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Mar 25th, 2015
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  1. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  2. -- Host:
  3. -- Server version: 5.5.41 - MySQL Community Server (GPL)
  4. -- Server OS: Win64
  5. -- HeidiSQL Version:
  6. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  9. /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;
  13. -- Dumping database structure for world
  15. USE `world`;
  18. -- Dumping structure for table world.playercreateinfo_spell_custom
  19. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `playercreateinfo_spell_custom` (
  20. `racemask` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  21. `classmask` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  22. `Spell` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  23. `Note` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  24. PRIMARY KEY (`racemask`,`classmask`,`Spell`)
  27. -- Dumping data for table world.playercreateinfo_spell_custom: 440 rows
  28. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `playercreateinfo_spell_custom` DISABLE KEYS */;
  29. INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_spell_custom` (`racemask`, `classmask`, `Spell`, `Note`) VALUES
  30. (0, 1, 196, 'One-Handed Axes'),
  31. (0, 8, 196, 'One-Handed Axes'),
  32. (0, 1, 198, 'One-Handed Maces'),
  33. (0, 8, 198, 'One-Handed Maces'),
  34. (0, 2, 198, 'One-Handed Maces'),
  35. (0, 64, 198, 'One-Handed Maces'),
  36. (0, 1024, 198, 'One-Handed Maces'),
  37. (0, 16, 198, 'One-Handed Maces'),
  38. (0, 16, 1180, 'Daggers'),
  39. (0, 8, 266, 'Guns'),
  40. (0, 1, 266, 'Guns'),
  41. (0, 1024, 1180, 'Daggers'),
  42. (0, 256, 1180, 'Daggers'),
  43. (0, 128, 1180, 'Daggers'),
  44. (0, 64, 1180, 'Daggers'),
  45. (0, 8, 1180, 'Daggers'),
  46. (0, 4, 1180, 'Daggers'),
  47. (0, 1, 1180, 'Daggers'),
  48. (0, 8, 5011, 'Crossbows'),
  49. (0, 1, 5011, 'Crossbows'),
  50. (0, 8, 3018, 'Shoot'),
  51. (0, 1, 3018, 'Shoot'),
  52. (0, 8, 264, 'Bows'),
  53. (0, 1, 264, 'Bows'),
  54. (0, 2, 1044, 'HoF'),
  55. (0, 2, 7294, 'Retri aura'),
  56. (0, 2, 62124, 'Hand of Reckoning'),
  57. (0, 2, 25780, 'Rightious Fury'),
  58. (0, 2, 31789, 'Righteous defense'),
  59. (0, 2, 19742, 'Blessing of Wisdom'),
  60. (0, 2, 53408, 'Judgement of the Wisdom'),
  61. (0, 2, 19834, 'Blessing of Might 2'),
  62. (0, 2, 647, 'Holy Light 3'),
  63. (0, 1024, 2637, 'Hibernate'),
  64. (0, 1024, 16857, 'Faerie Fire Feral'),
  65. (0, 1024, 770, 'Faerie Fire'),
  66. (0, 1024, 783, 'Travel Form'),
  67. (0, 1024, 779, 'Swipe'),
  68. (0, 1024, 1066, 'Aquatic Form'),
  69. (0, 1024, 8946, 'Cure Poison'),
  70. (0, 1024, 5211, 'Bash'),
  71. (0, 1024, 8938, 'Regrowth'),
  72. (0, 1024, 5229, 'Enrage'),
  73. (0, 1024, 6795, 'Growl'),
  74. (0, 1024, 5487, 'Bear Form'),
