
Making Amends

Sep 1st, 2015
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  1. >Be Dumb-Bell
  2. >Be lounging around on a cloud somewhere over Equestria, the hell if you know where.
  3. >Things are seriously boring in the summer time.
  4. >This is the time mares all go into heat.
  5. >Not normally a problem, even a great thing for most guys.
  6. >Except you and your bros.
  7. >You've been effectively banned from Cloudsdale for the next week or two.
  8. >Which really sucks, just because the last mare you were trying to 'talk up' went and complained.
  9. >How were you supposed to know she was married?
  10. > “Bro, this really blows.”
  11. >That's Hoops, laying on his back and tossing a basketball up and down in the air with a single hoof.
  12. > “Yeah, we've got to do something. I can swear you can still smell it from Cloudsdale here. It's driving me crazy.”
  13. > Score this time, your gray friend is sprawled out on his cloud and staring down at the distant ground.
  15. >It's called 'Heat Chasing', and it's seriously frowned upon in Equestria.
  16. >Mares get a little crazy when their bodies want a foal, and frankly it seems unfair that they got to write all the rules.
  17. >If you had your way...well, that was probably why you weren't allowed to call the shots.
  18. “I dunno, it's probably just as bad on the ground.”
  19. > “Yeah, besides who wants to try and flirt with earth mares or unicorns? Though I bet it'd be a lot easier because they couldn't chase you down. Hah. ”
  20. >Hoops laughs, and you do too. That was actually pretty funny.
  21. >Child support laws in Equestria were a joke, since it was virtually unheard of for a colt to run out on a mare.
  22. >Of course, you and your friends aren't most colts.
  23. >Not to mention there was a potion most mares took during this time that kept them from getting foaled.
  24. >Just in case they couldn't help themselves.
  25. “Yeah I hear you. Lots of pegasus mares down on the ground though, especially in Ponyville.”
  26. >Considering you can actually see Ponyville from your vantage point, that's half the reason you even pointed it out.
  28. >Score chimes in, he's looking down at the town too.
  29. > “Yeah, but they're pretty lame there. That's where Rainbow Crash and Cluttershy live, remember?”
  30. “Yeah...”
  31. >You're so bored you wonder if you know any other guys who'd be up for a game of Air-Basketball.
  32. >They're probably all as bored as you, no mares around and trying to be on their best behavior.
  33. >Hoops was only half listening, he'd nearly missed on one of his throws of the ball. You'd have laughed at him for being an idiot if he went and dropped it a few thousand feet. He'd have had to chase after it.
  34. > “Besides,” Hoops chimes in, “Fluttershy is seriously boring, she'd just do whatever you'd say.”
  35. >And then he does drop the ball, which manages to dive through the cloud soon to reach terminal velocity. Score is supplying the laughs as Hoops goes after it.
  36. >But you're thinking.
  37. >Thinking about something you really shouldn't.
  38. > “Damn, that was lame.”
  39. >Hoops isn't even out of breath, flying back up to your level with the ball in his hooves.
  40. >You don't even care at this point, you've just had a great idea.
  47. “Dudes, I've got something we can do.”
  48. >Your two friends perk up, now looking your way.
  49. > “Yeah man? What's that?”
  50. “It's like what you said. Fluttershy would do -anything- we said.”
  51. >Their eyes get wide, to varying degrees of excitement at the dawning realization.
  52. >Score is far less eager.
  53. > “Isn't that like, illegal dude?”
  54. > Hoops shakes his head, grinning.
  55. > “Nah, that's what would be so choice about it. She wouldn't say anything. That's a great idea!”
  56. >It's two against one, and Score just shrugs his wings.
  57. >You stand up on the cloud, now more alert than ever. Your eyes settling on a easily spotted isolated cottage near a big forest.
  60. >Be Fluttershy.
  61. >Be an extremely uncomfortable Fluttershy.
  62. >This was simply the worst time, summer was always something you'd dreaded.
  63. >Apart from being reminded that you didn't have a special someone when you wanted one most, it was really uncomfortable.
  64. >Not to mention all the animals who also...
  65. >Bad Fluttershy! You do not spy on the animals when they're having private alone time.
