
Shellys change

Mar 25th, 2015
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  1. Recording one
  3. My name is Franklin Herns. My research has changed much of the world... or at least it would have. Recently my funding was cut due to it being 'unnatural', they said. Due to it being 'creepy' or 'an affront against god' or some such nonsense phrases. With no funding I can no longer get any animals or dna, all I have left is rat and boar. I do not know at this time if those two can make any big change, but we shall see.
  5. Recording two
  7. The time is 9:34 pm...Shelly, so young, so worthless. Forcing me to spend what little I have too feed and raise her. What will she bring into this world? Nothing. But with my help, a power source that can change everything. *Few seconds of silence* from study of other nuclear heroes most of there powers are connected to emotions, fear, happiness, hate. A little girl with powers similar to that can be chaos. A tantrum can cause a literal meltdown. Hopefully the rat dna shall calm her and all would think its just an enlarged rat. I shall begin soon in three hours.
  9. Recording three
  11. *The sound of something being injected into someone can be heard* The time is 12:34...The change seems to be fast. White hair is grown over most of her body, while pink raggy skin forms over the rest. her nose and mouth seems to be growing outwards to a point. Listening closely the bones seem to soften while changing. most of the organs should be relatively the same. The spine is currently growing, elongating, a short tail is forming, 3 inches, 5, one foot, one and a half and it seems to be stopping. Right now I would say she is roughly 20% human and 80% rat. Most changes have stopped. I shall now begin the radiation infusion, I do not know most of the science my self, but supposedly 34.4% of Radiation super heroes get their powers through similar means. I'm sure it is simple to do. *the sound of three large machines turning on can be heard* The white skin seems to be turning green, and radiation levels are going up slowly. I believe tha--
  13. Recording Four
  15. The time is...1:03. My bodyguard James...I never bothered to learn his last name. Seemed to grow attached to Shelly in the times he babysat her. Cute, but pathetic, growing attached to something so small and worthless. Whats worse in the following struggle he forced me to use my last of my DNA. Boar to be exact.
  16. "What the hell did you do to me, to your own dau-AAAAH!"
  17. The changes seem to be starting now. his already pinkish skin is now turning a deeper red, a bit of fur seems to be growing as well. After, ugh, removing his shoes I see his toes are hardening and forming together into hoofs like feet. Only the toes seem to be changing however.
  18. "Y-You bastard, I'll kill you for th-*Squeal*!"
  19. His face is changing now. His nose is already starting to grow. He also seems to be losing hi hair, much faster then when human. Two 'tusks' are now forming. Unlike Shelly his body shape is staying the same, mostly human. Now his skin is, strangely hardening, almost like rock in some areas. Strange. But mutations have been known to more likely happen when the experiment is under stress like this, their usually sedated like Shelly is now. Speaking of Shelly the radiation infusion seems to be almost finished, as with James change. He seems to be growing in size and muscle mass, at an incredible rate as well, he also seems to be waking up...oh dea-
  20. *Incredible mad squealing*
  22. Recording 5
  24. The time is 2:12, James finished changing, and took Shelly. He most likely went to the police but who would trust some bodyguard, let alone a literal pig. Saying he kidnapped Shelly for ransom is easy to believe, hes disoriented, all I have to do is make a quick call. It helps that as soon he got up, he was angry to say the least. When a test subject has finished changing, sometimes the animals instinct takes over. James had the mad rage of a wild boar mixed with his own. Needless to say, I was beaten, giving more proof he attacked and took Shelly. As stated before, saying James wanted money, and changed Shelly to exact 'revenge' then taking her for ransom, the only hard part in all this will be getting more funding, but I am now willing to do anything.
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