
Pale [KitKit]

Jul 15th, 2014
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  1. 04[22:59] * @emeraldEclipse PESTERs woundThreads : (Uhm. Izzy?)
  2. 06[23:00] * woundThreads TROLLs emeraldEclipse: (•hey, kiddo!)
  3. 06[23:00] * woundThreads TROLLs emeraldEclipse: (•need something?)
  4. 04[23:01] * @emeraldEclipse PESTERs woundThreads : (I, uh, was wondering about pale relationships and if you could answer some more questions about them? If you come over I could make dinner as well?)
  5. 06[23:04] * woundThreads TROLLs emeraldEclipse: (•hahaha, you didn't need to offer me dinner, kid, but i ain't gonna say no!)
  6. 06[23:04] * woundThreads TROLLs emeraldEclipse: (•want me over right away, or do you got stuff to do?)
  7. 04[23:05] * @emeraldEclipse PESTERs woundThreads : (Its mostly done? You can come over now, but it'll take some time to be ready.)
  8. 06[23:06] * woundThreads TROLLs emeraldEclipse: (•i'll take a few minutes to clean up impgoop that's gotten on me, how's that sound?)
  9. 04[23:06] * @emeraldEclipse PESTERs woundThreads : (Okay!)
  10. 06[23:06] * woundThreads TROLLs emeraldEclipse: (•then i'll come over and bask in free food (; )
  11. 06[23:06] * woundThreads TROLLs emeraldEclipse: (•see you soon, afiqah!)
  12. 04[23:07] * @emeraldEclipse PESTERs woundThreads : (See you soon)
  13. [23:09] <woundThreads> [You take a quick dip in the shower, and consider the request and your wardrobe. Of course, you could wear your normal clothes, rust and black and dowdy and comfortable, but, hmm...]
  14. [23:10] <woundThreads> [You could /also/ dress up like a pale pimp. For dinner. Yes.]
  15. [23:12] <woundThreads> [Aww, hell, you're old enough that you won't have many more chances to primp yourself up: you choose the creamy lace dress with rust-red satin ribbons, and put on some polished rose quartz jewelry. Lookin' good! (for a withered old crone!)]
  16. [23:15] <woundThreads> [You are missing the middle joint of your left pinky finger, but at least your horns are whole again. (You found the missing bit of your horn in a dungeon. It was stupid.) You declare yourself Ready For Dinner, and head off to Afiqah's hivespire.]
  17. 04[23:16] <@emeraldEclipse> [You sent Izzy the directions to where you are in your Spire while she was showering, and are currently sitting down at a low table with your notebook in hand, puzzling over your experiments in the Ring. Theres a rich smell coming from the oven, and the table is already set with most of the food.]
  18. 04[23:18] <@emeraldEclipse> [You're not nearly as dressed as Izzy would be, wearing jeans and a light blue long-sleeved shirt. You debated over it for a while, but you're not wearing your hijab right at this moment. Your shoulder length black hair hanging loose, curling around under your chin.]
  19. [23:23] <woundThreads> [You arrive fairly quickly, making sure to stomp your boots (which are your usual, well-worn ones, the ones you start every session with-- you may be pimpin', but you're not going to wear dainty-ass shoes while doing it) as you approach so she knows you're there. "Hey, kiddo!" you call, brightly, as you enter, in a swoosh of ankle-length skirts.]
  20. [23:24] <woundThreads> [Her hair is out from under her scarf! Huh! You are down with this, and you sparkle a bright grin at her.]
  21. 04[23:25] <@emeraldEclipse> [You stand up as she enters the room, letting the book arch itself face down on the table. Feeling very underdressed at the moment. "Uhm. Hi Izzy. You, uh, didn't have to dress up for me." You do smile back though.]
  22. [23:26] <woundThreads> ["Haha, well, I figured as long as I was gettin' cleaned up..." You do a little twirl, because you may be an old lady but you
  23. [23:27] <woundThreads> 're only 24 sweeps old, and keep grinning at her.]
  24. [23:27] <woundThreads> ["Anyway, I'm not gonna have too many more chances to get dressed up, I'd wager. Might as well do it when I can, yeah?"]
  25. 04[23:28] <@emeraldEclipse> [You laugh. "I'll, uh, have to return the favour some time. You look lovely." You look a little uncomfortable at the last bit, but nod. "I suppose so." You wait until shes done showing off before opening your arms in offer of a hug.]
