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Caramel/Teen Spike

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Jul 23rd, 2013
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  1. >You are Spike, and you've just gotten through a major growth spurt
  2. >Twilight had gone full panic mode at first, but once the doctors had assured her dragons could grow without greed, things had settled down a bit
  3. >Though, the whole "your changing body means you're evil" thing had put a damper on your self esteem for a while
  4. >Whatever
  5. >Anyways, as you had been growing, your appetite was huge
  6. >Gems are expensive though, so you ended up having to find a job to eat well
  7. >Thankfully, Applejack had been kind enough to hire you on at the farm
  8. >Now, the growth spurt was coming to an end and your hunger was normalizing, but you had decided to stay on at the farm regardless
  9. >There were a couple reasons for this- the extra bits were nice, punching trees had led to you packing on some muscle, and it meant less bookeeping in the library
  10. >But most of all, it was for the ponies
  11. >AJ had always been friendly towards you, but the last few months had seen the two of you get a lot closer
  12. >Big Mac was distant at first, but once he warmed up to you, he proved to be a reliable bro
  13. >Applebloom was like a little sister to you now, and always asking you for odd favors to help out the CMC
  14. >And who would have guessed Granny Smith would know so many gem/apple fusion recipies?
  15. >But, on the other claw, there was Caramel
  16. >Not that you didn't like him
  17. >The two of you just never really talked
  18. >Plus, he seemed a little... spacey
  19. >Especially around Big Mac
  20. >You aren't perfect yourself- you do have a tendancey to narrate exposition in your head for no reason
  21. >But at least you stay working through it
  22. >Case in point, right now
  23. >Here you are, throwing haymakers at this tree
  24. >And a few rows down, there Caramel is, just starring off into the distance, not doing any work
  25. >On a whim, you follow his gaze
  26. >Wow, that is one huge storm brewing over the Everfree
  27. >You grab your buckets and throw them into the cart before starting back towards the Apple family home
  28. >No way in Tartarus you're getting caught outside when that thing rolls in
  29. >You arrive back at the homestead around the same time as Applejack
  30. >"Howdy Spike. Sure looks like one heck of a storm, don't it?"
  31. "You said it AJ. Is there any equipment we need to haul back in from the fields?"
  32. >"Nah, Big Mac's got a handle on what little's out there"
  33. "In that case, I'd better get going to the library. I've gotta hurry if I'm going to beat the rain"
  34. >"Aw, Spike, ya now I cain't let one of mah friends trudge through the weather. Ya best stay for dinner, and we'll make the barn nice an' comfy for ya tonight"
  35. "Well, I wouldn't dream on passing up one of Granny Smith's meals. It sounds like a plan, AJ"
  36. >Dinner went well
  37. >Caramel was there too, so you figured Applejack extended the same offer to him
  38. >It'll be a little odd spending the night around a pony you don't know that well
  39. >But, on the bright side, it is a chance to fix the whole "not knowing him" situation
  40. >And between the wind howling outside and the half a barrel of cider Big Mac snuck you, it won't be a boring night
  41. >You finish setting up your straw mat and head up to the loft where Caramel is, cider in tow
  42. >As you climb up the ladder, you see that Caramel was already lying down
  43. >You decide to try and just climb down without disturbing him
  44. >Of course, the ladder creaks as soon as you decide this
  45. >Caramel jerks up and looks over at you
  46. >You smile sheepishly and raise the barrel up with your tail
  47. "I brought cider"
  48. >The conversation had started out awkward and slow, with him dodging most of your questions with one sentence answers
  49. >He did eventually start to open up though
  50. >All it took was a little persitence
  51. >And a ton of alcohol, but that's beside the point
  52. >Caramel seemed like a genuinely friendly p0ny, and you had learned a lot about him
  53. >He was an only f0al, worked several part-time jobs apart from the orchard, and his favorite color was red
  54. >You both are laughing and having a pretty good time, getting sloshed and half-shouting over the storm outside
  55. >However, the conversation, like every other bro conversation ever, eventually turned to girls
  56. >"So Spike, how about you and Rarity?"
