

Nov 25th, 2014
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  1. Growing up I never thought I would have an interest in computers in any form or fashion. I played with Legos and spent most of my time outdoors. I preferred make believe and dinosaurs over some meaningless pixels on a CRT monitor. However this changed when I entered 4th grade. From here I discovered computer games and devoted countless hours a day afterschool towards these new-found games. From there my fascination toward computers grew. Before I never understood why a computer worked or how a computer worked until it came time that computer games were outgrowing what a standard OEM computer could handle. You needed to have expertise in building and piecing together a computer and ensuring that all the parts would work in harmony, this meant more than just having enough a high enough wattage power supply or a compatible motherboard and processor. It meant needing to read and research whether or not the parts would bottleneck each other. There needed to be sufficient enough RAM and a capable CPU with a certain amount of cores to be able to handle the challenges you would be attempting to overcome.
  3. Computers soon became my own personal full time job. Entering high school I quickly discovered this amazing concept that you can use your computer while you aren’t even near it, to essentially, print money. Bitcoins. The summer before my Sophmore year in high school I came upon an article explaining how people were using a “new digital currency” I was fascinated, hooked. The idea that I would not need to put any effort in and my computer could work for me and generate funds. For a kid like me at that time, I was enticed by this concept that without any effort on my behalf, I could still have my own allowance and money. From here I delved deeply into the Bitcoining community and learned all about mining, graphics cards, computers, and software. I quickly soaked up all the information I could about mining Bitcoins, I just had to have that profit margin expand. I was only a small time miner, but come 2012-2013 the market exploded with popularity. These tiny bits of data, were worth $4 each when I began my mining endeavor so many years before. In 2013 they hit a record breaking $1000, unfortunately for me at this time I already existed the Bitcoin game. I witnessed Bitcoin grow like nothing before it from $4 to $12, from $20 to $200. However by this time I was already burnt out on missing these profit spikes that could’ve changed my future. Little did I realize, they already had. Bitcoining and PC gaming completely changed my life. I found myself enraptured by anything related to technology, as I could understand fully all the moving parts of a company and their products. I became a go-to person for people when they needed tech support, or advice on cryptocurrencies, and even when they wanted a faster PC to handle modern games. I didn’t realize I no longer valued physical ability, how fast I could run, or how high I could jump. I didn’t need to, as I saw the future for what it is: technology. Just as technology changed everything I believed in I wish to do the same for the growing technological world. My past experiences have shown me what happens when a new lucrative idea comes around and changes everything we know. We either move with it, or get left behind. With this knowledge I hope to achieve my future academic goals and change the world.
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