
Three Days - part 2, MGNQ, Hino, Canon

Jun 13th, 2014
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  1. Three Days – Part 2
  2. -artemi-
  4. - - - - -
  6. Turning around to look back at her, the taxi driver glanced her over, then shrugged. “We're here. Are... you sure this is the place, lady? This is a kinda rough part of town, you know? Forgive me for saying, but you look a little young for this kinda work...”
  8. Hino Setsuna gave him a flat stare with her one good eye, wondering just what she looked like in his eyes. A young girl, no more then 16 or 17, her otherwise pretty looks spoiled by her ruined face and hard, no nonsense attitude. Requesting to be dropped off at the docks, well away from where anyone her age had any real reason to be. Yakuza, maybe? Or a street walker, perhaps? “No, this is the place. No need to wait up for me.”
  10. Leaning forward, she noted he looked older then she had first guessed. Did he have a daughter himself, waiting for daddy to get off his shift? Handing him the cash, she pushed the door open with her foot. Pausing, she glanced back, suddenly feeling the need to reassure him. “And thank you for your concern. I shall be fine.”
  12. Stepping out onto the pier, she held her hand up, shielding her eyes from the slowly setting sun, long hair whipping in the cold breeze coming off the bay. Taking a deep breath, she walked toward Warehouse #0069, said to be the home of the Warmaster's personal arms dealer. The building looked the same as every other one on the various docks along the other piers all along the waterfront. Sure, the windows looked boarded up and the door reenforced, but the same could be said for all the other warehouses in the city. It wasn't the nicest place to be, as the driver had pointed out.
  14. She paused a moment to look for a bell or intercom before finally giving up and knocking firmly twice. The sound boomed into the building, echoing back toward her like the moan of the dead.
  16. She waited for wait felt like an eternity, pondering her options. If this didn't work, she'd have to find a black market dealer. She had some dealers planned outside of town, when she thought she'd be transferring to the Seventh, but now... now she was denied her planned contacts, her squadmates, even her personal equipment stored in her barracks locker. Despite being given the gift of time, she felt like she simply didn't have enough of it.
  18. Normally, she wouldn't even consider going to another arms dealer; her usual girl in the Officio was more then sufficient to her needs. Even special orders and equipment arrived on time, every time, down to the minute quoted in the initial order. It had come up during heavy combat once or twice, even; A sudden supply crate being air dropped into their position, filled to the brim with weapons and fresh ammunition, had often been plenty enough to turn the tide.
  20. She had heard stories, though, about Miss Misaka. A little maverick of a girl who had showed up one day out of the blue, connected with Kharn, the last Warmaster, somehow. Someone who blazed to the top alongside her equally brilliant brother, despite both of them not putting up with or paying much mind to Kyubei's wishes in the least. She was said to even be the Officio's best sniper, without being contracted or getting any real training from the Vindicare. She even-
  22. With a clunk, her train of thought was jolted by the door creaking open on it's heavy hinges. A young girl, much younger then Setsuna herself, peered out, brown hair darkened by grease, eyes covered by a glowing goggle mask. “Who is this? Strange girl better have good reason for disturb Misaka.”
  24. The girl scowled, clearly not pleased at being called upon. Setsuna blinked; she heard the girl was suppose to be young, but this child could hardly be older then twelve years, and she knew for a fact that the girl had worked for the Officio for longer then she herself had. Where the hell does Kyubei get his people?!
  26. Snapping back to the present, Setsuna bowed low at the waist, trying to not arise ire. “Forgive me, Miss Misaka. I am here to acquire weapons from you this day.”
  28. The other girl's scowl turned into a frown, as she folded her arms. “Misaka does not recall any appointments today. Why strange girl really here? You Yakuza? You here to try off Misaka?”
  30. Setsuna flinched out of her respectful bow, glancing at the shorter girl. She couldn't believe she was having this conversation. Was this some sort of test? Did she do this with all everyone? “W-what? No! Why would I knock on the front door like this, anyway, if I was? I think it would make more sense to sneak in the back, anyway.”
  32. “Well, incompetent hitman might try, not realizing the least expected angles are the most expected, and thus heavily mined.” She smirked, clearly happy she scored a point. “Good killer might knock on door, lure Misaka outside protective building, then kill Misaka while guard down.”
  34. “Smart assassin, though...” the girl pushed her goggles up, eyes narrowed, staring directly into Setsuna's own. “Smart assassin act like customer, follow Misaka inside, then make kill with Misaka's own stock. Play off like accident. Then who would know strange girl was even here?”
