
Iron Anon: A Filly in the Woods

Aug 31st, 2012
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  1. >Eventually, the sound of her crying dies out but you kept your eyes closed until you could hear them walking away
  2. >After the forest had gone quiet again, you opened your eyes and sluggishly made your way out of the tree
  3. >You didn't feel anything for these ponies
  4. >But why?
  5. >I mean, they had emotions, feelings...
  6. >But you still couldn't get past them being...ponies
  7. >Animals
  8. >Huh, you never considered yourself much of a racist but it seemed you were... what, a speciesist?
  9. >You merely just couldn't get past their lack of a human appearance
  10. >No matter how smart or how responsive they were, you'd probably never see them as equals as you did your fellow man
  11. >Your boots hit the ground with a distinct thud
  12. >You could debate about what you thought of these ponies later
  13. >Right now, things needed to be done
  14. >After getting your bearings, you hastily make your retreat back to the cave whilst trying to stay quiet
  15. >There was two possibilities as to what could have happened after you split up from Gus
  16. >One, the other half of the group gave up chasing after the hound had been... dealt with
  17. >Or two, the other half gave chase to Gus anyway who may or may not have lead them to the cave
  18. >You were hoping for the former
  19. >The day was nearing its end, so they were most likely done searching and on their way out
  20. >As you approach your cave, you hear some rustling in the brush to your left
  21. >You quickly tuck and roll behind a tree, before slowly peering around its trunk
  22. >Just in time to see a little white figure stumble out of a bush
  24. >It quickly regains its footing, frantically looking around and pumping its little front hooves nervously
  25. >It was actually kind of cute... maybe even more so if it didn’t look so scared out of its mind
  26. >It was a pony, but a smaller version one
  27. >Like a pony p0ny
  28. >It's fur coat was white with purple and pink swirls for a mane
  29. >And a horn to boot
  30. >???:"R-r-r-Rarity?!"
  31. >It's take few steps forward, then to the left and right, clearly having no idea where to go or what to do
  32. >???:"Applebloom! Scootaloo! Twilight!-"
  33. >It begins shouting out names, this time more pleading and desperate than the last
  34. >She even has a few nervous voice cracks
  35. >Seemed that this thing wasn't some kind of midget pony but a child err- foal
  36. >A young unicorn foal lost in the woods
  37. >Must have gotten separated from the search group... Why the hell did they bring a kid with them?
  38. >???:"Anypo-ny-y..."
  39. >The little one begins to tear up and sits on the ground, hopeless
  40. >Judging by her size and voice, you guess she must be pre-mature with an age around 8-10 years old
  41. >Human standards of course
  42. >Nothing else to compare to, unfortunately
  43. >???[scared]:"I don't wanna live in the Everfree forest..."
  44. >It starts crying softly and you can’t help but feel a little sorry for it
  45. >You wanted to help it get back to the search party but you couldn’t really do that without running into the search party yourself, which was a no-no
  46. >Too much of a risk
  47. >They'd probably figure out you had hurt their dog and eventually that you kidnapped Rainbow
  48. >Helping her only hurt you
  49. >...
  50. >Lightbulb.
  52. >This thing was small and you mean really small
  53. >Even if it was a unicorn, it was (hopefully) still too young to use any effective magic against you
  54. >It couldn't do anything to hurt or stop you
  55. >Though you weren't planning anything sinister,
  56. >You were just going to have her deliver a message
  57. >You take a deep breath and step away from your cover
  58. >The young unicorn doesn't notice you until you’re within a few feet of it and you speak
  59. "Hey-y there, you los-"
  60. >Screaming
  61. >Deafening, little girl screaming
  62. >You’re much more than startled as you put a finger to your lips
  64. >She rears back
  65. >More screaming
  66. >It's starting to hurt your ears
  67. >As she continues to shrieks with eyes squeezed shut in terror, you bring your hand across her mouth and ‘shh’ her again
  68. >Her big jade color eyes beam at you, her form shaking underneath your palm
  69. "I'm not going to hurt you"
  70. >You try to calm her with an easy voice
  71. >Much to your surprise, she indeed stops shaking and her eyes refocus
  72. "Just be quiet, ok"
  73. >Pulling your hand away, you reposition yourself on one crouched knee, still looking down at her but no longer towering
  74. >She takes a step back, still a bit distressed
  75. >???:"W-w-what are"
  76. >You try to keep things simple
  77. "I'm Anon Stoneman, and I need you to do me a favor"
  78. >She looks even more puzzled and afraid
  79. >She begins to open her mouth to ask another question, seeing how you didn't even answer the first one
  80. >You don't let her though
  81. "I need you to deliver a message for me. To the purple and white unicorns that came through here yesterday"
  82. >???:"W-why-"
  83. "Shh!...Just-Just listen to me and I'll help you get back to the search party"
  84. >Her ears go flat against her head as she tries to make herself even smaller
  86. >You didn't have time to explain yourself, nor did you need to
  87. >This kid was just acting as your messenger
  88. "Now listen carefully... and you tell them this as soon as possible”
  89. >The little pony gives a quick frantic nod
  90. "You tell them that if they want the pony named Rainbow back,-"
  91. >Her pupils shrink and you bring a finger to her mouth so she’s only able to let out a tiny ‘mep’
  92. "-they are to met me on dirt road tomorrow at dusk to discuss a trade"
  93. >You temporarily drop your even tone for a more unsympathetic, deep one
  94. "And if they try any funny business, tell them they'll never see that blue pony ever again…"
  95. >She backs from you and begins to let out another gasp
  96. >You again bring your finger down, cutting her off
  97. "I said shh!"
