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- Mashu: “This is our homeland, that which heals all scars, all malice---
- Manifest, Lord Camelot------!!”
- Bedivere: “-----------”
- Lion King: “Interesting----
- How much can those thin arms of yours support the castle of white chalk!”
- Mashu: “Guh….uuuu!”
- >I’ll support it with you!
- Bedivere: “No, you must not.
- No human would not be able to withstand that.
- I understand your feelings, but please wait here.”
- Da Vinci: “Sir Bedivere…?
- Walking slowly towards Mashu like that….
- ….Wait. Stop. Stop right there.
- You, that body------”
- Bedivere: “Don’t strain yourself, Sir Kyrielight.
- That shield will never give in, so long as your heart remains unclouded.”
- Mashu: “Mr. Bedivere…?
- Oh...all right. L-like this?”
- Bedivere: “Yes. That is quite good.
- Now, please do not forget.
- The castle changes along with its bearer’s heart.
- If it becomes clouded or soiled, cracks will appear and it is swallowed in the waves.
- But if there is not the slightest hint of wavering,
- its gates will surely never fall.
- You are not a knight who mows down enemies.
- After all, you were chosen to the Round Table to show that heart of goodness.”
- Lion King: “...Who are you? You appear to be a knight as well---”
- Mashu: “There’s no way you don’t know him!
- This is Sir Bedivere, a Knight of the Round Table!”
- Lion King: “What are you saying...?
- I know no knight by such a name----”
- Bedivere: “...It is natural that you do not.
- But if you see this, then your memory may recover.
- Switch On, Airgetlam
- Take Up The Sword, Arm of Silver
- .
- Sunder the light of judgment….!”
- Lion King: “------That, light------
- I know it…….that light, I know it---
- You, who are you.
- Why am I------ugh!”
- Bedivere: “........Gudao.
- It is thanks to you that I was able to come this far.
- Thank you for all the kindness you have shown.
- …….And I owe you an apology.
- I had kept silent.
- I knew the reason behind the Lion King’s change.
- I knew the reason and never told you.
- …….Please forgive me.”
- >Bediviere…?
- >Wait, your body is...crumbling….
- Dr. Roman: “......This can’t be right.
- What happened, how can it have been malfunctioning like this the whole time….?!
- Is that the real Sir Bedivere there?!
- The observation results are faulty!
- There’s no saint graph resonance. Magic circuits too are on par with a human….
- I mean, that is just---
- That is just a human being!
- That person there isn’t a Servant.
- He’s a normal human being like you!”
- Mashu: “---------”
- Da Vinci: “-----------...!”
- > No way….
- > But, why….?
- Bedivere: “The doctor’s analysis is correct.
- I am not a Servant, after all.
- I deceived everyone through Merlin’s magecraft.
- This Airgetlam, as well. This is…”
- Da Vinci: “.......Excalibur.
- That arm is the holy sword, Excalibur.”
- Lion King: “---Excalibur------
- …....Bedivere, that name-------
- You---You can’t be-----”
- Bedivere: “......Yes. I had sinned.
- A foolish sin stemming from a wish to not lose the king.
- In that forest, I had hesitated upon carrying your order.
- If I returned the holy sword to the lake, you would truly meet your end.
- Fearing that---
- I was unable to return the sword even the third time.
- When I returned to the forest thus, the king was nowhere in sight.
- …….I learned afterwards.
- With the sword not returned,
- the king had become incapable of even dying.
- With the holy lance left to her, she became a wandering king of phantoms.
- …….To atone for that sin, I searched for you.
- For all this time. As though in search of a shadow, that did not even exist.”
- Dr. Roman: “That’s crazy, that’s 1500 years if that’s true!!
- You continued to search for King Arthur for 1500 years?!
- There’s no way a human can live for so long!
- Excalibur stops physical aging!
- But that’s only the body!
- The mind doesn’t become unaging!
- For all that time---alone?
- You….continued your journey of atonement?!
- There can't be something so horrible!
- That’s just too cruel!”
- Bedivere: “Thank you, Dr. Roman.
- But really, it wasn’t too bad.
- And besides, I have been given my last chance.
- Thanks to Gudao.
- On the night of the Judgment, without you I could not have come this far.”
- Lion King: “.......I cannot recall.
- I know the name Bedivere.
- But I cannot recall anything, not a single memory with you.