  57. "How the fuck does everyp0ny know about that? Who's the asshole that told you?"
  58. >He giggles into his mug
  59. >"You act like its ever been a secret, man"
  60. >You shake your head
  61. "Whatever, dude. It doesn't really matter anyways. Nothing's ever going to come of it"
  62. >"Don't be so down on yourself"
  63. "I'm serious. I have zero chance"
  64. >You shrug
  65. "No matter what I do or how I act, she just doesn't seem to care"
  66. >You sigh
  67. >"Hey, I'm sorry. I know how it is"
  68. "Oh really? Who's the lucky mare?"
  69. >"Well, that's the thing. It's not"
  70. "Oh... ohhhhhhhh"
  71. >You laugh and jab your mug in his direction
  72. "And here I was thinking it was just by chance that half the times you zoned out you were staring at Mac's ass"
  73. >A worried look passes over his face
  74. >"Wait, you noticed that?"
  75. "You act like its ever been a secret, man"
  76. >His 'look or concern' has graduated to 'almost hyperventilating'
  77. "Chill out. That last part was a joke. Your secret is safe with me"
  78. >Caramel gives a sigh of relief
  79. >"Thanks, Spike. I was freaking out there for a second"
  80. "No problem. So... does he know?"
  81. >Caramel takes a deep swig of cider before tossing his empty mug to the side
  82. >"No, and he's not going to. There's no point, all he does is talk about that Cheerilee mare anyways"
  83. >An utterly crushed look passes over Caramel's face
  84. >"I'm never going to be anything to him"
  85. >You scoot over next to Caramel and put an arm around him
  86. "Hey, I'm here for you, dude"
  87. >He sighs and leans over into your lap, his face pointed up towards your's
  88. >You don't really know what to do with him, so you just end up scratching his head for a few minutes
  89. >Eventually he opens his eyes and looks up at you
  90. >"I want to do something crazy right now"
  91. >You raise an eyebrow and try to come back with something witty to hide your confusion
  92. >You're interrupted by his legs around your neck and his tongue in your mouth
  93. >The initial reaction is to pull away
  94. >But it feels kind of... no, really nice
  95. >Before you can think, you find yourself wrapping your own arms around the pony, pulling him off of your lap and deeper into the kiss
  96. >You answer his tongue by wrapping your own around his
  97. >The soft moan this brings causes a... certain stirring
  98. >Caramel must have noticed
  99. >He breaks the kiss and lowers his mouth to your neck before he whispers
  100. >"You're a... good dragon"
  101. >Its barely audible over the wind outside
  102. >He starts to nibble at your shoulder as he turns his body over to get all four hooves on the ground
  103. >"I can do good things for good dragons..."
  104. >Caramel positions his mouth over your now fully-erect member
  105. >This is probably a bad time to remember how you were planning to save yourself for Rarity
  106. >Her beautiful mane, her perfect curves, her exquisite a-
  107. >Caramel's lips wrap around the head of your dick
  108. >Rarity can go fuck herself
  109. >Caramel teases the head for a while before starting to move down your cock
  110. >Slowly but surely, he inches further and further down the shaft
  111. >You let out what you meant to be a moan but came out more like a whimper
  112. >You don't care
  113. >This feels too good to care
  114. >You tilt your head back and close your eyes
  115. >Caramel starts to bob his head up and down, working more and more of your length into his mouth
  116. >You grab his mane with one of your claws, whether to push him down or steady yourself, you aren't sure
  117. >He brings his mouth all the way up, teases you with the tip of his tongue, then immediately swallows your whole cock
  118. >You feel a familiar warmth start to spread
  119. "Caramel, I-I'm gonna... I'm gonna..."