  26. [23:32] <woundThreads> [You chirp, and gladly accept, hugging her. Aw yes pimpdress totally works!] [Or, y'know, human friendship. One of those.] [You press a fond kiss to her temple, and pull back a little, hand hovering near her hair. "I ain't ever seen you without your scarf before!" you tell her, smiling. "Your hair's gorgeous."]
  27. 04[23:36] <@emeraldEclipse> [You hug back tightly (but not too tightly). "Oh, uhm, thanks. Its complicated, but if I'm comfortable with it, I can take it off around other females. And, I, uh, yeah." You go a little red in the face as your explination grinds to a halt.]
  28. [23:40] <woundThreads> [Laughing, you pat her cheek (la dee da just human friendship here!) and tell her, "I'm gonna have to quiz /you/ about /human/ stuff, one of these days, kiddo. But hey-- you promised me food, didn't you~?"]
  29. 04[23:43] <@emeraldEclipse> ["Oh! Uhm, yes. It should be done in..." You check you watch. "A minute." You gesture to the table and one of two chairs. "I can answer as best I can about where I'm from, but theres a lot of, uhm, human stuff." And you head into the kitchen.]
  30. [23:44] <woundThreads> ["I know," you say, after her, and settle down into a chair-- mmm, yeah, that's nice, sitting down. "But I'd love to learn more about you anyway."]
  31. [23:44] <woundThreads> [Flirting? You? NEVER.]
  32. 04[23:46] <@emeraldEclipse> [The table already has a bowl of olives, some flatbread and hummus, as well as a pitcher of water and another of juice. "I'd, uh, be happy to tell you." You say from the kitchen where you start muttering under your breath in Arabic. You hope you got this right. You promised them food and you want it to be perfect. Waiting until you watch beeps to pull a large casserole dish out of the oven.]
  33. [23:49] <woundThreads> [You pour yourself a glass of juice, and snag and olive, and hum happily at the taste of it.]
  34. [23:49] <woundThreads> [The narrator assumes you find olives delicious, because of reasons of how they taste, though the narrator doesn't like them herself and thus cannot describe it any better than that.]
  35. 04[23:51] <@emeraldEclipse> [You check and make sure nothings burnt (its perfect, but you keep checking), before carrying it out and flipping it expertly onto an empty plate at the centre of the table. It comes out smoothly with only a few rice pieces stuck on the dish.] [ ]
  36. [23:52] <woundThreads> [You croon as the smell wafts toward you-- you have no idea what that is, but-- "That smells amazing. What is it?"]
  37. 04[23:56] <@emeraldEclipse> [You take the dish back into the kitchen and come back with a serving spoon. "It, uhm, doesn't really have a name in English. It's called Maqluba though, which I, uhm, guess translates as 'upside-down'. Its a casserole with rice, tomatos, onions, garlic, zucchini and beef. I, uh, hope you like it?" You offer to spoon them a portion.]
  38. [23:59] <woundThreads> ["Sweet gods of the outer ring, I would like to /live/ in it, if it tastes as good as it smells." Your mouth is watering, and you will eagerly take a portion, though you wait for her to get some herself before taking the first bite.]
  39. [23:59] <woundThreads> [The first bite is heaven.]
  40. [23:59] <woundThreads> ["It tastes as good as it smells," you tell her, through a full mouth and your third bite, about five seconds later.]
  41. 04[00:00] <@emeraldEclipse> [You serve both of you and pour yourself a glass of water before sitting down, watching her reaction as she tries it. Visibly relaxing and giving a big smile at the compliment. "Thank you!" Eating at a bit slower of a pace.]
  42. [00:04] <woundThreads> [You serve yourself seconds, which you consume at a slightly more reasonable rate-- though you look incredibly happy and are making sweet little noises of enjoyment as you lick grains of rice off your utensils. Damn, but that's good.]
  43. 04[00:06] <@emeraldEclipse> [You don't take any more. Leaving more than half the dish left. (You'll insist Izzy takes the leftovers if shes enjoying it this much.) Sipping slightly at your water while she finishes up.]
  44. [00:11] <woundThreads> [After two servings, you are satiated, and a little saturated, and you sigh happily, nudging your plate away so you can rest your elbows on the table. "That was good," you purr at her. "You can invite me for interrogation every night, if you're gonna feed me like that, kiddo."]
