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Sep 6th, 2016
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  1. Mashu: “This is our homeland, that which heals all scars, all malice---
  2. Manifest, Lord Camelot------!!”
  4. Bedivere: “-----------”
  6. Lion King: “Interesting----
  7. How much can those thin arms of yours support the castle of white chalk!”
  10. Mashu: “Guh….uuuu!”
  12. >I’ll support it with you!
  15. Bedivere: “No, you must not.
  16. No human would not be able to withstand that.
  17. I understand your feelings, but please wait here.”
  19. Da Vinci: “Sir Bedivere…?
  20. Walking slowly towards Mashu like that….
  21. ….Wait. Stop. Stop right there.
  22. You, that body------”
  24. Bedivere: “Don’t strain yourself, Sir Kyrielight.
  25. That shield will never give in, so long as your heart remains unclouded.”
  27. Mashu: “Mr. Bedivere…?
  28. Oh...all right. L-like this?”
  30. Bedivere: “Yes. That is quite good.
  31. Now, please do not forget.
  32. The castle changes along with its bearer’s heart.
  33. If it becomes clouded or soiled, cracks will appear and it is swallowed in the waves.
  34. But if there is not the slightest hint of wavering,
  35. its gates will surely never fall.
  36. You are not a knight who mows down enemies.
  37. After all, you were chosen to the Round Table to show that heart of goodness.”
  39. Lion King: “...Who are you? You appear to be a knight as well---”
  41. Mashu: “There’s no way you don’t know him!
  42. This is Sir Bedivere, a Knight of the Round Table!”
  44. Lion King: “What are you saying...?
  45. I know no knight by such a name----”
  47. Bedivere: “...It is natural that you do not.
  48. But if you see this, then your memory may recover.
  49. Switch On, Airgetlam
  50. Take Up The Sword, Arm of Silver
  51. .
  52. Sunder the light of judgment….!”
  54. Lion King: “------That, light------
  55. I know it…….that light, I know it---
  56. You, who are you.
  57. Why am I------ugh!”
  59. Bedivere: “........Gudao.
  60. It is thanks to you that I was able to come this far.
  61. Thank you for all the kindness you have shown.
  62. …….And I owe you an apology.
  63. I had kept silent.
  64. I knew the reason behind the Lion King’s change.
  65. I knew the reason and never told you.
  66. …….Please forgive me.”
  68. >Bediviere…?
  69. >Wait, your body is...crumbling….
  71. Dr. Roman: “......This can’t be right.
  72. What happened, how can it have been malfunctioning like this the whole time….?!
  73. Is that the real Sir Bedivere there?!
  74. The observation results are faulty!
  75. There’s no saint graph resonance. Magic circuits too are on par with a human….
  76. I mean, that is just---
  77. That is just a human being!
  78. That person there isn’t a Servant.
  79. He’s a normal human being like you!”
  81. Mashu: “---------”
  83. Da Vinci: “-----------...!”
  85. > No way….
  86. > But, why….?
  90. Bedivere: “The doctor’s analysis is correct.
  91. I am not a Servant, after all.
  92. I deceived everyone through Merlin’s magecraft.
  93. This Airgetlam, as well. This is…”
  95. Da Vinci: “.......Excalibur.
  96. That arm is the holy sword, Excalibur.”
  98. Lion King: “---Excalibur------
  99. …....Bedivere, that name-------
  100. You---You can’t be-----”
  102. Bedivere: “......Yes. I had sinned.
  103. A foolish sin stemming from a wish to not lose the king.
  104. In that forest, I had hesitated upon carrying your order.
  105. If I returned the holy sword to the lake, you would truly meet your end.
  106. Fearing that---
  107. I was unable to return the sword even the third time.
  108. When I returned to the forest thus, the king was nowhere in sight.
  109. …….I learned afterwards.
  110. With the sword not returned,
  111. the king had become incapable of even dying.
  112. With the holy lance left to her, she became a wandering king of phantoms.
  113. …….To atone for that sin, I searched for you.
  114. For all this time. As though in search of a shadow, that did not even exist.”
  116. Dr. Roman: “That’s crazy, that’s 1500 years if that’s true!!
  117. You continued to search for King Arthur for 1500 years?!
  118. There’s no way a human can live for so long!
  119. Excalibur stops physical aging!
  120. But that’s only the body!
  121. The mind doesn’t become unaging!
  122. For all that time---alone?
  123. You….continued your journey of atonement?!
  124. There can't be something so horrible!
  125. That’s just too cruel!”
  127. Bedivere: “Thank you, Dr. Roman.
  128. But really, it wasn’t too bad.
  129. And besides, I have been given my last chance.
  130. Thanks to Gudao.
  131. On the night of the Judgment, without you I could not have come this far.”
  133. Lion King: “.......I cannot recall.
  134. I know the name Bedivere.
  135. But I cannot recall anything, not a single memory with you.
  136. ---Are you truly Sir Bedivere?
