

Dec 9th, 2012
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  2. Nannak [09|Dec 11:24 AM]: I think Mcgee is trying to avoid the DRC which is why he rarely comes to askmcgee forums anymore
  3. Nannak [09|Dec 12:04 PM]: Because it is, it places women in a helpless situation waiting for men to rescue them
  4. Momo [09|Dec 12:04 PM]: so what? it's just a game
  5. Momo [09|Dec 12:04 PM]: xD
  6. Nannak [09|Dec 12:04 PM]: I Think your missing the point
  7. Nannak [09|Dec 12:05 PM]: I can't believe your that apathetic
  8. War [09|Dec 12:05 PM]: actually zelda helps you fight ganon at the end
  9. War [09|Dec 12:05 PM]: she's far from helpless
  10. Nannak [09|Dec 12:05 PM]: But the point is a male hero always saves the day
  11. War [09|Dec 12:06 PM]: link is a little kid lol
  12. Nannak [09|Dec 12:06 PM]: Her helping you doesn't mean much
  13. Momo [09|Dec 12:06 PM]: it's a fact that IRL men are stronger than women, so it's and endless sexist circle anyway
  14. Momo [09|Dec 12:06 PM]: *an
  15. War [09|Dec 12:06 PM]: well nan jumped on the crazy cake again
  16. Momo [09|Dec 12:06 PM]: btw, there are games with female main character
  17. War [09|Dec 12:06 PM]: that means its time to sign out and hop on black ops 2, peace!
  18. Momo [09|Dec 12:06 PM]: lol
  19. Nannak [09|Dec 12:06 PM]: Momo your now predicably being sexist now
  20. Nannak [09|Dec 12:07 PM]: Also whites have bigger brains than blacks
  21. War [09|Dec 12:07 PM]: oh, and i saw somebody with a dolphin dick emblem, made me lol
  22. Nannak [09|Dec 12:07 PM]: It's the same thing]
  23. War [09|Dec 12:07 PM]: the truth lol
  24. Momo [09|Dec 12:07 PM]: so I am sexist because I said a general truth
  25. Momo [09|Dec 12:08 PM]: xD
  26. War [09|Dec 12:08 PM]: the average african american SAT score is ~1300 with all 3 sections combined, the average for a white person is ~1600
  27. War [09|Dec 12:08 PM]: i happened to score an 1810, so suck it, too bad i got one of the lowest scores in my school lol
  28. Momo [09|Dec 12:08 PM]: what does brain have to do with it
  29. Nannak [09|Dec 12:09 PM]: I think your all missing the point, people back in the 19th century used to believe that whites were Superior than other races which this same attitude towards women is disturbingly familiar
  30. Momo [09|Dec 12:12 PM]: I think you don't understand our point, it's a general truth that women are weaker, so what? it does not make them less superior, it's just a physical difference
  31. War [09|Dec 12:12 PM]: nobody is saying "men are better than women" people are saying "the average man is stronger than the average female" and science can prove it because men have more testosterone which is what makes men more physically stronger
  32. Momo [09|Dec 12:12 PM]: war just said what I wanted to say
  33. Momo [09|Dec 12:12 PM]: xD
  34. Nannak [09|Dec 12:13 PM]: Point is, even if "Men are Stronger than Women" (which I feel as if it's becoming more of a common myth it sounds like) it's still no justification to marginalize women into Damsel in Distresses.
  35. War [09|Dec 12:13 PM]: if you took steroids, you'd be taking testosterone supplements which is why you can build a large amount of muscles
  36. War [09|Dec 12:13 PM]: they arent trying to make it a "damsel in distress" situation, zelda doesnt fit that role, she is one of the 3 special people that can use the power of the triforce, ganon and link being the other two
  37. War [09|Dec 12:14 PM]: ganon kidnapped her to steal her power because she didnt know how to use it to fight ganon, link didnt even know he had the power which is why you go on an adventure to get the sword that can actually hurt ganon
  38. War [09|Dec 12:14 PM]: at the end when you finally fight ganon, zelda fights him also because she learns how to use her powers
  39. Nannak [09|Dec 12:14 PM]: "I think you don't understand our point, it's a general truth that women are weaker, so what? it does not make them less superior, it's just a physical difference" Yet you used "Men are stronger than women" to justify Damsel in Distresses which as if you were actually implying that men are surperor to women without even knowing it about the connection is still the same
  40. War [09|Dec 12:15 PM]: gah fuck this, team deathmatch time
  41. War [09|Dec 12:15 PM]: the real question is, do i use the ballista or the DSR 50
  42. Nannak [09|Dec 12:15 PM]: In storyline explainations are no excuse, they shouldn't even add the Damsel in Distress storyline in the first place
  43. War [09|Dec 12:16 PM]: so how would you write the story of zelda
  44. Momo [09|Dec 12:16 PM]: then look at it from a physical point of view, the woman is in a cage and she can't break out, so the man comes to help, is that sexist?
