710. 1710. snd_sos_show_operator_updates "0"
  1711. 1711. snd_sos_show_queuetotrack "0"
  1712. 1712. snd_sos_show_server_xmit "0"
  1713. 1713. snd_sos_show_startqueue "0"
  1714. 1714. snd_soundmixer_flush // Reload soundmixers.txt file.
  1715. 1715. snd_soundmixer_list_mixers // List all mixers to dev console.
  1716. 1716. snd_soundmixer_list_mix_groups // List all mix groups to dev console.
  1717. 1717. snd_soundmixer_list_mix_layers // List all mix layers to dev console.
  1718. 1718. snd_soundmixer_set_trigger_factor // trigger amount.
  1719. 1719. snd_updateaudiocache // checks _master.cache based on file sizes and rebuilds any change/new entries
  1720. 1720. snd_visualize "0" // Show sounds location in world
  1721. 1721. snd_writemanifest // outputs the precache manifest for the current level
  1722. 1722. soundfade // Fade client volume.
  1723. 1723. soundinfo // Describe the current sound device.
  1724. 1724. soundlist // List all known sounds.
  1725. 1725. soundscape_debug "0" // red lines show soundscapes that ar
  1726. 1726. soundscape_dumpclient // Dumps the clients soundscape data.
  1727. 1727. soundscape_fadetime "3" // Time to crossfade sound effects between soundscapes
  1728. 1728. soundscape_flush // Flushes the server & client side soundscapes
  1729. 1729. soundscape_radius_debug "0" // Prints current volume of radius sounds
  1730. 1730. speak // Play a constructed sentence.
  1731. 1731. spec_freeze_cinematiclight_b "1"
  1732. 1732. spec_freeze_cinematiclight_g "1"
  1733. 1733. spec_freeze_cinematiclight_r "1"
  1734. 1734. spec_freeze_cinematiclight_scale "2"
  1735. 1735. spec_freeze_deathanim_time "0" // The time that the death cam will spend watching the players ragdoll before going into the freeze death cam.
  1736. 1736. spec_freeze_distance_max "80" // Maximum random distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam.
  1737. 1737. spec_freeze_distance_min "60" // Minimum random distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam.
  1738. 1738. spec_freeze_target_fov "42" // The target FOV that the deathcam should use.
  1739. 1739. spec_freeze_target_fov_long "90" // The target FOV that the deathcam should use when the cam zoom far away on the target.
  1740. 1740. spec_freeze_time "5" // Time spend frozen in observer freeze cam.
  1741. 1741. spec_freeze_traveltime "0" // Time taken to zoom in to frame a target in observer freeze cam.
  1742. 1742. spec_freeze_traveltime_long "0" // Time taken to zoom in to frame a target in observer freeze cam when they are far away.
  1743. 1743. spec_gui // Shows or hides the spectator bar
  1744. 1744. spec_menu // Activates spectator menu
  1745. 1745. spec_pos // dump position and angles to the console
  1746. 1746. spike // generates a fake spike
  1747. 1747. ss_enable "0" // Enables Split Screen support. Play Single Player now launches into split screen mode. NO ONLINE SUPPORT
  1748. 1748. ss_map // Start playing on specified map with max allowed splitscreen players.
  1749. 1749. ss_reloadletterbox // ss_reloadletterbox
  1750. 1750. ss_splitmode "0" // 2 - vertical (only allowed in widescr
  1751. 1751. startdemos // Play demos in demo sequence.
  1752. 1752. startmovie // Start recording movie frames.
  1753. 1753. startupmenu // and were not in developer
  1754. 1754. star_memory // Dump memory stats
  1755. 1755. stats // Prints server performance variables
  1756. 1756. status // Display map and connection status.
  1757. 1757. stop // Finish recording demo.
  1758. 1758. stopdemo // Stop playing back a demo.
  1759. 1759. stopsound
  1760. 1760. stopsoundscape // Stops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds
  1761. 1761. stopvideos // Stops all videos playing to the screen
  1762. 1762. stopvideos_fadeout // Fades out all videos playing to the screen: <time>
  1763. 1763. stop_transition_videos_fadeout // Fades out all transition videos playing to the screen: <time>
  1764. 1764. stringtabledictionary // Create dictionary for current strings.
