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Sep 29th, 2016
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  1. Game 1
  2. Guitar Center: afkl
  3. Guitar Center: i had 1 hp cumstain
  4. Guitar Center: idk why their jungler ganks twice before u gank once
  5. Guitar Center: thanks
  6. Guitar Center: im done
  7. Guitar Center: my jung is always shit
  8. Guitar Center: literally cant even do a full clear
  9. Guitar Center: had to base
  10. Guitar Center: yeah im mad my jung is shit every game
  11. Guitar Center: good intuition
  12. Guitar Center: lul enjoy the loss
  13. Guitar Center: nice clear dude
  14. Guitar Center: cant even make it to blue without basing
  15. Guitar Center: wha ta great jungler
  16. Guitar Center: im afk
  17. Guitar Center: no thanks
  18. Guitar Center: kids a cuck
  19. Guitar Center: you sure say lul a lot
  20. Guitar Center: i think you might be 14
  21. Guitar Center: not crying actually
  22. Guitar Center: jsut decided this fag jg doesnt deserve to win
  23. Guitar Center: if he cant do a full clear without basing
  24. Guitar Center: in plat
  25. Guitar Center: maybe if you didnt have crippling down syndrome you could make it top before 5 minutes
  26. Guitar Center: if kha didnt come twice you were done kid
  27. Guitar Center: my jung had to back before doign a full clear
  28. Guitar Center: thats how good he is
  29. Guitar Center: it is your fault
  30. Guitar Center: first blood in riv vs fiora wins the lane
  31. Guitar Center: and kha made sure she got it
  32. Guitar Center: while you were doing wolves
  33. Guitar Center: i got them to 100 hp each before u got there shitstain
  34. Guitar Center: yeah sure
  35. Guitar Center: look at my winrate lol
  36. Guitar Center: i rly dont care
  37. Guitar Center: cause i had 1 hp
  38. Guitar Center: inaccurate
  39. Guitar Center: just shut the fuck up loser
  40. Guitar Center: probably but that doesnt matter jg is a part of the game
  41. Guitar Center: unfortunately mine is always shit
  42. Guitar Center: 900 games plat 4
  43. Guitar Center: cant do a full clear
  44. Guitar Center: really exceptional
  45. Guitar Center: player
  46. Guitar Center: just an unlucky streak of pretty bad junglers
  47. Guitar Center: oo ye
  48. Guitar Center: def
  50. Game 2
  51. Guitar Center: god bless
  52. Guitar Center: shoulda started e scurb
  53. Guitar Center: xd
  54. Guitar Center: j4 is going 0-50 if i dont get camped
  55. Guitar Center: here comes the camp
  56. Guitar Center: see
  57. Guitar Center: yes
  58. Guitar Center: gone
  59. Guitar Center: are you kidding me dude
  60. Guitar Center: exactly
  61. Guitar Center: naut is dying to the 0-50 j4 and you just go farm mid
  62. Guitar Center: do 2 dmg to the tower
  63. Guitar Center: not if you helped
  64. Guitar Center: yeah youre alweays right
  65. Guitar Center: my bad
  66. Guitar Center: u dont make mistakes
  67. Guitar Center: thats why youre 0 3 0
  68. Guitar Center: sry 2 titled
  69. Guitar Center: pls ff
  70. Guitar Center: ...
  71. Guitar Center: q to terrain then slow him
  72. Guitar Center: wtf
  73. Guitar Center: is your brain
  74. Guitar Center: TERRAIN
  75. Guitar Center: jesus christ
  76. Guitar Center: no youre just bad
  77. Guitar Center: see how bad this naut is
  78. Guitar Center: just running in circles
  79. Guitar Center: full hp
  80. Guitar Center: running in circles
  81. Guitar Center: he plays naut like hes vayne
  82. Guitar Center: guess this boosted j4 gets to WIN
  83. Guitar Center: woohoooo
  84. Guitar Center: yeah naut wasnt at fault at all guys
  85. Guitar Center: he played his heart out
  86. Guitar Center: true
  87. Guitar Center: hell go to sleep thinking wow my teams suck
  88. Guitar Center: when he doesnt gank till 15m
  89. Guitar Center: youre complete shit j4
  90. Guitar Center: enjoy carry
  91. Guitar Center: hehehe omg i died to the 230232-0 jinx
  92. Guitar Center: ur so good
  93. Guitar Center: kys
  94. Guitar Center: i hate all junglers
  95. Guitar Center: they all cant play the game so they just pve and flame
  97. Game 3
  98. Guitar Center: wdf
  99. Guitar Center: fasd
  100. Guitar Center: f'
  101. Guitar Center: sdf
  102. Guitar Center: asdf
  103. Guitar Center: fasd
  104. Guitar Center: why me
  105. Guitar Center: thank god
  106. Guitar Center: nop
  107. Guitar Center: dont care
  108. Guitar Center: you guys play like pussies
  109. Guitar Center: you just sit and wait for sion to ult someone
  110. Guitar Center: 2 tilted
  111. Guitar Center: i dont understand
  112. Guitar Center: no im playing like shit
  113. Guitar Center: yeah cocky thats it
  114. Guitar Center: its cause theyre literally like cuahgt out and everyoen is 500 feet away from them
  115. Guitar Center: gg trash team
  116. Guitar Center: kys
  117. Guitar Center: then no one engages
  118. Guitar Center: and we get picked off my rengar
  119. Guitar Center: weird how my team never is
  120. Guitar Center: LOL!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  121. Guitar Center: nice one
  122. Guitar Center: notice how my team ran away for a second
  123. Guitar Center: from a 5v1
  124. Guitar Center: on rengar
  125. Guitar Center: thats my team
  126. Guitar Center: yeah lets jsut afk and lose
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