  75. (0, 1024, 16810, 'Nature Grasp'),
  76. (0, 1024, 1062, 'Roots'),
  77. (0, 1024, 782, 'Throns'),
  78. (0, 1024, 1430, 'Rejuvenation'),
  79. (0, 1024, 8925, 'Moonfire'),
  80. (0, 1024, 5187, 'HT'),
  81. (0, 1024, 5178, 'Warth'),
  82. (0, 64, 526, 'Cure Toxcins'),
  83. (0, 64, 2008, 'Ress Shaman'),
  84. (0, 64, 8143, 'Tremor'),
  85. (0, 64, 8154, 'Stone Skin Totem'),
  86. (0, 64, 3599, 'Searing Totem'),
  87. (0, 64, 2645, 'Ghost Wolf'),
  88. (0, 64, 57994, 'Wind Shear'),
  89. (0, 64, 370, 'Purge'),
  90. (0, 64, 1535, 'Fire Nova'),
  91. (0, 256, 5676, 'Searing Pain'),
  92. (0, 256, 1455, 'Drain Life'),
  93. (0, 256, 693, 'SS'),
  94. (0, 256, 5697, 'Uneinding breath'),
  95. (0, 256, 697, 'Summon Voidwalker'),
  96. (0, 256, 755, 'Health Funnel'),
  97. (0, 128, 2120, 'Flame strike'),
  98. (0, 128, 1008, 'Amplify Magic'),
  99. (0, 128, 604, 'Dampen Magic'),
  100. (0, 128, 475, 'Remove curse'),
  101. (0, 128, 130, 'Slow Fall'),
  102. (0, 128, 1449, 'Arcane Explosion'),
  103. (0, 8, 8647, 'Expose Armor'),
  104. (0, 8, 703, 'Garrote'),
  105. (0, 8, 8676, 'Ambush'),
  106. (0, 8, 1966, 'Feint'),
  107. (0, 8, 1766, 'Kick'),
  108. (0, 8, 674, 'Dual Wield'),
  109. (0, 16, 8122, 'Psychic Scream'),
  110. (0, 16, 528, 'Cure Disease'),
  111. (0, 16, 2054, 'Heal'),
  112. (0, 16, 527, 'Dispel Magic'),
  113. (0, 16, 588, 'Inner Fire'),
  114. (0, 4, 982, 'Revive Pet'),
  115. (0, 4, 1002, 'Eyes of the Beast'),
  116. (0, 4, 2974, 'Wingclip'),
  117. (0, 4, 13795, 'Immolation Trap'),
  118. (0, 4, 1495, 'Mongoose Bite'),
  119. (0, 4, 883, 'Call Pet'),
  120. (0, 4, 2643, 'Multi-shot'),
  121. (0, 4, 20736, 'Distracting shot'),
  122. (0, 512, 883, 'Call pet'),
  123. (0, 4, 1513, 'Scare Beast'),
  124. (0, 4, 2641, 'Dismiss Pet'),
  125. (0, 4, 6197, 'Eagle Eye'),
  126. (0, 4, 6991, 'Feed Pet'),
  127. (0, 4, 136, 'Mend Pet'),
  128. (0, 4, 19884, 'Track Undead'),
  129. (512, 0, 822, 'Magic resist'),
  130. (512, 8, 25046, 'Arcane Torrent Rogue'),
  131. (0, 4, 5118, 'Aspect of the Cheetah'),
  132. (0, 1, 676, NULL),
  133. (0, 1, 7386, 'Sunder Armor'),
  134. (0, 1, 355, 'Taunt'),
  135. (0, 1, 1160, 'Demoralizing Shout'),
  136. (0, 1, 6572, 'Revenge'),
  137. (0, 1, 694, 'Mocking Blow'),
  138. (0, 1, 2565, 'Shield Block'),
  139. (0, 1, 72, 'Shield Bash'),
  140. (1024, 2, 59542, 'Gift of the naaru (pala)'),
  141. (32, 0, 20550, 'Endurance'),
  142. (32, 0, 20549, 'War Stomp'),
  143. (0, 1, 71, 'Defensive Stance'),
  144. (0, 64, 8042, NULL),
  145. (0, 64, 332, NULL),
  146. (0, 64, 8017, NULL),
  147. (0, 64, 529, NULL),
  148. (0, 64, 8050, NULL),
  149. (0, 64, 8075, NULL),
  150. (0, 64, 5730, NULL),
  151. (0, 64, 324, NULL),
  152. (0, 64, 8018, NULL),
  153. (0, 64, 8044, NULL),
  154. (0, 64, 8024, NULL),
  155. (0, 64, 2484, NULL),
  156. (0, 8, 921, NULL),
  157. (0, 8, 1776, NULL),
