

Aug 7th, 2013
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  1. <meleemario> its been pretty slow on Posty lately it seems
  2. * EGAce ( has joined
  3. * Q sets modes [#thepostmortem +l 16]
  4. * _VGAce has quit (Ping timeout)
  5. * Hendricks266 ( has joined
  6. * Q sets modes [#thepostmortem +o Hendricks266]
  7. <meleemario> Hendricks266 lives!
  8. <Daedolon> hey
  9. <Daedolon> though I think I'll hop to bed
  10. <meleemario> hey Daedolon
  11. <meleemario> ok, goodnight
  12. <meleemario> hello, goodbye
  13. <Daedolon> ha
  14. <Daedolon> yeah
  15. * MoonStalkeR has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  16. * MoonStalkeR ( has joined
  17. * Q sets modes [#thepostmortem +v MoonStalkeR]
  18. <meleemario> Hendricks266: SNES soundtracks that dont sound like theyre on an SNES are: Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, and Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
  19. <LordMisfit> >.>;
  20. <Daedolon> nn
  21. <MoonStalkeR> A troll could hasten Posty up a bit, meleemario
  22. <Daedolon> MoonStalkeR believe me I'll work on the site
  23. <Daedolon> I just have 2 full length albums in the works
  24. <Daedolon> one with a deadline
  25. <MoonStalkeR> I am not criticizing the delays, just saying that suicide bombers that spam "fuck fuck fuck fuck" bring activity
  26. <meleemario> no rush Daedolon, whenever you can
  27. <meleemario> just make sure your Posty brothers and sisters get free copies of your full lengths Daedolon
  28. <MoonStalkeR> I think kurt would be able to help you with web design
  29. <MoonStalkeR> he seems skilled in that line
  30. <Hendricks266> ^not sure if srs
  31. * Q sets modes [#thepostmortem +v Boilerplate]
  32. -Q- You are now logged in as Boilerplate.
  33. -Q- Remember: NO-ONE from QuakeNet will ever ask for your password. NEVER send your password to ANYONE except
  34. <Boilerplate> MoonStalkeR: I don't think trolling would do any better and I don't want the Blood Community to devolve into the cesspool like the Doom Community is.
  35. <Boilerplate> with the Cybering and shit
  36. <MoonStalkeR> It is true, what the Doom community has over Blood: activity(mainly trolls) and modding scene
  37. <MoonStalkeR> the latter is due to obvious reasons
  38. <MoonStalkeR> I wonder how it looks from a global perspective
  39. <MoonStalkeR> are plebeian communities who play mainstream games just as toxic?
  40. <meleemario> doubtful
  41. <meleemario> but this community isnt like the others
  42. <Boilerplate> Plus this is also a small community and also Blood wasn't a smash hit like Doom was
  43. <Boilerplate> Also because Doom's source code was released long ago which had time to expand which eventually devolved into a cesspool of trolls
  44. <Boilerplate> Plus Doom is a older game than Blood is
  45. <Boilerplate> which therefore has a longer community history than Blood
  46. <Boilerplate> Of course though, Trolls only make the enviroment more unwelcoming and toxic though.
  47. <Boilerplate> It's certinatly not how you expand a community
  48. <Boilerplate> Since you only damaging it's reputation
  49. <Boilerplate> Which actually drives people away than let's them in.
  50. <Boilerplate> The Modding scene is what expands the community not Trolling
  51. <Boilerplate> Since the "Fuck Fuck Fuck" thing didn't bring any activity I'm aware of
  52. <meleemario> i agree with Boilerplate
  53. <meleemario> though, let me add that not only does the modding scene expand the community, but so do those who love the game who didnt know that a site like this existed
  54. <Boilerplate> yep
  55. <MoonStalkeR> a large portion of the Doom community revolves around competitive multiplayer scene
  56. <MoonStalkeR> and that is an extremely toxic place
  57. <MoonStalkeR> Had Doom's source code not been released, the community would not be significantly larger than Blood's imo
  58. <MoonStalkeR> if Blood's source code was hypothetically released, a multiplayer derivation would naturally attract a lot of low-brow participants
  59. <meleemario> not necessarily, i would imagine the "low brow" folks will be banned quick
  60. <MoonStalkeR> Bans have to be given to actual offenses such as hacking, and that is variable
  61. <MoonStalkeR> obnoxious people will always be present
  62. <Boilerplate> MoonStalkeR: You do realize that not everything revolves around Multiplayer you know?
