
Rocket quotes

Apr 18th, 2019
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  1. “Your majesty”
  2. "Turnabout’s fair play”
  3. “Good t’see you too.”
  4. "I'll do you a deal, I'll sign on if you stop beating yourself up."
  5. "Right from the get-go, despite my teasing, I thought the Guardians of the Galaxy was a good idea. A fine idea. Let's be honest here, the galaxy can't be trusted to look after itself."
  6. “Jeez Louise...”
  7. “Talking pets give me the willies."
  8. "Mister."
  9. "Never tell me the odds."
  10. "Blam! Murdered you!"
  11. "Flark everything and everyone!"
  12. "You always say that, I don't even know what that means."
  13. "This world is now under protection of the Guardians of the Galaxy."
  14. "I think we deserve some reward for saving your home planet."
  15. "Yeah... that'll pay the bills."
  16. “Could you scratch a little lower?”
  17. “Anyone else wanna try to pet me?!”
  18. “The next thing you move… I will shoot off!”
  19. “What? Cut it out, Quill. You’re creeping me out.”
  20. "I thought I was your best friend."
  21. “Well, thanks. It’s nice to know my lifetime of hard work has been noticed.”
  22. “Aww… c’mon. Really? How do you have a higher bounty than me?! How? I commit crimes! I steal stuff. I steal stuff all the time! I stole a rocket ship from a baby!”
  23. “What are qualms?”
  24. “I had a choice to make... Do I sit around feeling sorry for myself because the Guardians just split up in the most acrimonious circumstances? Or do I try and throw a new team together and do something about it?”
  25. "Hey! Tell him who's in charge of the group now!"
  26. "Blocked out so many memories."
  27. "There's no one like me, baby!"
  28. "Another one what? Whadaya mean, just like me? Tell me exactly where this was.”
  29. "Ain't no thing like me, 'cept me!"
  30. “I have the Guardians. They've been my family for a long time now, but deep down I've always hoped that I'd find the people of Halfworld, my home planet."
  31. “And you’ll never see one after me, neither, so take a good look. You ain’t the only one-of-a-kind one ’round here.”
  32. “Where I’m from we kill collaborators.”
  33. “Doesn’t matter.”
  34. "Kill me. Because if you don't, I promise ya, I'm going to kill all of you until there ain't no more to kill!"
  35. "I don’t flarking care about her implants.”
  36. “Hold up! What's a raccoon?”
  37. “Okay. … I’m not a Raccoon.”
  38. "Gentlemen, let's take it down a notch. No need for anyone to get hurt."
  39. "Okay, I lied. There's totally a reason for someone to get hurt,”
  40. "I've escaped 22 prisons."
  41. “I was bumming around. I’d just lost the only home I ever had. I was a mess -- and I did some stuff. Stuff I maybe regret. Flark, ya gonna make me say it? My sense of touch, my sense of hearing -- they're ... hypersensitive. ... I'm good. Outside standard sentient range. So ... I took down scores, squiddy. Big scores. Specifically? I cracked safes. And I was the best there ever was."
  42. "I--I'm not this--whoever this is--that's--that's somebody else--"
  43. "But...I was happy… Lylla. Please--"
  44. "I don't...I don't know what happened. What happened to me. I lost something... I don't even know when, or what it was...”
  45. "Come on, Quill. That's not me, that's somebody else."
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