  158. (0, 8, 1784, NULL),
  159. (0, 8, 53, NULL),
  160. (0, 8, 1757, NULL),
  161. (0, 8, 6760, NULL),
  162. (0, 1, 7384, 'Overpower'),
  163. (0, 8, 5277, NULL),
  164. (0, 8, 2983, NULL),
  165. (0, 8, 5171, NULL),
  166. (0, 8, 6770, NULL),
  167. (0, 4, 1494, NULL),
  168. (0, 4, 1978, NULL),
  169. (0, 4, 13163, NULL),
  170. (0, 4, 1130, NULL),
  171. (0, 4, 3044, NULL),
  172. (0, 4, 3127, NULL),
  173. (0, 4, 19883, NULL),
  174. (0, 4, 13549, NULL),
  175. (0, 4, 13165, NULL),
  176. (0, 4, 5116, NULL),
  177. (0, 4, 14260, NULL),
  178. (0, 16, 2052, NULL),
  179. (0, 256, 75445, 'Demonic Immolate'),
  180. (0, 64, 75461, 'Flame Shock Passive'),
  181. (0, 32, 56816, 'Rune Strike'),
  182. (1541, 2, 60091, 'Judgement Anti-Parry/Dodge Passive'),
  183. (0, 1, 3127, NULL),
  184. (0, 1, 772, NULL),
  185. (0, 1, 100, NULL),
  186. (0, 1, 6673, NULL),
  187. (0, 1, 6343, NULL),
  188. (0, 1, 34428, NULL),
  189. (0, 2, 3127, NULL),
  190. (0, 2, 633, NULL),
  191. (0, 2, 1022, NULL),
  192. (0, 1, 1715, NULL),
  193. (0, 1, 284, NULL),
  194. (0, 2, 465, NULL),
  195. (0, 2, 639, NULL),
  196. (0, 2, 10290, NULL),
  197. (0, 4, 5011, 'Crossbows'),
  198. (0, 2, 1152, NULL),
  199. (1024, 247, 29932, 'Language Draenei'),
  200. (0, 1, 2687, NULL),
  201. (0, 1, 6546, NULL),
  202. (0, 2, 498, 'Divine Protection'),
  203. (0, 1024, 8921, NULL),
  204. (0, 1024, 5177, NULL),
  205. (0, 2, 20271, 'Judgement of light'),
  206. (0, 1024, 774, NULL),
  207. (512, 446, 813, 'Language Thalassian'),
  208. (0, 1024, 99, NULL),
  209. (0, 1024, 5186, NULL),
  210. (0, 1024, 339, NULL),
  211. (0, 1024, 16689, NULL),
  212. (0, 1024, 1058, NULL),
  213. (0, 1024, 467, NULL),
  214. (0, 1024, 5232, NULL),
  215. (128, 253, 7341, 'Language Troll'),
  216. (0, 1024, 8924, NULL),
  217. (0, 128, 122, NULL),
  218. (0, 128, 118, NULL),
  219. (0, 128, 7300, NULL),
  220. (64, 425, 7340, 'Language Gnomish'),
  221. (0, 128, 587, NULL),
  222. (0, 128, 143, NULL),
  223. (0, 128, 116, NULL),
  224. (0, 128, 1459, NULL),
  225. (32, 1125, 670, 'Language Taurahe'),
  226. (0, 128, 5504, NULL),
  227. (0, 128, 2136, NULL),
  228. (16, 441, 17737, 'Language Gutterspeak'),
  229. (0, 128, 205, NULL),
  230. (0, 128, 5143, NULL),
  231. (0, 128, 5505, NULL),
  232. (40, 1024, 5185, 'Healing Touch'),
  233. (40, 1024, 5176, 'Wrath'),
  234. (0, 256, 1120, NULL),
  235. (0, 256, 6201, NULL),
  236. (0, 256, 980, NULL),
  237. (0, 256, 696, NULL),
  238. (8, 1085, 671, 'Language Darnassian'),
  239. (0, 4, 266, 'Guns'),
  240. (0, 256, 5782, NULL),
  241. (0, 256, 707, NULL),
  242. (0, 16, 2053, NULL),
  243. (0, 16, 586, NULL),
  244. (0, 16, 139, NULL),
  245. (4, 63, 672, 'Language Dwarven'),
  246. (0, 256, 1454, NULL),
  247. (0, 256, 695, NULL),
  248. (0, 64, 27763, 'Totem'),
  249. (0, 8, 2589, 'Backstab'),