  45. 04[00:13] <@emeraldEclipse> [You grin back. "I'll, uhm, consider it." You pull out your notebook again. "So, uhm, pale romance."]
  46. [00:14] <woundThreads> ["Pale romance," you agree, and examine the little pink gems in the bracelet you're wearing, still smiling.]
  47. 04[00:16] <@emeraldEclipse> ["You said it was the, uh, non-sexual romantic one." You read off from the appropriate page. "Keeping them grounded and stable. Is there, uh, more to it than that?"]
  48. [00:18] <woundThreads> ["Mmm. Yeah, there's subtleties there. I mean, of course there's gonna be differences between different couples anyway, but there's different... mmm, how to put this." You wobble your hand in the air. "There's the kind of pale romance where only your hands on them, only your voice, keeps them from spillin' blood where blood ought not to be spilt, yeah?"]
  49. [00:19] <woundThreads> ["Or where only one person can keep you from spillin' blood, on the other side, you know."]
  50. 04[00:19] <@emeraldEclipse> [You open your mouth to say you don't quite understand, but close it again as you remember a different dinner you had. "Oh, okay."]
  51. [00:20] <woundThreads> ["But there's also more quiet kinds, where it's all more like--" You raise your hands, and puppet them at each other, "'Hey, lover, don't do that thing, you'll get yourself hurt!' 'Well, damn, I really wanted to, but you know more about this than me!' 'Damn RIGHT I do.' 'Now don't go gettin' egotistical, I have photos of you with slime in your hair and I'm
  52. [00:21] <woundThreads> not afraid to distribute them!'"]
  53. [00:22] <woundThreads> [Then Righty the handpuppet plants a smooch on Lefty's cheek. It is disgustingly cute.]
  54. 04[00:22] <@emeraldEclipse> [You laugh. "A voice of, uhm, reason then?"]
  55. [00:25] <woundThreads> ["Yeah, pretty much. Like that thing in that one human movie, the one with the puppet and the hopbug?" You hum the opening few notes of "When You Wish Upon A Star", assuming she'll get that. "And then there's another step down the mellow ladder, where neither of you really /need/ the other, not like in the intense sort, but, like-- not every love affair's got to be super intense to mean something."]
  56. [00:26] <woundThreads> [Righty and Lefty croon and snuggle and preen each other, cheek to cheek, and sink down to the table to snuggle, fondly.]
  57. 04[00:27] <@emeraldEclipse> [You nod. "Where its, uhm, more about where they make each other feel better without any need for uhm, more...balancing?" You're not sure thats the right word.]
  58. [00:28] <woundThreads> ["Yeah. Just 'cause you don't /need/ it doesn't mean you don't /want/ that kind of closeness, someone to share all your troubles and secrets with, who'll pet your hair and kiss your wounds and trust you to do the same for them."]
  59. 04[00:30] <@emeraldEclipse> [You nod again. "That, uhm, sounds more like something I'm familiar with."]
  60. [00:33] <woundThreads> [You smile at her. "I've had humans tell me it's like siblings, or parents, or best friends, or a couple times completely fuckin' weird that you'd let anyone with teeth like a troll kiss your wounds." You laugh, and lick a fang.]
  61. [00:33] <woundThreads> ["But it's romance, for trolls, usually. We can have best friends too, and sisters or brothers inna more-- teammate kinda sense, but that doesn't mean we'd let them in that close, let 'em know our secrets and how to hurt us."]
  62. 04[00:34] <@emeraldEclipse> [You chew on the end of your pen. "It, uh, didn't make sense on Alternia, right?" You hazard a guess.]
  63. [00:37] <woundThreads> ["A friend could be one bad day away from killin' you and feeding you to their lusus. 'Specially if they were half of the first type, and didn't have the other half to stop them." Your voice is almost apologetic. "It was 'specially bad down low-- I knew that a good chunk of the people I knew knew I was... disposable, bein' rust like I am."]
  64. 04[00:39] <@emeraldEclipse> [You frown. "Its, uhm, there loss." You get out of your seat and give her a hug.]
  65. [00:42] <woundThreads> [Oh.] [Well! You weren't aiming at pitiful right then, but you'll take it, and you chirp and hug her back, with a little nuzzle at her hair.] ["Damn right it was! Look at me now, thirty sessions in and still goin' strong." A giggle, and you pat her back.]
