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May 10th, 2014
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  1. 18:10:35> "Bordu": I have had muliple tickes in more then 2 hours with no response any chance we can get this looked at?
  2. <18:10:50> "[LGM]Discord": I only see one exploit ticket
  3. <18:11:21> "Bordu": 1 exploit , 1 mechanics and 4 others said they were ticketing
  4. <18:11:59> "[LGM]Discord": and as far as those walls go I can't consider it a exploit to walk through gaps You guys will have to prepare for that. I am trying to come up with a soultion until it can be coded , but there is no defense to people logging out or entering those walls.
  5. <18:12:03> "Bordu": Cant speak to the other 4 but two were from my chrs
  6. <18:12:35> "Bordu": If the patch has an error how is abusing it not an exploit
  7. <18:12:59> "Bordu": if I walkes through and an item duped exploi right
  8. <18:13:18> "Bordu": just not understanding
  9. <18:13:48> "[LGM]Discord": Its not the same , its a hole they can walk through I can't punish players cause they can walk through a hole
  10. <18:14:05> "[LGM]Discord": it shoudln't be there I agree, but I can't say your banned for walking through a hole
  11. <18:14:06> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": well but it shuoldnt be like that
  12. <18:14:16> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": so make a post anyone doing so will get banned
  13. <18:14:18> "Bordu": The whole is an unintended feature being exploited
  14. <18:14:20> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": cause we are here i nthe open
  15. <18:14:34> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": yes you can make a post about it
  16. <18:14:39> "[LGM]Discord": I told you guys man times you can't depend on the walls to protect you
  17. <18:14:42> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": obviously its not suppoed to be like that
  18. <18:15:06> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": what is a wall supposed to do?
  19. <18:15:11> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": of course it cant protect you forever
  20. <18:15:16> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": if it gets taken down
  21. <18:15:23> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": but its not suppoed to be like that how its now
  22. <18:15:35> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": its simple SV messed up we are used to it
  23. <18:15:40> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": but i dnt see a problem why not fix it
  24. <18:15:43> "Cruz": Its not the protection that is the issue here, its the access to what is inside...
  25. <18:15:45> "[LGM]Discord": I am trying to come up with something but so far my solution crashes clients
  26. <18:15:47> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": fill the hole how it was suppoed to be
  27. <18:15:56> "Bordu": A patch error should not violate our safety
  28. <18:16:19> "Bordu": There are los of no exploitive ways to attack but abusing a patch error is an exploit
  29. <18:17:39> "Bordu": No different then /charge a door
  30. <18:19:09> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": than i guess we should just block the holes
  31. <18:19:12> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": put molvas there
  32. <18:19:13> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": and ppl
  33. <18:19:16> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": i mean sandbox right
  34. <18:19:30> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": got to protect us somehow
  35. <18:19:40> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": or is this considered to be exploiting?
  36. <18:20:56> "Bordu": So too be clear if I find a way to enter anothers proporty in game and steal / destroy shit I am not exploiting even if this includes an unintentiona;l game glitch?
  37. <18:21:27> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": yes bodru that is what he is saying
  38. <18:21:38> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": lets go find holes and NOT exploit
  39. <18:23:25> "Cruz": Ok so lets put things this way...its not an exploit to have access to the place (i can live with that) but if they kill us inside that situation is taking adavantage of the issue itself right?
  40. <18:23:52> "Cruz": Its just a matter of perpective..
  41. <18:26:40> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": discord has no valid arguemnts anymore he knows we are right but refues to help this is the thing that pisses me off in MO. if your wrong dude ppl make mistakes but dont try to talk your way out. atleast tell us ok your right we will take care of it. but stating nope not an exploit nope its supposed to be like that is just lame
  42. <18:27:48> "Bordu": Scared to lose a subscription by slapping hands for exploits gonna lose my 3 subs again soon if this keeps up
  43. <18:28:49> "[LGM]Discord": I am not scare of anything Its a bad situation and but us trying to enforce a rule which I know we can't won't solve the issue.
  44. <18:29:27> "Bordu": Only a bad situation for those of us with losses
  45. <18:29:33> "[LGM]Discord": I am working on test trying to come upw ith a solution
  46. <18:29:35> "Bordu": Great situation for exploiters
  47. <18:29:53> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": question would it be so hard to fix the holes?
  48. <18:29:59> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": with the next hotpatch?
  49. <18:30:27> "Bordu": in two days I lost 3 sets of gear 1) fell through the world could not get GM response 2) exploiter no GM response 3) same as 2
  50. <18:30:29> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": i mean we dont expect to be fixed like now now (it would be nice)
  51. <18:30:37> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": but alteast we knwo SV will do something about it
  52. <18:30:45> "[LGM]Discord": belive me its on the list
  53. <18:30:46> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": it acnt be that we are ganna live with it till TC comes out
  54. <18:31:02> "Bordu": All my losses due to GM inaction kinda bugging me
  55. <18:32:47> "Bordu": I do understand at some level having an IT background, but breaking the palasade and invitingother players to abuse it is a little off the deep end
  56. <18:33:18> "Cruz": Mr Discord i heard from a GM when i first put in the exploit ticket that it is not considered an exploit because they didnt do anything right?
  57. <18:33:29> "Cruz": the access to the palisade is already there
  58. <18:34:05> "Cruz": but look at this analogy, the rollback from the other week was due to an explot with a vendor right?
  59. <18:34:39> "Cruz": so the people who exploited knew about the exploit (so far just like the people who entered the palisade)
  60. <18:35:13> "Cruz": but they used the vendor to their own benefit (just like those who killed us inside)
  61. <18:35:41> "Cruz": So, hows that not an exploit or i am seeing something wrong with this analogy?