  1765. 1765. stuffcmds // Parses and stuffs command line + commands to command buffer.
  1766. 1766. suitvolume "0"
  1767. 1767. surfaceprop // Reports the surface properties at the cursor
  1768. 1768. sv_accelerate "10"
  1769. 1769. sv_allow_lobby_connect_only "0" // may not connect directly.
  1770. 1770. sv_allow_wait_command "1" // Allow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server.
  1771. 1771. sv_alltalk "0" // no team restrictions
  1772. 1772. sv_alternateticks "1" // server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.
  1773. 1773. sv_benchmark_force_start // Force start the benchmark. This is only for debugging. Its better to set sv_benchmark to 1 and restart the level.
  1774. 1774. sv_cheats "0" // Allow cheats on server
  1775. 1775. sv_clearhinthistory // Clear memory of server side hints displayed to the player.
  1776. 1776. sv_consistency "0" // Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files
  1777. 1777. sv_contact "0" // Contact email for server sysop
  1778. 1778. sv_deadtalk "0" // text) to the living
  1779. 1779. sv_downloadurl "0" // Location from which clients can download missing files
  1780. 1780. sv_dumpstringtables "0"
  1781. 1781. sv_forcepreload "1" // Force server side preloading.
  1782. 1782. sv_friction "4" // World friction.
  1783. 1783. sv_full_alltalk "0" // Any player (including Spectator team) can speak to any other player
  1784. 1784. sv_gameinstructor_disable "0" // Force all clients to disable their game instructors.
  1785. 1785. sv_game_mode_convars // Display the values of the convars for the current game_mode.
  1786. 1786. sv_infinite_ammo "0" // Players active weapon will never run out of ammo
  1787. 1787. sv_lagcompensationforcerestore "1" // just do it.
  1788. 1788. sv_lan "0" // no non-class C addresses )
  1789. 1789. sv_logbans "0" // Log server bans in the server logs.
  1790. 1790. sv_logecho "1" // Echo log information to the console.
  1791. 1791. sv_logfile "1" // Log server information in the log file.
  1792. 1792. sv_logflush "0" // Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
  1793. 1793. sv_logsdir "0" // Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.
  1794. 1794. sv_log_onefile "0" // Log server information to only one file.
  1795. 1795. sv_maxcmdrate "102" // this sets the maximum value for cl_cmdrate.
  1796. 1796. sv_maxrate "0" // 0 == unlimited
  1797. 1797. sv_memlimit "0" // the server will exit.
  1798. 1798. sv_mincmdrate "10" // This sets the minimum value for cl_cmdrate. 0 == unlimited.
  1799. 1799. sv_minrate "5000" // 0 == unlimited
  1800. 1800. sv_noclipaccelerate "5"
  1801. 1801. sv_noclipduringpause "0" // etc.).
  1802. 1802. sv_noclipspeed "5"
  1803. 1803. sv_password "0" // Server password for entry into multiplayer games
  1804. 1804. sv_pausable "0" // Is the server pausable.
  1805. 1805. sv_precacheinfo // Show precache info.
  1806. 1806. sv_pure // Show user data.
  1807. 1807. sv_pure_kick_clients "1" // it will issue a warning to the client.
  1808. 1808. sv_pure_trace "0" // the server will print a message whenever a client is verifying a CRC for a file.
  1809. 1809. sv_pushaway_hostage_force "20000" // How hard the hostage is pushed away from physics objects (falls off with inverse square of distance).
  1810. 1810. sv_pushaway_max_hostage_force "1000" // Maximum of how hard the hostage is pushed away from physics objects.
  1811. 1811. sv_pvsskipanimation "1" // Skips SetupBones when npcs are outside the PVS
  1812. 1812. sv_querycache_stats // Display status of the query cache (client only)
  1813. 1813. sv_regeneration_force_on "0" // Cheat to test regenerative health systems
  1814. 1814. sv_region "-1" // The region of the world to report this server in.