  250. (0, 1, 5242, 'Battle Shout'),
  251. (0, 16, 594, NULL),
  252. (1710, 4, 34082, 'Advantaged State (DND)'),
  253. (1710, 4, 24949, 'Defensive State 2 (DND)'),
  254. (0, 16, 2006, NULL),
  255. (1710, 4, 13358, 'Defensive State (DND)'),
  256. (0, 4, 14261, 'Raptor Strike'),
  257. (0, 4, 264, 'Bows'),
  258. (1710, 4, 75, 'Auto Shot'),
  259. (0, 256, 688, NULL),
  260. (0, 256, 348, NULL),
  261. (0, 256, 172, NULL),
  262. (0, 256, 702, NULL),
  263. (690, 0, 669, 'Language Orcish'),
  264. (0, 1024, 1126, NULL),
  265. (0, 256, 687, 'Demon Skin'),
  266. (0, 256, 705, 'Shadow Bolt'),
  267. (0, 1488, 227, 'Staves'),
  268. (1745, 128, 168, 'Frost Armor'),
  269. (0, 128, 3140, 'Fireball'),
  270. (0, 32, 61455, 'Runic Focus'),
  271. (0, 32, 59921, 'Frost Fever'),
  272. (0, 32, 59879, 'Blood Plague'),
  273. (0, 32, 52665, 'Sigil'),
  274. (0, 32, 49576, 'Death Grip'),
  275. (0, 32, 49410, 'Forceful Deflection'),
  276. (0, 32, 48266, 'Blood Presence'),
  277. (0, 32, 47541, 'Death Coil'),
  278. (0, 32, 45903, 'Offensive State (DND)'),
  279. (0, 32, 45902, 'Blood Strike'),
  280. (0, 32, 45477, 'Icy Touch'),
  281. (0, 32, 45462, 'Plague Strike'),
  282. (0, 32, 33391, 'Journeyman Riding'),
  283. (0, 32, 18630, 'Heavy Runecloth Bandage'),
  284. (0, 32, 18629, 'Runecloth Bandage'),
  285. (0, 32, 10846, 'First Aid'),
  286. (0, 32, 10841, 'Heavy Mageweave Bandage'),
  287. (0, 32, 10840, 'Mageweave Bandage'),
  288. (0, 32, 7934, 'Anti-Venom'),
  289. (0, 32, 7929, 'Heavy Silk Bandage'),
  290. (0, 32, 7928, 'Silk Bandage'),
  291. (0, 32, 3278, 'Heavy Wool Bandage'),
  292. (0, 32, 3277, 'Wool Bandage'),
  293. (0, 32, 3276, 'Heavy Linen Bandage'),
  294. (0, 32, 3275, 'Linen Bandage'),
  295. (0, 32, 3127, 'Parry'),
  296. (0, 32, 750, 'Plate Mail'),
  297. (0, 35, 202, 'Two-Handed Swords'),
  298. (0, 32, 200, 'Polearms'),
  299. (0, 37, 197, 'Two-Handed Axes'),
  300. (0, 400, 5009, 'Shoot'),
  301. (0, 400, 5019, 'Wand Skill'),
  302. (1693, 16, 2050, 'Lesser Heal'),
  303. (1693, 16, 598, 'Smite'),
  304. (735, 8, 21184, 'Rogue Passive (DND)'),
  305. (735, 8, 16092, 'Defensive State (DND)'),
  306. (0, 9, 2764, 'Throw'),
  307. (0, 9, 2567, 'Thrown'),
  308. (0, 8, 1758, 'Sinister Strike'),
  309. (0, 8, 6761, 'Eviscerate'),
  310. (735, 1293, 1180, 'Daggers'),
  311. (1541, 2, 27762, 'Libram'),
  312. (1541, 2, 21084, 'Seal of Righteousness'),
  313. (1541, 2, 635, 'Holy Light'),
  314. (0, 3, 199, 'Two-Handed Maces'),
  315. (2, 0, 0, NULL),
  316. (0, 0, 61437, 'Opening'),
  317. (1, 443, 59752, 'Every Man for Himself'),
  318. (0, 16, 8092, NULL),
  319. (0, 0, 45927, 'Summon Friend'),
  320. (1279, 1, 32215, 'Victorious State'),
  321. (0, 0, 22810, 'Opening - No Text'),
  322. (0, 0, 22027, 'Remove Insignia'),
  323. (0, 0, 21652, 'Closing'),
  324. (0, 0, 21651, 'Opening'),
  325. (0, 16, 589, NULL),