  63. <MoonStalkeR> a server host in Doom can ban whomever they please of course
  64. <MoonStalkeR> multiplayer is where the bulk of activity occurs
  65. <MoonStalkeR> actual modding scene is secondary
  66. <Boilerplate> Actually it's the other way around
  67. <Boilerplate> Multiplayer is mostly secondary
  68. <MoonStalkeR> In classic games wtih well-developed multiplayer ports, especially Doom, it is the case
  69. <MoonStalkeR> most exchanges are in or regarding multiplayer
  70. <Boilerplate> Your only just focused on it while not paying attention to the other aspects of the community
  71. <MoonStalkeR> I am, just pointing out that multiplayer is "louder"
  72. <Boilerplate> See you just admitted it
  73. <Boilerplate> And the whole reason why your there is because you like to troll do you?
  74. <MoonStalkeR> I don't have time or energy for trolling
  75. <Boilerplate> Because it seems that most of the trolling does come from the multiplayer scene..that's what you mean actually hence it's "loud"
  76. <MoonStalkeR> I prefer to play the game
  77. <MoonStalkeR> though people troll me when I defeat them, naturally
  78. <MoonStalkeR> it's not just trolling, player activity, match arrangements, tournaments
  79. <MoonStalkeR> all activity
  80. <Boilerplate> But Trolling also occurs in them too though
  81. <MoonStalkeR> regular updates
  82. <MoonStalkeR> I don't play anymore, but in 2008ish my clan was the best at CTF and TDM
  83. <MoonStalkeR> I regularly experienced trolling and slander
  84. <MoonStalkeR> to the point where the biased admins banned some of us
  85. <MoonStalkeR> because it was basically run by trolls
  86. <Boilerplate> I think you could be lying here MoonStalker which is the ultimate denial here
  87. <MoonStalkeR> about how bad Doom community is?
  88. <Boilerplate> No about your self
  89. <Boilerplate> <MoonStalkeR> I don't have time or energy for trolling
  90. <MoonStalkeR> I prefered the game portion
  91. <MoonStalkeR> though many people treated it as a soap opera with a game attached
  92. <MoonStalkeR> so it became an arena for various kinds of trolling
  93. <MoonStalkeR> including that cybering stuff
  94. <Boilerplate> Also a chat portion using a sockpuppet as well
  95. <MoonStalkeR> Mobius was me?
  96. <Boilerplate> It's a possiblity
  97. <Boilerplate> How did you guess that all the sudden?
  98. <MoonStalkeR> because I am mobius
  99. <MoonStalkeR> and I hang out on anime roleplaying sites
  100. <Boilerplate> The truth finally comes out
  101. <Boilerplate> I think your Aquakitty as well
  102. <MoonStalkeR> What's wrong with him?
  103. <MoonStalkeR> I am Nautilus too
  104. <Boilerplate> Well...he has the tendacy of using a Mortiollia phone everytime he logs in
  105. <MoonStalkeR> I use chat program to log on
  106. <MoonStalkeR> not mibbit or anything
  107. <MoonStalkeR> Nautilus suddenly disappeared btw
  108. <MoonStalkeR> According to others, he overdosed on some drug
  109. <MoonStalkeR> but I doubt it lol
  110. <Boilerplate> So tell me the truth MoonStalkeR was it you who posted meleemario's health informaton on pastebin?
  111. <MoonStalkeR> no
  112. <MoonStalkeR> I would also like to know who posted some of my own personal logs there
  113. <Boilerplate> The concern apparently shifts on you all the sudden.
  114. <MoonStalkeR> I chose the name Mobius from Command and Conquer
  115. <MoonStalkeR> the tiberium scientist
  116. <Boilerplate> So that's where you got the name from
  117. <Boilerplate> I first thought it was Sonic the Hedgehog
  118. <Boilerplate> *from
  119. <MoonStalkeR> I was being sarcastic about my supposed alias
  120. <meleemario> do you know who posted my health information on pastebin MoonStalkeR?
  121. <MoonStalkeR> No, but it definitely was not Mobius as far as I can tell
  122. <MoonStalkeR> Boilerplate he told me he got it from a Mech video game
  123. <MoonStalkeR> I initially thought it was from CnC
  124. <meleemario> also, i have one question.... why? why did you play us all like fiddles for so long?
  125. <Boilerplate> Notice that you earlier said that you and Mobius were one the same person but yet you keep referring to him as a seperate person...are you trying to fool us again or are you really okay? sincs it's kinda disturbing
  126. <Boilerplate> It's like saying that your Ventriloquist Dummy did something
  127. <Boilerplate> or having a split personality
  128. <MoonStalkeR> yes, I was about to mention the latter
  129. <MoonStalkeR> Don't forget my tertiary personality, Nautilus
  130. <Boilerplate> So it's apparent that you have Dissociative identity disorder right?
  131. <Boilerplate> I think this is getting really creepy and disturbing now
  132. <MoonStalkeR> I know the thoughts of each of them....
