
Norman and Vinyl Chapter 1

Aug 2nd, 2013
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  1. >day fine to drop the bass in canterlot high
  2. >be Norman
  3. >Pinkie is preparing a party for the Fall dance
  4. >you stop by to help with the preparations
  5. >"Thank you so much for helping me Norman!"
  6. "No problem, I don't got anything better to do."
  7. >playing xbox isn't really productive, and you haven't done shit the whole week
  8. >you blow up some balloons and sweep the floor
  9. >"Hey Pinks, where do you want me set up the speakers?"
  10. >you look towards the door to see a pale, blue haired girl with magenta colored eyes
  11. >you've seen her a few time in the cafeteria, but never talked to her
  12. >"Oh you could place it right over there, near the bleachers"
  13. >now you remember, she is the DJ at most of Pinkie's parties
  14. >she isn't wearing those glasses
  15. >"Alright then, Pinkie."
  16. >Vinyl wheels in one of the speakers near the bleachers
  17. >cleaning the floor is a bit boring, so you go over to Vinyl
  18. "Hey, need help with anything?"
  19. >"Oh yeah, can you get the other speaker over here?"
  20. "Okay."
  21. >you go to where you saw Vinyl come from, leading you to one of the storage closets for sound equipment
  22. >you pull out the speaker that looked like the one Vinyl had
  23. >you push it back towards the gym
  24. "Where do you want me to put this?"
  25. >"Just set it right by the other one."
  26. >you push the speaker next to the other one
  27. >"Thanks man. Norman, right?"
  28. "Yeah"
  29. >"Names Vinyl Scratch, thanks for being such a bro."
  30. "No problem"
  31. >you look around, seeing if anything needs more decoration or cleaning
  32. >you got most of it done anyways, guess it's time to call it a day
  33. "I'm going home now Pinkie Pie!" you shout on your way out
  34. >"See ya!"
  35. >time for xbox
  36. >next day at lunch
  37. >you're in line waiting to order lunch
  38. >you look around, planning where to sit
  39. >usually you sit with the fashionistas, since they don't really pay attention to you
  40. >also you don't want to sit next to Scott after what happened when you two played xbox
  41. >you see Vinyl Scratch on a table by herself with headphones on and a laptop opened
  42. >its your turn to order lunch, and you get a ham sandwich
  43. >you take your tray place it next to Vinyl's
  44. >you sit right next to her, but she doesn't take notice at first
  45. >you can hear the music from the headphones
  46. >damn, how is she not deaf yet?
  47. >she takes off her headphones and bites into an apple
  48. >"Oh hey Norman, didn't see you there."
  49. "What are you doing on your laptop?"
  50. >"Oh this, I'm working on some new songs and remixes."
  51. "That's cool"
  52. >she seems like she would make her own music
  53. "So what music do you like?"
  54. >"Electronic"
  55. >it was your first guess
  56. "Like what kind?"
  57. >"Well I like house, drum and bass, ambient, and electronic rock."
  58. >"I've also been listening to a lot of dubstep recently, but it's not really good for parties in my opinion."
  59. >you've heard dubstep before, and it really sounds rough
  60. "Is your music you made there dubstep?"
  61. >"Only the remixes."
  62. "Do you mind if I listen to some of your music?"
  63. >"No not at all. I'd actually love to hear what your thoughts are about it."
  64. >you pick up the headphones and place it on your head
  65. >she selects the first song while you adjust them
  66. >at the beginning, you hear a light, but fast beat
  67. >then you hear the bass melody
  68. >the main melody comes in, the bass becoming faint
  69. >it sounds kinda like a Daft Punk song
  70. >you tap your foot along with the beat, which has been going steady throughout the whole song
  71. >the music drowns out all the sound in the cafetria
  72. >you get lost in the rhythm for a moment
  73. >the song ends with a cymbal crash, while the beat slowly fades
  74. >you take off the headphones
  75. >"So what did you think?"
  76. >she seems eager for your response
  77. "I don't usually like electro music, but this was pretty good. The tempo was pretty upbeat, the bass had a nice sound, the melody wasn't too overwhelming, all in all great part music."
  78. >"Yes!"
  79. >she does an inwards fist bump
  80. >"I'd knew you like it."
  81. >you spend the rest of the lunch break listening to her music
  82. you hear the bell ring
  83. >"Oh that was quick."
  84. >time sure flies by when you're listening to good music
  85. >Vinyl grabs her headphones and places it around her neck
  86. >she folds her laptop and places it in her backpack
  87. >"Well thanks Norman, we should hang out again sometimes"
  88. "Yeah."
  89. >"See ya Norman."
  90. >she runs off to her next class
  91. >good lunch break, listened to some good music, hung out with a pretty cool chick
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