  66. > don't -always- spy on the animals when they need privacy.
  67. >Not to mention the noises.
  68. >No, that was the heat talking.
  69. >Your wings are so stiff that you almost want to chew them off.
  70. >And walking around doesn't help, the way your legs keep brushing together.
  71. >No! More bad thoughts!
  73. >Angel is relaxing in his bed, chewing on a carrot and being well behaved.
  74. >His season had ended a few days ago, you were pretty sure he'd be a daddy soon.
  75. >Not that Angel seemed to mind, curious that the other bunnies kept knocking at the door.
  76. >He was probably just tired, he'd go out and see them eventually you were sure.
  77. > “Oh Angel, I just wonder if I'll ever find a colt to be my special somepony. Do you think I will?”
  78. >He looks up from his carrot, giving you a cock eyed stare and then rolling his eyes.
  79. >Not the best show of support, but maybe this was a better question to ask Rarity anyway.
  80. >Your weekly spa-date was tomorrow.
  81. >A nice, relaxing way to get your mind off of-
  82. >Knock knock.
  83. >Some pony was at the door, which was odd.
  84. >Usually nobody came to visit.
  85. >Nobody except your friends.
  86. >Which is great! You love when your friends visit.
  87. >You quickly answer the door, but who you see is probably the last ponies you'd expect.
  88. > “Hey, I mean Fluttershy. How's it going?”
  89. “H-hoops? Dumb-Bell? Score? Uh..w-what are you doing here?”
  93. >Be Hoops, sexiest stallion anywhere.
  94. >You were seriously excited about this idea, probably even more than Dumb-Bell.
  95. >Your friends didn't know it, but you had magazines from when Fluttershy had been a model.
  96. >A model! Who the hell would have known that dorky filly would have shaped up so well when she got older?
  97. >And here she was, shyly looking past her bangs and smelling drop dead awesome.
  98. > “H-hoops? Dumb-Bell? Score? Uh...w-what are you doing here?”
  99. >And that shyness was pretty attractive right now too, because it meant you could bowl right over her just like when you were kids.
  100. >Just to be safe you've kept a hoof right on the door, so she couldn't get any ideas about closing it.
  101. “We just came by to, yeah.”
  103. >Fluttershy looks cautious, you can see it in her eyes. She's chewing her lip and looking between the three of you.
  104. >She's also in the way of the door, and you're not quite sure you can simply let yourself in yet.
  105. > “Oh, well that's very...nice of you. B-but it's not really the best time, I'm sorry.”
  106. >She's quiet as a mouse, but you can hear the denial.
  107. >When did she grow a backbone?”
  108. >You're left a bit unsure what to say, this wasn't part of the 'plan'.
  109. >Not that the plan was very complex.
  110. >Dumb-Bell is in with the save though, pushing up next to you and putting on a smile.
  111. > “No no, you've got it all wrong Flutters. We're here to uh...apologize.”
  112. > “Apologize?”
  113. > “Yeah, for the way we treated you before. We're really sorry, we wanted to say it.”
  114. > Inside you're cheering for the quick lie, glancing behind you to see Score looking fairly neutral.
  115. >The hell was his problem?
  117. >Looking more cautious than ever, Fluttershy blinks a bit and gasps.
  118. > “Y-you mean it? That's...well thank you. I know we were just all colts and fillies b-but I'm glad you-”
  119. >Well we haven't really apologized yet, though. Can we come in?” Dumb-Bell isn't letting up, and now you're sure this is the cue for you.
  120. >You start to take a few steps in, and Fluttershy backs up instead of doubling down on stopping you.
  121. >Pay dirt, you're practically halfway there already.
  122. > “Oh, well I suppose you can...I'm sorry for not inviting you in sooner.”
  123. > “Nah, it's alright Fluttershy. This is a nice place you've got.”
  124. >Dumb-Bell is still talking, and all three of you are now in the cozy little cottage
  125. >This little white bunny is giving you a death glare, what's up with him?
  126. > “T-thank you Dumb-Bell. I live here so I can take care of all my animal fri-”
  127. “Hey Fluttershy, where's your kitchen at? I'm hungry.”