  1815. 1815. sv_reservation_timeout "45" // Time in seconds before lobby reservation expires.
  1816. 1816. sv_search_key "0" // restrict search to only dedicated servers having the same sv_search_key.
  1817. 1817. sv_search_team_key "0" // set this key to match with known opponents team
  1818. 1818. sv_showlagcompensation "0" // Show lag compensated hitboxes whenever a player is lag compensated.
  1819. 1819. sv_showtags // Describe current gametags.
  1820. 1820. sv_shutdown // Sets the server to shutdown when all games have completed
  1821. 1821. sv_skyname "0" // Current name of the skybox texture
  1822. 1822. sv_soundemitter_reload // Flushes the sounds.txt system
  1823. 1823. sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo // print soundscapes
  1824. 1824. sv_specaccelerate "5"
  1825. 1825. sv_specnoclip "1"
  1826. 1826. sv_specspeed "3"
  1827. 1827. sv_steamgroup "0" // The ID of the steam group that this server belongs to. You can find your groups ID on the admin profile page in the steam comm
  1828. 1828. sv_steamgroup_exclusive "0" // public people will be able to join the ser
  1829. 1829. sv_tags "0" // Server tags. Used to provide extra information to clients when theyre browsing for servers. Separate tags with a comma.
  1830. 1830. sv_timescale // Change the speed of the game.
  1831. 1831. sv_unlockedchapters "1" // Highest unlocked game chapter.
  1832. 1832. sv_visiblemaxplayers "-1" // Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients
  1833. 1833. sv_voiceenable "1"
  1834. 1834. sys_antialiasing "0" // Convar used exclusively by the options screen to set anti aliasing levels. Changing this convar manually will have no effect.
  1835. 1835. sys_aspectratio "-1" // Convar used exclusively by the options screen to set aspect ratio. Changing this convar manually will have no effect.
  1836. 1836. sys_minidumpspewlines "500" // Lines of crash dump console spew to keep.
  1837. 1837. sys_refldetail "0" // Convar used exclusively by the options screen to set water reflection levels. Changing this convar manually will have no effect
  1838. 1838. sys_vsync "0" // Convar used exclusively by the options screen to set vsync. Changing this convar manually will have no effect.
  1839. 1839. teammenu // Show team selection window
  1840. 1840. testhudanim // Test a hud element animation. Arguments: <anim name>
  1841. 1841. Test_CreateEntity
  1842. 1842. test_dispatcheffect // Test a clientside dispatch effect. Usage: test_dispatcheffect <effect name> <distance away> <flags> <magnitude> <scale> Defau
  1843. 1843. Test_EHandle
  1844. 1844. test_entity_blocker // Test command that drops an entity blocker out in front of the player.
  1845. 1845. test_freezeframe // Test the freeze frame code.
  1846. 1846. Test_InitRandomEntitySpawner
  1847. 1847. Test_Loop // Test_Loop <loop name> - loop back to the specified loop start point unconditionally.
  1848. 1848. Test_LoopCount // Test_LoopCount <loop name> <count> - loop back to the specified loop start point the specified # of times.
  1849. 1849. Test_LoopForNumSeconds // Test_LoopForNumSeconds <loop name> <time> - loop back to the specified start point for the specified # of seconds.
  1850. 1850. test_outtro_stats
  1851. 1851. Test_ProxyToggle_EnableProxy
  1852. 1852. Test_ProxyToggle_EnsureValue // Test_ProxyToggle_EnsureValue
  1853. 1853. Test_ProxyToggle_SetValue
  1854. 1854. Test_RandomChance // 0-100> <token1> <token2...> - Roll the dice and maybe run the command following the percenta
  1855. 1855. Test_RandomizeInPVS
  1856. 1856. Test_RandomPlayerPosition
  1857. 1857. Test_RemoveAllRandomEntities
  1858. 1858. Test_RunFrame
  1859. 1859. Test_SendKey
  1860. 1860. Test_SpawnRandomEntities
  1861. 1861. Test_StartLoop // Test_StartLoop <loop name> - Denote the start of a loop. Really just defines a named point you can jump to.