  36. Setsuna stared at the smirking girl. Clearly, she had underestimated her. She was good; probably much better at this line of work then Setsuna herself, despite her age. Clearing her throat, she attempted to steer the conversation back on station. “Well, I am... not here to do any of those. It would be difficult to kill you unarmed as I currently am, I think. I need to requisition kit for a job.”
  38. “Requisition? That magic word, you know.” Misaka leaned closer, studying her for a moment, before glancing around the empty docks and whispering in a much lower voice. “Strange girl from Ninth?”
  40. Stepping back inside, Misaka waved her in, visor glowing in the darkness. Setsuna glanced around the dock herself, then followed, vaguely wondering what she had gotten herself into.
  42. Following the diminutive arms dealer, Setsuna took in the expansive warehouse. It looked... much less like an armory then she was expecting, really. Much more like a mechanic's car garage, with large welding stations and cranes, fabricators and autolathes, generators and even a blacksmith's anvil. Whatever she was making in here, it was definitely more then just simple handguns and rifles. Stepping carefully around what looked like a partially disassembled, three meter long enormous hammer, she noticed Misaka slip into a side room and sped up, not wanting to get lost in the cavernous space.
  44. It made her miss her own dealer, honestly. The woman was a neat freak, and kept her work space clean, brightly lit, and organized, and despised even simple bolts and screws being out of place. You never had to worry about suddenly barking your shin on a half-hidden shadow, or tripping on a misplaced shell casing, or accidentally setting off a huge avalanche of half completed projects. Still, she was also a sticker for the rules, and required every single order to be filled out in triplicate; there would be no way she would be supportive of the sort of under-the-table side dealing Setsuna needed to get equipment.
  46. Hopefully this Misaka girl could help.
  48. Stepping into the smaller personal quarters in the back of the building, this proved to be much closer to what she had imagined in the first place. Guns, ammunition, explosives, body armor, swords and various exotic melee weapons. She had to admit, the rumors were partially true; it looked like you could fight, and perhaps even win, a small war with just what was in here.
  50. The younger girl was sitting on an ammunition crate, legs dangling like she was on a swing at the park and not perched on a box of high velocity armor piercing explosive rounds. “So. What can Misaka get strange girl? Does not really understand why strange girl did not just put request in through Officio main office, though.”
  52. Setsuna sighed; best just get it out into the open now. “This I cannot do. I am currently suspended from duties, and thus not officially a member of the Ninth Officio at the moment. I had hoped that I could still call upon your help, however.”
  54. The smaller girl folded her arms, a frown coming to her face. “Then why strange girl want kit items then? Shouldn't strange girl be on beach vacation or under kotatsu, enjoying time off then? Why strange girl running missions lancefree? Tell Misaka these things.”
  56. Setsuna sighed mentally; it was always going to come back to this, wasn't it...? “Very well... There was... an accident. Two years ago, the day of my contract. I was driving with my family, we were visiting my cousin Rei up in the mountains. She had just completed her internship, and her first task was running this remote shine for a year before they would let her take over at the main branch. We had been making our way through the narrow one lane roads, looking for the turn to get to the shine, when... another car appeared.”
  57. She shook her head, her voice which had started shaky was firming up as it moved along the familiar painful memories. “I'm not sure if you are familiar with driving in the mountains, Miss Misaka, but the protocol is clear. Slow down, let the other person get to the turnout, and let the one going uphill go first when possible. He did none of these things. Instead, he sped up. He failed to even let us stop, let alone attempt to get out of his way; just floored it the moment he saw our car. On a narrow, one lane mountain road, he played chicken with us.”
  58. “Dad... I think Dad panicked. He tried to slam the brakes, push us closer to the wall, anything, but it was far too late. The other driver got to us first, shouldering us aside, the nose of our car through the guardrail, and down we went. We screamed, all of us, but I was sitting on the side of the car facing him, and he was laughing. Like it was the biggest of jokes, pointing at the expressions on our faces while we fell.”
  59. “I... cannot recall what happened immediately after that, but I must have been thrown from the wreck on the way down. I remember waking up with a strange mutant cat sitting on my chest. I thought I had died, perhaps, and he was a messenger come to claim my soul. I suppose that was more true then I had guessed, really.”
  60. “I looked the driver up months later, turned out his name was a Mr Nasagaki, a small time politician. He had reported getting into a minor accident with a tree at the bottom of the mountain pass, explaining the damage to his car. He got slapped with some token fine for loss of control of a vehicle, and then walked free. I never once heard about my family's car accident on the news, or wreckage found in the hills; either they were never found, or it was covered up.”
  61. “Kyubei saved my life, but I just... could not put this behind me. I have to avenge my family. I have spent the past year trying to get over this event, but... I just cannot let it go. This Nasagaki gets to live his own life, have a career and family and everything else life has to offer, while us, the victims, get left behind.”