  326. (0, 16, 1243, NULL),
  327. (0, 16, 17, NULL),
  328. (0, 16, 591, NULL),
  329. (0, 0, 9125, 'Generic'),
  330. (0, 67, 9116, 'Shield'),
  331. (0, 0, 9078, 'Cloth'),
  332. (0, 1135, 9077, 'Leather'),
  333. (0, 35, 8737, 'Mail'),
  334. (0, 0, 8386, 'Attacking'),
  335. (0, 0, 7355, 'Stuck'),
  336. (0, 0, 7267, 'Grovel'),
  337. (0, 0, 7266, 'Duel'),
  338. (0, 0, 6603, 'Attack'),
  339. (0, 0, 6478, 'Opening'),
  340. (0, 0, 6477, 'Opening'),
  341. (0, 0, 6247, 'Opening'),
  342. (0, 0, 6246, 'Closing'),
  343. (0, 0, 6233, 'Closing'),
  344. (1279, 1, 5301, 'Defensive State (DND)'),
  345. (0, 0, 3365, 'Opening'),
  346. (0, 0, 3050, 'Detect'),
  347. (0, 0, 2479, 'Honorless Target'),
  348. (1279, 1, 2457, 'Battle Stance'),
  349. (0, 0, 2382, 'Generic'),
  350. (0, 0, 1843, 'Disarm'),
  351. (1101, 0, 668, 'Language Common'),
  352. (0, 0, 522, 'SPELLDEFENSE (DND)'),
  353. (0, 0, 204, 'Defense'),
  354. (0, 0, 203, 'Unarmed'),
  355. (0, 39, 201, 'One-Handed Swords'),
  356. (0, 1107, 198, 'One-Handed Maces'),
  357. (0, 37, 196, 'One-Handed Axes'),
  358. (0, 67, 107, 'Block'),
  359. (0, 0, 81, 'Dodge'),
  360. (0, 1, 285, 'Heroic Strike'),
  361. (0, 2, 196, 'One-Handed Axes'),
  362. (0, 4, 196, 'One-Handed Axes'),
  363. (0, 64, 196, 'One-Handed Axes'),
  364. (0, 8, 2567, 'Thrown'),
  365. (0, 1, 2567, 'Thrown'),
  366. (0, 8, 2764, 'Throw'),
  367. (0, 1, 2764, 'Throw'),
  368. (0, 1, 227, 'Staves'),
  369. (0, 4, 227, 'Staves'),
  370. (0, 256, 227, 'Staves'),
  371. (0, 128, 227, 'Staves'),
  372. (0, 16, 227, 'Staves'),
  373. (0, 64, 227, 'Staves'),
  374. (0, 1024, 227, 'Staves'),
  375. (0, 1, 201, 'One-Handed Swords'),
  376. (0, 2, 201, 'One-Handed Swords'),
  377. (0, 4, 201, 'One-Handed Swords'),
  378. (0, 8, 201, 'One-Handed Swords'),
  379. (0, 128, 201, 'One-Handed Swords'),
  380. (0, 256, 201, 'One-Handed Swords'),
  381. (0, 1, 197, 'Two-Handed Axes'),
  382. (0, 2, 197, 'Two-Handed Axes'),
  383. (0, 4, 197, 'Two-Handed Axes'),
  384. (0, 64, 197, 'Two-Handed Axes'),
  385. (0, 1, 199, 'Two-Handed Maces'),
  386. (0, 2, 199, 'Two-Handed Maces'),
  387. (0, 64, 199, 'Two-Handed Maces'),
  388. (0, 1024, 199, 'Two-Handed Maces'),
  389. (0, 1, 202, 'Two-Handed Swords'),
  390. (0, 2, 202, 'Two-Handed Swords'),
  391. (0, 4, 202, 'Two-Handed Swords'),
  392. (0, 16, 5019, 'Wands'),
  393. (0, 128, 5019, 'Wands'),
  394. (0, 256, 5019, 'Wands'),
  395. (1, 0, 20864, 'Mace specialistation'),
  396. (1, 0, 58985, 'Perception'),
  397. (1, 0, 20597, 'Sword Specialisation'),
  398. (1, 0, 20598, 'The Human Spirit'),
  399. (4, 0, 20594, 'Stoneform'),
  400. (4, 0, 20864, 'Mace Specialisation'),
  401. (4, 0, 20595, 'Gun Special'),
  402. (4, 0, 20596, 'Frost Resist'),
  403. (16, 0, 20577, 'Cannibalize'),
  404. (16, 0, 20579, 'Shadow Resist'),
  405. (16, 0, 5227, 'Underwater Breathing'),