  66. 04[00:44] <@emeraldEclipse> ["Yes. Still going strong." You echo, and squeeze her in the hug. "I'm, uh, sorry about making accidental overtures last time."]
  67. [00:46] <woundThreads> ["Kiddo, Afiqah, darlin', I am /so/ fuckin' used to it you don't even know." Grinning, you run your nails over her scalp, affectionately. "Humans absolutely /leak/ pale overtures, from a troll's point of view. It's cute."]
  68. 04[00:48] <@emeraldEclipse> ["Mmm." You lean into the scratching. "If its, uhm. Something you wanted, I, could, uhm, try?" You're very red now.]
  69. [00:52] <woundThreads> [Oh. Oh my.] [After a second of surprise, you bark out a laugh, and pull back a little. "Damn, I knew I was dressed up like a diamonds pimp, but I didn't expect it to work that well!" you tell her, with a wide grin, then kiss the tip of her nose.]
  70. 04[00:53] <@emeraldEclipse> [You give a small 'eep' at the kiss. "I, uhm, guess thats a yes?"]
  71. [00:55] <woundThreads> [You purr, and kiss her cheek, and nod.]
  72. 04[00:58] <@emeraldEclipse> ["Oh, uhm, good." You start scratching her back.]
  73. [00:59] <woundThreads> [You purr harder, and scritch her back, too, in big, gentle circles over her shoulderblades. "You're adorable, by the way," you tell her, with a grin.]
  74. 04[01:02] <@emeraldEclipse> ["Oh, uhm, thanks." That feels good and your shoulders slump. "You've, uhm, been very kind and, uh helpful." Theres a hint of a question in there, like you're not sure if you're doing it right and are looking for confirmation.]
  75. [01:04] <woundThreads> [ADORABLE. You giggle, and kiss her cheek, and ask her, "Do you wanna see how moirails traditionally cuddle up?"]
  76. 04[01:06] <@emeraldEclipse> ["Uhm. Sure. That'd be nice." You let go of the hug.]
  77. [01:08] <woundThreads> [You get up, and drop a kiss on her hair-- it is some damn pretty hair, makes you almost feel a little self-conscious of your own reddening black-- and tell her, "Lead me to wherever there's the most pillows."]
  78. 04[01:11] <@emeraldEclipse> ["Uhm. This way." You take her hand and start leading her towards a sitting room. Theres a lot of pillows along the sides, plus some on the couches.]
  79. [01:15] <woundThreads> [You lace your fingers with hers, briefly, and then pull away, to start making a pillow pile-- humans prefer soft things, you know, and your old spine ain't really up for piles of scabbards or shovels or jewelry boxes anymore, so that's fine with you.] ["This is called a pile," you tell her, and carefully build up the walls to make a nesty area in the middle.]
  80. 04[01:16] <@emeraldEclipse> [You help by bringing pillows over once you see what shes doing. "Uhm. Okay? I umh, knew that already?"]
  81. [01:21] <woundThreads> ["Well, yeah, it's a pile, but it's also a-- a special thing." You wink at her. "Usually made outta things you love, but I ain't got any of those around here 'cept maybe you, so pillow'll do."]
  82. 04[01:24] <@emeraldEclipse> [You squirm a little at that. "Ah. Uhm, what sort of things do you love?"]
  83. [01:27] <woundThreads> [You plop down in the pillows, and sqirm so there's plenty of room beside you for her, and gesture for her to join you. "I'll let you know if you come here," you tell her, with a blinding grin.]
  84. 04[01:29] <@emeraldEclipse> [You don't quite flop down, not wanting to accidentily squish Izzy, preferring to lay down on it slowly, but you do get there. "So, uhm, piles then." You poke at the nearest pillow. Wary about falling to the side.]
  85. [01:31] <woundThreads> ["Piles, then," you purr, and run your nails through her hair, and tell her, "I love how much you're willin' to ask questions about, to learn about things. I love that a lot. It's adorable, an' inspiring, to see someone willin' to nose into the business of trolls just to learn things."]
  86. 04[01:35] <@emeraldEclipse> [You lean into the pets. "Well, if I'm, uh, going to be replaying with them. Its good to know, right? And you've been helpful in answering the questions."]
  87. 04[01:35] <@emeraldEclipse> [You've missed physical contact.]