  1862. 1862. Test_StartScript // Start a test script running..
  1863. 1863. Test_Wait
  1864. 1864. Test_WaitForCheckPoint
  1865. 1865. texture_budget_background_alpha "128" // how translucent the budget panel is
  1866. 1866. texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction "0" // number between 0 and 1
  1867. 1867. texture_budget_panel_height "284" // height in pixels of the budget panel
  1868. 1868. texture_budget_panel_width "512" // width in pixels of the budget panel
  1869. 1869. texture_budget_panel_x "0" // number of pixels from the left side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
  1870. 1870. texture_budget_panel_y "450" // number of pixels from the top side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
  1871. 1871. tf_escort_score_rate "1" // in points per second
  1872. 1872. think_limit "10" // warning is printed if this is exceeded.
  1873. 1873. thirdperson // Switch to thirdperson camera.
  1874. 1874. thirdpersonshoulder // Switch to thirdperson-shoulder camera.
  1875. 1875. thirdperson_mayamode // Switch to thirdperson Maya-like camera controls.
  1876. 1876. threadpool_cycle_reserve // Cycles threadpool reservation by powers of 2
  1877. 1877. threadpool_run_tests
  1878. 1878. thread_test_tslist
  1879. 1879. thread_test_tsqueue
  1880. 1880. timedemo // Play a demo and report performance info.
  1881. 1881. timedemoquit // and then exit
  1882. 1882. timedemo_vprofrecord // Play a demo and report performance info. Also record vprof data for the span of the demo
  1883. 1883. timeleft // prints the time remaining in the match
  1884. 1884. timerefresh // Profile the renderer.
  1885. 1885. toggle // or cycles through a set of values.
  1886. 1886. toggleconsole // Show/hide the console.
  1887. 1887. togglescores // Toggles score panel
  1888. 1888. toolload // Load a tool.
  1889. 1889. toolunload // Unload a tool.
  1890. 1890. tv_clients // Shows list of connected SourceTV clients.
  1891. 1891. tv_msg // Send a screen message to all clients.
  1892. 1892. tv_nochat "0" // Dont receive chat messages from other SourceTV spectators
  1893. 1893. tv_port "27020" // Host SourceTV port
  1894. 1894. tv_record // Starts SourceTV demo recording.
  1895. 1895. tv_relay // Connect to SourceTV server and relay broadcast.
  1896. 1896. tv_retry // Reconnects the SourceTV relay proxy.
  1897. 1897. tv_status // Show SourceTV server status.
  1898. 1898. tv_stop // Stops the SourceTV broadcast.
  1899. 1899. tv_stoprecord // Stops SourceTV demo recording.
  1900. 1900. tweak_ammo_impulses // Allow real-time tweaking of the ammo impulse values.
  1901. 1901. ui_posedebug_fade_in_time "0" // Time during which a new pose activity layer is shown in green in +posedebug UI
  1902. 1902. ui_posedebug_fade_out_time "0" // Time to keep a no longer active pose activity layer in red until removing it from +posedebug UI
  1903. 1903. ui_reloadscheme // Reloads the resource files for the active UI window
  1904. 1904. unbind // Unbind a key.
  1905. 1905. unbindall // Unbind all keys.
  1906. 1906. unbindalljoystick // Unbind all joystick keys.
  1907. 1907. unbindallmousekeyboard // Unbind all mouse / keyboard keys.
  1908. 1908. unload_all_addons // Reloads the search paths for game addons.
  1909. 1909. unpause // Unpause the game.
  1910. 1910. update_addon_paths // Reloads the search paths for game addons.
  1911. 1911. use // Use a particular weapon Arguments: <weapon_name>
  1912. 1912. user // Show user data.
  1913. 1913. users // Show user info for players on server.
  1914. 1914. vcollide_wireframe "0" // Render physics collision models in wireframe
  1915. 1915. vehicle_flushscript // Flush and reload all vehicle scripts
  1916. 1916. version // Print version info string.
  1917. 1917. vgui_drawtree "0" // Draws the vgui panel hiearchy to the specified depth level.