  133. <MoonStalkeR> but not their motives
  134. <Boilerplate> Maybe you need proffessional help before you hurt someone with those personalities.
  135. <MoonStalkeR> THEY would be the ones doing the hurting
  136. <MoonStalkeR> I am not them
  137. <MoonStalkeR> these beings are not under my control
  138. <MoonStalkeR> but I can tame them
  139. <MoonStalkeR> they whisper to me...
  140. <MoonStalkeR> I go through an inner jihad to dominate them with my main personality
  141. <MoonStalkeR> Most of the day, this one succeeds
  142. <MoonStalkeR> Boilerplate, what if I have many more personalities besides the aformentioned ones?
  143. <MoonStalkeR> maybe a posty regular is actually me
  144. <Boilerplate> I think you need to take your meds MoonStalker
  145. <MoonStalkeR> take a guess
  146. <MoonStalkeR> I have two accounts on Posty, both with over 500 posts
  147. <MoonStalkeR> Boilerplate which one do you suspect?
  148. <Boilerplate> Hmmmmm
  149. <Boilerplate> Panoptic Blur perhaps?
  150. <MoonStalkeR> well
  151. <MoonStalkeR> that is correct, surprisingly
  152. <MoonStalkeR> I never brought that persona to this chatroom
  153. <MoonStalkeR> except once in like september 2010
  154. <MoonStalkeR> it's a forum-exclusive one
  155. <Boilerplate> what's the other one?
  156. <MoonStalkeR> it's the one
  157. <Boilerplate> Let me guess....are you really Corbin?
  158. <MoonStalkeR> hell no
  159. <MoonStalkeR> I just confirmed, Panoptic Blur is my forum sock-puppet
  160. <MoonStalkeR> middle-aged, Chinese lawyer
  161. <MoonStalkeR> expert in blade runner and sexual dramatizations
  162. <Boilerplate> I first thought Panoptic Blur was Daedalus all this time
  163. <MoonStalkeR> because they both like Blade Runner?
  164. <Boilerplate> And the Tchernobog obession
  165. <MoonStalkeR> knees on backwards
  166. <MoonStalkeR> heheh
  167. <Boilerplate> Although I may have proof that your also Aquakitty as well:
  168. <MoonStalkeR> How does Mobius relate to AquaKitty?
  169. <Boilerplate> Well he's one of your personas actually which everytime Aquakitty comes on he's using a Motorilla phone
  170. <MoonStalkeR> Wow, you are very inquisitive
  171. <Boilerplate> *Motorola Phone I mean
  172. <MoonStalkeR> how did you find the Mobius facebook?
  173. <Boilerplate> Simple search engine
  174. <Boilerplate> ain't that hard to use
  175. <MoonStalkeR> there's quite a few Mobii
  176. <Boilerplate> Well actually through your FB page as well actually
  177. <Boilerplate> Since you have him friended
  178. <MoonStalkeR> Ah
  179. <MoonStalkeR> thought so
  180. <Boilerplate> It's said that you live in Russia MoonStalker...but you might be lying here but maybe more like you came from Russia and moved to New York
  181. <Boilerplate> Since I notice that all your IPs can be traced back to New York
  182. <MoonStalkeR> I am originally from there, but lived in NY since I was 3
  183. <MoonStalkeR> I never claimed otherwise
  184. <Boilerplate> ah
  185. <Boilerplate> So...what is your other account at Posty MoonStalkeR tell me
  186. <MoonStalkeR> I confirmed your guess, Priestofthebeast
  187. <MoonStalkeR> err
  188. <MoonStalkeR> Panoptic Blur
  189. <Boilerplate> You said there was another one.
  190. <Boilerplate> Or your other one is MoonStalker?
  191. <MoonStalkeR> yes, precisely
  192. <Boilerplate> So MoonStalker and Panoptic Blur...
  193. <MoonStalkeR> the silver lighting of the moon reflects on the blurry eye of the one who stalks it
  194. <Boilerplate> I actually always knew that something was a with Panotic Blur eversince he first joined here
  195. <MoonStalkeR> I intentionally made him sound like a robot
  196. <Boilerplate> Hendricks266 and Daedolon are you hearing all this?
  197. * Lunick ( has joined
  198. <MoonStalkeR> MOTGIATs in the night, exchanging glances
  199. <MoonStalkeR> Boilerplate which personality is your favorite?
  200. <Boilerplate> One personality is a anough for me and all you need is one to keep you sane
  201. <MoonStalkeR> but which?
  202. <Boilerplate> Uhhh......your starting to creep me out now MoonStalkeR
  203. <MoonStalkeR> Venture past the unsettling effects and answer me
  204. <MoonStalkeR> where is meleemario btw?
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