  88. [01:39] <woundThreads> ["Yeah, it is good to know. But most people would just yell, like, 'Hey! this troll tried to kiss me while we were having a fight! Should I stab 'em?' and then not ask another question." You smile, softly, and kiss her cheek. "You've gotta thirst for knowing, though. And a drive. 'S wonderful."]
  89. 04[01:41] <@emeraldEclipse> ["Well, theres so much to know, right?" You shuffle a little closer to Izzy and wrap an arm around them. "Is that something I should be worried about though?" You ask quietly.]
  90. [01:43] <woundThreads> ["What, getting kissed with fighting, or being smart and beautiful?" You wrap your arm around her, too, and cuddle close, head bent to go forehead-to-forehead with her. "I wouldn't worry too much about the second one, personally."]
  91. 04[01:44] <@emeraldEclipse> ["Uhm. I was, uhm, more talking about the first." You gently rub your forehead against hers.]
  92. [01:46] <woundThreads> [You trill, and practically melt, arm going heavy around her waist and eyes fluttering closed. "Uhhmmm," you manage, after a moment, then mumble, "can't imagine anyone hatin' you enough" before scritching lethargically at the small of her back.]
  93. 04[01:47] <@emeraldEclipse> ["Ahh!" You practically jump. The fact it was a slow scratch only made you more ticklish. You flush red as you settle back down. "Uhm, sorry. Ticklish there."]
  94. [01:48] <woundThreads> [You jerk, too, blinking away shooshedness, and then grin wickedly. "Already trusting me with dangerous secrets, are you?" you purr. "I don't suppose you're ticklish anywhere else?"]
  95. 04[01:50] <@emeraldEclipse> ["Uhm. Uhm." You look around warily. "Yes?"]
  96. [01:55] <woundThreads> [You giggle, but do not take advantage of this, instead lifting your hand to her cheek and cupping it. "I promise to not tell anyone else your weakness," you tell her, and scritch the nape of her neck instead.]
  97. 04[01:58] <@emeraldEclipse> [Your eyes shut and you hum appreciatively. "Thanks. I, uh, don't really have many that'd be interested in it to be honest."]
  98. [02:02] <woundThreads> ["Still. It's safe with me." You kiss her forehead, and then, a bare hint of shyness sneaking into your voice, suggest, "You know, if you touch a troll's face and they trust you to do it, it'll basically turn them to jelly in your hands." Just in case she wanted to know. And do that to you.]
  99. 04[02:04] <@emeraldEclipse> ["And, uhm, you trust me to do that?" You open your eyes. Watching her carefully.]
  100. [02:06] <woundThreads> ["Yeah, of course." You're smiling, soft-eyed, and finger comb out her hair. "Wouldn't let you this close already if I didn't."]
  101. 04[02:07] <@emeraldEclipse> [You cautiously reach out and cup her cheek. Gently stroking it with your thumb. "Like this?"]
  102. [02:10] <woundThreads> ["Mmmph," you reply, eyelids dropping immediately, "yeah," and you rub your cheek against her touch, with a warbling trill.]
  103. 04[02:13] <@emeraldEclipse> [You say something in Arabic under your breath and grin, still stroking her cheek. After a second you gently ease yourself up on an elbow and place a small kiss on her forehead.]
  104. [02:17] <woundThreads> ["Buh," you manage, and begin to rumble like a very, very oversized housecat, going all loose and limp and absolutely wonderful-feeling, a loopy grin plastered on your face. Mmm, yeah, /feelgood/ chemicals all /up/ in your brain, you could get /used/ to this.]
  105. 04[02:18] <@emeraldEclipse> ["Is that right?" You comment and snuggle a little closer to her. Resting your head against her shoulder as you continue to stroke her cheek.]
  106. [02:21] <woundThreads> [Words seem to have abandoned you, so you purr louder, which is easier than trying to get your tongue to cooperate, and manage to flop a hand against her side, fingers kneading reflexively at the softness of her shirt and skin.]
  107. 04[02:23] <@emeraldEclipse> ["I, uh, guess I'm doing a good job." You say somewhat sleepily. They're like giant cats.]
  108. [02:29] <woundThreads> ["Muh," you manage, and turn your head a little to kiss her fingers, then flop back as you were. Yes. This is good. You are good. She is especially good, because she's making this and you both also feel good.]
  109. [[Scene]]
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