
bad scp

Nov 28th, 2012
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  1. Item #: SCP-1305
  3. Object Class: Safe
  5. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1305-1 is installed in a low-security containment room at Site █. Researchers of any level may access it with prior permission for study purposes, but it may not be uninstalled or removed from its containment room. Only class D personnel may use SCP-1305-1 directly, and then only under controlled experimental conditions. Under no circumstances may non-class D personnel of Sub-Saharan African, Melanesian, or Australian Aboriginal descent be allowed near SCP-1305-1.
  7. Description: SCP-1305-1 is a wall-mounted stainless steel drinking fountain manufactured by the Kohler Company in 193█. Its design, function, the materials of which it is made, and the water it produces are wholly mundane, and possess no detectable anomalous properties. For the majority of people, it serves as a normal drinking fountain.
  9. Its anomalous properties only manifest when it is drunk from by subjects who possess marked physical traits associated with people of Sub-Saharan African descent. Initially, it was believed that subjects actually had to be of Sub-Saharan African descent, but experiments with class D personnel have determined that the effects are decided by appearance, rather than genetics; for example, subjects of Australian Aboriginal, Papuan, or Melanesian descent will be affected because they resemble Sub-Saharan Africans, despite being as anthropologically distinct from them as other populations, whereas subjects of mixed Sub-Saharan African descent will not be affected if no characteristically Sub-Saharan African traits are expressed in their phenotype. Albinos of Sub-Saharan African descent are affected, which proves that traits other than skin color, such as hair and facial features are taken into account.
  11. Oral contact with any volume of water directly from SCP-1305-1's faucet is the only requisite for manifestation of anomalous properties; the water does not even have to be ingested. Water collected from SCP-1305-1 (e.g. with a cup or a bottle) without being drunk directly from it has no anomalous effects.
  13. In the week following exposure to SCP-1305-1, subjects will start to develop into instances of SCP-1305-2, undergoing the following series of physical and psychological changes:
  15. • Day 1 – the subject will mentally regress into a child-like state, becoming loud, short-tempered and aggressively rude. Their attention span will decline, and they will employ poor grammar, limited vocabulary, and excessive swearing in their speech. They may develop kleptomaniac tendencies.
  16. • Day 2 – the subject's impulse control will decrease, and their aggression and libido will increase. They will become physically as well as verbally violent towards others, particularly if they are of European descent, often with little provocation. Both males and females will sexually harass others. Males may attempt to sexually assault females of European descent if they are given the opportunity.
  17. • Day 3 – the subject will forget all knowledge and skills they have acquired in their lifetime beyond what is expected of a typical sixth grade student. CAT scans show significant reduction in brain size by this point. They will develop a pronounced slope to the forehead, and their arms will increase in length.
  18. • Day 4 – the subject's eyeballs will grow to be disproportionately large, which is made possible by the reduction in brain size. Tests show that this increase in size does not improve vision. Their lips will likewise swell to an unnatural size. Males show a massive increase in [REDACTED].
  19. • Day 5 – the subject's emotional maturity, intelligence, and capacity for speech will decrease further to that of a 4 or 5-year-old child. They will refuse to wear any clothing more substantial than underwear.
  20. • Day 6 – the subject will now act violently towards all people of European descent without provocation, often seemingly with the intent to kill. Males will now attempt to rape all females of European descent the moment they encounter them.
  21. • Day 7 – the subject will completely lose the ability to speak. They will engage in cannibalism, eating the raw flesh of any person of European descent they manage to kill. From this point, no more physical or psychological changes will take place.
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