- ---Are you truly Sir Bedivere?
- …...Very well. Then return to my side.
- Discard that sword. That is unnecessary to me.
- If you are my knight, then obey my voice!
- Return to my Round Table, Bedivere!”
- Bedivere: “No. That will not happen.
- Lion King. Avatar of the holy lance.
- To you, I am your enemy whom you must strike down.
- You must take your revenge upon me.
- And-------
- And I am bound by duty to stop you!
- As a member of the Round Table of the King of Knights, I hereby declare to you!
- I am the Knight of the Round, Bedivere!
- As one representing good, I will strike your evil down!”
- Lion King: “------No.
- What are you saying, Bedivere?
- You are my------
- To the one who was once me, you were----”
- Bedivere: “Now, Gudao, your final orders.
- Please, give me the fourth chance.
- The holy sword should be restored to its proper owner by one with a heart of goodness.
- -------I no longer have that qualification.”
- >......Let’s go, Bedivere!
- >......If that is your wish.
- Bedivere: “I’m glad. Lady Mashu, I request your aid.
- Please, if you would be so kind as to support my unworthy self.”
- Mashu: “....Yes!
- I shall with all that I have!
- Our enemy is the Lion King, the goddess Rhongomyniad!
- We will begin our final battle here in the holy capital, Master!”
- --------
- Merlin: “The sword unreturned to her, the king wandered deathless,
- becoming a heroic spirit of the heavens.
- And thus, she---”the Artoria who continued to wield the holy lance” will not come here to Avalon.
- Unlike you, who came to return the sword to her.
- There is only one way to free her.
- That is, to return the sword to her, this time.
- But---you understand, yes?
- The reason you were able to continue your journey up until now is because you had the sword.
- To return the sword is for everything to end.
- Your long journey, all your efforts up until now, will end with no reward at its end.
- For humans, dependent on their bodies,
- the fear of death increases with the time they have lived.
- 1500 years. The fearsomeness of the “death” that you will face is beyond even my imagination.
- The pain of an eternal life, really, is merely “tough.”
- Anyone can bear it with some effort.
- But I can say with certainty that the weight of that which you are attempting to step forward to
- is a terror that no one can bear to look straight at.
- Even so---will you go forth?
- For only the sake of correcting a long past mistake.
- Despite the fact that you had simply wished for the king to live.
- Despite that you had truly done nothing wrong, Sir Bedivere?"
- Bedivere: "----Yes. If that is the one duty I am able to perform for my king."
- ------------------------------------------------------
- Lion King: "I am---being overpowered by a mere Heroic Spirit…?
- No, you are not even a Heroic Spirit.
- A mere human threatens to overpower me….?
- With your body falling apart into pieces, and yet.
- ....Who....are you...?
- Why do you....go so far....?"
- Bedivere: “Because even now, I remember your smile on that day, King Arthur.”
- Lion King: “...Wait. Do not use that.
- If you use that, you will----”
- Bedivere: “In representation of the Round Table, I give you thanks.
- You alone carried the weight of that dark age on your shoulders.
- You alone did not know the splendor of the Round Table.
- …….Brave King of Knights. Savior of Britain.
- You are truly our shining star.
- My king, my lord. Now---no,
- this time, I will return your sword to you.”
- Lion King: “---I see. I finally recall.
- …….That forest. That hill.
- The tear-stained face of the knight who fretted over me to the very end.
- So you had wandered for time untold,
- to redress your regret.
- …...Well done.
- My last and finest, my loyal knight.
- The sword has been returned.
- Be proud, Bedivere.
- You have for certain---
- fulfilled your king’s command.”
- Mashu: “---Sir Bedivere has passed.
- Confirmation of the holy sword’s return.
- Dr. Roman: “We have confirmed the collapse of the singularity as well.
- The gravitational anomaly that has been threatening to swallow the period has been extinguished.
- Due to the disappearance of the holy lance, the holy capital is disappearing as well.
- …….The fluctuations in this age are completely gone.”
- Lion King: “---------.”
- Da Vinci: “Oh, are you still up for more?
- With the sword returned, you are no longer subject to the bindings of the holy lance.
- Even if you still have power left,
- isn’t there no reason to fight us?”
- Lion King: “There is no reason to let those who have defied the king to go free.
- I have the holy sword in my hand.
- You can hardly say that you have defeated me when I have yet to swing this even once.”