  62. <18:38:09> "Bordu": And fine do not punish them reimberse me
  63. <18:38:19> "Bordu": I can be bought
  64. <18:41:03> "[LGM]Discord": That won't happen we don't compensate for players killing another player I can't even imgaine what type of issues that will start
  65. <18:41:14> "Bordu": If its not an exploi then I am being griefed by the dev that wrote the mistake. I wish to be reimbersed my losses from this griefing programmer
  66. <18:41:57> "Kathun": Out of curiosity just because i heard it was considered an expoilt or somthing. Can you shoot boulders into a palisade from outside while going over the walls with the boulders?
  67. <18:43:02> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": oh you mean being on the catapult to be launched with the boulder insinde the keep?
  68. <18:43:08> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": should be allowed
  69. <18:43:23> "Kathun": Well that too XD
  70. <18:43:42> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": i mean if your allowed to walk thru halls i dnt see why you should not be able to do this
  71. <18:43:43> "Kathun": But i mean if the mangcannon is on a hill outside the palisade
  72. <18:44:05> "Kathun": Xhodan not walking through walls
  73. <18:44:11> "Kathun": Walking through holes in walls
  74. <18:44:34> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": well you know what i mean
  75. <18:44:43> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": your on our side here
  76. <18:44:45> "Xhodan Xeus (Mayor of Meduli)": so shhhhhh
  77. <18:44:59> "Kathun": Okay sorry...
  78. <18:45:01> "Cruz": I was trying to understand your position Mr Discord...but ok i understand
  79. <18:46:55> "Bordu": Seriously I get the rules but this is an extreme cituation and needs to be addressed. A portion of hte player base should not be griefed becase of dev error. At the very least this should be reimbersed at most other players should have enough respect for the game to not exploit and be banned of they do not. Wonder how this discussion will go on the Steam forums
  80. <18:47:24> "Gryphen": i like forums
  81. <18:47:30> "Gryphen": lets talk about forums
  82. <18:51:35> "Gryphen": oh dear theres no drama here
  83. <18:51:58> "Gryphen": lets talk about palisade walls and how unintended actions made through this game are not exploits
  84. <18:52:13> "Cruz": we believe in you gryphen
  85. <18:52:44> "Gryphen": the only reason there is frustration here is not because the walls arent getting fixed now now now
  86. <18:53:16> "Bordu": Walls hell I want my stuff back
  87. <18:53:27> "Bordu": <--- Petty and proud of it
  88. <18:53:34> "Gryphen": we all want our things
  89. <18:54:00> "Bordu": Concidering discussing the 3+ hour GN wait times on steam as well
  90. <18:54:03> "Gryphen": the sad thing here is if the petetion had been made at a different time of the day a different response would have been given
  91. <18:54:20> "[KotO] WaterSurfer": to be honest the patch is actually screwing my MO playtime up
  92. <18:54:34> "Gryphen": indeed
  93. <18:54:37> "[KotO] WaterSurfer": i have hard time with crafting issues, i have to relog for this situation at certain times
  94. <18:54:46> "[KotO] WaterSurfer": my MO client will not save my graphic setting
  95. <18:54:50> "Gryphen": i relogged because i touched a wall and everything went black
  96. <18:54:56> "Gryphen": when i relogged i was drowning
  97. <18:54:58> "[KotO] WaterSurfer": I have to reset my graphic setting every time i open the client
  98. <18:55:06> "Bordu": Perhaps hours spent in support que should be reimbersed with free play time
  99. <18:55:06> "[KotO] WaterSurfer": damn man
  100. <18:55:11> "Gryphen": hah
  101. <18:55:47> "Gryphen": you know they wont do that
  102. <18:56:04> "Gryphen": however their petetion que is set up
  103. <18:56:07> "Gryphen": it needs fixed.
  104. <18:56:13> "[KotO] WaterSurfer": no offense but why release the patch when it is not 100% effectively... should have a test before release and give players a suffering moment
  105. <18:56:56> "Gryphen": how about we talk about why their "testing server" isnt really accurate
  106. <18:57:07> "Bordu": Think I will spend some time looking for "non Exploits" to have fun with
  107. <18:57:21> "Gryphen": you know whats a good idea? letting players test it
  108. <18:57:24> "[KotO] WaterSurfer": maybe need to invite real players to volunteer to test for them
  109. <18:57:31> "Gryphen": players intentionally look for exploits
  110. <18:58:58> "Gryphen": shit gets fixed
  111. <18:59:12> "Gryphen": but no, shit just gets messed up because certain people complain too much
  112. <19:01:40> "Gryphen": party over here
  113. <19:09:26> "Gryphen": there is a problem here, what should we do to combat this problem?
  114. <19:11:01> "[ARTS]Enigmatic": And to think, this game is going into steam-release soon xD Hah! It's going to rate right up there with "Infestation: Survivor Stories."
  115. <19:11:08> "Kranick, king of meduli": fuuuuuuuuu
  116. <19:11:51> "Gryphen": whats Infestation: survivor stories?
  117. <19:11:54> "[ARTS]Enigmatic": Otherwise known as WarZ! Very dissapointing...
  118. <19:11:56> "Gryphen": sounds lame
  119. <19:12:25> "[ARTS]Enigmatic": Have fun guys :D I'm gonna go play some ArcheAge lol
  120. <19:12:46> "Gryphen": youve made me dislike this game and play minecraft
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