  1918. 1918. vgui_drawtree_clear
  1919. 1919. vgui_dump_panels // vgui_dump_panels [visible]
  1920. 1920. vgui_message_dialog_modal "1"
  1921. 1921. vgui_spew_fonts
  1922. 1922. vgui_togglepanel // show/hide vgui panel by name.
  1923. 1923. viewanim_addkeyframe
  1924. 1924. viewanim_create // viewanim_create
  1925. 1925. viewanim_load // load animation from file
  1926. 1926. viewanim_reset // reset view angles!
  1927. 1927. viewanim_save // Save current animation to file
  1928. 1928. viewanim_test // test view animation
  1929. 1929. viewmodel_fov "54"
  1930. 1930. viewmodel_offset_x "0"
  1931. 1931. viewmodel_offset_y "0"
  1932. 1932. viewmodel_offset_z "0"
  1933. 1933. vismon_poll_frequency "0"
  1934. 1934. vismon_trace_limit "12"
  1935. 1935. vis_force "0"
  1936. 1936. vm_debug "0"
  1937. 1937. vm_draw_always "0" // 2 - Never draw view models. Should be done before map launches.
  1938. 1938. voicerecord_toggle
  1939. 1939. voice_enable "1" // Toggle voice transmit and receive.
  1940. 1940. voice_forcemicrecord "1"
  1941. 1941. voice_inputfromfile "0" // Get voice input from voice_input.wav rather than from the microphone.
  1942. 1942. voice_loopback "0"
  1943. 1943. voice_mixer_boost "0"
  1944. 1944. voice_mixer_mute "0"
  1945. 1945. voice_mixer_volume "1"
  1946. 1946. voice_modenable "1" // Enable/disable voice in this mod.
  1947. 1947. voice_mute // Mute a specific Steam user
  1948. 1948. voice_player_speaking_delay_threshold "0"
  1949. 1949. voice_recordtofile "0" // Record mic data and decompressed voice data into voice_micdata.wav and voice_decompressed.wav
  1950. 1950. voice_reset_mutelist // Reset all mute information for all players who were ever muted.
  1951. 1951. voice_scale "1"
  1952. 1952. voice_show_mute // Show whether current players are muted.
  1953. 1953. voice_threshold "2000"
  1954. 1954. voice_unmute // or `all` to unmute all connected players.
  1955. 1955. volume "1" // Sound volume
  1956. 1956. voxeltree_box // Vector(max)>.
  1957. 1957. voxeltree_playerview // View entities in the voxel-tree at the player position.
  1958. 1958. voxeltree_sphere // float(radius)>.
  1959. 1959. voxeltree_view // View entities in the voxel-tree.
  1960. 1960. vox_reload // Reload sentences.txt file
  1961. 1961. vphys_sleep_timeout // set sleep timeout: large values mean stuff wont ever sleep
  1962. 1962. vprof // Toggle VProf profiler
  1963. 1963. vprof_adddebuggroup1 // add a new budget group dynamically for debugging
  1964. 1964. vprof_cachemiss // Toggle VProf cache miss checking
  1965. 1965. vprof_cachemiss_off // Turn off VProf cache miss checking
  1966. 1966. vprof_cachemiss_on // Turn on VProf cache miss checking
  1967. 1967. vprof_child
  1968. 1968. vprof_collapse_all // Collapse the whole vprof tree
  1969. 1969. vprof_dump_counters // Dump vprof counters to the console
  1970. 1970. vprof_dump_groupnames // Write the names of all of the vprof groups to the console.
  1971. 1971. vprof_expand_all // Expand the whole vprof tree
  1972. 1972. vprof_expand_group // Expand a budget group in the vprof tree by name
  1973. 1973. vprof_generate_report // Generate a report to the console.
  1974. 1974. vprof_generate_report_AI // Generate a report to the console.
  1975. 1975. vprof_generate_report_AI_only // Generate a report to the console.
  1976. 1976. vprof_generate_report_budget // Generate a report to the console based on budget group.
  1977. 1977. vprof_generate_report_hierarchy // Generate a report to the console.