- >So you will still fight, Lion King!
- >You can’t be such a sore loser….!
- Lion King: “Yes. Even if you are the restorers of humanity’s order,
- I will answer with all that I have once challenged.
- That is my pride as a king---
- but it seems like that will not happen this time.”
- Da Vinci: “Hey wait, Romani, I’m disappearing!
- What’s up with this?!”
- Mashu: “Me too….!
- And senpai…!”
- Dr. Roman: “I see, it’s the Gral….Gudao already has the grail!
- With the holy lance gone, the source of the disturbance,
- the repair has begun already!
- Camelot itself is something that doesn’t belong to this age,
- so the speed of the repair is faster than usual!
- What doesn’t belong to this age will return to where it belonged originally!
- But it’s not disappearing.
- Da Vinci, Mashu, and Gudao will only be returned to Chaldea, so don’t worry!”
- Lion King: “So we will not have a third round.
- A pity. So this is what it feels like to have the chance to reclaim my good name taken from me.
- Mashu: “The Lion, King Arthur is returning to her throne….
- Is she not being returned to her era?!”
- Da Vinci: “She is no Heroic Spirit.
- She wasn’t summoned into this singularity
- She is a Divine Spirit who came here of her own power.
- So without the holy lance, that’s the end of her.
- That Lion King is going to meet her end here.
- Even if you were to come to meet a King Arthur armed with the holy lance,
- that will not be her.
- The Lion King of the holy lance will come to her end together with this Camelot.”
- Mashu: “That’s….
- But then, what Mr. Bedivere had done…”
- Lion King: “It was not in vain.
- As he had sought, I am released now.
- And I too, despite being a mistake, was not in vain.
- Because there is a truth only the me who has become the king of storms can see.”
- Mashu: “A truth only the Lion King can see…?”
- Lion King: “Yes. I attained the same field of vision as the King of Magecraft.
- I came to know his plans, and his end goal.
- King of Magecraft, Solomon.
- The temple he inhabits does not exist in proper time.
- Only the Seventh Grail will show the way to him.
- That Grail alone was sent to the past by he himself.”
- Dr. Roman: “.....! So the seventh singularity is somewhere farther in the past than his own era!
- I had thought that Solomon had before he died first discerned which eras the foundation of humanity will grow, and arranged it so that the Grails will appear in those ages---”
- Lion King: “That is correct.
- Six Grails. Those messengers who had spoken the names of the demon gods.
- Or the mages who had been born into the world as the descendants of the King of Magecraft and had lived until their time of awakening.
- They are those who continued after the era of the King of Magecraft and had lived until the year of 2016.
- But the seventh Grail alone was sent to the past by the King of Magecraft himself.
- And this is the first step to the destruction of the human order.
- That which destroys the very foundation of human history.
- Had he not said?
- That he will acknowledge you as a threat once you have reached the seven grails.
- That does not mean obtaining seven grails.
- The seventh Grail is the source of his absolute confidence.
- So long as that is not restored rightfully, the human order will be destroyed.”
- Dr. Roman: “---We can narrow down the list.
- If we know that much we can observe the seventh singularity!
- Thank you, Lion King!
- If we meet again let me give you a kiss of gratitude!”
- Lion King: “Ha. If there is a next time.”
- >Oh….
- >...She smiled…?
- Lion King: “Even I will smile and laugh if there is something amusing.
- Perhaps not in the past, but I have grown up as you can see.
- …….Master of Chaldea.
- I will not apologize for this battle.
- Even now I think what I have done was correct.
- Because there are different ways to protect others, different ways of justice.
- And so---
- Go forth on the path you feel to be good.
- You have come to the point where you can see the temple of Solomon.
- ----At the last remaining Grail, the last singularity
- There will doubtless be an “evil” beyond your imagination.
- A great demon beyond even the King of Magecraft.
- The original sin of humanity.
- …….Collect stars.
- Bright stars that will not lose to human evil, nor any manner of darkness.
- Heroic Spirits who have earned your trust.
- Companions with whom you have cultivated bonds.”
- Dr. Roman: “The forced return is beginning!
- Everyone, focus on your own self!
- Think about returning to Chaldea above all else!”
- Lion King: “....Farewell.
- I will die along with my ideal.
- But…….there was salvation.
- Sir Bedivere...your mistake had meaning.
- I, the Lion King, had meaning.
- And that----I----”
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