  406. (16, 0, 7744, 'Will of the Forsaken'),
  407. (64, 0, 20592, 'Arcane Resist'),
  408. (64, 0, 20593, 'Engineering Specialization'),
  409. (64, 0, 20589, 'Escape Artist'),
  410. (2, 0, 20574, 'Axes Specialization'),
  411. (128, 0, 26297, 'Berserking'),
  412. (8, 0, 58984, 'Shadowmeld'),
  413. (2, 64, 33697, 'Blood Fury'),
  414. (2, 0, 20575, 'Command'),
  415. (2, 0, 20573, 'Hardiness'),
  416. (128, 0, 20557, 'Beast Slaying'),
  417. (128, 0, 26290, 'Bow Special'),
  418. (128, 0, 58943, 'Vodo Shuffle'),
  419. (128, 0, 20555, 'Regen'),
  420. (128, 0, 20558, 'Throwing Special'),
  421. (8, 0, 21009, 'Elusiveness'),
  422. (8, 0, 20551, 'Nature Resist'),
  423. (8, 0, 20582, 'Quickness'),
  424. (8, 0, 20585, 'Wisp Spirit'),
  425. (1024, 4, 59543, 'Gift of the naaru (hunter)'),
  426. (0, 256, 6222, 'Corruption'),
  427. (0, 256, 1014, 'Cruse of Agony'),
  428. (0, 256, 1108, 'Curse of Weakness'),
  429. (0, 128, 1460, 'Arcane Intellect'),
  430. (0, 128, 5144, 'Arcane Missles'),
  431. (0, 128, 597, 'Conjure Food'),
  432. (0, 128, 2137, 'Fire Blast'),
  433. (0, 128, 837, 'Frostbolt'),
  434. (0, 16, 1244, 'Power Word: Fortitude'),
  435. (0, 16, 600, 'Power Word: Shield'),
  436. (0, 16, 6074, 'Renew'),
  437. (0, 16, 8102, 'Mind Blast'),
  438. (0, 16, 970, 'Shadow Word: Pain'),
  439. (0, 64, 8045, 'Earth Shock'),
  440. (0, 64, 8052, 'Flame Shock'),
  441. (0, 64, 548, 'Lightning Bolt'),
  442. (0, 64, 8027, 'Flametongue Weapon'),
  443. (0, 64, 8019, 'Rockbiter Weapon'),
  444. (0, 64, 325, 'Lightning Shield'),
  445. (0, 64, 913, 'Healing Wave'),
  446. (0, 64, 6390, 'Stoneclaw Totem'),
  447. (0, 1, 8198, 'Thunder Clap'),
  448. (0, 4, 13550, 'Serpent Sting'),
  449. (0, 4, 14281, 'Arcane Shot'),
  450. (0, 4, 14318, 'Aspect of the Hawk'),
  451. (0, 256, 689, 'Drain life R1'),
  452. (0, 4, 3018, 'Shoot'),
  453. (0, 4, 2764, 'Throw'),
  454. (0, 8, 3127, 'Parry'),
  455. (0, 2, 853, 'Hammer of Justice'),
  456. (512, 2, 28730, 'Arcane Torrent Caster'),
  457. (512, 4, 28730, 'Arcane Torrent Caster'),
  458. (512, 16, 28730, 'Arcane Torrent Caster'),
  459. (512, 128, 28730, 'Arcane Torrent Caster'),
  460. (512, 256, 28730, 'Arcane Torrent Caster'),
  461. (1024, 1, 28880, 'Gift of the naaru (warr)'),
  462. (0, 1024, 6808, 'Maul'),
  463. (0, 1024, 50769, 'Revive'),
  464. (0, 2, 7328, 'Redemption'),
  465. (1024, 64, 59547, 'Gift of the naaru (shaman)'),
  466. (1024, 16, 59544, 'Gift of the naaru (priest)'),
  467. (1024, 128, 59548, 'Gift of the naaru (mage)'),
  468. (2, 384, 33702, 'Blood Fury'),
  469. (2, 13, 20572, 'Blood Fury');
  470. /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `playercreateinfo_spell_custom` ENABLE KEYS */;
  471. /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=IFNULL(@OLD_SQL_MODE, '') */;
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