
TextureTags Set 1

Jul 31st, 2016
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  1. {
  2. name: '<room>',
  3. title: 'Room Tag',
  4. signature: '<room name="#ROOM KEY#" file="#PATH#" music="#MUSIC SWF OR ID#"/>',
  5. description: 'Replaces the room specified by the name attribute.',
  6. example: '<room name="town" file="town.swf" music="232"/>'
  7. }
  8. {
  9. name: '<map>',
  10. title: 'Map Tag',
  11. signature: '<map path="#PATH#" />',
  12. description: 'Replaces the map window specified by the path attribute.',
  13. example: '<map path="map.swf" />'
  14. }
  15. {
  16. name: '<clothing>',
  17. title: 'Clothing Item Tag',
  18. signature: '<clothing id="#ID#" icon="#PATH#" paper="#PATH#" sprites="#PATH#" />',
  19. description: 'Replaces any clothing items. Not including backgrounds.',
  20. example: '<clothing id="413" icon="i413.swf" paper="p413.swf" sprites="s413.swf" />'
  21. }
  22. {
  23. name: '<background>',
  24. title: 'Background Item Tag',
  25. signature: '<background id="#ID#" icon="#PATH#" photo="#PATH#" />',
  26. description: 'Replaces the background item on the player.',
  27. example: '<background id="904" icon="i904.swf" photo="p904.swf" />'
  28. }
  29. {
  30. name: '<penguin>',
  31. title: 'Penguin Sprite Tag',
  32. signature: '<penguin path="#PATH#" />',
  33. description: 'Replaces the penguin avatar swf.',
  34. example: '<penguin path="robotPenguin.swf" />'
  35. }
  36. {
  37. name: '<custom>',
  38. title: 'Custom Swf Tag',
  39. signature: '<custom name="#NAME#" path="#PATH#" />',
  40. description: 'Allows you to load a custom SWF. To load the file, use the URL ).swf where (name) is the custom SWF name you used in the XML. If you follow the example, the URL to use will be .',
  41. example: '<custom name="pirateMusic" path="pirate.swf" />'
  42. }
  43. {
  44. name: '<poster>',
  45. title: 'Party Poster Window Tag',
  46. signature: '<poster #LANG#="#PATH#" />',
  47. description: 'Changes the party poster. en (Required): English version of the file. pt (Optional): Portuguese version of the file. es (Optional): Spanish version of the file. fr (Optional): French version of the file.',
  48. example: '<poster en="poster.swf" />'
  49. }
  50. {
  51. name: '<hotelElevator>',
  52. title: 'hotelElevator Window Tag',
  53. signature: '<hotelElevator #LANG#="#PATH#" />',
  54. description: 'Changes the puffle hotel elevator window. en (Required): English version of the file. pt (Optional): Portuguese version of the file. es (Optional): Spanish version of the file. fr (Optional): French version of the file.',
  55. example: '<hotelElevator en="elevator.swf" />'
  56. }
  57. {
  58. name: '<mapNote>',
  59. title: 'mapNote Sprite Tag',
  60. signature: '<mapNote #LANG#="#PATH#" />',
  61. description: 'Changes the party note on the map. en (Required): English version of the file. pt (Optional): Portuguese version of the file. es (Optional): Spanish version of the file. fr (Optional): French version of the file.',
  62. example: '<mapNote en="note.swf" />'
  63. }
  64. {
  65. name: '<questInterface>',
  66. title: 'questInterface Window Tag',
  67. signature: '<questInterface #LANG#="#PATH#" />',
  68. description: 'Changes the quest interface (party icon's menu). en (Required): English version of the file. pt (Optional): Portuguese version of the file. es (Optional): Spanish version of the file. fr (Optional): French version of the file.',
  69. example: '<questInterface en="partyInterface.swf" />'
  70. }
  71. {
  72. name: '<partyIcon>',
  73. title: 'partyIcon Tag',
  74. signature: '<partyIcon path="#PATH#" />',
  75. description: 'Changes the party icon (the icon left of the moderator icon).',
  76. example: '<partyIcon path="icon.swf" />'
  77. }
  78. {
  79. name: '<telescope>',
  80. title: 'Telescope Window Tag',
  81. signature: '<partyIcon #ATTRIBUTES#="#PATH#" />',
  82. description: 'Changes the telescope view. path (Optional): Path to the file. party (Optional): Path to the party telescope file.',
  83. example: '<partyIcon path="icon.swf" />'
  84. }
  85. {
  86. name: '<membershipNotice>',
  87. title: 'membershipNotice Window Tag',
  88. signature: '<membershipNotice party1="#PATH#" party2="#PATH#" />',
  89. description: 'Changes the "Become a member" notice. party1 (Optional): Path to the first notice file. party2 (Optional): Path to the second notice file.',
  90. example: '<membershipNotice party1="member1.swf" party2="member2.swf" />'
  91. }
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