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Apr 21st, 2010
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  3. TITLE: Project Warehouse
  4. BASIC PLOT: The MC is a hiki whose parents died, and had been living off his inheritance. He wasted most of his youth and money just browsing the internet and sleeping the days away. In his late 20s, he realize he is starting to run out of money and he was eventually kicked out of his house. Wandering around the streets like a hobo, he was close to planning on killing himself. Luckily, a church girl spotted him, and takes him to a homeless shelter (warehouse) where he meets other homeless people. Initially, he is a moocher, but as he interacts with other characters, he begins to change and help "work" for his meals.
  5. CHARACTERS: MC, Artistic Girl, Church/Volunteer Girl, Various Homeless People,
  6. ROUTES: Artisitic Girl, Church Girl, Harem (?)
  7. ENDS: Artisitc (Good), Church (Good), Harem (Good), Bad end (?)
  9. Notes:
  10. -Obviously this should be kept as simple as possible, because we know the track record on /jp/ projects is usually slim. Hopefully with a few of us writing it should at least go somewhere. This means the selection choice should be simple, one possible way to divide the routes could be to make the choices obvious to which girl they belong to. To make it easier on everyone there should probably only be about 3 – 4 crossroads. If the choice for once girl outweighs the other, it would go to that girls route. If the choices were split between the two, BADEND or maybe FRIENDZONE’d harem?
  12. -Assuming this keeps up for longer than a few days, once a program is decided on I’ll go back and edit the text to make it easier to import.
  13. -I’m also shitty at writing with no education whatsoever so bare with me ;_;
  14. -But I seriously enjoyed writing, so I’ll keep going and even do most of the script if people want. I have nothing else to do
  16. START:
  17. The room was dark, the windows of the room were blocked off with old sheets. The only thing that had any light in the room was the computer monitor.
  18. *Click click click*
  20. The scrolling of the mouse made its familiar noise as I browsed though the threads. The same old material, the same awkward posters, the same bird cooking some kind of pasta.
  21. I do the same thing every day, posting on some anonymous board with a bunch of people who have nothing better to do… Just like me.
  22. The only other things I do with my time besides sleeping though the daylight is watch strange foreign cartoons and spend my money on figures or other weird useless crap I amuse myself with.
  23. I’ve never had a job, I haven’t been to school since high school and I really haven’t had to worry about much since I got left a large sum of money after my parents died in a car crash.
  24. It happened about a month after graduation, my parents went on a second honey moon sort of thing a few towns over. On the way there the accident happened, I didn’t even hear about it until a week later.
  25. NOTE: Obviously this is fairly brief, if someone can make this sound a bit more tragic or something it would probably be for the better, I’ll probably go back to it in the future.
  26. I’m an only child and I was fairly spoiled. I was close to my parents and with this tragic incident I pretty much lost all will to move on with anything worth doing.
  27. The inheritance money went directly to me since oddly enough; both of my parents were sibling-less. Since then I’ve been living in this one bedroom apartment.
  28. I’ve been living here for about 6 years now, just off that inheritance. That money completely drained two months ago. I’ve pretty much given up on life so I don’t really care. Being completely alone for this long will do that to you…
  29. *TITLE*
  30. 9am
  31. *taptaptap*
  32. I hear footsteps down the hallway, the building is small and I know the patterns of the rest of the tenants on my floor from hearing them everyday. It’s unusual for someone to be walking around this early in morning.
  33. *taptaptap*
  34. It’s getting louder; my room is at the end of the hall. So they’re probably coming towards me.
  35. *taptaptap*
  36. I can tell the person stopped in front of my door
  38. *Knock knock knock*
  39. Knocking on the door, I ignore it. Maybe it’ll go away
  40. I hear a rough, pissed off voice; it sounds like the owner of the building
  41. “MC, I know you’re in there. You’re always in there”
  42. Shit.
  43. *Knock knock*
  44. He begins pounding on the door. It seems he’s rather mad.
  45. “You’re too behind on the rent, I had enough of this. You’re out of here”
  46. He’s yelling now,
  47. “Try to calm down sir”
  48. It sounds like he brought reinforcements as well.
  49. *Clickclickclick*
  50. Seems like he’s going to use his own keys to get in, I’m boned.
  51. I grab the figure that sits next to me, bringing it close to my face. The light from the monitor aluminates her plastic face.