  128. >She blinks, glancing over to a side door that probably leads to her kitchen.
  129. > “Well I uh, don't have anything really ready at the moment so I'm sorry but-.”
  130. “Nah, it's cool. I'll figure something out.”
  131. >You wander into the kitchen to make yourself something, which is an important distraction for you.
  132. >Seriously, the smell of her in heat is driving you crazy.
  133. >If you didn't calm yourself down you'd possibly do something stupid and spook her.
  134. >Like pop a boner, or maybe just up and attack her.
  135. >Dumb-Bell is the smooth talker among all of you, better he do all the work.
  139. >For whatever reason Hoops went for a snack.
  140. >That's alright with you though, makes for a easier time chatting Fluttershy up. Less crowded.
  141. >She's watching for where Hoops had vanished, looking like she wants to tell him not to poke around in her kitchen.
  142. >Fluttershy is as easy to read like a book, this is going to be a piece of cake.
  143. “So like we said. We were just talking together about old times. We've acted like huge jerks the whole time we were growing up, and after that. I hope you can forgive us and we can be friends.”
  144. >You're laying it on a bit thick, but she'll probably eat it right up.
  145. >As you expected, Fluttershy brightens up immensely and gives you a smile.
  146. > “Oh, I can't tell you how happy that makes me to hear it. Of course I forgive you, I'd love to be your friends.”
  147. >Hook, line and sinker.
  148. >You have to fight to not smile as hard as you want, it'd probably look predatory.
  149. “That's great! We'd love to get to know all about you. How's your day been going?”
  150. >She flushes, because you knew she would when you asked.
  151. > “Oh, well. I mean, it's been a little bit uncomfortable because of the...well, you know.”
  153. “Because of the heat?”
  154. >You ask, and are rewarded with Fluttershy going scarlet red.
  155. >Just as planned.
  156. >She even takes a step back, and you notice her wings growing a bit stiff in whatever thought she'd had.
  157. > “W-well, uh. That's uh...y-yes.”
  158. >She mumbles that part, which you use as an excuse to take a few steps forward and get closer.
  159. “Yeah, we know all about that. We had to leave Cloudsdale because of that, wouldn't want to get in trouble.”
  160. > “Y-yeah, it's uh really awkward wh-
  161. “Say, Fluttershy. Do you have a coltfriend?”
  162. >Fluttershy blinks, and she blushes all over again and then swallows nervously.
  163. > “Oh uh...well, no. I'm sorry, I...don't.”
  164. “That's a shame, you're really pretty.”
  165. >She's still flushed from the praise, though you know you're getting more into uncomfortable territory than being flattered.
  166. >Not that it makes a difference to you.
  169. >She actually doesn't respond with a thank you for the compliment, and for a moment you're worried that you might have crossed some sort of line.
  170. >Damn, you're not ready to make big moves yet.
  171. >The pause is about to become awkward, shit.
  172. > “Well so, uh...what else wou-”
  173. > “Hey Fluttershy, you really should tell us all about your animals. I didn't know there were so many on the ground.”
  174. >That's Hoops, now walking in from the kitchen with a sandwhich and saving all of your asses from being asked to leave.
  175. >Fluttershy is easily distracted enough at the topic to start rambling about all the different animals you can find on the ground.
  176. >You can content yourself that she's getting comfortable with you, and you all find seats in her living room.
  180. >Be Hoops, future professional basketball player.
  181. >Just as soon as Equestria has a professional league.
  182. >You're working on it, not a lot of basketball cutiemarks to go around.
  183. >You've positioned yourself on the couch, right next to Fluttershy.
  184. >Who is still talking about animals.
  185. > “And I've named every hen, there's Henrietta and Elizabeak and they like different kinds of grain so I've got to be sure to separate them. One time I got them confused and so I had to-”
  186. >This is seriously going to kill your mood if you have to listen to this for a single second longer.
  187. >Heat or no heat, who wanted to talk about animals all day?
  189. >You decide to slide on over, and you make sure to extend your wings out.
  190. >Just far enough that they brush along Fluttershy's.
  191. >To a non pegasus that wouldn't look like anything, but with how sensitive they are brushing your wings together was practically like kissing with the added benefit of being able to act like you didn't mean it.