  98. >If she wasn't terrified of you before, she was now
  99. >She was literally shaking from fear and now you were worried she was going to piss herself
  100. >Yep, you couldn't just settle with kidnapping one of them
  101. >You had to go and make a little... what was it? a filly?
  102. >Just had to go and make one of their little filly's cry
  103. >Asshole much?
  104. >But then again... it couldn't be helped
  105. >You stand up, unintentionally towering over her again, causing the filly to cower even more
  106. >Ok, so now you need to find a way to-
  107. >???:"SWEETIE BELLE!"
  108. >...Well, that saves you some trouble
  109. >???[frantic]:”Oh Sweetie Belle! I've already lost Rainbow, I can't lose you too!”
  110. >The voice is to your right and approaching fast
  111. >Sweetie Belle:"Rarity!?"
  112. >Looks like that filly didn't need your help anymore
  113. >Sweetie Belle:"Rarity! Ther-"
  114. >You softly poke the filly in the chest
  115. "Don't forget what I told you..."
  117. >She nervously shakes her head, unable to speak
  118. "Good."
  119. >Rarity:"Sweetie Bell, I'm coming! Don't worry, your big sister is here!"
  120. "Looks like it’s time to go..."
  121. >As you take a step forward, you playfully ruffle the filly's mane in good faith
  122. “Sorry about this kid”
  123. >Might as well try to leave on a somewhat good note
  124. >Before she can react, you push off into the woods
  125. >Passing through some thick vines, you disappear from sight
  127. >After putting some good distance between you and the ponies, you start walking back to the cave
  128. >That little pony, who's name seemed to be Sweetie bell [spoiler](God damn these names)[/spoiler], would relay your demands
  129. >Now all you had to do was prepare and wait
  130. >A subtle smile comes to your face
  131. >You were one step closer to home...
  132. >Its dark when you make it back to the cave
  133. >You had almost missed it with its new camouflaged front
  134. >Looking around, you don't see Gus
  135. *whistle*
  136. >Nothing
  137. >This could be a problem
  138. *whistle*
  139. >You sit down next to the cave's entrance
  140. *whistle*
  141. >...
  142. >Just then, you hear some crackling above your head
  143. >You look up just in time to see Gus
  144. >Falling out of the forest canopy
  145. >And onto your face
  146. "SH-"
  147. >The nearly hundred pound mutt hits you like a ton of bricks
  148. >Leaving you flatten like a flapjack
  149. >He gets up pretty quickly, having found a nice cushion to land on
  150. >You on the other hand feel like your lungs just popped
  151. "W-*gasp*-What the hell was that for!?"
  152. >Being the dog that he is, he offers no reply and simply stretches his hind legs a bit
  153. >Figures…
  154. >You get up as you back cracks out loud
  155. "Jesus Christ Gus, seriously what were you doing?!"