  45. Nannak [09|Dec 12:17 PM]: I think I told you already. I would take Link out and have just Zelda be the main character which the story could easily be a Princess defeating evil and becoming a Queen simple as that
  46. War [09|Dec 12:17 PM]: that makes no fucking sense
  47. Nannak [09|Dec 12:17 PM]: Like men can break cages? Your just extraggering, you need is a key to open cages
  48. Momo [09|Dec 12:18 PM]: let's say it's a wooden cage
  49. Momo [09|Dec 12:18 PM]: xD
  50. Momo [09|Dec 12:18 PM]: a weak one
  51. Momo [09|Dec 12:18 PM]: XD
  52. Nannak [09|Dec 12:18 PM]: I think I just went over your sexist head with my suggestion
  53. War [09|Dec 12:19 PM]: so how do you get the key if you are in the cage?
  54. Momo [09|Dec 12:19 PM]: so basically you just want games with female or male heroes, no saving stuff
  55. Nannak [09|Dec 12:20 PM]: Well especially games with female heroes and no saving
  56. Nannak [09|Dec 12:21 PM]: Also there is too many Brown Haired White male protagonists as well:
  57. Momo [09|Dec 12:21 PM]: the alice is not your game, she saved hatter, a man D:
  58. Momo [09|Dec 12:21 PM]: *then
  59. Momo [09|Dec 12:21 PM]: hm look at dante his hair is white :3
  60. Nannak [09|Dec 12:22 PM]: You simply don't get it do you?
  61. Momo [09|Dec 12:22 PM]: you are thinking too much into it I think
  62. War [09|Dec 12:23 PM]: by that assumption, the cast of Black Ops 2 must be pretty unique since section is in his 20s and has black hair
  63. Nannak [09|Dec 12:23 PM]: I rather think too much rather being braindead too much
  64. Nannak [09|Dec 12:24 PM]: Well point is, their all white males
  65. Nannak [09|Dec 12:24 PM]: which is the default staple protagonist in the west
  66. War [09|Dec 12:24 PM]: the black ops 2 main characters also include some spanish guys, an arab guy, and the admiral is a black guy
  67. Nannak [09|Dec 12:24 PM]: while the rest of the characters of other genders, PoC are reduced to stock characters
  68. War [09|Dec 12:24 PM]: also the president in 2025 according to the story is a woman
  69. Momo [09|Dec 12:25 PM]: so what is the problem with people preferring white over black, if I was born black I'd prefer black
  70. Nannak [09|Dec 12:25 PM]: Black Ops is still nothing more than a video game version of a US Army commercial
  71. War [09|Dec 12:25 PM]: nope by your definition it's a unique single player experience
  72. Momo [09|Dec 12:26 PM]: lol
  73. [09|Dec 12:26 PM]: Nannak bangs head on wall
  74. Momo [09|Dec 12:26 PM]: good
  75. Nannak [09|Dec 12:26 PM]: Fuck this, I'm simply wasting my time and your all clueless
  76. Momo [09|Dec 12:27 PM]: we are brain dead anyways right war
  77. Momo [09|Dec 12:27 PM]: xD
  78. War [09|Dec 12:27 PM]: you're*
  79. Momo [09|Dec 12:27 PM]: we are not clueless, you can't fight facts, it's simple
  80. Nannak [09|Dec 12:28 PM]: That's what you think though
  81. War [09|Dec 12:29 PM]: now that i think of it, if you kill harper then farid the arab guy sacrifices himself to save karma from getting shot in the head
  82. Nannak [09|Dec 12:30 PM]: Well here's a test: what about this, what do you think about this project (Tropes vs Women in Video Games)?
  83. Momo [09|Dec 12:32 PM]: interesting
  84. Momo [09|Dec 12:32 PM]: I never looked on any women in games though
  85. Momo [09|Dec 12:32 PM]: *looked down
  86. War [09|Dec 12:32 PM]: right there, its official BO2 is nannak's ideal game
  87. Momo [09|Dec 12:32 PM]: they are quite rare btw
  88. Twiggy [09|Dec 12:33 PM]: I'm sure Nannak has a problem with bloodrayne lol
  89. Nannak [09|Dec 12:35 PM]: Thing is War I'm not into Military games
  90. Nannak [09|Dec 12:36 PM]: I rather stick to Doom
  91. War [09|Dec 12:36 PM]: i dont see why anybody would consider black ops 2 a military game
  92. Nannak [09|Dec 12:36 PM]: ....?
  93. [09|Dec 12:36 PM]: War has confused Nannak.
  94. Nannak [09|Dec 12:37 PM]: Are you really that ignorant towards reality? It is a Military game use your fucking head for once
  95. War [09|Dec 12:37 PM]: its funny how you automatically assume i was being serious
  96. Nannak [09|Dec 12:37 PM]: Your really are braindead
  97. War [09|Dec 12:37 PM]: do you HONESTLY think i was being seriously?
  98. Nannak [09|Dec 12:37 PM]: Well I couldn't tell you was joking or being serious
  99. War [09|Dec 12:37 PM]: i take it you dont think before you talk or type anything lmao
  100. Momo [09|Dec 12:37 PM]: oh god xD
  101. Nannak [09|Dec 12:38 PM]: oh
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