  120. >Suddenly, his mouth slides off
  121. >You snap your head down to look at him
  122. >"Come on Spike, don't look so hurt"
  123. >He puts a hoof on your chest and pushes you onto your back
  124. >"The real fun's just starting"
  125. >He reaches over to grab your half-full mug of cider and pours it over his cock
  126. >"Celestia, I hope that'll be enough," you hear him mutter under his breath
  127. >He lines up his dick with your hole
  128. >After a few prods, he tries for entry
  129. >You give a little gasp and immediately clench
  130. >"Shit, you're tight. Just relax Spike"
  131. >Okay, deep breathes
  132. >15 seconds later, and you're still too clenched to allow in his prodding dick
  133. >"Oh for Luna's sake"
  134. >Caramel leans his head over your stomach
  135. >... and gives you a rasberry
  136. "What the fu-"
  137. >You start laughing uncontrollably
  138. >Playfully hitting his head, you choke out words between laughs
  139. "S-stop it! Caramel, I'm tickli-"
  140. >Sudden entry
  141. >Both your arms shoot out over your head, and you brace yourself against the barn wall
  142. "Holy shit!"
  143. >Holy shit
  144. >It's painful
  145. >The pleasure overpowers this a thousand times, though
  146. >You don't know what exactly, but something good's been hit
  147. >After tensing up for a few seconds, absolute pleasure washes over your body
  148. >Most of you feels like its turning into jelly
  149. >Except a certain piece, which has never been harder
  150. >You feel Caramel start to draw back out of you, very slowly
  151. >You meet his gaze
  152. >"I'll make sure to take it easy for your first time"
  153. >He gently pushes back into you
  154. >This is good, but...
  155. >You take one claw off the wall and place it onto his chest
  156. >You want the feeling of that first thrust back
  157. "Hard. I want it hard"
  158. >A grin flashes across Caramel's face
  159. >"You're the boss"
  160. >Thank Celestia you still had a claw against the wall, or that next thrust would have sent you flying back
  161. >You start to moan, but the next push from Caramel turns this into a roar
  162. >You're claw tighten's its grip on his chest
  163. >He's not wasting any time picking up speed
  164. >Another thrust
  165. >And another
  166. >His rythem is getting faster and faster
  167. >With every push, his balls slap against the base of your tail
  168. >Even with your arm against the wall, each thrust is pushing you a little back
  169. >He places one of his hooves onto your chest, pressing it down to help hold you in place
  170. >Both of you are in your own worlds of pleasure now
  171. >Your chin is digging into your chest, his head thrown back
  172. >The barn is feeling considerably hotter
  173. >The claw you placed on his chest migrates south to your dick, which you start stroking rapidly
  174. >You know what's coming
  175. >And you know what's coming for Caramel too
  176. >His pumps are becoming more frantic
  177. >And so are your own
  178. >The heat washes down your body, there's no stopping now
  179. >After a few more jagged, desparate thrusts, Caramel pulls out and uses the hoof not on your chest to finish himself off
  180. >You both cum at the same time
  181. >Caramel lets out a half-moan, half-scream
  182. >You let out a breath of fire
  183. >Which both of you shoot directly into
  184. >It dissipates into green smoke that flies out a crack in the barn doors
  185. >...
  186. >You'll worry about being sent to the moon later, right now you're just impressed by how effective that was at cleaning up
  187. >Caramel flops down on top of you, breathing heavily
  188. >"We... we should hang out... more often"
  189. >You're having a hard time catching your breath yourself
  190. "Def-... definetly"
  192. Epilouge:
  193. >Caramel was already asleep on top of you when you burped out the message
  194. >'Dear Spike,
  195. > While it is good to note that you are enjoying yourself, both myself and my dear sister would like to make a few requests of you:
  196. >-Firstly, that you use protection as you venture out sexually; this is only good sense
  197. >-Secondly, that you are careful of who you spend time with; once again, common sense
  198. >-And Thirdly, that you no longer send us copious amounts of sperm via dragon-messaging, or through any other medium; as Luna put it, "It burns [her] eyes"
  199. > Sincerely,
  200. > Princess Celestia'
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