
Applecorn And Anon - WIP

Jan 31st, 2014
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  1. Imagine the poor overworked AJ though.
  3. >You'd notice it slowly, day after day.
  4. >At first it was fine, just staying a little after her schedule had run out of work
  5. >"Ah've just got tah finish this last report Anon, don't let me keep ya!"
  6. >And so you'd go, appreciating your free evenings away from the palace.
  7. >Not that you didn't find a certain satisfaction working as her aide.
  8. >Even if it didn't mean you got to hang around with royal plots
  9. >But New Canterlot's nightlife was something to savour.
  10. >Though.. you started she'd stay in her office at the end of the day more and more
  11. >Eventually it became a regular thing, you leaving before she left to do her own things
  12. >It was when you saw the bags forming under her eyes you started to worry
  13. >But she knew what she was doing, right?
  14. >She still looked amazing despite them, managing to balance her own beauty with the elegance of her alicorn body
  15. >And her work seemed as fine as ever, too.
  16. >Okay, she glared at that one ambassador from Saddle Arabia
  17. >But it DID stop their aggressive expansion into Equestrian territory
  18. >Stopped it so far they started expanding on the far side of Equestria actually
  19. >The final straw was when you came in early one day to find her asleep at her desk
  20. >Some draft bill now lightly coated in sleepy drool
  21. >Sighing, you approach the sleeping goddess. Finding there's back-to-front words inked on her face by her odd choice of pillow
  22. What are you going to do with her...?
  24. >"What am I going to do with you AJ?" you sigh.
  25. >Was this the first time she's slept at her desk,
  26. >Or just the first time you caught her at it?
  27. >Grabbing a chair, you place it gently on the floor before the low desk
  28. >It's actually kind of nice to see her so peaceful for once
  29. >Her light gold mane gently rippling to an unfelt slight breeze
  30. >It didn't undulate like the 'astro' alicorns so much as gently flutter
  31. >You always did like the effect though
  32. >Sometimes you wondered if she even realised how many stallions stared at her at the various functions she attended
  33. >You say "attended", mostly because Molly forced her to meet some of the social elite now and then
  34. >Over her shoulder you can see the city she keeps
  35. >It's already starting to wake up
  36. >All good things must come to an end, it seems
  37. >Extending a hand, you carefully boop the princess's nose. Careful not to stand directly in front of that horn
  38. >Fortunately she merely stirs from her slumber, bleary eyes trying to focus on you
  39. "Rise and shine AJ. New day ahead of us."
  40. >"..'non? Why you in.. mah quarters? S'not were y'work.."
  41. "We're in your office Applejack. You fell asleep, remember?"
  42. >"Can't have.. I don' fall sleep. You lyin'.."
  43. "We're Honest with each other remember? I'll get you some coffee. Don't fall back to sleep okay?"
  44. >"C'n fall sleep in mah quarters if'n I want to Anon."
  45. >Well, at least she's somewhat comprehendable now.
  46. >As quick as you can, you mix up something from old exam revision rushes
  47. >If this thing could keep you awake and wired for a day and a night straight, it might have a chance of denting AJ's tiredness.
  48. >Leaving it on her desk with strict instructions to drink it, you wait by your own desk just outside.
  49. >She hated looking weak or undependable you knew
  50. >You knew lots of things about her, now you thought about it
  51. >And you'd never have dared act like you did just now when you first took the job
  52. >It was nice to know you'd grown closer over time
  53. >A-As employee and employer of course.
  55. >After a few minutes had gone by
  56. >And after the sound of an alicorn suddenly realising where she was
  57. >Knocking over a couple pieces of furniture
  58. >Hurriedly catching them with magic and hooves, placing them back
  59. >And walking around in circles muttering
  60. >Had all stopped, replaced by silence, you walk into AJ- no, Applejack's office
  61. >She's already half drained the cup of 'brew' (thank the various gods in this world for that zebra world foods store)
  62. >Seems to have done the trick, at least.
  63. >Emerald eyes now bright and focussed, but not on you.
  64. >At least, not when you're looking, whenever you look at her she glances away.
  65. >"Ah'm really sorry about surprisin' y'all like that just now. I-It's just the work-"
  66. "Which you could delegate."
  67. >"Anon y'know ah can't trust any of the clerk types 'Tia keeps."
  68. "Don't you trust me to take some of the load off you?"
  69. >"Now don't ask a gal a question like that first thing in the mornin', of course I trust you!"
  70. "Then trust me when I say you need a break."
  71. >"Ah'll.. organise one some tim-"
  72. "Today, AJ."
  73. >"No way can ah do that Anon, there's the new seapony treaty, the new policy an-'"
  74. "-and nothing that can't be put off for a little while. There's no use in fixing up a country if you break yourself doing it."
  75. >"But, but the ah- the-"
  76. "AJ. Break. Or else I'll invite your sister and friends to try getting their cutie marks in legislation."
  77. >That did it, the threat of the CMC running riot in the halls of power is not something to use lightly. She even seems to shiver at the thought.
  78. >But then that might be the secret ingredients in that 'coffee'.
  79. >"Alright, y'all convinced me tah take a break. Ah'll ah.. head to my quarters an' rest up."
  80. "And I'm going with you."
  81. >"Now Anon, ah'm not THAT tired."
  82. "Wouldn't be the first time you had your work brought to your rooms."
  83. >"...tarnation."
  84. "And don't think about leaving an illusion behind either, I'm going to keep an eye on you to make SURE you're actually resting."
  85. >"Double tarnation."
  87. >You got a couple of odd looks as you walked with Applejack to her rooms
  88. >Mostly curious servants who were still brushing sleep from their eyes and bump into usually one of their more organised employers out of place.
  89. >In short order though, you both wind up her suite.
  90. >You always felt a little overwhelmed when you visited here, the rooms were enormous with detail and money evident everywhere
  91. >Someone had clearly been and aired the room a little while ago however, with a breakfast tray on what you assume was the suite's dining table
  92. >Walking straight past it however and through another set of doors, Applejack unsteadily walked to her bedroom and fell on top of her mattress with a whoosh of air movement and bedsprings
  93. >Sighing, you pick up the tray piled high with some kind of pancake and follow AJ.. taking a deep breath you identify the food. Of course.
  94. >In hindsight it's obvious, apple crêpes.
  95. >She still thinks of home, it's adorable in a way. The reason she got into politics in the first place was to better her family's lot.
  96. >Taking a seat at the foot of the bed, you smile at your friend and employer sprawled in front of you.
  97. >Orange and yellow DO look very nice on a red bedspread.. though that train of thought's cancelled before it departs by Applejack's smile back at you.
  98. >Head lifted up off the sheets and eyes finally no longer wandering away from you.
  99. >"Okay, maybe ah did need the break."
  100. "Told you."
  101. >"Though ah could maybe-"
  102. "AJ.."
  103. >"Ah'm joking with ya, silly!"
  104. >God it felt good to see hear her giggle, hoof nudging your shoulder.
  105. >You didn't mind working for her, but it was nice to be reminded she was your friend outside of work too.
  106. "You might want to eat your breakfast too you know, before I decide I'm hungry enough to eat yours."
  107. >"Don't even joke about that Anon, ah couldn't bare missin' out on that grub!"
  108. Breakfast in bed with Applecorn, technically.
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