

Jan 9th, 2016
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  1. List of Subreddits GrammarianBot is banned from:
  3. - /r/WonderTrade
  4. - /r/MinionHate
  5. - /r/HomeImprovement
  6. - /r/aww
  7. - /r/nba
  8. - /r/leagueoflegends
  9. - /r/stopdrinking
  10. - /r/GODZILLA
  11. - /r/Warframe
  12. - /r/unitedkingdom
  13. - /r/gaming
  14. - /r/buildacpforme
  15. - /r/TumblrInAction
  16. - /r/IAmA
  17. - /r/politics
  18. - /r/nlf
  19. - /r/Cricket
  20. - /r/syriancivilwar
  21. - /r/ShitRedditSays
  22. - /r/DFO
  23. - /r/peloton
  24. - /r/futurama
  25. - /r/bestof
  26. - /r/ImGoingToHellForThis
  27. - /r/AskFeminists
  28. - /r/factorio
  29. - /r/GenderCritical
  30. - /r/Sneakers
  31. - /r/buildapc
  32. - /r/oculus
  33. - /r/news
  34. - /r/pennystocks
  35. - /r/schizophrenia
  36. - /r/dota2smut
  37. - /r/australia (bloody booger, mate)
  38. - /r/Monitors
  39. - /r/MMA
  40. - /r/Tribes
  41. - /r/KerbalSpaceProgram
  42. - /r/Bitcoin (now I can't be rich.)
  43. - /r/killingfloor
  44. - /r/Seahawks
  45. - /r/RandomActsOfMuffDive
  46. - /r/DotA2
  47. - /r/streetwear
  48. - /r/Winnipeg
  49. - /r/ImagesOfIndia
  50. - /r/DarkNetMarkets (where am I going to get my weed now?)
  51. - /r/Robocraft
  52. - /r/AnimalCrossing
  53. - /r/nottheonion
  54. - /r/OnePunchMan
  55. - /r/playrust
  56. - /r/guncontrol (pew pew pew)
  57. - /r/creepy
  58. - /r/CODZombies
  59. - /r/ShinyPokemon (GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALLLLLLLL)
  60. - /r/AskScienceFiction
  61. - /r/blackops3
  62. - /r/worldnews
  63. - /r/LAClippers
  64. - /r/PuzzleAndDragons
  65. - /r/ImperialPowers
  66. - /r/Patriots
  67. - /r/hockey
  68. - /r/stevenuniverse
  70. - /r/Diablo
  71. - /r/personalfinance
  72. - /r/depression
  73. - /r/SuicideWatch
  74. - /r/halo
  75. - /r/kpop
  76. - /r/pcmasterrace
  77. - /r/SWGalaxyOfHeros
  78. - /r/wow
  79. - /r/atheism
  80. - /r/opiates
  81. - /r/kurdistan
  82. - /r/starwarstrader
  83. - /r/WorldofTanks (pew pew pew pew)
  84. - /r/lifeisstrange
  85. - /r/whowouldwin (, ok)
  86. - /r/Borderlands
  87. - /r/amateur_boxing (pew pew pew pew)
  88. - /r/CanadaPolitics
  89. - /r/runescape
  90. - /r/SSBM
  91. - /r/AskMenOver30
  92. - /r/h1z1
  93. - /r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon (I'd like a large fries and a burger.)
  94. - /r/legaladvice
  95. - /r/The_Crew
  96. - /r/ArmoredWarfare (pew pew pew pew)
  97. - /r/AdviceAnimals
  98. - /r/CitiesSkylines
  99. TEMPORARILY - /r/BlackPeopleTwitter (only 989 days to go!)
  100. - /r/funny
  101. - /r/MechanicalKeyboards
  102. - /r/explainlikeimfive
  103. - /r/enderscrollonline
  104. - /r/pathofexile
  105. - /r/books (because I like reading MOM)
  106. - /r/AskWomen
  107. - /r/ABCDesis
  108. - /r/DebateReligion (HAIL SATAN)
  109. - /r/tf2
  110. - /r/Eve
  111. - /r/gamedev
  112. - /r/holdthemoan
  113. - /r/pics
  114. - /r/asioaf
  115. - /r/AskReddit (900 MILLION POWERBALL ANSWER)
  116. - /r/Romania
  117. - /r/CompetitiveHS
  118. - /r/SubredditDrama (the irony)
  119. - /r/tifu
  120. TEMPORARILY - /r/summonerschool (999 more days!)
  121. - /r/britishproblems
  122. - /r/DestinyTheGame
  123. - /r/Games
  124. - /r/weekendgunnit
  125. - /r/GlobalOffensive
  126. - /r/hearthstone
  127. - /r/PurplePillDebate
  128. - /r/europe
  129. - /r/GlobalOffensiveTrade
  130. - /r/aspergers
  131. - /r/ukpolitics
  132. - /r/2007scape
  133. - /r/rxmf
  134. - /r/anime (YES)
  135. - /r/Warframe
  136. - /r/3DS
  137. - /r/GenderCritical
  138. - /r/SquaredCircle
  139. - /r/AndroidQuestions
  140. - /r/MtF
  141. - /r/tifu
  142. - /r/Jokes
  143. - /r/4chan
  144. - /r/funkopop
  145. - /r/bestof
  149. (Basically, go to one of those and you're safe.)
  151. Because, who doesn't like being told their grammar is incorrect?
  153. Note, humans rarely check comments on this bot.
  154. Other note, Don't want my services? Simply ban the account.
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