
I fell asleep for everything smh

Nov 7th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was sitting in one of the chairs with a DnD book in his hand as he looked over the Dungeon Master Guide, flipping through pages as he tried to grasp how the new edition was played. Somethings were different but for the most part it was pretty similar.
  2. Covet: [Bliss looks cute!]
  3. Tsaaq: ((:D))
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Adam moved from the archive room after cleaning up and fixing the things that asshole customers had moved around, making his way up to the front of the shop, glancing down at Eli in the chair. "What are you up to?"-
  5. Covet: "Trying to get a grasp on this book so maybe we can start getting some characters fleshed out here soon, and figure out a campaign. I think we'll use a premade one to start off with and get used to, then maybe I'll thow in some original stuff."
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Well... you need to teach me how to play, still. Ive never done it before." He said with a little smile, his eyes looking over the book.-
  7. Tsaaq: Bliss finished cleaning the bathroom and made her way out to the main area. "What are you two up to?" She asked with a smile as she put the cleaning bucket behind the counter.
  8. Covet: "Oh of course. I haven't played in forever so I'm kind of re-teaching myself too." He said with a laugh then looked at Bliss as she came out of the bathrooms and over to them. "Just looking over the DM guide for the new edition. Trying to get familiar with it."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, Eli is going to teach me since I've never played before." He said kind of happily because he was honestly excited to learn this since he'd wanted to for a while. His eyes swept the immediate area. "Oh.. y'all haven't seen a wallet around here, have you?"-
  10. Tsaaq: She turned curiously to look at Adam. "I can look in our lost and found box but I haven't found any wallets or anything unfortunate." She said, ducking under the counter. Bliss emerged with the box and tried to look through it all.
  11. Covet: "I'm kind of going to be teaching all four of us. But, It should be fun. I was going to get character sheets copied off this week, so we can start building. Just need to find out when works best for Hayley, since we can't really do it on Mondays if she has practice." He said then shook his head, "I haven't seen one around at all, sorry Man."
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, okay." He said with a nod, walking over to the counter to peer into the box as she rummaged through it. "Are you insinuating you want to do a campaign during work?" He asked with a bit of a laugh, glancing at Eli.-
  13. Tsaaq: "We could, if we're not too busy." Bliss piped up. She lifted her shoulders into a shrug. "I don't see your wallet Adam." She said with a frown. "What happened to it? Do you think you left it somewhere."
  14. Covet: Eli shook his head and gave a laugh, "Noooo... I as a responsible boss would never insinuate such a thing. Even if Monday nights were totally slow enough for such things. Actually we'd probably play here anyways, just because of the grid tables.Unless I invested in a map for at the apartment."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Here is best." Adam agreed, returning his attention to Bliss. "I'm not sure. I can't find it. I turned the whole house upside down, so I'm just trying to back track places I've been lately."-
  16. Tsaaq: She began to snicker. "I knew the idea of getting paid to play was too good to be true." Bliss snickered. "Well, I'm sorry you've misplaced it. I'll try to keep an eye out for it."
  17. Covet: "Sorry, My love. Cherry is the only one that gets paid to play." he said giving her a smirk before He looked at Adam, "Yeah same here, It's bound to turn up eventually.
  18. Covet: "*"
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Adam's eyes slid back and forth between the two, trying to figure out what the fuck they were talking about. "Uhh... is everything okay?"-
  20. Tsaaq: Bliss began to snicker as her face slushed red. "She would." She said before turning to Adam. "Yes." She nodded her head slowly and went to wipe down the counter.
  21. Covet: Eli watched her for a second, then looked back at Adam, realizing he was looking between them both. He cleared his throat and nodded, "Yeah, Everything's great, man."
  22. Tsaaq: ((*flushed x.x))
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Okay..." He trailed off, still unsure of what the fuck they were on about despite knowing it wasn't nothing. "So... did y'all get the message from Dori earlier about the food vendors?" He asked, pulling out his phone to look over the text.-
  24. Tsaaq: She furrowed her eyebrows and went to grab her phone so she could look at the texts. "Hmm... Is this good harvest festival food?" She asked carefully with a raise of her eyebrow.
  25. Covet: "Yeah, I saw that and tried not to cringe over it, but I've already got a back up plan for other more.. acceptable Harvest festival foods. If her vendors want to pay the fifty dollars for a spot at the festival, I'm not going to deny them. But I'm going to check in with some people in the food truck scene, see if I can get them on board as well." Eli told them both.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "I don't really think Mexican, Italian, or Chinese when i go to a harvest festival. Maybe roasted corn husks, turkey legs, that sort of thing?" He asked, trying not to talk shit, but her idea was terrible.-
  27. Covet: "Me either, but I don't exactly want to completely shut down her efforts either. I'm right there with you with those foods, and we'll make sure those are there too." Eli said then checked the time, he looked at Bliss, and let her know she could go upstairs and he'd be up as soon as he and Adam got everything locked down for the night, "Let's get this place swept up, and you can head out of the night Adam. I'll count the drawer and get things locked up.
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Sounds good to me." He spoke with a nod, turning to grab the broom from behind the counter. He pushed it out ahead of him, sweeping things into a nice neat pile for clean up. "I think she just needs a little bit of help on her first couple events as an SGA member. Unfortunately the second event is our biggest so maybe we'll get it together by then."-
  29. Covet: "Yeah, we'll get her broken in. She's got some halfway decent ideas, It's just about how to execute them.
  30. Covet: [dammit]
  31. Covet: "Yeah, we'll get her broken in. She's got some halfway decent ideas, It's just about how to execute them." Eli said as he started counting the til, getting it all squared away to put into the safe. "It took me a little bit to get into the swing of things my first year involved."
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