  62. She turned to the girl sitting on the box, a tear forming. “Please, Miss Misaka, you must help me. I intend to finish this, one way or the other, using the skills I have gained from the Incubator's kindness. I only need equipment. Can... can you help me get my revenge?”
  64. Misaka sighed, contemplative mood broken, then leaned over to a nearby table stacked in a disorganized pile with papers and documents. Snatching one from the top, she handed it over, a small frown on her face. “Misaka get this memo from courier just one hour ago. Misaka has been reminded to not honor requisition requests from those without OK of Rank Leader or Warmaster. Does strange girl have clearance for Revenge Quest?”
  65. Setsuna looked over the paper, feeling crushed. 'From the desk of the Warmaster of the Ninth Officio...' It even had her seal, the one she had so needed for her transfer papers. Taking a steadying breath, she stood, nodding politely to the armsdealer as she handed her the memo back. “Thank you for your time, Miss Misaka. I apologize for interrupting your work, I shall let you get back to it now.”
  67. Misaka took the paper, carelessly tossing it back on the table behind her. “So what will strange girl do now?”
  68. “I must still find equipment. I believe I have a Yakuza contact or two I can use that will not attempt to take advantage of me too badly... Still, need not worry about me, I will carry on somehow.”
  69. Misaka nodded, digging in her coat's many pockets as Setsuna turned to leave. This was going to be rough, Setsuna realized. She had one contact, yes, but it was best to deal with Yaks from a position of strength and power, which she lacked. The would be able to smell her desperation, and pounce like sharks with blood in the water. Still, none of this mattered, as long as-
  70. “However.” Misaka called out, stopping Setsuna in her tracks, already halfway out the door, trying to viciously stomp down the flare of hope that suddenly blossomed in her chest. She looked over her shoulder, to see the smaller girl holding up her cell phone.
  71. “However, Misaka get text from Big Sis Murderface, telling Misaka what Misaka do in privacy of own home, with own personal collection, shouldn't be of any concern to employer.”
  72. Eyes wide, Setsuna followed as Misaka walked toward the back of the room. “So come, strange girl. Misaka hope strange girl bring plenty money, Misaka is not cheap. But, ah, if strange girl have good taste in kit, perhaps Misaka will give discount.”
  74. - - - - -
  76. Sinking into the corner booth with a heavy sigh, Setsuna took a moment to put her feet up, reflecting on her day. Having finally acquired equipment, stored in a duffel bag and a guitar case, of all things, she had drifted off to one of her favorite relaxation spots in town; a coffee shop placed conveniently across the street from the local government offices.
  77. Shifting the guitar case across the table, creating a subtle wall between the rest of the room and herself, she placed her drink next to it, fishing her phone from her jacket. She had kept it in her inventory, along with her wallet and keys, when she went up to visit the Warmaster, or this would have turned out to be a very different day.
  78. Taking a sip of her latte, she scrolled through her phonebook, looking for... there we go. “Hello, Kim-chan! How are you doing today?” Nodding into her phone while the other girl rattled on, she dug in her bag, looking for a certain scrap of paper. She had gone to school with the girl, but their paths had drifted apart when they had both entered their careers; Kim as a minor idol and voice actress, Setsuna as a well trained gun for hire. She had, of course, told her friend that she was just a secretary.
  79. It wasn't a total lie. Secretaries sometimes killed people, right?
  80. Flipping her phone to her other hand, she watched through the huge store front window to the building across the street, smoothly slipping into a break in the conversation. “I would love to hang out sometime, Kim! I have been really busy with work lately, but I need to ask a small favor. Do you think you could help me out? Do you remember that little shop your boyfriend used to work at? Do... is there anyway you could do a minor appearance there? I have a friend at work who is a huge fan of yours, you see, and- what? You... you will?”
  81. Setsuna let out a big sigh, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders. This... this was gonna work. All she had to do was... “Hmm... yes, actually, a couple days from now should be perfect! Sometime mid afternoon, so we could swing by after work? My friend will be thrilled, thank you Kimmie-chan!”
  82. Smiling at herself at a job well done, she took the next few minutes to chat with one of her old friends, surprised that she actually missed doing this. Just joking around, not chatting about anything in particular, enjoying the moment. It had been forever since she had thought about anything that wasn't work related. Even the moment's of free time she had were normally spent focused on her... quest. Originally she had just called Kim for the favor, but... maybe... she might actually drop by.
  83. Sipping her latte, she settled back into the booth, eventually excusing herself from the call, promising she'd be in to visit during the event. Opening her browser, she connected to the store's wifi, poking around for some popular otaku boards. After all, she had just gotten a friend to do a store signing event; it wouldn't do if no one showed up, right?
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