  156. >Just a blank stare
  157. "Fine, be like that"
  158. >You crawl to the entrance as Gus trots up from behind to catch up
  159. >You pull the cover of branches up, only to have Gus squeeze in before you
  160. "I swear to-"
  161. >He flicks your face with his tail
  162. "...whatever"
  163. >You pull yourself through, but leave the branches perched up as to allow what little moonlight there was inside
  165. >Gus wastes no time making his way over to the sled to lie down
  166. >That chase wore him out, especially when he only had some apples to go on
  167. >You're pretty beat too, but you still had some stuff to do
  168. >You didn't see the glow of pink rings in the shadows, so she was probably asleep or pretending to be
  169. >Either way, she was going to have to wake up
  170. >You head over to the sled
  171. >She hadn't been able to wiggle out of the sled's basket
  172. >Instead, only her front hooves were wedged a bit out the one side
  173. >Even in the dark, you could still make out the darken red hue of the soiled bandage
  174. >You sigh
  175. >Judging by the quality of the bandage, you knew you probably should of changed it right away last night
  176. >You dig through the contents of the sled till you find the first aid
  177. >While searching, you shake the sled intentionally a few times to wake her up
  178. >You see her staring at you in your peripherals but you don't acknowledge her as you set the case of bandages and medicine down on the cave floor
  179. >Walking outside, you heat the herbs with a small fire
  180. >Returning a little while later, you sit the container down next to the fresh roll of bandages
  181. >Finally, you make your way over to Rainbow again
  182. >Picking her up, to both of yours displeasure, you sit her down on the floor
  183. >She tries to say something but the gag restricts her voice
  184. >Sitting down criss-cross adjacent to her, you arrange the herbs and bandages around you
  185. "Ok *sigh* here we go"
  186. >You move your hands to grasp her injured hoof, still in the bindings
  187. >Even though you give it the lightest touch, you hear her hiss in pain through the rope as she tries to pull her hoof in closer to her body
  188. "Damn, Gus really did some damage"
  190. >Her pink orbs stare daggers at yours as you remember how you had stomped on it the night before
  191. "...Though I guess I may had something to do with it too...hehe-e"
  192. >A loud gulp follows your nervous laugh
  193. >Slowly but steadily, you try to slip it through the rope
  194. >She resists again, causing you to accidentally inflict more pain
  195. >A muffled yelp escapes her as you let go and pull your hands back in defense
  196. "I'm trying to help you, but I can't do that if you don't let me"
  197. >You drop your hands and wait for her to calm down
  198. >She stops moving and you go to grab her leg again
  199. >Before you make contact, you look her in the eyes to see as if for permission
  200. >She blinks, no longer giving you the 1,000 yard stare
  201. >Slowly but gently, you begin moving her leg out of the binding
  202. >She turns her head and closes her eyes from the dull pain, but doesn't fight
  203. "...good girl..."
  204. >You mutter softly under your breath
  205. >Soon enough, you've slip it through and carefully lay it outstretched in front of you
  206. "Don't move"
  207. >Silently, you undo the tightly woven cloth
  208. >As you slowly undo the layers, it progressively gets more sticky as you begin to see fresh blood
  209. >Finally you get it all off and discard the bloody bandages
  210. >It was mess
  211. >The medicine you had applied only two nights ago had already been absorbed by the bandages and damaged tissue
  212. >You hear Rainbow mutter something and turn her head away
  213. >You didn't blame her
  214. >The entire length of the cannon of her leg had been torn open along with a few deep puncture wounds from Gus' teeth
  215. >Realistically, it could have been a lot worse
  217. >No bone was exposed and he hadn't torn any muscles or tendons
  218. >Not to mention, it was healing properly
  219. >Far from pretty, but the skin had started to close back up
  220. >Even if it scared, the fur would most likely hide it
  221. >Keeping a hold on her hoof, you reach with the other hand for the canteen
  222. >She had chugged most of it earlier
  223. >You pour what little is left over the wound to wash it off
  224. >Being the idiot you are, you didn’t even consider the possible run-off until the water was dripping off her hoof and flowing towards you
  225. “Ahh-…Shit”
  226. >You’re holding her hoof up so you can’t move, leaving your lower body victim to the mucky overflow
  227. >You are eventually able to put her hoof down gently as you wait for it to dry a bit
  228. >You turn to the herbal paste, scooping out some with your two fingers
  229. >As you applied the paste, neither of you make eye contact
  230. >You were focused on the wound while Rainbow was off staring at nothing, waiting for it to be over
  231. >In hindsight, you probably could have left this go
  232. >Those ponies, whether Rainbow knew it or not, would have her back and in their care by the end of tomorrow
  233. >You could have left these bandages go for another day…
  234. >Then again, you didn’t really want to hand her over to those unicorns with a bloody and infected leg
  235. >Speaking of unicorns, you still had no idea what they were capable of
  236. >All you knew was they could use magic… and that REALLY doesn’t narrow things down
  237. >That alone could turn tomorrow’s little meeting into a nightmare for you
  238. “Hey pony, what-“
  239. >Oh wait the gag
  240. >You stop rubbing in the paste for a moment so you can reach up and pull it off
  241. >She snorts as you remove the loop
  243. >Rainbow:”Did you really need to make it that tight?!”
  244. >Without missing a beat, you redirect your attention to applying the paste
  245. >Talking to this pony while making eye contact was a bit awkward a times
  246. “Um, yeah”
  247. >Rainbow:” Why?”
  248. “Cuz’ your little pony friends came looking for you again and got a little too close for comfort… didn’t need you making any noises”
  249. >For a second, she doesn’t reply
  250. >She was either happy that her friends were looking for her or mad that they hadn’t saved her yet
  251. >Hopefully she won’t bring up th-
  252. >Rainbow:”And why the hay did you rub your gross hooves all over me?!”