  192. >Fluttershy stops talking right away, sitting straight up and almost jumping away on the seat of the couch.
  193. >Good thing there wasn't a lot of couch to move.
  194. “Sorry, Flutters. I was just really listening to you talk about the chickens you have...Not to change the topic but you said you didn’t have a coltfriend before right?”
  195. >Both Dumb-Bell and Score were on chairs on the other end, bored and flicking against their arm rests.
  196. >They both straightened up when you dropped that line.
  199. >She's blushing, but not nearly as much as before. Talking about the animals probably made her relax quite a bit.
  200. > “Well no, but that's okay I-”
  201. “Actually there was another reason we came here. Fluttershy, I really like you.”
  202. >Better to just go straight ahead and drop the bomb, you've given up on this round-about approach.
  203. > Red as a tomato, Fluttershy merely stares at you with mouth agape.
  204. >A look almost matched from your friends, they weren't expecting that either.
  205. > “Y-you do?”
  206. “That's right. I really can't not say it anymore since we made up. Half of the reason I was picking on you before as a kid was because I've always liked you. I just didn't know how to say it until now.”
  207. >You deserve a reward for your acting talents, Score snorts and is rewarded with a jab from Dumb-Bell.
  208. >Fluttershy looks completely torn, glancing at the other two and then back your way.
  209. > “I-I don't know what to say. I've never had another pony say they really liked me before like that.”
  214. >Here's the moment, the opening you were waiting for. It's staring you right in the face, waiting for you to take it.
  215. “Well I'm glad I get to be the first. I've waited a long time to say that I like you, and there's something else I've wanted to do.”
  216. >Her eyes go wide, because you chose that moment to advance across the couch to be very close to her.
  217. > “W-what was tha-mmp?”
  218. >And just like that, you move the last few inches you need to press in a kiss. Which Fluttershy doesn't return so much as freeze like a statue.
  219. >Which is fine, because you tilt your head and press even more.
  220. >Enough that your hooves go on her shoulders and press her back.
  221. >Back onto the couch, which she falls onto.
  222. >Where you fall upon her, still kissing.
  223. >Damn, now it's not just the smell but you're rubbing up against her soft fur.
  224. >And damn does it feel good.
  225. >Hope Fluttershy doesn't mind getting poked, not that you'll have a choice here in a few seconds.
  226. >Her eyes are wide, and she's basically still as frozen as ice.
  227. >Works for you still, and you're now enjoying running your hooves along her sides.
  228. >Why not go for a little brush of the wings, that'll get her going.
  229. >She shivers when you touch them, gently along the leading edge of the primary feathers.
  230. >Though it's enough that she presses at last on your chest, making you break the kiss.
  231. > “W-wait! Uh, I...oh goodness I don't...w-w.”
  233. >She's a stuttering mess, probably so far gone that she can't even blush anymore.
  234. >Her breathing is coming in quick, and actually yours is as well.
  235. >The heat is really getting your blood up, and you smile down at her.
  236. > “T-this is all going r-really fast. I mean I don't e...uh, oh goodness.”
  237. “Was that your first kiss?”
  238. >She whimpers instead of saying yes, and then she shivers for a whole new reason.
  239. >Now you're hard, and you're not afraid of showing it.
  240. >Even if she hadn't looked down, she'd have felt it now pressing right up against her stomach and flank.
  241. > “Y-you're uh...”
  242. “I don't think you can blame me, you're in heat and all.”
  243. >She looks up at you, eyes wide as she whimpers again.
  244. >Not saying no, but definitely not saying yes.
  245. >Good enough for you.
  247. >Then Dumb-Bell clears his throat, which seems to break some of the mood as far as you're concerned.
  248. >You want to kill him for doing it, you were just about to seal the deal and everything.
  249. >Fluttershy snaps her head over. Her eyes all the wider at realizing you're not alone.
  250. > “Oh uh, but your friends are here!”
  251. >You want to laugh, because she's really clueless about the real situation if she thinks that's an out.
  252. >Dumb-Bell actually does laugh, getting up from the seat and cracking his neck to the side.
  253. > “Actually I like you too Fluttershy, we all do.”