  137. …...Very well. Then return to my side.
  138. Discard that sword. That is unnecessary to me.
  139. If you are my knight, then obey my voice!
  140. Return to my Round Table, Bedivere!”
  142. Bedivere: “No. That will not happen.
  143. Lion King. Avatar of the holy lance.
  144. To you, I am your enemy whom you must strike down.
  145. You must take your revenge upon me.
  146. And-------
  147. And I am bound by duty to stop you!
  148. As a member of the Round Table of the King of Knights, I hereby declare to you!
  149. I am the Knight of the Round, Bedivere!
  150. As one representing good, I will strike your evil down!”
  152. Lion King: “------No.
  153. What are you saying, Bedivere?
  154. You are my------
  155. To the one who was once me, you were----”
  157. Bedivere: “Now, Gudao, your final orders.
  158. Please, give me the fourth chance.
  159. The holy sword should be restored to its proper owner by one with a heart of goodness.
  160. -------I no longer have that qualification.”
  162. >......Let’s go, Bedivere!
  163. >......If that is your wish.
  165. Bedivere: “I’m glad. Lady Mashu, I request your aid.
  166. Please, if you would be so kind as to support my unworthy self.”
  168. Mashu: “....Yes!
  169. I shall with all that I have!
  170. Our enemy is the Lion King, the goddess Rhongomyniad!
  171. We will begin our final battle here in the holy capital, Master!”
  173. --------
  175. Merlin: “The sword unreturned to her, the king wandered deathless,
  176. becoming a heroic spirit of the heavens.
  177. And thus, she---”the Artoria who continued to wield the holy lance” will not come here to Avalon.
  178. Unlike you, who came to return the sword to her.
  180. There is only one way to free her.
  181. That is, to return the sword to her, this time.
  182. But---you understand, yes?
  184. The reason you were able to continue your journey up until now is because you had the sword.
  185. To return the sword is for everything to end.
  186. Your long journey, all your efforts up until now, will end with no reward at its end.
  188. For humans, dependent on their bodies,
  189. the fear of death increases with the time they have lived.
  190. 1500 years. The fearsomeness of the “death” that you will face is beyond even my imagination.
  191. The pain of an eternal life, really, is merely “tough.”
  192. Anyone can bear it with some effort.
  194. But I can say with certainty that the weight of that which you are attempting to step forward to
  195. is a terror that no one can bear to look straight at.
  196. Even so---will you go forth?
  198. For only the sake of correcting a long past mistake.
  200. Despite the fact that you had simply wished for the king to live.
  201. Despite that you had truly done nothing wrong, Sir Bedivere?"
  205. Bedivere: "----Yes. If that is the one duty I am able to perform for my king."
  207. ------------------------------------------------------
  209. Lion King: "I am---being overpowered by a mere Heroic Spirit…?
  210. No, you are not even a Heroic Spirit.
  211. A mere human threatens to overpower me….?
  212. With your body falling apart into pieces, and yet.
  213. ....Who....are you...?
  214. Why do you....go so far....?"
  216. Bedivere: “Because even now, I remember your smile on that day, King Arthur.”
  218. Lion King: “...Wait. Do not use that.
  219. If you use that, you will----”
  221. Bedivere: “In representation of the Round Table, I give you thanks.
  222. You alone carried the weight of that dark age on your shoulders.
  223. You alone did not know the splendor of the Round Table.
  224. …….Brave King of Knights. Savior of Britain.
  225. You are truly our shining star.
  226. My king, my lord. Now---no,
  227. this time, I will return your sword to you.”
  229. Lion King: “---I see. I finally recall.
  230. …….That forest. That hill.
  231. The tear-stained face of the knight who fretted over me to the very end.
  232. So you had wandered for time untold,
  233. to redress your regret.
  234. …...Well done.
  235. My last and finest, my loyal knight.
  236. The sword has been returned.
  237. Be proud, Bedivere.
  238. You have for certain---
  239. fulfilled your king’s command.”
  244. Mashu: “---Sir Bedivere has passed.
  245. Confirmation of the holy sword’s return.
  247. Dr. Roman: “We have confirmed the collapse of the singularity as well.
  248. The gravitational anomaly that has been threatening to swallow the period has been extinguished.
  249. Due to the disappearance of the holy lance, the holy capital is disappearing as well.
  250. …….The fluctuations in this age are completely gone.”
  252. Lion King: “---------.”
  254. Da Vinci: “Oh, are you still up for more?
  255. With the sword returned, you are no longer subject to the bindings of the holy lance.
  256. Even if you still have power left,
  257. isn’t there no reason to fight us?”
  259. Lion King: “There is no reason to let those who have defied the king to go free.
  260. I have the holy sword in my hand.
  261. You can hardly say that you have defeated me when I have yet to swing this even once.”
  263. >So you will still fight, Lion King!
