
bullshitter 1

Nov 29th, 2016
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  1. hello Joe! there's this website called, it's really helpful for slamming out large as fuck tweets! Let me make this plain and simple, so you can fully grasp the situation: You were banned for breaking the rules, yes?
  3. what was the particular offense? shit talking outside of the Shit Talking TC, which as you know, is against the rules.
  5. You claim that you didn't have a role?
  6. then you should've been patient, and waited for me to rank everyone up. which I did.
  8. you also mention Marjoron? Or Majoron? I brought him in to help fix the server under my supervision. Which he did a fantastic job. And yes, that meant taking care of the trolls that were breaking the rules, no exceptions. Sorry, but you aren't getting unbanned, I stand behind my Admin and Mods decision regarding disaplinary actions towards those breaking the rules. He and I have had a long chat about the whole thing, and there were threats made against him?
  10. Look, I get it, you were there since the beginning, you helped out majorly in bringing a bunch of folks in, and yeah, that's very awesome. But you're still a part of the Member Database, meaning that you aren't out completely yet. If Majoron decides to unban you, that's up to him, and he'll let me know his choice. But I reiterate, you broke the rules willingly, even though you knew it was wrong? this marks you as the guilty party, not Majoron, who was simply doing his job.
  12. So, in short, you came back to the server, or you didn't have a role, and you abused the rule of "No shit talking outside of shit talking" of the server, Majoron, whom I personally brought in, was simply following procedure in doling out punishment. You are the aggressor, not he.
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