  1978. 1978. vprof_generate_report_hierarchy_per_frame_and_count_only // Generate a minimal hiearchical report to the console.
  1979. 1979. vprof_generate_report_map_load // Generate a report to the console.
  1980. 1980. vprof_graphheight "256"
  1981. 1981. vprof_graphwidth "512"
  1982. 1982. vprof_nextsibling
  1983. 1983. vprof_off // Turn off VProf profiler
  1984. 1984. vprof_on // Turn on VProf profiler
  1985. 1985. vprof_parent
  1986. 1986. vprof_playback_average // Average the next N frames.
  1987. 1987. vprof_playback_start // Start playing back a recorded .vprof file.
  1988. 1988. vprof_playback_step // step to the next tick.
  1989. 1989. vprof_playback_stepback // step to the previous tick.
  1990. 1990. vprof_playback_stop // Stop playing back a recorded .vprof file.
  1991. 1991. vprof_prevsibling
  1992. 1992. vprof_record_start // Start recording vprof data for playback later.
  1993. 1993. vprof_record_stop // Stop recording vprof data
  1994. 1994. vprof_remote_start // Request a VProf data stream from the remote server (requires authentication)
  1995. 1995. vprof_remote_stop // Stop an existing remote VProf data request
  1996. 1996. vprof_reset // Reset the stats in VProf profiler
  1997. 1997. vprof_reset_peaks // Reset just the peak time in VProf profiler
  1998. 1998. vprof_to_csv // Convert a recorded .vprof file to .csv.
  1999. 1999. vprof_unaccounted_limit "0" // number of milliseconds that a node must exceed to turn red in the vprof panel
  2000. 2000. vprof_verbose "1" // Set to one to show average and peak times
  2001. 2001. vprof_vtune_group // enable vtune for a particular vprof group (disable to disable)
  2002. 2002. vprof_warningmsec "10" // Above this many milliseconds render the label red to indicate slow code.
  2003. 2003. vtune // Controls VTunes sampling.
  2004. 2004. vx_model_list // Dump models to VXConsole
  2005. 2005. wc_air_edit_further // moves position of air node crosshair and placement location further away from play
  2006. 2006. wc_air_edit_nearer // moves position of air node crosshair and placement location nearer to from player
  2007. 2007. wc_air_node_edit // toggles laying down or air nodes instead of ground nodes
  2008. 2008. wc_create // creates a node where the player is looking if a node is allowed at that location for the currently select
  2009. 2009. wc_destroy // destroys the node that the player is nearest to looking at. (The node will be highlighted by a red box).
  2010. 2010. wc_destroy_undo // When in WC edit mode restores the last deleted node
  2011. 2011. wc_link_edit
  2012. 2012. weapon_debug_spread_gap "0"
  2013. 2013. weapon_debug_spread_show "0" // 3: show accuracy with dynamic crosshair
  2014. 2014. windows_speaker_config "6"
  2015. 2015. wipe_nav_attributes // Clear all nav attributes of selected area.
  2016. 2016. writeid // Writes a list of permanently-banned user IDs to banned_user.cfg.
  2017. 2017. writeip // Save the ban list to banned_ip.cfg.
  2018. 2018. xbox_autothrottle "1"
  2019. 2019. xbox_throttlebias "100"
  2020. 2020. xbox_throttlespoof "200"
  2021. 2021. xload // Load a saved game from a console storage device.
  2022. 2022. xlook
  2023. 2023. xmove
  2024. 2024. xsave // Saves current game to a console storage device.
  2025. 2025. zoom_sensitivity_ratio_joystick "0" // Additional controller sensitivity scale factor applied when FOV is zoomed in.
  2026. 2026. zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "1" // Additional mouse sensitivity scale factor applied when FOV is zoomed in.
  2027. 2027. _autosave // Autosave
  2028. 2028. _autosavedangerous // AutoSaveDangerous
  2029. 2029. _bugreporter_restart // Restarts bug reporter .dll
  2030. 2030. _record // Record a demo incrementally.
  2031. 2031. _resetgamestats // Erases current game stats and writes out a blank stats file
  2032. 2032. _restart // Shutdown and restart the engine.
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