  254. >Not the answer she was expecting at all, and you're fairly certain Fluttershy is going to die of surprise right on the spot.
  255. > “B-but, all...of you?”
  256. >For a fleeting moment of hope she turns to look at Score, who had remained virtually dead silent through the whole period.
  257. >Slowly he nods, not that he's making eye contact through his bangs.
  258. > “Yup, all of us.”
  260. >You haven't gotten up from your position, pressing down on Fluttershy and holding her to the couch.
  261. >Your wings are all stiff at this point too, body ready to go at a moments notice.
  262. >Damn conversation, Fluttershy still thinking perhaps she could talk her way out of this.
  263. > “All t-three of you th-though I mean. I can't just...that's not allow-”
  264. “Who cares about that, Fluttershy? We can share.”
  265. > “Sh-share?!”
  266. >You're just about to die from that cute stutter she's doing.
  267. “Besides, it's just us here. Who's going to know? It's not like you've got a coltfriend...and this is what happens when it's heat season.”
  268. >Fluttershy swallows nervously, chewing her lip and clearly thinking hard.
  269. >You're banking on her being just innocent enough to think this is acceptable.
  270. >This would have never worked with another mare, atleast one that wasn't passed around by the whole town anyway.
  271. > “I've never done anything like this though...I'm not sure that-”
  272. > It's not a no, not a yes, but she's surrendered already.
  273. >You know she won't protest much anymore, you've won.
  275. “Shh, just relax.”
  276. >This is a seriously kinky position, belly to belly. You kind of like it.
  277. >You're back to making out, since that's going to keep Fluttershy nice and quiet.
  278. >She won't return the kisses, but you can hear just the lowest little moan from her.
  279. >Thank you heat, you're so very helpful.
  280. >Just for added fun, you grind your hips in against her and you swear you feel something very wet at just the right spot.
  281. >Thank you very much indeed.
  282. >The other two are going to let you have the space you need, the unspoken rule among you that whoever got the 'yes' had first choice.
  283. >On the rare occasion you'd pulled this off before.
  284. >You enjoy warming your latest catch up with gentle touches and kisses for a few minutes.
  285. >When you pull back, Fluttershy is panting hard.
  286. >Her chest rising and falling, wings outstretched on either side.
  287. >She's not even trying to say no anymore.
  289. “Hey, turn around.”
  290. >You're getting impatient now, body demanding to get nice and deep where you know you belong.
  291. >Instinct is a funny thing, and in another mindset you'd probably be a little upset with yourself too.
  292. >Screw it though, you needed to get laid.
  293. >Fluttershy's resistance isn't totally over yet, her eyes only wide and a nervous frown on her face.
  294. > “B-but I've never...I mean, I didn't even take the-”
  295. >Turn around, I'll go slow.”
  296. >You're not really in the mood for negotiation right now, and you imagine your friends are simply watching with hardons of their own.
  297. >They want to go next, after all.
  303. >She glances over to them anyway, as if they're going to give any support at all.
  304. >You're thankful for peer pressure, and biology, she chews her lip and then slowly nods with a whimper.
  305. > “O-oh uh...okay. Just be gentle.”
  306. >Back to flushing bright red, you watch as Fluttershy props up from the coach long enough to turn herself around.
  307. >She's nice enough to even go to the floor, hooves planted on the wood and her head low in quiet shame.
  308. >Her tail is up, nicely out of the way and you enjoy getting winked at.
  309. >It's time to go.
  312. >Up you go, and Fluttershy squeaks from your weight pressing down on her.
  313. >Her legs shake, you watch them, and you enjoy the sensation of her wings pressing up against your stomach.
  314. >She's shivering from that, and you bring your hips forward to brush right up against where you need to be most.
  315. >You're beyond words now, you've gotten everything you wanted. All your body wants to do right now is breed.
  316. >Pulling your hips back, you feel your tip kiss the entrance just like you'd kissed her to get in this position.
  317. >You feel the shivering intensify, the whimpers turn into wails of discomfort as you're surrounded by tight, hot victory
  320. >Things turn into hot pants, sticky squelches and heavy smacking sounds of fur on fur.
