
Cosplay Problems

Jun 1st, 2018
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  1. "That line couldn't have been longer, right, Hannah?
  2. "Yeah, who knew it was gonna take three hours. Los Angeles conventions are much different than in Phoenix. I never thought I'd have seen a line this long in my life."
  3. "But it was definitely worth the wait for our badges. Now, we have four days to enjoy AX!"
  4. "Definitely. So, did you decide who you'll be cosplaying first, Rose?"
  5. "Well, I got the bridal Tharja dress done in time and the regular Tharja costume has been finished for a while. I just don't know if I want to start with Kissshot first, so I don't need a wig for it." A flip of Rose's hand sent her long, blonde flying.
  6. "You actually went through with doing her? I know you have the height for it, but I didn't figure you for a vampire fan. Thought you hated all those sparkly bloodsuckers?"
  7. "That's because all you know of vampires is when you got hooked on Twilight films in high school. I prefer the old, bloody kind and the anime ones, like Dracula or Alucard, or Kissshot in this case."
  8. "Whatever, you do you, but I would be careful in dress or tights, especially if you can't easily get them off."
  9. "Why? All you gotta do is lift up the bottom or slip out of them. They're not glued to my body."
  10. "Keep telling yourself that, honey, and you'll make a mess of your cosplay. I've seen it happen to a few other girls, and even this guy once."
  11. "I'll be fine. I've practiced getting out of the Kissshot costume more than enough times. Getting away from that, who're you going as?"
  12. "Well..."
  15. "Rose, are you sure you'll be fine? I know everything worked out when you went as Kissshot and Shinobu the last two days, but now I'm not gonna be at most of the panels. I'd hate for something bad to happen."
  16. "I told you already, Hannah. Today will be fine, and nothing bad will happen. You go to the panels you want to see, and I'll go to mine. Then we'll meet up tonight."
  17. "Last call, you're gonna be good, right?"
  18. "You said it yourself. The last couple days have had no problems, and there won't be any today or tomorrow."
  19. "Don't say I didn't warn ya."
  22. Already 10 o'clock and I've finished my thermos of coffee. For a panel on examining anime fights, it was so boring that I drank a lot more coffee than I would have this early to stay awake. I've got some more panels on animation in the afternoon, but I'm hoping the panels before won't be too tiring. Well, two hours until the next panel, so I might as well check out if the dealer's hall has anything new today.
  23. Entering the hall, everything looked too similar to the past two days. Tons of displays of manga and figurines, filled between with guests and cosplayers, packed as tight as hot dogs in a hot dog package. Strolling far in the back, I see the more mature stalls, with the 23 foot Miia body pillow streaming down the wall and black tape over the bare breasts. If they had any of the characters I like, I might consider, but...
  24. My feet stopped in front of a certain stall, and the crowd seemed to phase away. Exhibited before me, with its butt on full display like a baboon would to a zoologist, was a Tharja figurine. The $300 price tag seemed like nothing to me as I slipped my out my credit card as if my wallet was a deck. A short time later and I was walking to the artist alley with my prize cradled in my arms.
  25. Just as I took a few steps into the artist alley, almost an hour after I finished my coffee, I felt the first stomach rumble. It stopped me mid-stride, but I resumed looking around as it hadn't felt serious. Various art styles adorned the booths, the characters ranging from Overwatch yaoi to an assortment of Fate characters. The amount of black tape censoring grew the farther I went back, as did an almost uncomfortable sensation in bladder did. A tap from surprised me, and only worsened the feeling.
  26. A small group of Fire Emblem cosplayers approached me, each asking for a separate picture. My legs were just beginning to tremble as they finished and I started to make my way back out of the hall. The only bathroom I had seen was across the convention center, but the line each time I passed looked too long to handle in my condition. Other bathrooms here probably had similar situations, so it's either chance a long line or a long trip back to the hotel room. Well, the hotel wasn't too far and less crowded too, so I can make it.
  27. The second wave hit me down on the sidewalk back to the hotel. My stomach made a couple rumbles and a couple toots escaped by accident. Nothing too bad, but I had to be quick, and doubled my pace. Cool air greeted me and my burning heels as I swept into the lobby and turned the corner to see yellow-and-black tape blocking the elevator area. A handyman was playing with wires as a sign pointed to the stairwell. I knew now I wasn't going to make it completely to the 8th floor, as each step took more effort with where my desperation was. I felt dribbled sliding now my legs going past the 7th floor stairwell, but it was getting harder to move, now with added pressure in the back. I felt a turtle-head peek once or twice right before the 8th floor, and I had to choose one or the other, until my right heel slipped on the last step.
  28. I instantly lost control of my bladder. I couldn't stop pissing myself as I slipped down the stairs back to the first flat ground, the box going flying down. My breathing was lumbered as the last bit of urine escaped me, ending just as tears formed down the sides of my face. My body felt terrible, but I still somehow managed to stand and limp up the stairs. It hurt quite a bit, but I hobbled back to my room, my breathing getting better, although my stomach not helping. The pain already has me almost doubled over and the pressure from behind was keeping me to less than a foot at a time. 5 feet now from the toilet, the desperation combined with pain had me quivering. I can make it. 4 feet away, and I can feel the strain worsening. I can make it. 3 feet away, my arms are crossed over my stomach and my body is shivering. I can make it. 2 feet away, my steps are shorter and more strenuous, but I can make it. Just a foot away finally. The tears are starting again and farts are escaping. I can't make it.