  52. *Swoosh*
  53. The door swings open
  54. “Good bye my love, this may be our last moment together”
  55. It turns out the reinforcement brought was two police officers. The owner probably brought them here because he knows I won’t leave my room willingly.
  56. “Christ look at this mess…”
  57. One of the cops makes this remarks, sure my room is full of empty ramen cups, beer cans and various other trash goods. But I find it gives the room its unique –I’ve given up on life’ look. But I guess they don’t agree.
  58. “See? And he hasn’t paid his rent in ages, I want him gone!”
  59. I sit there, staring into the same big eyes. Ignoring them
  62. Eventually I lose sight of what’s going on around me, the police grab my arms and proceed to drag me out by force. The figure drops from my hand as I close my eyes as if to play dead. I won’t need her where I’m going.
  63. Moments later I’m laying on the cold pavement with nothing but the clothes on my back and my moneyless wallet. I doubt that was even legal, but I don’t really care. It’s not like I could fight it even If I wanted to.
  64. I raise myself from the asphalt and walk out of the alleyway onto the busting street. It was an ugly neighborhood, poor too. I’m lucky I was even able to get internet in a shithole like this. I look out to the distance, the long bridge that separates this place from the city spans out across the harbor. It seems like a fitting end for me.
  65. I’ve been thinking of ending it all for quite some time now and really the only reason I haven’t was out of sheer laziness. I have friends, no family, no job and most importantly, no money. What point is it for someone as useless as me to keep living?
  66. I begin walking down the street, I smell, I haven’t bathed in about two weeks. The people I pass by turn their heads at me and give me this look like I’m some kind of freak. Nasty comments all around.
  67. As I pass by a park an older women was giving some kind of religious speak, while a younger girl gave out pamphlets I pay no attention to it.
  68. “Everyone deserves a second chance to be saved. To cherish their lives!” (Can’t think of anything decent to go by right now, doesn’t matter but I’ll make it sound better in the future.)
  69. As I pass by the younger girl she holds out some kind of paper
  70. “Will you please take one?”
  71. (Description of Church Girl character here not going to bother until we figure out what they look like)
  72. Ignoring her I continue to walk by without a second thought.
  73. “Please sir! You seem like the type that could benefit from this!”
  74. I continue walking; she begins following me for some reason
  75. “Oh.. Really now? Why’s that?”
  76. My voice has a depressed tone too it, I still don’t even look at her
  77. “That’s right; you look like you’re depressed and hate living. That’s why you should invite god into your life and become a good person to help your community!”
  78. I’m rather annoyed at this point; I don’t even know why I’m entertaining her like this.
  79. I keep walking towards.
  80. She keeps following..
  81. “Sir, is it important where are you going? Can’t we talk for a moment please?
  82. I blurt out what my intentions are, I never been the strongest with social interactions..
  83. “I’m going to jump off that bridge, so it’s rather important I’d say”
  84. A shriek comes out of this small girl’s mouth. It seems I surprised her.
  85. I keep walking
  86. “What? Why on earth would you do such a thing?”
  87. I’m about to end my life after years of nothing but boredom, so I list my reasons for a bit of entertainment before I die
  88. “I have no job, family, friends, money, and now I’m homeless. So I really have no reason to live”
  89. As I get close to the path that leads towards the bridge her small warm hands grab my arm from behind me.
  90. “That’s still not enough of a reason to end your life!”
  91. “Then what do you suppose I do?”
  92. I snap back to her
  93. “I can take you to a shelter, and get you help to find yourself!”
  94. I turn my head towards the bridge
  95. “Not interested”
  96. “You don’t have a choice in this, I’ll drag you there If I have to.”
  97. Turning back to her, I was going to simply snap at her and get away by force.
  98. But standing behind her were two fairly large men, must be some form of bodyguards or something..
  99. “Ugh.. Wait what?”
  100. “Come willingly, and we’ll help you change”
  101. The two men behind her nodded to her words, I almost feel warmth coming from the three of them. Maybe I can really be saved?
  102. I begin to laugh. I’ve gone insane
  103. The girls then smiles unexpectedly and grabs my hand, silencing my laugh
  104. “My name is –CHURCHGIRLNAMEHERE- , and I’ll be your savior”
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