
Pretty Fluffies

Feb 19th, 2013
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  1. >Be a lady.
  2. >Because almost nobody writes fluffy stories with girls, except Mayclore, so it’s worth pointing out.
  3. >You’re getting ready for a date, and are currently applying your makeup.
  4. >Your toy fluffy, Lando, sits on your bathroom counter while you work.
  5. >”Mummy wook so pwetty! Wan be pwetty wike Mummy!”
  6. >Awww, he always knows just what to say.
  7. >You rub the lipstick on your lips, and Lando’s eyes follow the metal tube with a childlike wonder.
  8. >Ready to roll.
  9. >You pick up Lando and carry him to his playpen, giving him a soft hug and a quick belly rub.
  10. >”Mommy’s going to be back late, alright? So don’t try to stay up waiting for me like last time. Remember how tired you were the next day?”
  11. >”Wando wemembew. Nu wowwy, mummy, Wando be good fwuffy!”
  12. >”Glad to hear it. Good night, Lando.”
  13. >”Nigh’ night, Mummy.”
  14. >He settles into his little bed, which is mostly a pile of socks you never use anymore.
  15. >Still, he loves sleeping there, so whatever.
  16. >As he curls up into a tiny fluffy ball, you can hear him muttering “Pwetty mummy, wan be pwetty…”
  17. >You head out for your date.
  19. >A little dancing, a little drinking, not bad for a first date.
  20. >You enter your apartment around midnight.
  21. >Best check on Lando and make sure he’s sleeping.
  22. >If he waited up for you again, he’ll be glad to see you.
  23. >His playpen is empty.
  24. >You check under the pile of socks. No Lando.
  25. >You notice a tear on one side of the playpen.
  26. >Goddamn fucking piece of shit defective cheap Ikea crap.
  27. >Useless.
  28. >Lando loves exploring whenever he can, so of course he’d venture out.
  29. >Just one of the perils of fluffy ownership.
  30. >Still, he’s a toy fluffy, so he’s very small. There are only so many places he could be.
  31. >”Lando? Where are you, baby?”
  32. >No response.
  33. >You check under all the furniture.
  34. >”Lando, this isn’t hide and seek time. I need you to come out here now. You’re not in trouble, but you will be if you keep hiding!”
  35. >Still no response.
  36. >That usually works.
  37. >Now you’re worried. Either he’s stuck somewhere, or has already gotten himself killed.
  38. >You hear a soft moaning coming from the bathroom.
  39. >You open the door to find Lando lying on the counter, clutching his tummy and moaning.
  40. >His face is covered in a dark red.
  41. >One of your lipstick tubes lies next to him. A large bite has been taken out of it.
  42. >”Oh, Lando, honey, what did you do?”
  43. >”Mummy, Wando haf bad tummy owwies…[urp]”
  44. >You’d ask how he even got up there, but at this point you’re more concerned for his health.
  45. >”Lando, that’s mommy’s makeup. It’s not food. Why did you try eating it?”
  46. >Lando’s tummy gurgles and he groans loudly. His eyes swell with tears, either from pain or guilt.
  47. >”Wando wuv mummy, an’ mummy so pwetty when mummy weaw pwetty fings. Wan’ be pwetty wike mummy, so Wando haf red nummies…”
  48. >You take a tissue and wipe his mouth, cleaning off the lipstick as best as you can.
  49. >Lando cries some more.
  50. >”Wando sowwy, mummy. Wuv mummy, jus’ wan’ be pwetty. Am bad fwuffy.”
  51. >You wash his off and rub his side, careful not to irritate his stomach furthis.
  52. >”Lando, when I put on lipstick, I don’t eat it. I’m just rubbing it on my lips. Lipstick is very yucky and bad for you if you eat it.”
  53. >”Sowwy, mummy.”
  54. >You smile and kiss him on the head.
  55. >”You don’t need makeup. You’re already the prettiest little fluffy I’ve ever seen.”
  56. >He’s still in a lot of pain, but Lando smiles weakly and hugs your hand.
  57. >”Wuv mummy…”
  58. >You put Lando back in his playpen and tape up the opening.
  59. >He falls asleep still clutching his tummy, but he seems happier than when you found him.
  60. >Get up the next day and check on Lando.
  61. >His litterbox has several dark red turds in it, but Lando is playing with his ball happily.
  62. >Get an idea.
  63. >Get your old toy box out of the closet.
  64. >Aha! Your old dolls.
  65. >Grab the sun hat with the elastic strap off one of them.
  66. >”Lando, I have a surprise for you!”
  67. >You put the tiny hat on his head and tie the strap so it stays comfortably.
  68. >Fits like a glove.
  69. >” This hat is for pretty little fluffies only, Lando. Now you don’t need makeup!”
  70. >Lando marvels at the hat on his head.
  71. >”Fank yoo, mummy! Wuv hat!”
  72. >From then on, he never goes anywhere without his hat.
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