  29. It rushes out too fast, and the expected surprise forces me to my hands and knees. Here I though I could make it, and now the sludge pushes out, stretching my brown panties and costume, until I can feel muck moving down my thighs. Adding insult to injury, my bladder betrays me once more and adds a small, yellow puddle below me. I don't know how long I stayed in that position, crying as my tights filled out a little more now and again, until I heard a gasp behind me.
  30. "Rose, you didn't."
  31. I tried to stand up and answer, but as soon as I did, more slipped out from behind, and my crying resumed as I slunk back to my knees.
  32. "C'mon, Rose. Let's get you out of that and you can get out whatever's left on the toilet." Peeling off my soiled cosplay, Rose helped me into a hot shower, and excused herself. The warm water erased the almost caked-on brown goo, and I kept trying to rub the sensation of it off my thighs and crotch. In the moment, I felt utterly humiliated, but, now cleaned off, the thought of it made me almost shiver in delight. Banishing such a weird thought, I took a towel Rose had left and dried off, with the occasional glance to the all that cosplay down the toilet, or into her panties in this case.
  33. Before leaving, I heard the door open again and trailed Hannah as I came out. My box from earlier lay on the bed, a bit dented but looking overall fine. Noticing me behind her, she thrusted a heavy plastic bag into my hands. "If you want to cosplay tomorrow, you're gonna need this."
  34. Only Hannah could think of an idea like this. "You're joking, right?"
  35. "Nope. I know how much you put into that Tharja cosplay, and I would hate for you to mess up the bridal one."
  36. "Today was just an accident. Everything went wrong that could. The coffee, the elevator, the stairs, everything."
  37. "And in case everything goes wrong tomorrow, you'll be covered with those."
  38. "I'm not wearing an adult diaper."
  39. "Then you're not gonna cosplay tomorrow."
  40. "I'm going to cosplay tomorrow, but I'm not wearing something for babies."
  41. "Yet you go and shit yourself like one."
  42. "Too far, Hannah. And even if I did, what if someone notices? That'd be more humiliating to me."
  43. "Who cares what strangers have to say? Plus, it won't matter since the dress is designed to block that area. Just wear some dark underwear over it and you'll be fine."
  44. "Fine, but I don't want to be in this alone. If I have to wear one, then you do too."
  45. "You drive a mean bargain, Rose, but I'll gladly do it if my best friend will finally listen to reason."
  46. "Oh, shut up. And if anything happens, you're dealing with it."
  47. "And here I thought nothing was gonna happen."
  50. "Bam! All powdered and taped up. So, how's it feel, my big baby?"
  51. "Being in this is bad enough, I don't need your shit, Hannah."
  52. "Sounds like the little baby is cranky, and you don't see me complaining. I'm wearing a black skirt. This diaper stands out more than a penguin on a television."
  53. "Just help me into my dress, and let's get down to the convention."
  54. "At least the elevators are fixed."
  55. "Oh yeah, lucky me. Let's just get some coffee and walk around."
  56. An uneventful walk later, and Hannah and I were back at the convention center. Despite yesterday, I elected another extra large coffee, although decaf this time, while Hannah just took a small mocha. Strolling around on the final day, we saw little of interest there, already having gotten all the art and figures we wanted the day before. I stopped by for another coffee, even though Hannah wasn't even halfway through hers, and now making our way to check out the remaining panels. Once more, nothing was too interesting, and I chugged the last of my drink, shorting after Hannah. Bored, we strolled back to the artist alley, when I felt the first twang of my bladder.
  57. "That's what you get for two extra large coffees."
  58. "Be quiet, you know coffee helps calm me."
  59. "Yes, exactly the point of coffee, to calm people down."
  60. Our bickering went on as we moved toward where a bathroom was marked on the convention center's map, when I felt a tap on my should. Not just Fire Emblem cosplayers like last time, but a group of various Robin cosplayers pleaded for pictures, and I accepted despite my renewed desperation. By the end, all I could do want stand there, paralyzed, as Hannah approached me and my reddened face.
  61. "Rose, what's wrong?"
  62. "I couldn't make it."
  63. "You did, did you?"
  64. "Yep, during the second to last picture. I hope they didn't hear me."
  65. "Did you just pee, or..."
  66. "I mean, I'd go make it to a restroom if I could, but I don't think I can."
  67. "Fucking hell, you just had to have two extra large coffees."
  68. "I'm really sorry, Hannah, but I can't make it very far."
  69. "Not even to the bathroom?"
  70. "Not even now." I crouched to just get it over with, and today's mass was much more solid than yesterday. The area was almost devoid anyone besides me and Hannah, and I pushed it out, stretching once more against the strain of the tights. Hannah held my hand throughout, squeezing it just a tad herself.
  71. "Are you good now?"
  72. "Yeah, but it feels too weird. I think I went to much, it's pushed itself a bit toward my crotch."
  73. "What a lovely image, Rose, but I think my coffee was a little too much too."
  74. "No way, you didn't!"
  75. "I did, and I expect you to reciprocate a change. If I'm gonna clean your dirty ass, you're gonna clean me up too."
  76. "Well, let's go back to the room then, Hannah, and I'll wipe you as clean as you want."
  77. The trip back felt like forever in our soiled diapers, my stride shortened as my thighs clipped the diaper between them between each step.
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