  253. “Umm well you se-“
  254. >Rainbow:”You think you can just fondle me like I’m some kind of pet?!”
  255. “What?! No!”
  256. >Rainbow:”Then why the hay did you do that?”
  257. “I’m trying to expl-“
  258. >Rainbow:”Is that what this is really about? Trying to keep me like some kind of-“
  259. >You intentional press a little harder with the paste against her open wound
  260. >She lightly hisses in pain, giving you a cruel opening to speak
  261. “They brought a dog this time; I had to get your scent on me and Gus in order to lead them away”
  262. >Again she holds up on her reply
  263. >You can only imagine she was now fuming with new angry, realizing that the little petting stunt had actually been used against her
  264. “But I didn’t undo your snout to talk about how badly I doped your friends and that hound today”
  265. >You re-dip your fingers in the paste and continue onto the second half of her leg
  266. “I need to know what these ‘unicorns’ are capable of…”
  267. >Rainbow:”And wh- *HISS* Can you stop that!”
  268. >You didn’t try it that time, you were moving onto the more raw part of her leg so stinging was going to be a given
  269. “Stop what?”
  271. >Rainbow:”EVERYTHING! Just leave my leg alone”
  272. >You raise an eyebrow
  273. “I kind of guessed you ponies weren’t very smart but I didn’t expect you to be a complete ding-bat”
  274. >She flares up, that hit a nerve
  275. >Rainbow[coldly]:”What did you say to me, monkey?”
  276. “I was saying that if I left your leg alone and out in the opening like this, it would get infected and you’d have to live the rest of your life as Rainbow the three legged pegasus”
  277. >She mutters something under her breath but you don’t catch it
  278. >You continue with the paste as she gives no further protest
  279. “So”
  280. >Rainbow:”So what?”
  281. “So what can a unicorn do exactly?”
  282. >Rainbow:”And why should I-“
  283. “-tell you anything?”
  284. >You wipe your fingers of the paste and move on to the new roll of bandage
  285. “Look. We’re both in a situation that neither of us want to be in. Whether you believe me or not”
  286. >You hold the new white band of cloth between your hands
  287. “-Lift your hoof-“
  288. >She silently complies and you begin wrapping it
  289. “You’re going to be staying in this cave for however long it may be till I get sent home. You telling me what the hell is going on helps me get home faster, which in turn gets you out of here faster”
  290. >You finish wrapping the bandage, leaving it nice and even all around
  291. >Looking up, you look into the pony’s eyes
  292. “You can think of me as a crumb all you want, but treating me like one won’t get YOU home and back to the other ponies anytime soon”
  293. >Rainbow tries to stare you down, possibly thinking of a retort
  294. >You, however, don’t back down with your gaze and eventually she gives in
  295. >Rainbow[reluctant]:”…What do you want to know?”
  297. >The next few minutes are spent with you asking questions about unicorns and their abilities
  298. >It seems that the purple one, Twilight, was highly skilled in the field of magic
  299. >You’d need to watch out for that one
  300. >Overall, the unicorns had some amazing abilities such as being able to move objects with their mind, shoot magical heat rays, and teleport from place to place
  301. >You also learned that a unicorn’s horn glowed whenever they used magic
  302. >That would be helpfully, for sure
  303. >You were going to have to be on your toes for tomorrow’s encounter
  304. >You stand up, brushing yourself off
  305. “Well, I think it’s time to call it a night”
  306. >You bend back over and carefully put the freshly wrapped hoof back behind the bindings
  307. >Then you move your hand back to her mouth with lope of rope
  308. >She pulls her head back
  309. >Rainbow (annoyed):”Ugh, Do you really need to do that?”
  310. “Kind of, I don’t know if you snore”
  311. >Deadpan stare with two eyes screaming ‘really?’
  312. >This was going to be her last night here (if everything went according to plan tomorrow)
  313. >It wouldn’t hurt to leave her un-gagged
  314. “Fine”
  315. >You let the loop fall to the ground and then quickly gather up the first aid and supplies, putting them back into the sled
  317. >Finally you crawl up into the sled’s basket, slipping into your sleeping bag
  318. >Before you close your eyes, to take a quick glance over lethargic Gus and the already sleeping blue pony
  319. >Without another thought, you drift into sleep
  320. >As the creature from an alien world begins to dream, a young mare in the dark lies unknown and unseen
  321. >She opens her eyes shortly after the sound of his deep breaths echo across the cavern
  322. >Slowly, she cranes her neck back and begins inaudibly gnawing at the rope on her side, that was concealed against the cave wall
  323. >The rope was made of some kind of stiff fiber she had never seen before, but nothing was indestructible
  324. >No matter how long it took, she would get out of this
  325. >And so, she sat silently munching on the cable into the wee hours of morning until she finally surrendered to exhaustion and gave way to sleep
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