  321. >You're not gentle at all, you'd buried yourself as far as you could go before simple virginal tightness turned into an actual barrier.
  322. >For a moment you thought you saw her crying, then brushed it off as you started to pump your hips.
  323. >Your front hooves go where they're needed most, around her waist.
  324. >You don't want her going anywhere.
  325. >On and on it goes, you're losing count as seconds turn into minutes of mindless thrusting.
  326. >All good things need to end though, and yours is going to be soon.
  327. >The faster you go, the louder your new breeding mare sounds.
  328. >For the first time you hear her talk, she's probably cluing into what's about to happen.
  329. > “W-Wait! Wait! I'm not uh...ah! I'm...p-pull pl...ah, I'm not on the!”
  330. >Of course, protests for Fluttershy are barely mumbled words. Her yelps and moans are far louder, and you elect to ignore them.
  333. >You've got other things on your mind.
  334. >You can't hold back from a yell of your own, and when you thrust forward you don't pull back.
  335. >There's a burst of light, despite your eyes being closed and all you can focus on is the heavy, powerful clenching right between your legs.
  336. >She's mumbling more protests, you're not listening.
  337. >You're staying right where you are, and nobody else in the whole world could get you out of her right now.
  338. >Everything feels right, you almost feel affection for the little yellow pegasus you've tricked into mounting.
  339. >Almost, and you let out a shaky laugh.
  340. >Slowly, gingerly, you pull back and out.
  341. >There's a nice satisfying little plop sound as you free yourself.
  342. >Fluttershy's knees tremble and her head presses into the ground.
  343. >Her rear is still up, she's probably too exhausted to feel embarrassed right now.
  345. >She would have been better off dropping fully, there's the sound of hoofsteps as you wander a few steps off to the side.
  346. >Dum-Bell gives you a grin, and then reaches up with his right hoof to brush against Fluttershy's cutiemark.
  347. >She squeaks, straightening and turning to stare with wide eyes at your friend.
  348. > “O-oh b-but.”
  349. >Dumb-Bell doesn't even bother to answer, posting up to mount himself right onto her.
  350. >She's all yours for the evening, even if she's only just starting to realize it.
  351. >You sigh, resting on your back as you hear renewed moaning sounds from Fluttershy.
  352. >Then the slapping sound of sex starts up, this time from someone besides you.
  353. >Dumb-Bell is a little more vocal, you almost think you could fall asleep to the sound of his voice as he's thrusting.
  354. > “You like this don't you, Cluttershy? I bet you've wanted it since you were a filly.”
  355. > “N-no th..tha-ah! Is-Isn't...ah!”
  356. >Whew, nothing like sweet success.
  358. >Hours later it's nighttime.
  359. >You're positively satisfied with the world right now.
  360. >You've had a chance to go...what, four times now?
  361. >You've lost track.
  362. >You're sure Fluttershy wouldn't know.
  363. >She's on the couch.
  364. >Which was pushed over somewhere when Score took his first turn.
  365. >It's still upended, and Fluttershy is sprawled on her stomach on the backrest.
  366. >Outcold, and murmuring to herself.
  367. >The three of you are not too far away, resting on your laurels.
  369. “This was a great idea”
  370. >You extend a hoof, which Dumb-Bell meets with a steady knock.
  371. > “Definitely. We should stay the week with her. Where else would we go?”
  372. >Score shrugs, he'd taken the opportunity to raid your new hosts kitchen.
  373. > “If her friends don't chase us off, sounds good to me.”
  374. >You're staring off and aways, your eyes settling on Fluttershy and you smirk.
  375. “Let's hit the hay, I call dibs on her.”
  376. >The other two roll their eyes, and you rather gleefully settling in next to Fluttershy.
  377. >She doesn't even wake up when you drape your hooves around her, more nuzzling into your chest than anything.
  378. >Of course, she's going to be very conflicted in the morning.
  379. >Tired, definitely mortified. Maybe scared at what happened.
  380. >Good thing you'd be there to console her, tell her everything was perfect.
  381. >Set her mind at ease.
  382. >Besides, she was warm and you didn't know where the blankets were.
  383. >And, even better, you could have a quickie in the morning.
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