  264. >You can’t be such a sore loser….!
  266. Lion King: “Yes. Even if you are the restorers of humanity’s order,
  267. I will answer with all that I have once challenged.
  268. That is my pride as a king---
  269. but it seems like that will not happen this time.”
  271. Da Vinci: “Hey wait, Romani, I’m disappearing!
  272. What’s up with this?!”
  274. Mashu: “Me too….!
  275. And senpai…!”
  276. Dr. Roman: “I see, it’s the Gral….Gudao already has the grail!
  277. With the holy lance gone, the source of the disturbance,
  278. the repair has begun already!
  279. Camelot itself is something that doesn’t belong to this age,
  280. so the speed of the repair is faster than usual!
  281. What doesn’t belong to this age will return to where it belonged originally!
  282. But it’s not disappearing.
  283. Da Vinci, Mashu, and Gudao will only be returned to Chaldea, so don’t worry!”
  285. Lion King: “So we will not have a third round.
  286. A pity. So this is what it feels like to have the chance to reclaim my good name taken from me.
  288. Mashu: “The Lion, King Arthur is returning to her throne….
  289. Is she not being returned to her era?!”
  291. Da Vinci: “She is no Heroic Spirit.
  292. She wasn’t summoned into this singularity
  293. She is a Divine Spirit who came here of her own power.
  294. So without the holy lance, that’s the end of her.
  295. That Lion King is going to meet her end here.
  296. Even if you were to come to meet a King Arthur armed with the holy lance,
  297. that will not be her.
  298. The Lion King of the holy lance will come to her end together with this Camelot.”
  300. Mashu: “That’s….
  301. But then, what Mr. Bedivere had done…”
  303. Lion King: “It was not in vain.
  304. As he had sought, I am released now.
  305. And I too, despite being a mistake, was not in vain.
  306. Because there is a truth only the me who has become the king of storms can see.”
  308. Mashu: “A truth only the Lion King can see…?”
  310. Lion King: “Yes. I attained the same field of vision as the King of Magecraft.
  311. I came to know his plans, and his end goal.
  312. King of Magecraft, Solomon.
  313. The temple he inhabits does not exist in proper time.
  314. Only the Seventh Grail will show the way to him.
  315. That Grail alone was sent to the past by he himself.”
  317. Dr. Roman: “.....! So the seventh singularity is somewhere farther in the past than his own era!
  318. I had thought that Solomon had before he died first discerned which eras the foundation of humanity will grow, and arranged it so that the Grails will appear in those ages---”
  320. Lion King: “That is correct.
  321. Six Grails. Those messengers who had spoken the names of the demon gods.
  322. Or the mages who had been born into the world as the descendants of the King of Magecraft and had lived until their time of awakening.
  323. They are those who continued after the era of the King of Magecraft and had lived until the year of 2016.
  324. But the seventh Grail alone was sent to the past by the King of Magecraft himself.
  325. And this is the first step to the destruction of the human order.
  326. That which destroys the very foundation of human history.
  327. Had he not said?
  328. That he will acknowledge you as a threat once you have reached the seven grails.
  329. That does not mean obtaining seven grails.
  330. The seventh Grail is the source of his absolute confidence.
  331. So long as that is not restored rightfully, the human order will be destroyed.”
  333. Dr. Roman: “---We can narrow down the list.
  334. If we know that much we can observe the seventh singularity!
  335. Thank you, Lion King!
  336. If we meet again let me give you a kiss of gratitude!”
  338. Lion King: “Ha. If there is a next time.”
  340. >Oh….
  341. >...She smiled…?
  343. Lion King: “Even I will smile and laugh if there is something amusing.
  344. Perhaps not in the past, but I have grown up as you can see.
  345. …….Master of Chaldea.
  346. I will not apologize for this battle.
  347. Even now I think what I have done was correct.
  348. Because there are different ways to protect others, different ways of justice.
  349. And so---
  350. Go forth on the path you feel to be good.
  351. You have come to the point where you can see the temple of Solomon.
  352. ----At the last remaining Grail, the last singularity
  353. There will doubtless be an “evil” beyond your imagination.
  354. A great demon beyond even the King of Magecraft.
  355. The original sin of humanity.
  356. …….Collect stars.
  357. Bright stars that will not lose to human evil, nor any manner of darkness.
  358. Heroic Spirits who have earned your trust.
  359. Companions with whom you have cultivated bonds.”
  361. Dr. Roman: “The forced return is beginning!
  362. Everyone, focus on your own self!
  363. Think about returning to Chaldea above all else!”
  365. Lion King: “....Farewell.
  366. I will die along with my ideal.
  368. But…….there was salvation.
  369. Sir Bedivere...your mistake had meaning.
  370. I, the Lion King, had meaning.
  371. And that----I----”
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